/* |
File: NullAuthPlugin.c |
Contains: An empty authorization plug-in, for logging and testing. |
Written by: DTS |
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following |
terms, and your use, installation, modification or |
redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of |
these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do |
not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following |
terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, |
non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this |
original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or |
without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided |
that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the |
following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks |
or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote |
products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior |
written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in |
this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any |
patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or |
by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. |
*/ |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> |
#include <DirectoryService/DirectoryService.h> |
#include <Security/AuthorizationPlugin.h> |
#include <Security/AuthSession.h> |
#include <Security/AuthorizationTags.h> |
#include <syslog.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// During development, you can define DEBUGLOG to call printf, and GCC |
// will type check your arguments for you (GCC is smart enough to |
// interpret printf format strings, but not smart enough to know |
// that syslog format strings are virtually identical). |
// |
// In the standard configuration, all of my debug output goes to syslog. |
// To see this output: |
// |
// 1. Edit /etc/syslog.conf and insert the following line at beginning. |
// |
// *.debug /var/log/debug.log |
// |
// In the above line the two fields ("*.debug" and "/var/log/debug.log") must be |
// separated by a tab character. |
// |
// 2. Send syslogd a SIGHUP. |
// |
// $ sudo kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` |
// |
// 3. Read the system log. |
// |
// $ tail -f /var/log/debug.log |
#if 1 |
#define DEBUGLOG(...) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__); |
#else |
#warning Don't forget to reenable syslog. |
#define DEBUGLOG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__); |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Core Data Structures |
typedef struct PluginRecord PluginRecord; // forward decl |
#pragma mark * Mechanism |
// MechanismRecord is the per-mechanism data structure. One of these |
// is created for each mechanism that's instantiated, and holds all |
// of the data needed to run that mechanism. In this trivial example, |
// that data set is very small. |
// |
// Mechanisms are single threaded; the code does not have to guard |
// against multiple threads running inside the mechanism simultaneously. |
enum { |
kMechanismMagic = 'Mchn' |
}; |
struct MechanismRecord { |
OSType fMagic; // must be kMechanismMagic |
AuthorizationEngineRef fEngine; |
const PluginRecord * fPlugin; |
Boolean fWaitForDebugger; |
}; |
typedef struct MechanismRecord MechanismRecord; |
static Boolean MechanismValid(const MechanismRecord *mechanism) |
{ |
return (mechanism != NULL) |
&& (mechanism->fMagic == kMechanismMagic) |
&& (mechanism->fEngine != NULL) |
&& (mechanism->fPlugin != NULL); |
} |
#pragma mark * Plugin |
// PluginRecord is the per-plugin data structure. As the system only |
// instantiates a plugin once per plugin host, this information could |
// just as easily be kept in global variables. However, just to keep |
// things tidy, I pushed it all into a single record. |
// |
// As a plugin may host multiple mechanism, and there's no guarantee |
// that these mechanisms won't be running on different threads, data |
// in this record should be protected from multiple concurrent access. |
// In my case, however, all of the data is read-only, so I don't need |
// to do anything special. |
enum { |
kPluginMagic = 'PlgN' |
}; |
struct PluginRecord { |
OSType fMagic; // must be kPluginMagic |
const AuthorizationCallbacks * fCallbacks; |
}; |
static Boolean PluginValid(const PluginRecord *plugin) |
{ |
return (plugin != NULL) |
&& (plugin->fMagic == kPluginMagic) |
&& (plugin->fCallbacks != NULL) |
&& (plugin->fCallbacks->version >= kAuthorizationCallbacksVersion); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Mechanism Printing Stuff |
// The code in this section is used to pretty print the state of the |
// authorization system when the mechanism is invoked. This is a lot |
// of code, but it's not very relevant to the authorization plugin |
// mechanism itself (except insofar as it allows you to see what |
// data is being passed around in the context and hints). |
// As there is no way to enumerate all of the entries in the context/hints, |
// I just hard-code a big table of likely entries. The KeyInfo structure |
// is used to hold information about each entry. As the entries in the |
// context/hints are not typed, I store both the name and the type. |
// As I have no idea which keys pertain to which context and which pertain |
// to hints, I try each key in both. Besides, the push_hints_to_context |
// mechanism implies that they share the same namespace. |
enum KeyType { |
kUnknown, |
kString, // without null terminator |
kString0, // with null terminator |
kPID, // pid_t |
kUID, // uid_t |
kGID, // gid_t |
kOSType, |
kUInt32, |
kSInt32, |
kPlist, |
kPlistOrString // wacky special case for AuthenticationAuthority |
}; |
typedef enum KeyType KeyType; |
struct KeyInfo { |
const char * fKey; |
KeyType fType; |
}; |
typedef struct KeyInfo KeyInfo; |
static const KeyInfo kStateKeys[] = { |
// Only the keys documented in public header files are considered to be |
// part of the defined API for an authorization plug-in. The keys that |
// are defined as literal strings are present for debugging and exploration |
// purposes only. Do not use these strings in a 'shrink wrap' authorization |
// plug-in without first discussing the issue with Apple. You can either |
// open a Developer Tech Support incident: |
// |
// <> |
// |
// or ask your question on the Apple-CDSA mailing list: |
// |
// <> |
// hint keys documented in <Security/AuthorizationTags.h> |
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentUsername, kString0 }, |
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentPassword, kString0 }, |
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentIcon, kUnknown }, |
{ kAuthorizationEnvironmentPrompt, kUnknown }, |
// context keys from a typical system (found using debugger) |
{ "uid", kUID }, |
{ "gid", kGID }, |
{ "home", kString0 }, |
{ "longname", kString0 }, |
{ "shell", kString0 }, |
// hint keys from a typical system (found using debugger) |
{ "authorize-right", kString }, |
{ "authorize-rule", kString }, |
{ "client-path", kString }, |
{ "client-pid", kPID }, |
{ "client-type", kOSType }, |
{ "client-uid", kUID }, |
{ "creator-pid", kPID }, |
{ "tries", kUInt32 }, |
// other keys found by grovelling through source code |
{ "suggested-user", kUnknown }, |
{ "require-user-in-group", kUnknown }, |
{ "reason", kUnknown }, |
{ "token-name", kUnknown }, |
{ "afp_dir", kString0 }, |
{ "kerberos-principal", kUnknown }, |
{ "mountpoint", kString0 }, |
{ "new-password", kUnknown }, |
{ "show-add-to-keychain", kUnknown }, |
{ "add-to-keychain", kUnknown }, |
{ "Home_Dir_Mount_Result", kSInt32 }, |
{ "homeDirType", kSInt32 }, |
// The getuserinfo authentication mechanism copies all of the user's |
// Open Directory attributes to the hints (?, or context?). So we |
// look for the standard OD user attributes. |
// |
// AFAIK all of these are of type kString (because getuserinfo |
// only copies across string values), but I've only set the type |
// to string for those that I've seen in the wild. The remainder |
// stay as type kUnknown until I see a concrete example. |
{ kDS1AttrAdminLimits, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrAdminStatus, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrAlternateDatastoreLocation, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrAuthenticationHint, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrChange, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrComment, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrDistinguishedName, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrExpire, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrFirstName, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrGeneratedUID, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrHomeDirectorySoftQuota, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrHomeDirectoryQuota, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrHomeLocOwner, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrInternetAlias, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrLastName, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrMailAttribute, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrMiddleName, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrNFSHomeDirectory, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrOriginalNFSHomeDirectory, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrPassword, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrPasswordPlus, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrPicture, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrRealUserID, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrUniqueID, kString }, |
{ kDS1AttrUserShell, kString }, |
{ kDSNAttrAddressLine1, kUnknown }, |
{ kDS1StandardAttrHomeLocOwner, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrAddressLine2, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrAddressLine3, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrAreaCode, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrAuthenticationAuthority, kPlistOrString }, |
{ kDSNAttrBuilding, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrCity, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrCountry, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrDepartment, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrEMailAddress, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrFaxNumber, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrGroupMembers, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrGroupMembership, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrHomeDirectory, kString }, |
{ kDSNAttrIMHandle, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrJobTitle, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrMobileNumber, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrNamePrefix, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrNameSuffix, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrNestedGroups, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrNetGroups, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrNickName, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrOrganizationName, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrOriginalHomeDirectory, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrPagerNumber, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrPhoneNumber, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrPostalAddress, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrPostalCode, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrState, kUnknown }, |
{ kDSNAttrStreet, kUnknown } |
}; |
static void PrintHexData(const char *scope, const char *key, const void *buf, size_t bufSize) |
// Prints the specified buffer as hex. |
{ |
size_t outputSize; |
char * output; |
const unsigned char * bufBase; |
size_t bufIndex; |
char tmp[16]; |
assert(scope != NULL); |
assert(key != NULL); |
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) ); |
// Allocate the correct size buffer. |
outputSize = bufSize * 3 + 1; |
output = (char *) malloc(outputSize); |
assert(output != NULL); |
if (output != NULL) { |
// Fill the buffer with the hex. |
*output = 0; |
bufBase = (const unsigned char *) buf; |
for (bufIndex = 0; bufIndex < bufSize; bufIndex++) { |
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%02x ", bufBase[bufIndex]); |
strlcat(output, tmp, outputSize); |
} |
assert(outputSize == (strlen(output) + 1)); |
// Print it. |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s' value=%s", scope, key, output); |
} |
free(output); |
} |
static void PrintPlist(const char *scope, const char *key, const void *buf, size_t bufSize) |
{ |
CFDataRef data; |
CFPropertyListRef propList; |
CFDataRef textData; |
CFMutableDataRef mutableTextData; |
char * dataBuf; |
CFIndex dataSize; |
CFIndex i; |
assert(scope != NULL); |
assert(key != NULL); |
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) ); |
data = NULL; |
propList = NULL; |
textData = NULL; |
mutableTextData = NULL; |
dataBuf = NULL; |
// Create a CFData from the buffer, then a CFPropertyList from the data, |
// then a text form of the CFPropertyList, then a mutable version of that |
// ('cause I want to strip newline characters). *phew* |
data = CFDataCreate(NULL, buf, bufSize); |
if (data != NULL) { |
propList = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(NULL, data, kCFPropertyListImmutable, NULL); |
if (propList != NULL) { |
textData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(NULL, propList); |
if (textData != NULL) { |
mutableTextData = CFDataCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, textData); |
if (mutableTextData != NULL) { |
dataBuf = (char *) CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(mutableTextData); |
dataSize = CFDataGetLength(mutableTextData); |
for (i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { |
if ( (dataBuf[i] == '\r') || (dataBuf[i] == '\n') ) { |
dataBuf[i] = ' '; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// If the above mess worked, print the text, otherwise just dump hex. |
if (dataBuf != NULL) { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) dataSize, (const char *) dataBuf); |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) bufSize, (const char *) buf); |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (mutableTextData != NULL) { |
CFRelease(mutableTextData); |
} |
if (textData != NULL) { |
CFRelease(textData); |
} |
if (propList != NULL) { |
CFRelease(propList); |
} |
if (data != NULL) { |
CFRelease(data); |
} |
} |
static void PrintPlistOrString(const char *scope, const char *key, const void *buf, size_t bufSize) |
// Sniffs the buffer and prints it as either a binary plist or a string. |
// The AuthenticationAuthority context value is one of these formats |
// depending on whether the mechanism runs before or after |
// "builtin:getuserinfo", so I have to handle both. |
{ |
static const char kPlistMagic[] = "bplist00"; |
assert(scope != NULL); |
assert(key != NULL); |
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) ); |
// See whether the first eight bytes of the buffer are kPlistMagic. |
if ( (bufSize >= strlen(kPlistMagic)) && (memcmp(buf, kPlistMagic, strlen(kPlistMagic)) == 0) ) { |
// If so, go the plist route. |
PrintPlist(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} else { |
// If it doesn't look like a plist, print it as a string. |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) bufSize, (const char *) buf); |
} |
} |
static void PrintTypedData(const char *scope, const char *key, KeyType type, const void *buf, size_t bufSize) |
// Given a typed data buffer, pretty print the contents. |
{ |
assert(scope != NULL); |
assert(key != NULL); |
assert( (bufSize == 0) || (buf != NULL) ); |
switch (type) { |
default: |
assert(false); |
// fall through |
case kUnknown: |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
break; |
case kString: |
if ( (bufSize > 0) && (((const char *) buf)[bufSize - 1] == 0)) { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); // not expecting a null terminator here |
} else { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%.*s'", scope, key, (int) bufSize, (const char *) buf); |
} |
break; |
case kString0: |
if ( (bufSize > 0) && (((const char *) buf)[bufSize - 1] == 0)) { |
// By default we log your password as "********". If you want the real |
// password to show up in the log, change the following to 1. |
#define kIDontCareIfMyPasswordIsLogged 0 |
if ( (strcmp(key, "password") == 0) && ! kIDontCareIfMyPasswordIsLogged ) { |
if (strlen(buf) == 0) { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=''", scope, key); |
} else { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='********'", scope, key); |
} |
} else { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%s'", scope, key, (const char *) buf); |
} |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} |
break; |
case kPID: |
if (bufSize == sizeof(pid_t)) { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(pid_t *) buf); |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} |
break; |
case kUID: |
if (bufSize == sizeof(uid_t)) { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(uid_t *) buf); |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} |
break; |
case kGID: |
if (bufSize == sizeof(gid_t)) { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(gid_t *) buf); |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} |
break; |
case kOSType: |
if (bufSize == sizeof(OSType)) { |
OSType tmp; |
// Should convert MacRoman to UTF-8 for each character, but that's |
// quite hard. |
tmp = *(OSType *) buf; |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value='%c%c%c%c'", scope, key, (UInt8) (tmp >> 24), (UInt8) (tmp >> 16), (UInt8) (tmp >> 8), (UInt8) tmp); |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} |
break; |
case kUInt32: |
if (bufSize == sizeof(UInt32)) { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%lu", scope, key, (unsigned long) *(UInt32 *) buf); |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} |
break; |
case kSInt32: |
if (bufSize == sizeof(SInt32)) { |
DEBUGLOG("%s key='%s', value=%ld", scope, key, (long) *(SInt32 *) buf); |
} else { |
PrintHexData(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
} |
break; |
case kPlist: |
PrintPlist(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
break; |
case kPlistOrString: |
PrintPlistOrString(scope, key, buf, bufSize); |
break; |
} |
} |
static void PrintKeyedAuthState(MechanismRecord *mechanism, const char *key, KeyType type) |
// For a given key, get both the content and hint value and, if successful, print them. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
const AuthorizationValue * value; |
AuthorizationContextFlags flags; |
assert(MechanismValid(mechanism)); |
assert(key != NULL); |
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetContextValue(mechanism->fEngine, key, &flags, &value); |
if (err == noErr) { |
PrintTypedData("GetContextValue", key, type, value->data, (size_t) value->length); |
} |
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetHintValue(mechanism->fEngine, key, &value); |
if (err == noErr) { |
PrintTypedData("GetHintValue", key, type, value->data, (size_t) value->length); |
} |
} |
static void PrintAuthState(MechanismRecord *mechanism) |
// Dump the state of the authorization. I try to print as much information |
// as possible, but I'm open to suggestions for what also might be useful. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
SecuritySessionId actualSessionID; |
SessionAttributeBits sessionAttr; |
AuthorizationSessionId sessionID; |
const AuthorizationValueVector * arguments; |
UInt32 argIndex; |
int keyIndex; |
assert(MechanismValid(mechanism)); |
// Process information -- This lets you see whether the plugin is running |
// privileged (in "authorizationhost", with EUID 0) or GUI-capable |
// (in SecurityAgent, with EUID of "securityagent" (92)). |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: pid=%ld, ppid=%ld, euid=%ld, ruid=%ld", (long) getpid(), (long) getppid(), (long) geteuid(), (long) getuid() ); |
// SessionGetInfo |
err = SessionGetInfo(callerSecuritySession, &actualSessionID, &sessionAttr); |
if (err == noErr) { |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: SessionGetInfo err=%ld, actualSessionID=%lu, sessionAttr=0x%lx", (long) err, (unsigned long) actualSessionID, (unsigned long) sessionAttr); |
} else { |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: SessionGetInfo err=%ld", (long) err); |
} |
// Session ID |
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetSessionId(mechanism->fEngine, &sessionID); |
if (err == noErr) { |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetSessionId err=%ld, sessionID=%p", (long) err, sessionID); |
} else { |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetSessionId err=%ld", (long) err); |
} |
// Arguments -- I have yet to find a way to actually pass arguments to my mechanism. |
// In fact, looking at the source it seems that GetArguments isn't actually |
// implemented (it always returns errAuthorizationInternal). Still, I try to dump them |
// anyway, just in case they get implemented in the future. |
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->GetArguments(mechanism->fEngine, &arguments); |
if (err == noErr) { |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetArguments err=%ld, count=%lu", (long) err, (unsigned long) arguments->count); |
for (argIndex = 0; argIndex < arguments->count; argIndex++) { |
"NullAuth:PrintAuthState: arg[%lu]='%.*s'", |
(unsigned long) argIndex, |
(int) arguments->values[argIndex].length, |
(char *) arguments->values[argIndex].data |
); |
} |
} else { |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:PrintAuthState: GetArguments err=%ld", (long) err); |
} |
// Context and Hints -- This is where things get complex. See my notes |
// at the start of this section. |
for (keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < (sizeof(kStateKeys) / sizeof(kStateKeys[0])); keyIndex++) { |
PrintKeyedAuthState(mechanism, kStateKeys[keyIndex].fKey, kStateKeys[keyIndex].fType); |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Mechanism Entry Points |
static OSStatus MechanismCreate( |
AuthorizationPluginRef inPlugin, |
AuthorizationEngineRef inEngine, |
AuthorizationMechanismId mechanismId, |
AuthorizationMechanismRef * outMechanism |
) |
// Called by the plugin host to create a mechanism, that is, a specific |
// instance of authentication. |
// |
// inPlugin is the plugin reference, that is, the value returned by |
// AuthorizationPluginCreate. |
// |
// inEngine is a reference to the engine that's running the plugin. |
// We need to keep it around because it's a parameter to all the |
// callbacks. |
// |
// mechanismId is the name of the mechanism. When you configure your |
// mechanism in "/etc/authorization", you supply a string of the |
// form: |
// |
// plugin:mechanism[,privileged] |
// |
// where: |
// |
// o plugin is the name of this bundle (without the extension) |
// o mechanism is the string that's passed to mechanismId |
// o privileged, if present, causes this mechanism to be |
// instantiated in the privileged (rather than the GUI-capable) |
// plug-in host |
// |
// You can use the mechanismId to support multiple types of |
// operation within the same plugin code. For example, your plugin |
// might have two cooperating mechanisms, one that needs to use the |
// GUI and one that needs to run privileged. This allows you to put |
// both mechanisms in the same plugin. |
// |
// outMechanism is a pointer to a place where you return a reference to |
// the newly created mechanism. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
PluginRecord * plugin; |
MechanismRecord * mechanism; |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismCreate: inPlugin=%p, inEngine=%p, mechanismId='%s'", inPlugin, inEngine, mechanismId); |
plugin = (PluginRecord *) inPlugin; |
assert(PluginValid(plugin)); |
assert(inEngine != NULL); |
assert(mechanismId != NULL); |
assert(outMechanism != NULL); |
// Normally one would test mechanismId to distinguish various mechanisms |
// supported by the same plugin. In this case, the only thing we care about |
// is if the mechanismId is "WaitForDebugger", in which case we set the |
// fWaitForDebugger flag, which changes the behaviour of MechanismInvoke. |
// All other mechanism IDs are considered equal. |
// Allocate the space for the MechanismRecord. |
err = noErr; |
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) malloc(sizeof(*mechanism)); |
if (mechanism == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
// Fill it in. |
if (err == noErr) { |
mechanism->fMagic = kMechanismMagic; |
mechanism->fEngine = inEngine; |
mechanism->fPlugin = plugin; |
mechanism->fWaitForDebugger = (strcmp(mechanismId, "WaitForDebugger") == 0); |
} |
*outMechanism = mechanism; |
assert( (err == noErr) == (*outMechanism != NULL) ); |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismCreate: err=%ld, *outMechanism=%p", (long) err, *outMechanism); |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus MechanismInvoke(AuthorizationMechanismRef inMechanism) |
// Called by the system to start authentication using this mechanism. |
// In a real plugin, this is where the real work is done. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MechanismRecord * mechanism; |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: inMechanism=%p", inMechanism); |
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) inMechanism; |
assert(MechanismValid(mechanism)); |
// For exploratory purposes, either dump out the authorization state or wait for the |
// debugger. |
if (mechanism->fWaitForDebugger) { |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: process %ld waiting for debugger", (long) getpid()); |
pause(); |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: process %ld continuing", (long) getpid()); |
} else { |
PrintAuthState(mechanism); |
} |
// Tell the system that, as far as we're concerned, authorization was |
// a success. This allows you to insert this mechanism anywhere in the |
// authorization chain, to dump the state without affecting the |
// authorization result. |
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->SetResult(mechanism->fEngine, kAuthorizationResultAllow); |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismInvoke: err=%ld", (long) err); |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus MechanismDeactivate(AuthorizationMechanismRef inMechanism) |
// Called by the system to deactivate the mechanism, in the traditional |
// GUI sense of deactivating a window. After your plugin has deactivated |
// it's UI, it should call the DidDeactivate callback. |
// |
// In our case, we have no UI, so we just call DidDeactivate immediately. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MechanismRecord * mechanism; |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismDeactivate: inMechanism=%p", inMechanism); |
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) inMechanism; |
assert(MechanismValid(mechanism)); |
err = mechanism->fPlugin->fCallbacks->DidDeactivate(mechanism->fEngine); |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismDeactivate: err=%ld", (long) err); |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus MechanismDestroy(AuthorizationMechanismRef inMechanism) |
// Called by the system when it's done with the mechanism. |
{ |
MechanismRecord * mechanism; |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:MechanismDestroy: inMechanism=%p", inMechanism); |
mechanism = (MechanismRecord *) inMechanism; |
assert(MechanismValid(mechanism)); |
free(mechanism); |
return noErr; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Plugin Entry Points |
static OSStatus PluginDestroy(AuthorizationPluginRef inPlugin) |
// Called by the system when it's done with the plugin. |
// All of the mechanisms should have been destroyed by this time. |
{ |
PluginRecord * plugin; |
plugin = (PluginRecord *) inPlugin; |
assert(PluginValid(plugin)); |
free(plugin); |
return noErr; |
} |
// gPluginInterface is the plugin's dispatch table, a pointer to |
// which you return from AuthorizationPluginCreate. This is what |
// allows the system to call the various entry points in the plugin. |
static AuthorizationPluginInterface gPluginInterface = { |
kAuthorizationPluginInterfaceVersion, |
&PluginDestroy, |
&MechanismCreate, |
&MechanismInvoke, |
&MechanismDeactivate, |
&MechanismDestroy |
}; |
extern OSStatus AuthorizationPluginCreate( |
const AuthorizationCallbacks * callbacks, |
AuthorizationPluginRef * outPlugin, |
const AuthorizationPluginInterface ** outPluginInterface |
) |
// The primary entry point of the plugin. Called by the system |
// to instantiate the plugin. |
// |
// callbacks is a pointer to a bunch of callbacks that allow |
// your plugin to ask the system to do operations on your behalf. |
// |
// outPlugin is a pointer to a place where you can return a |
// reference to the newly created plugin. |
// |
// outPluginInterface is a pointer to a place where you can return |
// a pointer to your plugin dispatch table. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
PluginRecord * plugin; |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:AuthorizationPluginCreate: callbacks=%p", callbacks); |
assert(callbacks != NULL); |
assert(callbacks->version >= kAuthorizationCallbacksVersion); |
assert(outPlugin != NULL); |
assert(outPluginInterface != NULL); |
// Create the plugin. |
err = noErr; |
plugin = (PluginRecord *) malloc(sizeof(*plugin)); |
if (plugin == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
// Fill it in. |
if (err == noErr) { |
plugin->fMagic = kPluginMagic; |
plugin->fCallbacks = callbacks; |
} |
*outPlugin = plugin; |
*outPluginInterface = &gPluginInterface; |
assert( (err == noErr) == (*outPlugin != NULL) ); |
DEBUGLOG("NullAuth:AuthorizationPluginCreate: err=%ld, *outPlugin=%p, *outPluginInterface=%p", (long) err, *outPlugin, *outPluginInterface); |
return err; |
} |
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