Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
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<TITLE>Read Me</TITLE> |
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<H1>Read Me About OTClassicContext</H1> |
<P>1.0b4</P> |
<P>OTClassicContext provides the glue necessary to call the Carbon |
"InContext" Open Transport APIs in an InterfaceLib environment. The |
goal is to allow you to build a Carbon and non-Carbon application (or |
extension) from the same source base without conditional |
compilation.</P> |
<P>Open Transport tracks assets, like memory and endpoints, in a very |
Byzantine fashion. See DTS Technote 1173 <A HREF="">Understanding |
Open Transport Asset Tracking</A> for a full description. To make |
this clearer Carbon introduced a new set of Open Transport APIs, with |
the suffix "InContext", which explicitly describe the context to |
which assets are assigned. For example, in Carbon you must call |
<CODE>OTOpenEndpointInContext</CODE> rather than |
<CODE>OTOpenEndpoint</CODE> so that the system knows which client |
owns the endpoint.</P> |
<P>The main problem with this technique is that it is hard to |
maintain a source base that compiles for both Carbon and non-Carbon |
applications and extensions. This glue is a way around that |
problem.</P> |
<P>The glue in this sample supports PowerPC code compiled for OT |
1.1.1 and above. See the <A HREF="#Caveats">Caveats</A> section for |
an explanation of these restrictions.</P> |
<P>A future version of the OT SDK will contain a final release of |
this glue.</P> |
<H2>Packing List</H2> |
<P>The sample contains the following items:</P> |
<UL> |
<LI>ReadMeOTClassicContext.html -- This document.</LI> |
<LI>OTClassicContext.h -- Most of the important "InContext" APIs |
are defined in the standard Open Transport headers. However, some |
APIs that logically operate within a context are not defined in |
the Open Transport headers because they are not part of Carbon. If |
you're building non-Carbon code you may need access to these APIs, |
so they are defined in this file.</LI> |
<LI>OpenTransportClientPPC.o -- The OT classic context glue |
itself. Use this version for your production builds.</LI> |
<LI>OpenTransportClientPPC.debug.o -- The OT classic context glue |
itself. Use this version for your debug builds.</LI> |
<LI>OTClassicContextTest -- A simple program that was used to test |
the glue.</LI> |
</UL> |
<H2>Using the Glue</H2> |
<P>To use this glue within your project, take the following |
steps.</P> |
<OL> |
<LI>Remove any Open Transport "PPC.o" files from your project. |
This includes "OpenTransportAppPPC.o", "OpenTransportExtnPPC.o", |
"OpenTptATalkPPC.o", "OpenTptInetPPC.o", "OpenTptUtilsAppPPC.o", |
and "OpenTptUtilsExtnPPC.o", and their debug variants.</LI> |
<LI>Add the "OpenTransportClientPPC.o" file to your production |
build and "OpenTransportClientPPC.debug.o" to your debug |
build.</LI> |
<LI>Convert your source code to use the "InContext" versions of |
the Open Transport routines that create assets. See the Carbon |
documentation for details on these routines. If you use routines |
that create assets that aren't part of Carbon, for example |
<CODE>OTStreamOpen</CODE>, you must include "OTClassicContext.h" |
in your source.</LI> |
</OL> |
<H2><A NAME=Caveats></A>Caveats</H2> |
<P>You should be aware of the caveats associated with this glue.</P> |
<UL> |
<LI>This glue only works for PowerPC binaries. Making this work |
for 68K binaries would be tricky because OT uses ASLM linkage for |
68K code.</LI> |
<LI>This glue only works for OT 1.1.1 and above. Earlier version |
of OT used a slightly different linkage scheme for client code. |
This should not be a limitation unless you were previously linking |
with "OpenTptClientCompat11PPC.o".</LI> |
<LI>This library does not let you initialize just the Open |
Transport utilities. There is no equivalent of calling |
<CODE>InitOpenTransportUtilities</CODE>, a call which is much |
misunderstood. What it does is create a client connection to Open |
Transport without loading the OT kernel. This reduced memory usage |
in old machines where certain OT components might want to use OT |
utilities without loading the entire OT kernel into memory. On |
modern systems the OT kernel is always loaded (either because OT |
doesn't unload the kernel any more, or because the kernel was |
loaded at system startup by one of many potential network |
clients), so this restriction should not cause any problems.</LI> |
<LI>If you connect to Open Transport using this glue you no longer |
have access to ASLM functions. In general this is A Good Thing |
(tm).</LI> |
<LI>The glue does not support the UNIX-style OT entry points (for |
example, <CODE>t_open</CODE>). In general this is a A Good Thing |
(tm), although retrofitting that capability would be relatively |
easy.</LI> |
<LI>The fact that a routine is declared "InContext" does not |
necessarily guarantee that OT tracks the asset created by that |
routine. For example, OT on traditional Mac OS does not currently |
track deferred tasks, timer tasks, system tasks, or raw streams. |
[As an aside, the OT compatibility library in Mac OS X does |
track these assets.] The "InContext" routine just provides a |
way for a future version of OT to track those assets.</LI> |
<LI>Certain OT utility routines, listed below, are implemented in |
the statically linked OT libraries. If you link with this glue you |
will not be able to use those routines. Fortunately, most of these |
routines are sufficiently obscure that this does not present a |
serious problem.<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=300> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTLoadCFMLibrary</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTGetCFMSymbol</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTGetCFMPointer</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTFindCFMLibraries</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTReleaseCFMConnection</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTHoldThisCFMLibrary</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTUnholdThisCFMLibrary</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTLoadASLMLibrary</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>OTUnloadASLMLibrary</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>InitASLMForCFMLibrary</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>TeardownASLMForCFMLibrary</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<PRE>TrapAvailable</PRE> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<P>other miscellaneous C and C++ runtime routines</P> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
</LI> |
</UL> |
<H2>Credits and Version History</H2> |
<P>If you find any problems with this sample, mail |
<> and I'll try to fix them up.</P> |
<P>1.0b1 (Sep 2000) was distributed to a small number of Apple |
engineers for review purposes.</P> |
<P>1.0b2 (Oct 2000) was distributed to a small number of Apple |
engineers for review purposes. The glue is now included as an object |
file rather than source code.</P> |
<P>1.0b3 (Oct 2000) was the first released version. The name of the |
object file has changed to better match the future OT SDK |
version.</P> |
<P>1.0b4 (Dec 2000) fixes <CODE>InitOpenTransportInContext</CODE> to |
accept nil for the <CODE>outClientContext</CODE> parameter..</P> |
<P>Share and Enjoy.</P> |
<P>Apple Developer Technical Support<BR> |
Networking, Communications, Hardware</P> |
<P>13 Dec 2000</P> |
<P> </P> |
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