Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
#ifndef THINK_C |
#include <GestaltEQU.h> |
#include <OSUtils.h> |
#include <Notification.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#endif |
#include <Traps.h> |
#include <gestaltEQU.h> |
#include <Processes.h> |
#include "GestaltTalk.h" |
pascal void DeNotification(); |
OSErr ShowInitIcon( short icon_num, short move_x_by); |
long *GetStashSpotAddr(); |
OSErr InstallGestaltTalk(); |
pascal OSErr GetIconSuite(Handle *iconSuite, short resID, short sel) = |
{0x303c, 0x0501, 0xabc9}; |
pascal OSErr NewIconSuite(Handle *iconSuite) = {0x303c, 0x0207, 0xabc9}; |
pascal OSErr AddIconToSuite(Handle *data, Handle suite, long restype) = |
{0x303c, 0x0609, 0xabc9}; |
Handle SetUpIcons() |
{ |
Handle icon[6]; |
Handle suite; |
suite = GetResource('SICN',129); |
DetachResource(suite); |
return suite; |
/* |
Something bad is happening here and I don't want to find it. |
If you fix this so it works, send me an AppleLink at BRIGHAM. |
It was supposed to load in an icon family to be used for notifications that |
do not use an icon. |
*/ |
#if 0 |
icon[0] = Get1Resource('icl8',129); |
DetachResource(icon); |
icon[1] = Get1Resource('icl4',129); |
DetachResource(icon); |
icon[2] = Get1Resource('ics8',129); |
DetachResource(icon); |
icon[3] = Get1Resource('ics4',129); |
DetachResource(icon); |
icon[4] = Get1Resource('ICN#',129); |
DetachResource(icon); |
icon[5] = Get1Resource('ics#',129); |
DetachResource(icon); |
SetZone(SystemZone()); |
NewIconSuite(&suite); |
SetZone(ApplicZone()); |
AddIconToSuite(icon[0],suite,'icl8'); |
AddIconToSuite(icon[1],suite,'icl4'); |
AddIconToSuite(icon[2],suite,'ics8'); |
AddIconToSuite(icon[3],suite,'ics4'); |
AddIconToSuite(icon[4],suite,'ICN#'); |
AddIconToSuite(icon[5],suite,'ics#'); |
return suite; |
#endif |
} |
pascal void main() |
{ |
Handle initCodeHandle; |
long *localRealAddr; |
short err; |
long sysVersion; |
/* don't load unless we are on 7.0 or later */ |
err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion,&sysVersion); |
if(sysVersion < 0x0700) return; |
if (err = InstallGestaltTalk()) { |
DebugStr("\p InstallGestaltTalk Failed."); |
return; |
} |
initCodeHandle = GetResource('INIT',0); |
DetachResource(initCodeHandle); |
localRealAddr = GetStashSpotAddr(); |
*localRealAddr = GetOSTrapAddress( (short)0xA05E ); |
SetOSTrapAddress((long)DeNotification, (short)0xA05E); |
localRealAddr++; |
localRealAddr = SetUpIcons(); |
(void) ShowInitIcon( 128, -1); |
} |
OSErr InstallGestaltTalk() |
{ |
OSErr err; |
GestaltTalkPB initPB; |
err = NewGestalt(gestaltTalkSelector,(ProcPtr)GestaltTalkGestalt); |
if(err) { |
DebugStr("\p InstallGestaltTalk - NewGestalt failed."); |
goto bail; |
} |
initPB.command = ginit; |
initPB.datalength = 0; | = nil; |
initPB.gtData = nil; |
err = GestaltTalk(&initPB); |
if(err) { |
DebugStr("\p InstallGestaltTalk - GestaltTalk ginit failed."); |
goto bail; |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
short pstrlen(Str255 str) |
{ |
return str[0]; |
} |
void KillNotificationDialog(NMRecPtr notification) |
{ |
long *stashAddr; |
GestaltTalkPB writePB,getappPB; |
short err; |
ProcessSerialNumber curPSN; |
ProcessInfoRec info; |
Str255 message; |
short divider = 0x01CA; |
long *iconSuite; |
if(notification->nmStr) |
{ |
if(!notification->nmIcon) { |
/* add an icon to notification's that do not use one */ |
iconSuite = (Handle)GetStashSpotAddr(); |
iconSuite++; |
notification->nmIcon = iconSuite; |
} |
writePB.command = gwrite; |
writePB.datalength = pstrlen(notification->nmStr) + 1; | = notification->nmStr; |
writePB.gtData = nil; |
err = GestaltTalk(&writePB); |
/* Do the dirty deed... kill the notification dialog */ |
notification->nmStr = nil; |
/* give the monitor that is registered some time */ |
getappPB.command = ggetapp; |
getappPB.datalength = 0; | = nil; |
getappPB.gtData = nil; |
err = GestaltTalk(&getappPB); |
if( !err ) { |
err = WakeUpProcess(; |
} |
} |
} |
pascal void DeNotification() |
{ |
asm { |
move.l d0,-(sp) // save some regs we use |
move.l a0,-(sp) // NMRecPtr on stack |
jsr KillNotificationDialog // kill the dialog |
addq.l #4,sp // fix the stack |
@callOriginal |
jsr GetStashSpotAddr // get pointer to real NMinstall address |
movea.l d0,a1 // get pointer to storage |
move.l (a1),a1 // save addr of NMInstall |
move.l (sp)+,d0 // restore regs used |
jmp (a1) // |
// |
} |
} |
/* this gives us storage, but why didn't I use THINKs a4 crap? */ |
long *GetStashSpotAddr() |
{ |
asm { |
bsr.s @skipStorage |
dc.l 0x00 // pointer to real NMINstall |
dc.l 0x00 // |
@skipStorage: |
move.l (sp)+,d0 |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14