Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: NegotiateRawModeSample.c |
Contains: This sample demonstrates the use of Option Management to place an Ethernet |
endpoint into raw mode. In addition, the sample distinguishes whether the |
ethernet driver is based on the original Ethernet template that was used on |
the Power Mac 72/73/75/76/85/86/95/9600 systems. Under SSW 8.5, the ethernet |
driver will be based on the Apple Ethernet template which is a modification |
of the Mentat template customized to the Mac OS. For the purposes of |
enabling and using raw mode, the Apple Ethernet template can be considered |
the same as the mentat template. |
As of the release of OpenTransport 1.1.1, a new driver template, provided |
by Mentat, was released. This new driver template is simpler to use and |
provides a standard mechanism for handling promiscuous mode. |
There are 2 important differences between these two templates. The mechanism |
by which an Ethernet endpoint is placed into raw mode is different. In addition, |
the raw mode packet that the mentat based driver passes, must be handled |
differently from packets passed up by the original ethernet drivers. |
This code snippet has been modified to do 2 things |
1. demonstrate a method for placing an ethernet endpoint into raw mode regardless |
of the template type that the underlying driver is based on, and, |
2. to return the template type so that the caller will know how to correctly |
handle the raw mode packets. |
IMPORTANT Note: This sample does not support asynchronous endpoints. The technique |
of checking whether the endpoint is async on entry to this function and changing |
it to sync, can work under some cases, however, this is not always true. |
If an async endpoint must be used, then modify the following code as appropriate |
to work with a handler routine that handles the T_OPTMGMTCOMPLETE event. The cookie |
will be a pointer to the returned TOptMgmt structure so that you can check the |
negotiation result. |
Input parameters: |
EndpointRef - ethernet endpoint that you want to place into raw mode. |
rawModeOption - one of the following values |
kOTRawRcvOn - enable raw mode |
kOTRawRcvOff - disable raw mode |
// where the mentat template is present |
kOTRawRcvOnWithTimeStamp - enable raw mode and return timestamp |
return paramters: |
result - kOTNoError if the raw mode option was successfully negotiated |
< 0 OptionManagement call failed with the returned error |
> 0 OptionManagement call completed with no error, but the negotiation |
returned a result other than T_SUCCESS |
templateType - type of ethernet template that was detected. |
kUnknownTemplate |
kOrigTemplate, |
kMentatTemplate |
raw mode data - |
An ethernet driver based on the original template will return the ethernet packet |
in the OTRcvUData buffer such that the destination address begins at offset 0 in |
the buffer. A Mentat based driver will prepend the ethernet packet with the |
following structure so that the destination packet begins at offset 0x18. |
struct dl_recv_status_t { |
unsigned long dl_overall_length; |
unsigned long dl_flags; |
unsigned long dl_packet_length_before_truncation; |
unsigned long dl_pad; |
OTTimeStamp dl_timestamp; |
}; |
This structure is defined in the file dlpiuser.h. This header is found in the |
OT Modules Development samples folder of the OT SDK. |
Written by: Rich Kubota |
Copyright: Copyright © 1998-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/22/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
#include "NegotiateRawModeSample.h" |
#include "OpenTptLinks.h" |
static Boolean IsDesiredOTVersionPresent(UInt32 desVers); |
// important note - use the options as defined in the OpenTptLinks.h header |
// when setting the rawModeOption parameter. |
pascal OSStatus DoNegotiateRawModeOption(EndpointRef ep, |
UInt32 rawModeOption, |
UInt32 *templateType) |
{ |
UInt8 twelveByteOptionBuf[kOTOptionHeaderSize+12]; |
dl_recv_control_t *rawModePtr; |
UInt8 buf[kOTFourByteOptionSize]; // define buffer for fourByte Option size |
TOption* opt; // option ptr to make items easier to access |
TOptMgmt req; |
TOptMgmt ret; |
OSStatus err; |
*templateType = kUnknownTemplate; // intialize the template type return value |
opt = (TOption*)buf; // set option ptr to buffer |
req.opt.buf = buf; |
req.opt.len = sizeof(buf); |
req.flags = T_NEGOTIATE; // negotiate for rawmode option |
ret.opt.buf = buf; |
ret.opt.maxlen = kOTFourByteOptionSize; // first try the four-byte option request |
opt->level = LNK_TPI; // dealing with tpi |
opt->name = OPT_SETRAWMODE; |
opt->len = kOTFourByteOptionSize; |
opt->status = 0; |
*(UInt32*)opt->value = rawModeOption; // set the desired option level, true or false |
if (OTIsSynchronous(ep) == false) // check whether ep sync or not |
{ |
DebugStr("\p DoNegotiateRawModeOption does not support async endpoints"); |
return (-1); |
} |
err = OTOptionManagement(ep, &req, &ret); |
// if no error then return the option status value |
if (err == kOTNoError) |
{ |
if (opt->status != T_SUCCESS) |
err = opt->status; |
else |
*templateType = kOrigTemplate; // the negotiation succeeded so we are dealing |
// with a driver based on orig template |
} |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
// check if OT 1.2 or greater is present |
// there is a bug in the tpi8022 module in OT <= v1.1.x, such that 12 byte raw modes |
// options are not passed to the dlpi module and an IONACK result is returned. |
if (IsDesiredOTVersionPresent(kOTVers12)) |
{ |
// let's try the 12 byte option |
opt = (TOption*)twelveByteOptionBuf; // set option ptr to buffer |
req.opt.buf = twelveByteOptionBuf; |
req.opt.len = sizeof(twelveByteOptionBuf); |
req.flags = T_NEGOTIATE; // negotiate for rawmode option |
ret.opt.buf = twelveByteOptionBuf; |
ret.opt.maxlen = sizeof(twelveByteOptionBuf); |
opt->level = LNK_TPI; // dealing with tpi |
opt->name = OPT_SETRAWMODE; |
opt->len = sizeof(twelveByteOptionBuf); |
opt->status = 0; |
rawModePtr = (dl_recv_control_t*)&opt->value; |
rawModePtr->dl_primitive = kOTSetRecvMode; |
rawModePtr->dl_flags = DL_NORMAL_STATUS; |
rawModePtr->dl_truncation_length = 0; |
err = OTOptionManagement(ep, &req, &ret); |
// if no error then return the option status value |
if (err == kOTNoError) |
{ |
if (opt->status != T_SUCCESS) |
err = opt->status; |
else |
*templateType = kMentatTemplate; |
} |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
/* |
*/ |
Boolean IsDesiredOTVersionPresent(UInt32 desVers) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
UInt32 otVersion; |
err = Gestalt(gestaltOpenTptVersions, (long*) &otVersion); |
if (err) |
return false; |
else |
return (otVersion >= desVers); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22