
    File:       OTMP.c
    Contains:   MP task friendly OT library.
    Written by: Quinn
    Copyright:  Copyright © 2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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                The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
    Change History (most recent first):
        <11>     21/9/01    Quinn   Changes for CWPro7 Mach-O build.
        <10>      9/7/01    Quinn   Fixed a nasty problem with the synchronisation model exposed by
                                    a developer's testing. Also added more debugging stuff (using
                                    TaskLevel) and made this file build with C++ turned on.
         <9>      5/7/01    Quinn   By popular demand, OTMP now inits MoreBlueActions for you.
         <8>     15/2/01    Quinn   Minor tweaks to get it building under Project Builder.
         <7>      8/2/01    Quinn   [2619462] The fix for the MP bug is in CarbonLib 1.2.5.
         <6>      8/2/01    Quinn   Fix bug in SndUDataNotifier which would prevent OTMPSndUData
                                    from recovering from flow control. Also added preliminary
                                    implementations of OTMPPutMessage and OTMPGetMessage.
         <5>     5/12/00    Quinn   Looks like the bug fix won't make it into CarbonLib 1.2.
         <4>    22/11/00    Quinn   CWPro6 is more picky about pointer type compatibility. Add some
         <3>    10/11/00    Quinn   Added OTMPGetCanRunStatus.
         <2>     9/11/00    Quinn   Changed OTMPOpenEndpointQInContext to open the endpoint
                                    synchronously at system task time. This works around a nasty
                                    race condition, and also eliminates the possibility of quitting
                                    with outstanding async opens.
         <1>     7/11/00    Quinn   First checked in.
// MoreIsBetter Setup
#include "MoreSetup.h"
// Mac OS Interfaces
    #include <Multiprocessing.h>
    #include <Events.h>
    #include <OpenTransportProtocol.h>
    #include <Gestalt.h>
    #include <Devices.h>
    #include <DriverServices.h>
    #include <Debugging.h>
    #include <LowMem.h>
// Our prototypes
#include "MoreMPLog.h"
#include "MoreBlueActions.h"
#include "OTMP.h"
#pragma mark ***** Can Run *****
enum {
    kMacOSXSystemVersion = 0x01000,
    kCarbonMPFixVersion  = 0x00125      // Version of CarbonLib that fixes Radar ID 2563553.
static UInt32 gSystemVersion = 0;
extern pascal OTMPCanRunStatus OTMPGetCanRunStatus(void)
    // See comment in header file.
    // Should modify this routine to setup and use gSystemVersion 
    // but I'm too lazy right now.
    OTMPCanRunStatus    result;
    UInt32              response;
    // Assume the best.
    result = kOTMPCanRun;
    // We only need to do testing on traditional Mac OS.
    // OTMPX will work on all Mac OS X versions.
    if (Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (SInt32 *) &response) == noErr) {
        if (response < kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
            // Test that the File Manager is callable from MP tasks.
            // There is no Gestalt bit defined to test for DTInstall, but 
            // this should be close enough.
            if ( Gestalt(gestaltMPCallableAPIsAttr, (SInt32 *) &response) == noErr ) {
                if ( (response & (1 << gestaltMPFileManager)) == 0 ) {
                    result = kOTMPSystemTooOld;
            } else {
                result = kOTMPSystemTooOld;
            // Now look at the Carbon version, checking for a version of 
            // 1.2.5 or greater.  We do this regardless of whether we're actually 
            // compiled for Carbon or not.  CarbonLibs prior to 1.2.5 contain a 
            // bug [2563553] that makes it unsafe to run OTMP code (even code 
            // compiled against InterfaceLib) on systems on which they are installed.
            if (result == kOTMPCanRun) {
                switch ( Gestalt(gestaltCarbonVersion, (SInt32 *) &response) ) {
                    case noErr:
                        if (response < kCarbonMPFixVersion) {
                            result = kOTMPBadCarbon;
                    case gestaltUndefSelectorErr:
                        // If we're running under Carbon and we have no gestaltCarbonVersion, 
                        // this means we're running on CarbonLib 1.0, which is bad.
                        // Unfortunately I can't detect CarbonLib 1.0 when running under 
                        // InterfaceLib.
                        #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON
                            result = kOTMPBadCarbon;
                        result = kOTMPSystemTooOld;
    } else {
        result = kOTMPSystemTooOld;
    return result;
#pragma mark ***** Utilities *****
static OSStatus MPAllocateQ(ByteCount numBytes, void **result)
    // I got sick of dealing with the wacky parameters to 
    // MPAllocatedAligned, so I wrote a nice wrapper.
    OSStatus err;
    *result = MPAllocateAligned(numBytes, kMPAllocateDefaultAligned, kMPAllocateClearMask);
    if (*result == nil) {
        err = memFullErr;
    } else {
        err = noErr;
    return err;
// And now we come to the flaw in the Carbon single binary story (-:
// Oh I wish OTCanLoadLibraries was part of Carbon.  I need this 
// routine for OTMP on Mac OS 9 and, because it's not part of Carbon, 
// I have to jump through hoops to get to it.
static Boolean DummyOTCanLoadLibraries()
    // This should never be called because Mach-O only runs 
    // on Mac OS X and on Mac OS X you should be using OTMPX 
    // routines, which call the OT compatibility directly.
    return true;
typedef Boolean (*OTCanLoadLibrariesProc)(void);        // Note that this is a "C" function, not a "pascal" function!
static OTCanLoadLibrariesProc gOTCanLoadLibrariesProc = &DummyOTCanLoadLibraries;
static void InitOTCanLoadLibrariesProc(void)
        #if TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM
                CFragConnectionID   connID;
                Ptr                 junkMain;
                Str255              junkMsg;
                Ptr                 symAddr;
                CFragSymbolClass    junkSymClass;
                if ( GetSharedLibrary("\pOTUtilityLib", kPowerPCCFragArch, kFindCFrag, &connID, &junkMain, junkMsg) == noErr
                        && FindSymbol(connID, "\pOTCanLoadLibraries", &symAddr, &junkSymClass) == noErr) {
                    gOTCanLoadLibrariesProc = (OTCanLoadLibrariesProc) symAddr;
        gOTCanLoadLibrariesProc = OTCanLoadLibraries;
#pragma mark ***** Task Data *****
// OTMP uses per-task data to track critical data structures on a 
// task by task basis.  Specifically, OTMP allocates an MP event 
// group for each task.  The task blocks on this event group while 
// waiting for Blue to complete asynchronous operations.
// This event group is stored in a structure that we allocate when 
// the task is prepared (OTMPPrepareThisTask) and disposed when the 
// task is unprepared (OTMPUnprepareThisTask).  The structure contains 
// just the event group and a magic cookie.  I could have avoided 
// using a structure but I decided to go with a structure so that I 
// could extend it if necessary.  Also, the magic number is useful 
// while debugging.
// We need to store an event group per task rather than an event group 
// per endpoint because it's possible for more than one task to be 
// blocked on an endpoint.  For example, imagine you have two endpoints 
// and you want to pipe data between.  To do this you might use two tasks,
// one to read from A and write to B and one to do the reverse.  Let's say 
// the first task unblocks with new data and goes to write that data to B,
// but B is send-side flow controlled.  Now B has two tasks block on it, 
// one in receive and one in send.  An event group per endpoint is obviously 
// not going to work here.  However, an event group per task will work 
// because any given task can only be blocked on one synchronous OT call 
// at a time.
// Note that you don't need to (and can't) prepare a non-MP task for 
// calling OTMP.  The reason is that the wait record structure (see 
// below) doesn't need an event group in order to block a non-MP task, 
// so you don't need per-task data to store that event group.  This is 
// good because the Blue task can't have per-task data and, even if it did, 
// it would shared by all traditional Mac OS processes and all the 
// Thread Manager threads within those processes.
enum {
    kOTMPTaskDataMagic = 'TskD'
struct OTMPTaskData {
    OSType      magic;              // must be kOTMPTaskDataMagic
    MPEventID   waitEvents;         // we block on this while waiting for Blue to complete async operations
typedef struct OTMPTaskData OTMPTaskData;
typedef OTMPTaskData * OTMPTaskDataPtr;
// When we initialise the library we allocate a task storage 
// index to access the per-task data for each thread.
static TaskStorageIndex gOTMPTaskStorageIndex = 0;      // 0 implies unitialised
static void DisposeOTMPTaskData(OTMPTaskDataPtr taskData)
    // Dispose of the per-task data for the current MP task.
    // A trivial routine, but I wanted to factor it out from the 
    // two call sites.
    OSStatus junk;
    MoreAssertQ(taskData != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(taskData->magic == kOTMPTaskDataMagic);
    if (taskData->waitEvents != nil) {
        junk = MPDeleteEvent(taskData->waitEvents);
        MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
    // In the debug version we keep track of the number of prepared tasks 
    // so that we can detect if you quit without unpreparing one.
    static SInt32 gOTMPPreparedTaskCount = 0;
static OSStatus GetOTMPTaskData(OTMPTaskDataPtr *taskDataPtr)
    // Gets the per-task data for the current task.  Without the 
    // debugging stuff this routine is trivial and it probably 
    // should be inlined into each of the call sites.  However, I'm 
    // not going to do that until I prove that the lack of inlining 
    // actually results in performance problems.
    OSStatus err;
    MoreAssertQ(taskDataPtr != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex != 0);        // If this fires, it's probably because you forget to call InitOpenTransportMPInContext.
    // Attempt to find the task's per-task OTMP storage.
    *taskDataPtr = (OTMPTaskDataPtr) MPGetTaskStorageValue(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex);
    if (*taskDataPtr == nil) {
        err = paramErr;
    } else {
        // We found it.  Check we have good data and then we're done.
        MoreAssertQ((*taskDataPtr)->magic == kOTMPTaskDataMagic);
        MoreAssertQ((*taskDataPtr)->waitEvents != kInvalidID);
        err = noErr;
    MoreAssertQ( (err == noErr) == (*taskDataPtr != nil) );
    return err;
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPPrepareThisTask(void)
    // See comment in header file.
    // Note that I originally had preparation happen automatically 
    // the first time you called OTMP with a given task.  I no 
    // longer do this because it leads to bugs where you forget 
    // to call OTMPUnprepareThisTask.  Forcing you to explicitly call 
    // this routine reminds you that you need to explicitly call 
    // OTMPUnprepareThisTask.
    OSStatus err;
    OTMPTaskDataPtr taskData;
    MoreAssertQ(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex != 0);        // If this fires, it's probably because you forget to call InitOpenTransportMPInContext.
    MoreAssertQ(MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID));    // Not allowed to prepare blue task.
    MoreAssertQ(MPGetTaskStorageValue(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex) == nil);   // If this fires, it probably means that you're preparing a task twice.
    // Allocate the per-task data and its associated event group.
    err = MPAllocateQ(sizeof(*taskData), (void **) &taskData);
    if (err == noErr) {
        taskData->magic = kOTMPTaskDataMagic;
        err = MPCreateEvent(&taskData->waitEvents);
    // Now record the data in the task.  It's vital that this is the
    // last error we can generate in this branch of the code.  After
    // this point the data has either been recorded in the task (noErr)
    // or not (err).  If not, we dispose of the taskData before returning.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MPSetTaskStorageValue(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex, (UInt32) taskData);
    if (err == noErr) {
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            (void) OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gOTMPPreparedTaskCount);
    // Clean up after error creating task data.
    if (err != noErr && taskData != nil) {
    return err;
extern pascal void OTMPUnprepareThisTask(void)
    // See comment in header file.
    OTMPTaskDataPtr taskData;
    MoreAssertQ(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex != 0);
    MoreAssertQ(MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID));    // Not allowed to unprepare blue task.
    if (gOTMPTaskStorageIndex != 0) {
        taskData = (OTMPTaskDataPtr) MPGetTaskStorageValue(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex);
        // Calling this routine with an unprepared task is documented as being legal. 
        // That way clients don't have to keep around a record of whether they've 
        // prepared this task or not.
        // MoreAssertQ(taskData != nil);
        if (taskData != nil) {
            OSStatus err;
            err = MPSetTaskStorageValue(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex, (UInt32) nil);
            MoreAssertQ(err == noErr);      // If this fails, we leak memory and an event ID.
            if (err == noErr) {
                #if MORE_DEBUG
                    (void) OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gOTMPPreparedTaskCount);
                    MoreAssertQ(gOTMPPreparedTaskCount >= 0);
#pragma mark ***** Wait Records *****
// The wait record is the key Blue-to-MP communications mechanism. 
// Every operations allocates a wait record on its stack.  It then 
// kicks off some async Blue operation and blocks on the wait record. 
// When the operation is complete Blue unblocks the task waiting on 
// the wait record.
// Each wait record embeds a blue action.  This makes sense, because 
// in order for your MP task to be waiting for an event it must have 
// kicked off the process that will generate the event.
// There are a number of interesting details here.  One relates to 
// unblocking.  MP tasks always block on an event group, which we 
// get from the per-task data.  See the "Task Data" comments (above) 
// for more details on how this is allocated.  However, non-MP tasks 
// (the main thread and other Thread Manager threads) don't need an 
// event group because they never block.  Instead, they just spin 
// waiting for the waitComplete Boolean to become true.  And while 
// they spin they call the yielder routine that the client installed.
// Note that we can't use the standard Mac OS trick of setting the 
// waitResult field to ioInProgress (1) and having the sync wait 
// spin waiting for it to go non-positive.  It's possible for some 
// OT routines, such as OTIoctl, to return positive result.
// Another interesting point relates to the waitingFor field.  This 
// field contains an OTEventCode that is the event that the blocked 
// task is waiting for.  For example, if you're blocked inside OTMPRcv, 
// you're waiting for the T_DATA event.  However, this event code is 
// matched 'fuzzily'.  For example, if you're waiting for a T_DATA 
// event and a T_DISCONNECT event comes in, we unblock you (because, 
// hey, you're not getting any more data).  See WaitRecordSearchProc 
// for details on the fuzzy matching algorithm.
// Each wait record has a callback, noteProc, that is called when 
// the fuzzy matching algorithm detects that an event should unblock 
// the waiting task. This callback is called at deferred task time from 
// within the context of the OT notifier (something that is significant 
// for synchronisation purposes, see below). If you don't supply a callback, 
// the default action is to simply unblock the waiting task by calling 
// CompleteWaitRecord with the result parameter set to the result 
// parameter of the notifier.
enum {
    kOTMPWaitRecordMagic = 'Wait'
// Flags in the waitEvents event group.  We only use one.
enum {
    kOTMPSyncCallComplete  = 0x0001
typedef struct OTMPWaitRecord OTMPWaitRecord;       // forward declare so that BlueNotifierProc can reference it
typedef pascal void (*BlueNotifierProc)(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie);
struct OTMPWaitRecord {
    OTLink              link;                   // link to next OTMPWaitRecord on OTMPProvider
    OSType              magic;                  // must be kOTMPWaitRecordMagic
    OTEventCode         waitingFor;             // event that unblocks task
    BlueNotifierProc    noteProc;               // if not nil, called by BlueNotifier within context of endpoint's notifier
    MPEventID           waitEvents;             // event group to signal to unblock task, may be kInvalidID if non-MP task is waiting
    volatile Boolean    waitComplete;           // set to true when the wait is done, polled by non-MP task sync wait
    OTResult            waitResult;             // result of operation, valid once waitComplete is set
    MoreBlueAction      blue;                   // Blue action used to kick of async operation that we're waiting for
static OSStatus InitWaitRecord(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, MoreBlueActionProc action, 
                               OTEventCode waitingFor, BlueNotifierProc noteProc)
    // Initialises a wait record.  action is the Blue action that kicks 
    // off the asynchronous operation.  waitingFor is the OT event that 
    // completes the operation.  noteProc is the routine called (at deferred 
    // task time from within the OT notifier) when the event happens.  If nil, 
    // the default just calls CompleteWaitRecord.
    OSStatus        err;
    MPEventID       waitEvents;
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec != nil);
    MoreAssertQ((action != nil) || (waitingFor == T_PASSCON));
    // action can be nil in cases where the wait record's blue field is not 
    // actually used.  The only example of this at the moment is the second 
    // wait record used as part of an accept, hence the special case in the 
    // assert above.
    // First establish waitEvents, the event group on which the 
    // task will be waiting.  For non-preemptive task we don't have 
    // an event group (because the task is polling anyway, and creating 
    // a unique per-task event group is difficult because all blue applications
    // (and all threads within those applications) look the same to 
    // MPGetTaskStorageValue), so we just set the field to kInvalidID.
    if ( MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) ) {
        OTMPTaskDataPtr thisTaskData;
        err = GetOTMPTaskData(&thisTaskData);
        if (err == noErr) {
            waitEvents = thisTaskData->waitEvents;
            MoreAssertQ(waitEvents != kInvalidID);
    } else {
        err = noErr;
        waitEvents = kInvalidID;
    // Now fill out the rest of the fields of the wait records.
    if (err == noErr) {
        waitRec->link.fNext     = nil;                  // only needed for debugging
        waitRec->magic          = kOTMPWaitRecordMagic;
        waitRec->waitingFor     = waitingFor;
        waitRec->noteProc       = noteProc;
        waitRec->waitEvents     = waitEvents;
        waitRec->waitComplete   = false;
        waitRec->waitResult     = ioInProgress;
        waitRec->blue.magic         = kMoreBlueActionMagic;
        waitRec->    = nil;              // only needed for debugging
        waitRec->blue.action        = action;
    return err;
static OTMPMainThreadYielder gMainThreadYielder = nil;
extern pascal void InstallOTMPMainThreadYielder(OTMPMainThreadYielder yielder)
    // See comment in header file.
    gMainThreadYielder = yielder;
// Forward declare gTrueBlueNotifierUPP so that we can use it as the default 
// value of gNotifierToInstall.
static OTNotifyUPP gTrueBlueNotifierUPP;                // -> TrueBlueNotifier
static OTNotifyUPP gNotifierToInstall;
    static Boolean gRunAsSystemTasks = false;
    static OTNotifyUPP gQueuingBlueNotifierUPP;     // -> QueuingBlueNotifier
    extern pascal void RunOTMPAsSystemTasks(Boolean asSystemTasks)
        // See comment in header file.
        // Record that we need to run at system task time.
        gRunAsSystemTasks = asSystemTasks;
        // Tell MoreBlueActions to run at system task time.
        // Use a queuing notifier rather if system task operations requested.
        if (asSystemTasks) {
            gNotifierToInstall = gQueuingBlueNotifierUPP;
        } else {
            gNotifierToInstall = gTrueBlueNotifierUPP;
    // Forward declare RunBlueNotifications so it can be called by 
    // QueueBlueAndWait in the debug build when system task operation 
    // is used.
    static void RunBlueNotifications(void);
static OSStatus QueueBlueAndWait(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, Boolean cancelOK)
    // This routine is responsible for dispatching a Blue action to kick off 
    // an asynchronous event and then waiting on the wait record for the 
    // event to complete.  cancelOK is true if we expect that the operation 
    // might be cancelled.  It doesn't actually affect the behaviour of the 
    // routine, but I thought it might be help catch potential bugs in the 
    // future.
    OSStatus err;
    MPEventFlags events;
    #if ! MORE_DEBUG
        #pragma unused(cancelOK)
    MPLog1(kOTMPWaitRecordLogID, '>WTE', waitRec);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec->magic == kOTMPWaitRecordMagic);
    // If there are already any events set in our event group, something 
    // has gone horribly wrong.  Use a kDurationImmediate test to check 
    // for this.
    MoreAssertQ( (waitRec->waitEvents == kInvalidID) || 
                 (MPWaitForEvent(waitRec->waitEvents, &events, kDurationImmediate) == kMPTimeoutErr)
    // Kick off the Blue action.
    // If the waiting task is an MP task, just wait for the completion 
    // bit to be set in the event group.  Otherwise, spin wait on the
    // waitComplete field.  While we're spinning, call the client's 
    // yielder callback (if present) and, in the debug version, run any 
    // pending Blue actions and notifications.
    if (waitRec->waitEvents != kInvalidID) {
        MoreAssertQ( MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
        MPLog1(kOTMPWaitRecordLogID, 'bWTE', waitRec);
        err = MPWaitForEvent(waitRec->waitEvents, &events, kDurationForever);
        MPLog1(kOTMPWaitRecordLogID, 'uWTE', waitRec);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
        err = noErr;
        while ( (err == noErr) && !waitRec->waitComplete) {
            #if MORE_DEBUG
                if (gRunAsSystemTasks) {
                #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON
                    SystemTask();           // Call SystemTask so that MPRemoteCall's have a chance to run.
            if (gMainThreadYielder != nil) {
                err = gMainThreadYielder();
    // An error here is potentially very bad.  If the wait fails with an 
    // error, it's possible that our Blue action hasn't run yet, in which case
    // the Blue action list has dangling pointers to the parameter block
    // on the stack.  I'm not sure why the wait would fail (except if the 
    // yielder callback returns an error, which I've warned against in the 
    // comments for that callback) , but I'm interested to see if it even 
    // happens.
    MoreAssertQ(err == noErr);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec->waitComplete);         // We unblocked but the wait record isn't complete.  Weird!
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = waitRec->waitResult;
        if (err == kOTCanceledErr) {
    // Set the magic field of the wait record to a bad value.  This helps 
    // detect wait records that are accidentally reused.
    waitRec->magic = 'bad!';
    MPLog2(kOTMPWaitRecordLogID, '<WTE', waitRec, (void *) err);
    return err;
static void CompleteWaitRecord(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTResult result)
    // Completes a wait record, setting the result and unblocking 
    // the task waiting.
    OSStatus junk;
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec->magic == kOTMPWaitRecordMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext  == nil);
    MPLog2(kOTMPWaitRecordLogID, '!WTE', waitRec, (void *) result);
    waitRec->waitResult = result;
    waitRec->waitComplete = true;               // unblock non-MP
    if (waitRec->waitEvents != kInvalidID) {    // unblock MP
        junk = MPSetEvent(waitRec->waitEvents, kOTMPSyncCallComplete);
        MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
#pragma mark ***** Providers *****
// OTMPProvider is a data structure to hold information about 
// a provider, such as the underlying OT provider and the list of 
// synchronous calls waiting on the provider.  We allocate (using 
// the MP allocator) one of these structures each time you create 
// a provider, and dispose it when you close the provider.
// There are two key fields in this structure.  The first is otEP, 
// which is a reference to the underlying OT provider that this 
// OTMP provider operates on.
// The second key field in the structure is waitRecords, a list 
// of OTMPWaitRecord's that enumerates the tasks that are blocked 
// waiting for events to happen on the provider. For example, if 
// you call OTMPRcv and there's no data on the endpoint, we add 
// your wait record to this list.  When a T_DATA event arrives at 
// the notifier we walk the list of wait records unblocking everyone 
// waiting for a T_DATA event.
// This list is an OTList, and is manipulated by OT list management 
// routines that are not reentrant.  We guarantee mutual exclusion in 
// our access to the list by always accessing the list from within 
// a deferred task.  Deferred tasks are always run single threaded.  
// Under most circumstances OT delivers notifications (ie calls your 
// notifier) at deferred task time.  In those cases where it doesn't, 
// we switch to deferred task time before processing the notification.
// I also enter the OT notifier when I access this list.  This used 
// to be my primary synchronisation mechanism.  It no longer is because 
// a developer came across a case where it broke down horribly.  So I 
// switched to using deferred tasks as my primary synchronisation 
// mechanism for the wait record list.  However, I continue to enter 
// the notifier to prevent reentrancy on my own thread when I call OT.
// This synchronisation model breaks down in a number of interesting 
// cases.  I describe them as they come up later in this source file. 
// It's possible that I will eventually switch to a better 
// synchronisation system, possibly using OTGate, but for the moment 
// this seems to work well enough.
// The first field of the OTMPProvider is a magic field that contains 
// the value 'EndP'.  This field should always stay first.  Because of 
// the way OT providers are structured, if you pass an OTMPProvider to 
// an OT routine (for example, passing an OTMPEndpointRef to OTSnd), 
// this field will cause OT to quickly bus error, thereby alerting you 
// to your bug.
enum {
    kOTMPProviderMagic = 'EndP'
struct OTMPProvider {
    OSType      magic;              // must be kOTMPProviderMagic
    Boolean     otEPCreated;        // true if otEP is valid
    ProviderRef otEP;               // underlying OT provider
    OTList      waitRecords;        // list of OTMPWaitRecord
    OSStatus    cancelErr;          // normally noErr, set to an error by OTMPCancelSynchronousCalls
static Boolean ValidOTMPProviderRef(OTMPProviderRef mpEP, Boolean noEndpointOK)
    Boolean result;
    result = (mpEP != nil)
            && (mpEP->magic == kOTMPProviderMagic)
            && ( ! mpEP->otEPCreated || ((mpEP->otEP != kOTInvalidProviderRef) || noEndpointOK) );
    if (result) {
        // Should walk waitRecords list but we can't do that in
        // a way that's safe for both MP and non-MP tasks (specifically, code
        // running at deferred task time).  So we leave that unchecked at
        // the moment.
    return result;
// For debugging purposes we keep track of two values.  One is the 
// total number of open providers.  If you attempt to quit with 
// providers open, the debug build will warn you in your call to 
// CloseOpenTransportMPInContext.  This is a generally useful 
// debugging tool.
    static SInt32 gOTMPProviderCount = 0;
// Forward declare CloseCore because BlueNotifier needs to use it 
// to handle kOTProviderIsClosed and kOTProviderWillClose messages.
static OSStatus CloseCore(OTMPProviderRef mpEP);
#pragma mark ***** Blue Notifier *****
// BlueNotifier is the OT notifier we use for each of our endpoints. 
// It's job is to look for incoming OT events, match them against 
// wait records pending on the endpoint, and do the appropriate 
// action based on the wait record.  This typically involves 
// unblocking the waiting task.
// BlueNotifier uses a fuzzy matching algorithm to match incoming 
// events to wait records. For example, a block OTMPRcv will have 
// a wait record that says that it's waiting for a T_DATA event. 
// If a T_DISCONNECT event comes in, BlueNotifier will unblock 
// the T_DATA wait record because we know there's no more data coming 
// in.  The wait record's notifier is smart enough to look at the 
// unblocking event, see that it's not T_DATA, and unblock the task 
// with an kOTLookErr (see below).
static OTListSearchUPP gWaitRecordSearchProcUPP;    // -> WaitRecordSearchProc
static Boolean WaitRecordSearchProc(const void *ref, OTLink *linkToCheck)
    // This routine is 
    Boolean          result;
    OTMPWaitRecord * waitRecord;
    waitRecord = OTGetLinkObject(linkToCheck, OTMPWaitRecord, link);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRecord->magic == kOTMPWaitRecordMagic);
    result = ( ((OTEventCode) ref) == waitRecord->waitingFor);
    if ( ! result ) {
        switch ( (OTEventCode) ref ) {
            case T_DISCONNECT:
                // Disconnects will cancel blocked Connect's, Snd's, Rcv's, and Listen's.
                result =   (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_CONNECT)        // Connect
                        || (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_GODATA)         // Snd
                        || (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_DATA)           // Rcv
                        || (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_LISTEN);        // Listen
            case T_ORDREL:
                // Orderly disconnects will cancel blocked Snd's and Rcv's.
                result =   (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_GODATA)         // Snd
                        || (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_DATA);          // Rcv
            case T_UDERR:
                result =   (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_GODATA)         // SndUData
                        || (waitRecord->waitingFor == T_DATA);          // RcvUData
                // do nothing
    return result;
// BlueNotification is the structure used to hold the parameters 
// to the BlueNotifier routine.  There are a variety of reasons 
// why I need to package the notification parameters up into a 
// single structure.  The reasons are explain in the places where 
// BlueNotification is called.
enum {
    kBlueNotificationMagic = 'BlNt'
struct BlueNotification {
    OTLink      link;
    OSType      magic;                  // must be kBlueNotificationMagic
    void *      contextPtr;
    OTEventCode code;
    OTResult    result;
    void *      cookie;
    Boolean     dtDidRun;               // only used by
typedef struct BlueNotification BlueNotification;
static pascal void BlueNotifier(BlueNotification *thisNote)
    // This routine is called by the OT notifier for all OT providers opened 
    // by OTMP.  It is called by OT when events happen on one of 
    // our providers.  When we installed the notifier (done by 
    // OTInstallNotifier after opening the endpoint synchronously) we 
    // provided the OTMPProviderRef as the contextPtr, which OT then 
    // supplies back to use as the thisNote->contextPtr parameter of this 
    // routine.
    // The routine's job is to match the OT event (code) against the 
    // provider's list of wait records.  If it finds a match, it removes 
    // the wait record from the provider and either calls the wait record's 
    // notifier or, if it has no notifier, just completes the wait record, 
    // using this routine's result parameter as the final status.
    OSStatus        junk;
    OTMPProviderRef mpEP;
    Boolean         noMatchIsOK;
    Boolean         gotOneMatch;
    OTLink *        thisLink;
    Boolean         forceClose;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ(thisNote != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(thisNote->magic == kBlueNotificationMagic);
    MPLog4(kOTMPNotificationLogID, '>BNt', thisNote->contextPtr, (void *) thisNote->code, (void *) thisNote->result, thisNote->cookie);
    // Convert contextPtr to our OTMPProviderRef.
    mpEP = (OTMPProviderRef) thisNote->contextPtr;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(mpEP, false));
    // Set some flags based on the particular event code. 
    // noMatchIsOK is use to quiet an assert (see later) that's 
    // generated when an event comes in but there's nobody 
    // waiting for it.  In some cases, for example T_BINDCOMPLETE, 
    // this is bad.  In other cases, like T_DATA, this isn't 
    // a problem.
    // forecClose is set if the endpoint is being force closed 
    // by OT.  If so, we run a completely different code path.
    noMatchIsOK = false;
    forceClose  = false;
    switch (thisNote->code) {
        case T_DATA:
        case T_GODATA:
        case T_LISTEN:
        case T_ORDREL:
        case T_DISCONNECT:
            noMatchIsOK = true;
        case kOTProviderIsClosed:
        case kOTProviderWillClose:
            forceClose = true;
            // do nothing
    if (forceClose) {
        // Guarantee that any future calls fail with an EBADF 
        // and then call the close code to error any blocked requests.
        // Note that we don't enter the notifier because the first 
        // thing that CloseCore does is close the endpoint, which 
        // effectively removes the notifier.  This causes other 
        // concurrency issues, which together require that CloseCore 
        // actually be reentrant.
        mpEP->cancelErr = kOTBadReferenceErr;
        junk = CloseCore(mpEP);
        MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
    } else {
        // Search the list of wait records for a matching wait record, 
        // remove that wait record from the list, and then call its 
        // notifier (which typically unblocks the waiting task).
        // We do this repeatedly because the fuzzy matching algorithm 
        // might cause a single event code to hit multiple targets. For 
        // example, a T_DISCONNECT will unblock a OTMPConnect, OTMPListen, 
        // OTMPSnd, and OTMPRcv.
        // We keep track of whether we found any matches and, if noMatchIsOK 
        // is not set, we DebugStr.  This helped find a bunch of bugs while 
        // bringing up the OTMP library.
        // We can walk the list safely at this point because we're at deferred 
        // task time, and the only code that modifies the list is also 
        // running at deferred task time call, thus we're mutually excluded 
        // from them.
        gotOneMatch = false;
        do {
            thisLink = OTFindAndRemoveLink(&mpEP->waitRecords, gWaitRecordSearchProcUPP, (void *) thisNote->code);
            if (thisLink == nil) {
                if ( ! gotOneMatch && ! noMatchIsOK ) {
                    #if MORE_DEBUG
                        // This DebugStr is more information than anything else.  It is 
                        // definitely not a fatal error.
                        DebugStr("\pBlueNotifier: failed to find event code in wait record list");
            } else {
                OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec;
                gotOneMatch = true;
                waitRec = OTGetLinkObject(thisLink, OTMPWaitRecord, link);
                MoreAssertQ(waitRec->magic == kOTMPWaitRecordMagic);
                MPLog1(kOTMPWaitRecordLogID, 'WNTE', waitRec);
                waitRec->link.fNext = nil;              // only needed for debugging
                // If there is a BlueNotifierProc, call it.  The notifier proc
                // is responsible for unblocking the MP task if necessary.  If
                // there is no BlueNotifierProc then we're a simple operation
                // so just unblock the task in the default manner.
                if (waitRec->noteProc != nil) {
                    (waitRec->noteProc)(waitRec, thisNote->code, thisNote->result, thisNote->cookie);
                } else {
                    CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, thisNote->result);
        } while ( thisLink != nil );
    MPLog(kOTMPNotificationLogID, '<BNt');
static DeferredTaskUPP gLocalDeferredTaskUPP = nil;
static pascal void LocalDeferredTask(long dtParam)
    // When the real notifier (TrueBlueNotifier) discovers that 
    // OT has called it at system task time, it can't call 
    // BlueNotifier directly because of synchronisation concerns
    // (discussed above).  Instead it schedules this routine as a 
    // deferred task, which in turn calls the notifier.  The reason 
    // why this works is discussed in detail in the comments in 
    // TrueBlueNotifier.
    BlueNotification *thisNote;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MPLog1(kOTMPNotificationLogID, '>LDT', (void *) dtParam);
    thisNote = (BlueNotification *) dtParam;
    MoreAssertQ(thisNote != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(thisNote->magic == kBlueNotificationMagic);
    // Tell TrueBlueNotifier that we ran so that it knows it 
    // can safely ignore the fact that it has used a stack-based 
    // DeferredTask structure.
    thisNote->dtDidRun = true;
    MPLog(kOTMPNotificationLogID, '<LDT');
static pascal void TrueBlueNotifier(void *contextPtr, OTEventCode code, 
                                    OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // This routine is the actual notifier install for our providers. 
    // It works around a really nasty problem that a developer found 
    // while using this library (thanks Larry!).  Under some circumstances 
    // (typically when there's a client, such as Internet Explorer, that makes 
    // lots of OT calls at system task time) OT can deliver notifications at 
    // system task time rather than deferred task time.  If this happens then 
    // there's a possibility that the notifier will be interrupted 
    // by a BlueAction, which gets us into all sorts of trouble.
    // My fix for this is to force all OT notifications to run at 
    // deferred task time.  This routine implements this fix.  
    // It tests whether we're at system task or deferred task time.
    // If we're at deferred task time it just calls BlueNotifier 
    // directly.  Otherwise it installs a deferred task (LocalDeferredTask) 
    // that actually does the work.  This is a very tricky workaround;
    // you'll have to read the comments below to understand the 
    // true nature of the trickiness.
    BlueNotification thisNote;
    MPLog4(kOTMPNotificationLogID, '>TBN', contextPtr, (void *) code, (void *) result, cookie);
    // The techniques used in this routine definitely will not work 
    // on Mac OS X.  This isn't a problem because, if you call the MPX
    // routines, they'll automatically use the real Mac OS X OT code, 
    // which will do the right thing.  However, just to be paranoid, 
    // I check that the right thing has happened.
    MoreAssertQ( (gSystemVersion != 0) && (gSystemVersion < kMacOSXSystemVersion) );
    // In this routine we're using OTCanLoadLibraries to determine whether 
    // the notifier is being called at deferred task time or not.  This 
    // is legal within the limited context of an OT notifier.  [See
    // the discussion in DTS Technote 1104 "Interrupt-Safe Routines" 
    // for an explanation of why OTCanLoadLibraries is safe here but not 
    // necessarily in other places.
    // <>
    // ]  In the debug build we check that OTCanLoadLibraries is behaving 
    // correctly by correlating the results with TaskLevel.
    MoreAssertQ( gOTCanLoadLibrariesProc != nil );
    MoreAssertQ( gOTCanLoadLibrariesProc() == ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) != kInDeferredTaskMask ) );
    // Fill out all of the parameters to BlueNotification. = nil;
    thisNote.magic      = kBlueNotificationMagic;
    thisNote.contextPtr = contextPtr;
    thisNote.code       = code;
    thisNote.result     = result;
    thisNote.cookie     = cookie;
    thisNote.dtDidRun   = false;
    // If we can load libraries then OT has delivered the notification 
    // at system task time so we have to schedule a deferred task to do 
    // the actual work.  OTOH, if we're being called at deferred task time 
    // (which is the case for most notifications) we can just call 
    // BlueNotifier directly.
    if ( gOTCanLoadLibrariesProc() ) {
        DeferredTask localDTask;
        OSStatus     junk;
        MPLog(kOTMPNotificationLogID, '!TBN');
        // Create a deferred task on the stack and install it.  This is 
        // *very* sneaky.  We require BlueNotifier to run at deferred task 
        // time because otherwise we run into wacky bugs where OT calls 
        // our notifier at system task time (thus we're "inside the notifier") 
        // and then our BlueAction deferred task runs, interrupts the system 
        // task time notifier, and asserts trying to call OTEnterNotifier.  
        // We prevent this by always running our notifier at deferred task 
        // time.  If we're not at deferred task time we switch to it 
        // by using DTInstall.
        // There are a bunch of important subtleties here.
        //   1. We know that we're either at system task time or deferred task 
        //      time because we're inside an OT notifier.  If it was possible 
        //      that we were in some other context (such as a secondary interrupt 
        //      level) this technique wouldn't work.
        //   2. If you call DTInstall at system task time, the Deferred Task 
        //      Manager will immediately call the deferred task.  [On Mac Plus 
        //      era machines this wasn't the case, but we require PowerPC 
        //      which requires SuperMario (or NewWorld) ROMs, which all have 
        //      the Ônew' behaviour.]  It does this by testing the interrupt 
        //      mask and its own internal "in deferred task" state.  Hence the 
        //      requirement that we at either system task or deferred task time.
        //   3. We know that the "in deferred task" state can't change between 
        //      our OTCanLoadLibraries test above and our DTInstall call because 
        //      the state can only be changed by an interrupt and interrupts 
        //      (on traditional Mac OS) run to completion, ie they should undo 
        //      any changes they did before we get scheduled again.  This is 
        //      not true on Mac OS X, which is one of the many reasons why 
        //      this code won't run on Mac OS X (even though it compiles for Carbon).
        //   4. We use DTInstall to run BlueNotifier because it sets the 
        //      system's "in deferred task" state, which in turn prevents any 
        //      deferred tasks (including our BlueActions) from running.
        //      We could just set the "in deferred task" bit directly 
        //      (it's stored in a relatively well known low memory global)
        //      but DTInstall has the advantage that it will run any 
        //      BlueActions that were queued while BlueNotifier is running.
        MoreAssertQ(gLocalDeferredTaskUPP != nil);  // Check if we forgot to initialise our UPP.
        localDTask.qLink      = nil;
        localDTask.qType      = dtQType;
        localDTask.dtFlags    = 0;
        localDTask.dtAddr     = gLocalDeferredTaskUPP;
        localDTask.dtParam    = (long) &thisNote;
        localDTask.dtReserved = 0;
        junk = DTInstall(&localDTask);
        MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
        MoreAssertQ(thisNote.dtDidRun);             // Oh boy this bad.  The DT we installed 
                                                    // didn't run immediately, which means 
                                                    // that the deferred task queue still has 
                                                    // a pointer to our localDTask variable. 
                                                    // We attempt to recover from this (with 
                                                    // some evil hackery) but it should never 
                                                    // happen.
        if ( ! thisNote.dtDidRun ) {
            // The DT didn't run.  This is bad.  We attempt to recover 
            // by pulling our task out of the deferred task queue, but 
            // if this ever happens we're basically dead.
            // There is no DTRemove, so we have to pull the element out 
            // of the queue manually.  However, LMGetDTQueue is not part 
            // of Carbon, so if we're building for Carbon we just define 
            // our own.  Remember, this code can't be run on Mac OS X.
            // While this is a hack, it should never get executed.  If 
            // it does the worst it can do is crash the system, which is 
            // what'll happen anyway if we don't yank the queue element.
            #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON
                #define LMGetDTQueue()  ( (QHdrPtr) 0x0D92)
            junk = Dequeue( (QElemPtr) &localDTask, LMGetDTQueue() );
            MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
    } else {
    MPLog(kOTMPNotificationLogID, '<TBN');
    // While bringing up the library it was useful to run all events 
    // at system task time.  This part of the code is responsible for 
    // deferring OT notifications, which ususally happen at deferred 
    // task time, until system task time.  The idea is that we install 
    // QueuingBlueNotifier rather than TrueBlueNotifier as each provider's 
    // notifier.  That routine allocates a structure (using the OT 
    // memory allocator -- this is important, because the MP memory 
    // allocator is not interrupt safe), puts all the parameters to the 
    // notifier in that structure, and then puts the structure on 
    // a global list (gQueuedNotifications).  At system task time our 
    // sync wait loop (inside QueueBlueAndWait) periodically calls 
    // RunBlueNotifications, which pulls the notifications off the list 
    // and calls the real notifier (BlueNotifier) for each one.
    // gQueuedNotifications (a list of BlueNotification structures) is 
    // the list of notifications that have been delivered at deferred 
    // time but have been deferred until system task time for debugging reasons.  
    // QueuingBlueNotifier adds structures to this list and RunBlueNotifications 
    // pulls them off.
    static OTLIFO gQueuedNotifications = {nil};     // list of BlueNotification's
    static void RunBlueNotifications(void)
        // This routine is called periodically by our sync wait routine 
        // (QueueBlueAndWait).  It pulls all the BlueNotification entries 
        // of gQueuedNotifications and, for each one, calls the real 
        // notifier (BlueNotifier).
        OTLink *noteList;
        Boolean entered;
        // Grab the list of queued notifications and iterate over it.
        noteList = OTReverseList(OTLIFOStealList(&gQueuedNotifications));
        while ( noteList != nil ) {
            BlueNotification *thisNote;
            OTMPProviderRef thisMPEP;
            thisNote = OTGetLinkObject(noteList, BlueNotification, link);
            MoreAssertQ(thisNote->magic == kBlueNotificationMagic);
            // We need to enter the notifier for the underlying OT 
            // endpoint before we call BlueNotifier.  This is because 
            // BlueNotifier expects to be called by OT as the real 
            // notifier, and hence it expects to be running with 
            // notifier-style mutual exclusion.  In order to enter 
            // the notifier, we need the OT provider.  We get that by 
            // assuming that the notification's contextPtr is an 
            // OTMPProviderRef.
            // Note that we don't always have an underlying provider; 
            // in the case where the provider is being opened
            // (ie in the T_OPENCOMPLETE event) this will be nil.
            // We have to handle that appropriately.
            // I don't think this last case can happen any more 
            // since we changed to use synchronous opens.  However, 
            // I'm not 100% sure and I can't be bothered testing it 
            // so I'll leave the check in place.
            thisMPEP = (OTMPProviderRef) thisNote->contextPtr;
            MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(thisMPEP, false));
            if (thisMPEP->otEP == kOTInvalidProviderRef) {
                entered = false;
            } else {
                entered = OTEnterNotifier(thisMPEP->otEP);
                MoreAssertQ(entered);       // We're doing all operations, including this 
                                            // one, at system task time.  We should never 
                                            // have a problem entering the notifier.
            // Call the real BlueNotifier with the parameters from the 
            // BlueNotification structure.
            if (entered) {
            // Move along to the next list element and free the current one.
            noteList = noteList->fNext;
    static pascal void QueuingBlueNotifier(void *contextPtr, OTEventCode code, 
                                           OTResult result, void *cookie)
        // This routine is installed as our provider notifier if we're 
        // running everything at system task time (ie we're debugging).
        // It's purpose is to allocate a BlueNotification structure, copy all 
        // the notifier parameters to that structure, and put it on the 
        // list of pending notifications (gQueuedNotifications).  Our 
        // sync wait routine (QueueBlueAndWait) will periodically call 
        // RunBlueNotifications which will pull the notifications off 
        // the list and run them at system task time.
        // If gRunAsSystemTasks is true, this is the only part of this 
        // module that runs at deferred task time and can't be debugged 
        // with a source level debugger.
        BlueNotification *thisNote;
        // Allocate memory for the BlueNotification record.  We don't handle
        // failure very well, so if the client pool is full we try the
        // the shared client pool.  If we still can't get memory then
        // we've broken the state machine so we assert.  I would try to
        // come up with a better solution but this is only a debugging
        // mechanism so there's little point.
        // Also note that we pass nil as the client context for this 
        // allocate.  We're assuming that we have a valid application 
        // OT client context.  This only really makes sense in a 
        // debugging scenario.  Fortunately, that's the only case in 
        // which this code is ever executed.
        thisNote = (BlueNotification *) OTAllocMemInContext(sizeof(*thisNote), nil);
        if (thisNote == nil) {
            #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON
                thisNote = (BlueNotification *) OTAllocSharedClientMem(sizeof(*thisNote));
        MoreAssertQ(thisNote != nil);
        // Copy the notification parameters into the structure and 
        // put it on the gQueuedNotifications list.
        if (thisNote != nil) {
            thisNote->link.fNext  = nil;        // only needed for debugging
            thisNote->magic       = kBlueNotificationMagic;
            thisNote->contextPtr  = contextPtr;
            thisNote->code        = code;
            thisNote->result      = result;
            thisNote->cookie      = cookie;
            thisNote->dtDidRun    = false;      // not needed for this code path, but hey
            OTLIFOEnqueue(&gQueuedNotifications, &thisNote->link);
#pragma mark ***** Standard Actions *****
// Many OTMP routines work in a similar way.
// 1. The API called by clients initialises a wait record then queues 
//    a Blue action to kick off the operation.
// 2. If the kick off succeeds, the wait record is completed by a 
//    notification so we have to add the wait record to the provider's 
//    list of wait records.
// 3. If the kick off fails, we complete the wait record with an 
//    immediate error.
// This process is known (within OTMP) as a standard action.  OTMP 
// explicitly supports standard actions in order to factor out 
// common code from a bunch of OTMP API routines.  The code below 
// is the standard action abstraction.
// StdParam is a structure specifically designed to contain all 
// of the information needed by a standard action.  The key fields are:
// o stdAction -- The function to call to kick off the operation.
//   This routine is called at deferred task time 'inside' the provider's 
//   notifier.  It returns a Boolean that indicates whether the action's 
//   wait record should be completed or queued.
// o waitRecord -- The calling task's wait record.  Remember that the 
//   wait record contains another callback.  If the wait record is 
//   queued, this callback will be called when the wait record's 
//   event is delivered.
// o mpEP -- A reference to the OTMPProvider.  Necessary because the 
//   standard action enters the notifier on the underlying OT provider.
enum {
    kStdParamMagic = 'StdP'
typedef struct StdParam StdParam;   // forward declare
typedef pascal Boolean (*OTMPStdAction)(StdParam *stdParam, OSStatus *resultPtr);
    // The standard action kick off callback.  The function result determines 
    // whether the action should complete immediate (true) or be queued (false). 
    // If the action completes immediately then *resultPtr is the wait record 
    // result.
struct StdParam {
    OSType              stdMagic;               // must be kStdParamMagic
    OSType              magic;                  // magic for use by client
    OTMPStdAction       stdAction;              // the standard action routine to call
    OTMPWaitRecord      waitRecord;             // the calling tasks' wait record
    OTMPProviderRef     mpEP;                   // the endpoint on which the action is performed
static pascal void StdAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // A Blue action that performs the standard action 
    // operation (see algorithm described above).  Called a deferred 
    // task time by the Blue action mechanism (see MoreBlueActions for 
    // details).
    OSStatus    err;
    StdParam *  stdParam;
    Boolean     entered;
    Boolean     completeIt;
    stdParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, StdParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(stdParam->stdMagic == kStdParamMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(stdParam->mpEP, false));
    MPLog2(kOTMPStdActionLogID, '>Std', stdParam, (void *) stdParam->magic);
    // Enter the notifier for the endpoint so that we're mutually excluded
    // with respect to the notifier (BlueNotifier).  We no longer need to do this 
    // to protect the waitRecords list, which is now protected because all 
    // operations on it run at deferred task time (which is single threaded). 
    // However, we continue to enter the notifier because it prevents OT delivering 
    // notifications to us when we call it.  This notification can confused matters 
    // greatly, as illustrated by the OTMPXAccept code which has to handle them 
    // in one case when they're not deferred, namely T_PASSCON.
    // I don't believe the following test is useful any more because 
    // endpoints are now always opened synchronously.  However, I'm 
    // not 100% sure so I left it in.
    if ( stdParam->mpEP->otEP == kOTInvalidProviderRef ) {
        // Handle the case for OTMPOpenEndpoint where the EndpointRef
        // has not yet been set up.
        entered = false;
    } else {
        entered = OTEnterNotifier(stdParam->mpEP->otEP);
        if ( ! entered ) {
            // In previous incarnations of this code this assert was fatal. 
            // In current version we no longer exclusively rely on the 
            // notifier for mutual exclusion (because this assert would 
            // fail if OT called our notifier at system task time) so 
            // this assert isn't fatal.  Instead we just log the event.
            // Mutual exclusion of the wait record list is provided by 
            // always accessing it at deferred task time.
            MPLog(kOTMPStdActionLogID, '!Std');
    // Call the operation kick off routine.
    if (stdParam->mpEP->cancelErr == noErr) {
        completeIt = (stdParam->stdAction)(stdParam, &err);
    } else {
        err = stdParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
        completeIt = true;
    MPLog3(kOTMPStdActionLogID, '<Std', stdParam, (void *) (UInt32) completeIt, (void *) err);
    // If we're told that the operation is already complete, immediately 
    // signal the completion of the standard action's embedded wait record.
    // If not, add the wait record to the OTMProvider's list.  The operation 
    // will continue when its event is delivered to the notifier.
    if (completeIt) {
        // We're done.  Tell the MP task about it.
        // But first leave the notifier because stdParam is on the MP 
        // task's stack and it may be destroyed as soon as we call 
        // CompleteWaitRecord.
        if (entered) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(&stdParam->waitRecord, err);
    } else {
        // We're now expecting our notifier (BlueNotifier) to be called with
        // a stdParam->waitRecord.waitingFor event.  Put the wait record on our 
        // list of wait records so that BlueNotifier knows what to do when it
        // gets that event.  We do this at this point because a failure of
        // the kick off operation (which typically just makes a simple OT call)
        // would mean that BlueNotifier would not get called.
        // Also, make sure that we call OTLeaveNotifier after putting the 
        // wait record on the list so that the non-atomic list operation can't 
        // be interrupted by our notifier code.
        MoreAssertQ(stdParam-> == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&stdParam->mpEP->waitRecords, &stdParam->;
        if (entered) {
static pascal OSStatus InitStdParam(StdParam *stdParam, OSType magic, 
                                    OTMPStdAction stdAction, OTMPProviderRef mpEP,
                                    OTEventCode waitingFor, BlueNotifierProc noteProc)
    // Initialises the standard action structure.  magic is the 
    // magic cookie for the operation.  It's used for debug asserts 
    // and logging only. stdAction is the routine to call to start the 
    // operation.  mpEP is the OTMPProvider on which the on operation is 
    // occuring.  We record this in StdParam so that StdAction can 
    // enter and leave the notifier for you.  waitingFor and noteProc 
    // are used to initialise the action's wait record; they are passed 
    // directly to InitWaitRecord.
    OSStatus err;
    MoreAssertQ(stdParam != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(mpEP, false));
    err = InitWaitRecord(&stdParam->waitRecord, StdAction, waitingFor, noteProc);
    if (err == noErr) {
        stdParam->stdMagic  = kStdParamMagic;
        stdParam->magic     = magic;
        stdParam->stdAction = stdAction;
        stdParam->mpEP      = mpEP;
    return err;
#pragma mark ***** Open *****
// OTMP uses a standard pattern to implement most of its operations.
// To learn more about the standard pattern, see the comments above 
// OTMPIoctl.  However, OTMPOpenEndpointQInContext can't use the 
// standard pattern, for a variety of reasons.
//    o An OT client can not quit (ie call CloseOpenTransportInContext 
//      for its context) with outstanding OTAsyncOpenEndpointInContext
//      requests.  Doing so will crash a Mac OS 9 system.  However, OTMP 
//      has no obvious way to defer the CloseOpenTransportMPInContext call 
//      waiting for async opens to complete.  Instead of trying to 
//      implement that, I decided to switch to using sync opens.
//    o OTAsyncOpenEndpointInContext often requires a deferral until 
//      system task time anyway.  For example, if OT needs to load 
//      a module and dial the modem, it will defer the open to a system 
//      task.  If that's going to happen anyway, we might as well defer 
//      it here instead.
//    o OT's deferral when opening endpoints asynchronously exposes a 
//      nasty race condition in OTMP.  The following sequence of events 
//      happens.
//       1. MP task schedules a Blue action to start the open.
//       2. MP task blocks on event group.
//       3. Blue task runs Blue action at deferred task time.
//       4. Blue action calls OTAsyncOpenEndpointInContext.
//       5. The open is deferred, so Blue action returns from deferred 
//          task time.
//       6. Blue code calls SystemTask, which runs the OT system task 
//          to do the deferred open.  OT does the open and then calls 
//          the notifier.  It does this at system task time, while 
//          holding the notifier lock.
//       7. BlueNotifier completes the open operation, which unblocks 
//          the MP task.
//       8. The MP task issues another operation on that endpoint 
//          (such as on OTMPBind).  This results in another Blue action.
//       9. The Blue action interrupts BlueNotifier before it returns.
//          It trips over an assert when it attempts to call OTEnterNotifier
//          to acquire mutual exclusion on the endpoint.
//      Nasty!
//      Curiously enough, a developer discovered this sort of problem happening 
//      in another context and I had to fix it properly, so this scenario 
//      is no longer relevant.  However, we still still with sync opens 
//      for all the other reasons described above.
// Instead OTMPOpenEndpointQInContext uses an MPRemoteCall to execute 
// the OpenRemoteProc at system task time.  This avoids all of the 
// problems with opening endpoints asynchronously.  It does, however, 
// have a negative effect on performance.  However, OT's native endpoint 
// creation code isn't particularly fast, so most high-performance 
// applications have learnt to keep a cache of endpoints.
enum {
    kOTMPOpenMagic = '>Opn'
struct OpenParam {
    OSType              magic;              // must be kOTMPOpenMagic
    OTMPEndpointRef     mpEP;
    const char *        cfig;
    OTOpenFlags         oflag;
    TEndpointInfo *     info;
    OTClientContextPtr  clientContext;
typedef struct OpenParam OpenParam;
static void *OpenRemoteProc(void *parameter)
    // OTMPOpenEndpointQInContext calls this routine is called via MPRemoteCall, 
    // which means it always runs at system task time.  It is responsible 
    // for calling OTOpenEndpointInContext to actually open the endpoint.
    OSStatus    err;
    OSStatus    junk;
    OpenParam * openParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( TaskLevel() == 0 );
    openParam = (OpenParam *) parameter;
    MoreAssertQ(openParam->magic == kOTMPOpenMagic);
    openParam->mpEP->otEP = OTOpenEndpointInContext(OTCreateConfiguration(openParam->cfig), 
                                openParam->oflag, openParam->info, 
                                &err, openParam->clientContext);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTSetAsynchronous(openParam->mpEP->otEP);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTInstallNotifier(openParam->mpEP->otEP, gNotifierToInstall, openParam->mpEP);
        // This is running at system task time.  We could potentially get into 
        // trouble here if a notification arrives at deferred task time between here 
        // and the end of OTMPOpenEndpointQInContext.  Hasn't happened yet though.
    // Clean up.
    if ( (err != noErr) && (openParam->mpEP->otEP != kOTInvalidProviderRef) ) {
        junk = OTCloseProvider(openParam->mpEP->otEP);
        MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
        openParam->mpEP->otEP = kOTInvalidProviderRef;
    // Post condition.
    MoreAssertQ( (err == noErr) == (openParam->mpEP->otEP != kOTInvalidProviderRef) );
    return (void *) err;
extern pascal OTMPEndpointRef OTMPOpenEndpointQInContext(
                                 const char *           cfig,
                                 OTOpenFlags            oflag,
                                 TEndpointInfo *        info,
                                 OSStatus *             errPtr,
                                 OTClientContextPtr     clientContext)
    // See comment in header file.
    // Note: Don't need to worry about testing cancelErr in this routine 
    // because client can't call OTMPCancelSynchronousCalls until this 
    // routine completes (because they don't have a OTMPEndpointRef yet).
    OSStatus        err;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
    OpenParam       openParam;
    MoreAssertQ(cfig != nil);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPOpenMagic, cfig);
    // Initialise our parameter block, allocate a new OTMPProvider 
    // structure with the MP allocator, fill out the structure, and 
    // then do an MPRemoteCall to open the endpoint.
    err = MPAllocateQ(sizeof(*mpEP), (void **) &mpEP);
    if (err == noErr) {
        mpEP->magic         = kOTMPProviderMagic;
        mpEP->otEPCreated   = false;
        mpEP->otEP          = kOTInvalidProviderRef;
        mpEP->waitRecords.fHead = nil;
        mpEP->cancelErr     = noErr;
        openParam.magic = kOTMPOpenMagic;
        openParam.mpEP  = mpEP;
        openParam.cfig  = cfig;
        openParam.oflag = oflag;  = info;
        openParam.clientContext = clientContext;
        err = (OSStatus) MPRemoteCall(OpenRemoteProc, &openParam, kMPAnyRemoteContext);
        mpEP->otEPCreated = (err == noErr);
    // Clean up after an error.
    if (err != noErr && mpEP != nil) {
        // If we successfully created the endpoint, we wouldn't be failing,
        // so just make sure that's true.
        MoreAssertQ( ! mpEP->otEPCreated );
        MoreAssertQ( mpEP->otEP == kOTInvalidProviderRef );
        mpEP->magic = 'bad!';       // just in case someone accidentally tries to reuse this memory
        mpEP = nil;
    if (errPtr != nil) {
        *errPtr = err;
    if (err == noErr) {
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            (void) OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gOTMPProviderCount);
    // Post condition.
    MoreAssertQ((err != noErr) || ValidOTMPProviderRef(mpEP, false));
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPOpenMagic), (void *) err, mpEP);
    return mpEP;
#pragma mark **** Close *****
enum {
    kOTMPCloseMagic = '>Clo'
struct CloseParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPCloseMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPProviderRef mpEP;
typedef struct CloseParam CloseParam;
static OSStatus CloseCore(OTMPProviderRef mpEP)
    // This routine has to be completely reentrant because it's 
    // called by CloseAction (deferred task time) and the 
    // kOTProvideWillClose handling in the BlueNotifier (system 
    // task time).  So we use a bunch of atomic operations.
    OSStatus     err;
    ProviderRef  otEP;
    OTLink *     thisLink;
    OTLink *     nextLink;
    // First close the underlying endpoint.
    // If a kOTProviderWillClose or kOTProviderIsClosed notification 
    // happens then it's possible for the underlying OT endpoint to be 
    // closed at this point.  If we call OTCloseProvider with a closed 
    // endpoint it will return an error, which we don't want.
    err = noErr;
    otEP = mpEP->otEP;
    if ( OTCompareAndSwapPtr((void *) otEP, (void *) kOTInvalidProviderRef, (void **) &mpEP->otEP) ) {
        if (otEP != kOTInvalidProviderRef) {
            err = OTCloseProvider(otEP);
    MoreAssertQ(err == noErr);          // Getting an error from CloseProvider is very strange.
    // Grab the entire list of wait records and then unblock each element.
    do {
        thisLink = mpEP->waitRecords.fHead;
    } while ( ! OTCompareAndSwapPtr(thisLink, nil, (void **) &mpEP->waitRecords.fHead) );
    while ( thisLink != nil ) {
        OTMPWaitRecord *thisWaitRecord;
        // Skip to the next element now because as soon as we call 
        // CompleteWaitRecord the wait record may be gone.
        nextLink = thisLink->fNext;
        thisWaitRecord = OTGetLinkObject(thisLink, OTMPWaitRecord, link);
        MoreAssertQ(thisWaitRecord->magic == kOTMPWaitRecordMagic);
        CompleteWaitRecord(thisWaitRecord, kOTCanceledErr);
        thisLink = nextLink;
    return err;
static pascal void CloseAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPCloseProvider.
    OSStatus    err;
    CloseParam *closeParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    closeParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, CloseParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(closeParam->magic == kOTMPCloseMagic);
    err = CloseCore(closeParam->mpEP);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&closeParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPCloseProvider(OTMPProviderRef ref)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus    err;
    CloseParam  closeParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, true));
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPCloseMagic, ref);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&closeParam.waitRecord, CloseAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        closeParam.magic    = kOTMPCloseMagic;
        closeParam.mpEP     = ref;
        // Deliberately invalidate the endpoint data structure so that
        // any future calls will assert immediately.
        ref->magic = 'bad!';
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&closeParam.waitRecord, false);
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            (void) OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gOTMPProviderCount);
            MoreAssertQ(gOTMPProviderCount >= 0);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPCloseMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPCancelMagic = '>Can'
struct CancelParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPCancelMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPProviderRef mpEP;
    OSStatus        errParam;
typedef struct CancelParam CancelParam;
static pascal void CancelAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPCancelSynchronousCall.
    OSStatus        err;
    CancelParam *   cancelParam;
    Boolean         entered;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    cancelParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, CancelParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(cancelParam->magic == kOTMPCancelMagic);
    err = noErr;
    // We are running at deferred task time and hence have exclusive access 
    // to the wait record list.  But hey, I enter the notifier anyway, 
    // just to be sure.  This assert might fire (in the same cases where 
    // the assert that was previouly in StdAction used to fire) but it's 
    // probably not a bug because the wait record list is protected by 
    // always being accessed from a deferred task.
    entered = OTEnterNotifier(cancelParam->mpEP->otEP);
    // Mark the endpoint as cancelled so that any future operations will 
    // fail immediately.
    cancelParam->mpEP->cancelErr = cancelParam->errParam;
    // Cancel each blocked synchronous operation that's waiting on this 
    // endpoint.
    while ( cancelParam->mpEP->waitRecords.fHead != nil ) {
        OTMPWaitRecord *thisWaitRecord;
        thisWaitRecord = OTGetLinkObject( OTRemoveFirst(&cancelParam->mpEP->waitRecords) , OTMPWaitRecord, link);
        MoreAssertQ(thisWaitRecord->magic == kOTMPWaitRecordMagic);
        CompleteWaitRecord(thisWaitRecord, kOTCanceledErr);
    // Leave the notifier and unblock our caller.
    if (entered) {
    CompleteWaitRecord(&cancelParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPCancelSynchronousCalls(
                                 OTMPProviderRef        ref,
                                 OSStatus               errParam)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus    err;
    CancelParam cancelParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(errParam < noErr);                  // can't uncancel (which differs from OT)
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPCloseMagic, ref);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&cancelParam.waitRecord, CancelAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        cancelParam.magic    = kOTMPCancelMagic;
        cancelParam.mpEP     = ref;
        cancelParam.errParam = errParam;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&cancelParam.waitRecord, false);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPCancelMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** General Stuff *****
// OTMPIoctl in the first OTMP API call we implement that follows 
// the standard pattern.  Standard API calls are divided into four 
// components.
// 1. The operation parameter block.  This embeds a wait record 
//    (or possibly a standard action structure, which itself embeds 
//    a wait record) and also includes other parameters for that 
//    operation.
// 2. The API routine itself.  This sets up the operation parameter 
//    block and installs a Blue action to run the action routine.
// 3. The action routine, executed at deferred task time via a Blue action.
//    This starts the operation asynchronously.  This may be a standard 
//    action routine, in which case it has a different prototype and 
//    is always executed within the context of the provider's notifier.
// 4. The notifier callback, called when the operation is run 
//    asynchronously and the asynchronous completion event is called.
//    This routine always runs at deferred task time in the context of the 
//    provide'rs notifier.  An operation that always runs synchronously, for 
//    example OTLook, does not have a notifier routine.
enum {
    kOTMPIoctlMagic = '>Ioc'
struct IoctlParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPIoctlMagic
    UInt32      cmd;
    void *      data;
typedef struct IoctlParam IoctlParam;
static pascal Boolean IoctlStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPIoctl.
    OTResult    err;
    IoctlParam *ioctlParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    ioctlParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, IoctlParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(ioctlParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPIoctlMagic);
    err = OTIoctl(ioctlParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, ioctlParam->cmd, ioctlParam->data);
    // For async ioctl commands, the possibly positive ioctl result should
    // come back via the notifier, not via the function result.  The function
    // result should merely indicate whether the ioctl command was queued
    // correctly.  However, I'm a paranoid guy, so I normalise the result
    // here, and DebugStr if I seed the unexpected case.
    MoreAssertQ(err <= noErr);
    if (err > noErr) {
        err = noErr;
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal SInt32 OTMPIoctl(  OTMPProviderRef        ref,
                                 UInt32                 cmd,
                                 void *                 data)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus    err;
    IoctlParam  ioctlParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog3(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPIoctlMagic, ref, (void *) cmd, data);
    err = InitStdParam(&ioctlParam.stdParam, kOTMPIoctlMagic, IoctlStdAction, ref, kStreamIoctlEvent, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        ioctlParam.cmd  = cmd; = data; 
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&ioctlParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPIoctlMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPGetEndpointInfoMagic = '>Inf'
struct GetEndpointInfoParam {
    StdParam        stdParam;           // kOTMPGetEndpointInfoMagic
    TEndpointInfo * info;
typedef struct GetEndpointInfoParam GetEndpointInfoParam;
static pascal Boolean GetEndpointInfoStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPGetEndpointInfo.
    OTResult                err;
    GetEndpointInfoParam *  getEndpointInfoParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    getEndpointInfoParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, GetEndpointInfoParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(getEndpointInfoParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPGetEndpointInfoMagic);
    err = OTGetEndpointInfo( (EndpointRef)getEndpointInfoParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, getEndpointInfoParam->info);
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPGetEndpointInfo(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TEndpointInfo *        info)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus                err;
    GetEndpointInfoParam    getEndpointInfoParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPGetEndpointInfoMagic, ref, info);
    err = InitStdParam(&getEndpointInfoParam.stdParam, kOTMPGetEndpointInfoMagic, GetEndpointInfoStdAction, ref, T_GETINFOCOMPLETE, nil);
    if (err == noErr) { = info;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&getEndpointInfoParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPGetEndpointInfoMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPGetEndpointStateMagic = '>Sta'
struct GetEndpointStateParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPGetEndpointStateMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
typedef struct GetEndpointStateParam GetEndpointStateParam;
static pascal void GetEndpointStateAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPGetEndpointState.
    OTResult                err;
    GetEndpointStateParam * getEndpointStateParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    getEndpointStateParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, GetEndpointStateParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(getEndpointStateParam->magic == kOTMPGetEndpointStateMagic);
    err = getEndpointStateParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTGetEndpointState((EndpointRef)getEndpointStateParam->mpEP->otEP);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&getEndpointStateParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OTResult OTMPGetEndpointState(OTMPEndpointRef ref)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus                err;
    GetEndpointStateParam   getEndpointStateParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPGetEndpointStateMagic, ref);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&getEndpointStateParam.waitRecord, GetEndpointStateAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        getEndpointStateParam.magic = kOTMPGetEndpointStateMagic;
        getEndpointStateParam.mpEP  = ref;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&getEndpointStateParam.waitRecord, false);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPGetEndpointStateMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPLookMagic = '>Lok'                 // forward declared for debugging hackery
struct LookParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPLookMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
typedef struct LookParam LookParam;
static pascal void LookAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPLook.
    OTResult    err;
    LookParam * lookParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    lookParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, LookParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(lookParam->magic == kOTMPLookMagic);
    // If OTLook returns a T_GODATA or T_GOEXDATA event to you, 
    // OT decides that you know about this particular event and won't 
    // call your notifier with the same information.  [The fact that 
    // Look consumes T_GODATA and T_GOEXDATA is mandated by XTI.]  In our 
    // case this would be bad, because we have MP tasks blocked waiting for 
    // those events.  I solve this problem by calling our notifier directly 
    // if we get one of these events.
    err = lookParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTLook((EndpointRef)lookParam->mpEP->otEP);
    if (err == T_GODATA || err == T_GOEXDATA) {
        // I tried really hard to exercise this code path but my most valiant 
        // attempts all failed.  If you see this DebugStr and the code worked, 
        // let me know and I'll take it out.
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            DebugStr("\pLookAction: Consumed T_GODATA so must call notifier manually");
        // Note here that err does double duty as the operation result and 
        // as the code parameter to the notifier.  Also, the cookie parameter 
        // to a T_GODATA event is the raw OT EndpointRef (although our notifier 
        // doesn't actually need that info because it works entirely from the 
        // contextPtr.
        InvokeOTNotifyUPP(lookParam->mpEP, err, noErr, lookParam->mpEP->otEP, gNotifierToInstall);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&lookParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OTResult OTMPLook(OTMPEndpointRef ref)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus    err;
    LookParam   lookParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    // I commented out the MPLog's for OTMPLook because one of my test 
    // programs (the one trying to exercise the special case in 
    // LookAction) was calling this routine about 50,000 times a second!
    // You should feel free to add this log point back in if you need it.
    // MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPLookMagic, ref);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&lookParam.waitRecord, LookAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        lookParam.magic = kOTMPLookMagic;
        lookParam.mpEP  = ref;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&lookParam.waitRecord, false);
    // MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPLookMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPCountDataBytesMagic = '>Cnt'
struct CountDataBytesParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPCountDataBytesMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
    OTByteCount *   countPtr;
typedef struct CountDataBytesParam CountDataBytesParam;
static pascal void CountDataBytesAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPCountDataBytes.
    OTResult                err;
    CountDataBytesParam *   countDataBytesParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    countDataBytesParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, CountDataBytesParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(countDataBytesParam->magic == kOTMPCountDataBytesMagic);
    err = countDataBytesParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTCountDataBytes((EndpointRef)countDataBytesParam->mpEP->otEP, countDataBytesParam->countPtr);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&countDataBytesParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OTResult OTMPCountDataBytes(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 OTByteCount *          countPtr)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus            err;
    CountDataBytesParam countDataBytesParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPCountDataBytesMagic, ref, countPtr);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&countDataBytesParam.waitRecord, CountDataBytesAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        countDataBytesParam.magic       = kOTMPCountDataBytesMagic;
        countDataBytesParam.mpEP        = ref;
        countDataBytesParam.countPtr    = countPtr;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&countDataBytesParam.waitRecord, false);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPCountDataBytesMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPGetProtAddressMagic = '>Prt'
struct GetProtAddressParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;               // kOTMPGetProtAddressMagic
    TBind *     boundAddr;
    TBind *     peerAddr;
typedef struct GetProtAddressParam GetProtAddressParam;
static pascal Boolean GetProtAddressStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPGetProAddress.
    OTResult                err;
    GetProtAddressParam *   getProtAddressParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    getProtAddressParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, GetProtAddressParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(getProtAddressParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPGetProtAddressMagic);
    err = OTGetProtAddress((EndpointRef)getProtAddressParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, getProtAddressParam->boundAddr, getProtAddressParam->peerAddr);
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPGetProtAddress(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TBind *                boundAddr,
                                 TBind *                peerAddr)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus            err;
    GetProtAddressParam getProtAddressParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ( (boundAddr != nil) || (peerAddr != nil) );
    MPLog3(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPGetProtAddressMagic, ref, boundAddr, peerAddr);
    err = InitStdParam(&getProtAddressParam.stdParam, kOTMPGetProtAddressMagic, GetProtAddressStdAction, ref, T_GETPROTADDRCOMPLETE, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        getProtAddressParam.boundAddr = boundAddr;
        getProtAddressParam.peerAddr  = peerAddr;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&getProtAddressParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPGetProtAddressMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPResolveAddressMagic = '>Rlv'
struct ResolveAddressParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;               // kOTMPResolveAddressMagic
    TBind *     reqAddr;
    TBind *     retAddr;
    OTTimeout   timeOut;
typedef struct ResolveAddressParam ResolveAddressParam;
static pascal Boolean ResolveAddressStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPResolveAddress.
    OTResult                err;
    ResolveAddressParam *   getProtAddressParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    getProtAddressParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, ResolveAddressParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(getProtAddressParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPResolveAddressMagic);
    err = OTResolveAddress((EndpointRef)getProtAddressParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, 
                            getProtAddressParam->reqAddr, getProtAddressParam->retAddr,
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPResolveAddress(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TBind *                reqAddr,
                                 TBind *                retAddr,
                                 OTTimeout              timeOut)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus            err;
    ResolveAddressParam getProtAddressParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(reqAddr != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(retAddr != nil);
    MPLog4(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPResolveAddressMagic, ref, reqAddr, retAddr, (void *) timeOut);
    err = InitStdParam(&getProtAddressParam.stdParam, kOTMPResolveAddressMagic, ResolveAddressStdAction, ref, T_RESOLVEADDRCOMPLETE, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        getProtAddressParam.reqAddr = reqAddr;
        getProtAddressParam.retAddr = retAddr;
        getProtAddressParam.timeOut = timeOut;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&getProtAddressParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPResolveAddressMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPOptionManagementMagic = '>Opt'
struct OptionManagementParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;               // kOTMPOptionManagementMagic
    TOptMgmt *  req;
    TOptMgmt *  ret;    
typedef struct OptionManagementParam OptionManagementParam;
static pascal Boolean OptionManagementStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPOptionManagement.
    OTResult err;
    OptionManagementParam *optionManagementParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    optionManagementParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, OptionManagementParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(optionManagementParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPOptionManagementMagic);
    err = OTOptionManagement((EndpointRef)optionManagementParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, optionManagementParam->req, optionManagementParam->ret);
    // Can OTOptionManagement return a positive result?  I don't think so, but I 
    // want to be certain so I assert it here.
    MoreAssertQ(err <= noErr);
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPOptionManagement(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TOptMgmt *             req,
                                 TOptMgmt *             ret)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus                err;
    OptionManagementParam   optionManagementParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(req != nil);
    MPLog3(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPOptionManagementMagic, ref, req, ret);
    err = InitStdParam(&optionManagementParam.stdParam, kOTMPOptionManagementMagic, OptionManagementStdAction, ref, T_OPTMGMTCOMPLETE, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        optionManagementParam.req  = req;
        optionManagementParam.ret  = ret;   
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&optionManagementParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPOptionManagementMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Bind/Unbind *****
enum {
    kOTMPBindMagic = '>Bnd'
struct BindParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPBindMagic
    TBind *     reqAddr;
    TBind *     retAddr;
typedef struct BindParam BindParam;
static pascal Boolean BindStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPBind.
    OTResult    err;
    BindParam * bindParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    bindParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, BindParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(bindParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPBindMagic);
    err = OTBind((EndpointRef)bindParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, bindParam->reqAddr, bindParam->retAddr);
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPBind( OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TBind *                reqAddr, /* can be NULL */
                                 TBind *                retAddr) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus    err;
    BindParam   bindParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog3(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPBindMagic, ref, reqAddr, retAddr);
    err = InitStdParam(&bindParam.stdParam, kOTMPBindMagic, BindStdAction, ref, T_BINDCOMPLETE, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        bindParam.reqAddr = reqAddr;
        bindParam.retAddr = retAddr;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&bindParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPBindMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPUnbindMagic = '>Unb'
struct UnbindParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPUnbindMagic
typedef struct UnbindParam UnbindParam;
static pascal Boolean UnbindStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPUnbind.
    OTResult        err;
    UnbindParam *   unbindParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    unbindParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, UnbindParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(unbindParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPUnbindMagic);
    err = OTUnbind((EndpointRef)unbindParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP);
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPUnbind(OTMPEndpointRef ref)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus        err;
    UnbindParam     unbindParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPUnbindMagic, ref);
    err = InitStdParam(&unbindParam.stdParam, kOTMPUnbindMagic, UnbindStdAction, ref, T_UNBINDCOMPLETE, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&unbindParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPUnbindMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Connect/Disconnect *****
enum {
    kOTMPConnectMagic = '>Con'
struct ConnectParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;               // kOTMPConnectMagic
    TCall *     sndCall;
    TCall *     rcvCall;
typedef struct ConnectParam ConnectParam;
static pascal Boolean ConnectStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPConnect.
    OTResult        err;
    ConnectParam *  connectParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    connectParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, ConnectParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(connectParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPConnectMagic);
    err = OTConnect((EndpointRef)connectParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, connectParam->sndCall, connectParam->rcvCall);
    if (err == kOTNoDataErr) {
        err = noErr;                // kOTNoDataErr means async connect is in progress
    } else if (err == noErr) {
        MoreAssertQ(false);         // doesn't make sense for async OTConnect to return noErr
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
static pascal void ConnectNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPConnect.
    // This is the first example of a notification callback that 
    // might complete with an event other than the event specified in 
    // the waitingFor field of the wait record.  In this case, the 
    // real completion event is T_CONNECT, but the notifier can be 
    // called with either a T_CONNECT or a T_DISCONNECT.  [This fuzzy 
    // matching logic is implemented in WaitRecordSearchProc.]
    // This routine has to handle being called with either of those events. 
    // If the event is a T_CONNECT, the right thing has happened and we 
    // receive the connection data into the user's buffer.  If the 
    // event is T_DISCONNECT the routine completes the client's 
    // OTMPConnect request with a kOTLookErr.
    ConnectParam * connectParam;
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( (code == T_CONNECT) || (code == T_DISCONNECT) );
    connectParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, ConnectParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(connectParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPConnectMagic);
    switch (code) {
        case T_CONNECT:
            MoreAssertQ(result == noErr);       // error would have caused T_DISCONNECT
            result = OTRcvConnect((EndpointRef)connectParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, connectParam->rcvCall);
            // The call to OTRcvConnect can itself fail with a look error if a disconnect
            // arrives between the time when the T_CONNECT message was sent to us and
            // the time we call OTRcvConnect.  This code handles that case correctly.
            // The look error is returned as the result of the OTMPConnect, as expected.
            // The client can then call OTMPLook to see the reason and continue, without
            // really knowing that the connection was ever in place.
        case T_DISCONNECT:
            MoreAssertQ(result == noErr);       // connect error causes T_DISCONNECT
                                                // client must OTMPLook then OTMPRcvDisconnect
                                                // to clear state and get error
            result = kOTLookErr;
    CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, result);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPConnect(OTMPEndpointRef      ref,
                                 TCall *                sndCall,
                                 TCall *                rcvCall)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus        err;
    ConnectParam    connectParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(sndCall != nil);
    MPLog3(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPConnectMagic, ref, sndCall, rcvCall);
    err = InitStdParam(&connectParam.stdParam, kOTMPConnectMagic, ConnectStdAction, ref, T_CONNECT, ConnectNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        connectParam.sndCall = sndCall;
        connectParam.rcvCall = rcvCall;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&connectParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPConnectMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPRcvDisconnectMagic = '>Rdi'
struct RcvDisconnectParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPRcvDisconnectMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
    TDiscon *       discon;
typedef struct RcvDisconnectParam RcvDisconnectParam;
static pascal void RcvDisconnectAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPRcvDisconnect.
    OTResult            err;
    RcvDisconnectParam *rcvDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    rcvDisconnectParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, RcvDisconnectParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(rcvDisconnectParam->magic == kOTMPRcvDisconnectMagic);
    err = rcvDisconnectParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTRcvDisconnect((EndpointRef)rcvDisconnectParam->mpEP->otEP, rcvDisconnectParam->discon);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&rcvDisconnectParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPRcvDisconnect(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TDiscon *              discon) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus            err;
    RcvDisconnectParam  rcvDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPRcvDisconnectMagic, ref, discon);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&rcvDisconnectParam.waitRecord, RcvDisconnectAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        rcvDisconnectParam.magic    = kOTMPRcvDisconnectMagic;
        rcvDisconnectParam.mpEP     = ref;
        rcvDisconnectParam.discon   = discon;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&rcvDisconnectParam.waitRecord, false);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPRcvDisconnectMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPSndDisconnectMagic = '>Sdi'
struct SndDisconnectParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPSndDisconnectMagic
    TCall *     call;
typedef struct SndDisconnectParam SndDisconnectParam;
static pascal Boolean SndDisconnectStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPSndDisconnect.
    OTResult            err;
    SndDisconnectParam *sndDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    sndDisconnectParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, SndDisconnectParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(sndDisconnectParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPSndDisconnectMagic);
    err = OTSndDisconnect((EndpointRef)sndDisconnectParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, sndDisconnectParam->call);
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPSndDisconnect(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TCall *                call) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus            err;
    SndDisconnectParam  sndDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPSndDisconnectMagic, ref, call);
    err = InitStdParam(&sndDisconnectParam.stdParam, kOTMPSndDisconnectMagic, SndDisconnectStdAction, ref, T_DISCONNECTCOMPLETE, nil);
    if (err == noErr) { = call;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&sndDisconnectParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPSndDisconnectMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Send/Receive *****
// Send Retry Profiling
// --------------------
// Under high load OT can fail a send request (OTSnd, OTSndUData) with 
// a kOTOutOfMemoryErr error.  OT could not allocate enough memory to 
// start the send, but the stream itself isn't flow controlled (so you 
// won't get a T_GODATA event to continue the send).  The correct response 
// when you get this error is to delay for some short period of time and 
// then retry the send.
// This raises the question, what is the correct amount of time to delay? 
// I used the following code to work out a delay that seems to work well. 
// I really haven't explored this issue in great depth, but this 
// infrastructure should allow someone (either folks using this code or 
// me, when I get more time) 
enum {
    kOTMPSndRetrySystemTaskThreshold = 6,       // number of times to retry with binary backoff 
                                                // before going to system task code
    kOTMPSndRetryMax = 10                       // total number of times to retry
    static SInt32 gSndFlowCounter;
        // Total number of times we've handled a kOTFlowErr result from a 
        // send operation.
    // Normally I don't want to include any standard C I/O libraries 
    // in my library code, but in the case of this debugging facility 
    // it is necessary.
    #include <stdio.h>
    static SInt32 gSndRetryFreqDist[kOTMPSndRetryMax + 1];
        // A frequency distribution of number of times we've retried 
        // at a particular retry count.
    extern void OTMPPrintSndRetryFreqDist(void)
        // See comment in header file.
        SInt32 i;
        for (i = 0; i < kOTMPSndRetryMax + 1; i++) {
            printf("[%ld] = %ld", i, gSndRetryFreqDist[i]);
            if (i == kOTMPSndRetrySystemTaskThreshold) {
                printf(" <-- kOTMPSndRetrySystemTaskThreshold");
            gSndRetryFreqDist[i] = 0;
        printf("gSndFlowCounter = %ld\n", gSndFlowCounter);
        gSndFlowCounter = 0;
static void* SndRetrySystemTask(void *parameter)
    // This routine is called via MPRemoteCall in the event 
    // of too many send retries (ie too many kOTOutOfMemoryErr 
    // errors being returned by OTSnd or OTSndUData).  It doesn't 
    // actually do anything except delay the calling MP task until 
    // the next time that SystemTask is called.  OT hooks into 
    // SystemTask and uses that to grow the OT memory pools, thereby 
    // hopefully overcoming the memory crisis that prompted the error.
    #pragma unused(parameter)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( TaskLevel() == 0 );
    #if MORE_DEBUG
        // DebugStr("\pSndSystemTask");
    // This call to OTIdle is completely unnecessary.  The main purpose 
    // of this routine is to delay the task calling OTMPSnd until SystemTask 
    // has been called.  OT should grow the OT kernel pool at system task time 
    // and hence relieve the out of memory condition.  I just call call OTIdle 
    // so that the routine isn't entirely empty (-:
    return nil;
static OSStatus SndRetryDelay(UInt32 retryCount, AbsoluteTime *currentDelay)
    // This is common code factored out of OTSnd and OTSndUData.  
    // Given a retry count (ie the number of times we've retried) 
    // this routine delays for the appropriate amount of time. 
    // It also updates currentDelay for the next time that it is 
    // called.  [By doubling current delay in this routine and recording 
    // the current delay, we can avoid the complex maths required to 
    // generate currentDelay from retryCount.]
    OSStatus err;
    // Record the retry in our statistics array.
    #if MORE_DEBUG
        (void) OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gSndRetryFreqDist[retryCount]);
    if (retryCount >= kOTMPSndRetrySystemTaskThreshold) {
        // If we've retried more than a certain threshold,
        // schedule an RPC, which effectively delays us until the next 
        // time that SystemTask is called.
        (void) MPRemoteCall(SndRetrySystemTask, nil, kMPAnyRemoteContext);
        // Don't MPDelayUntil or adjust currentDelay once we've switched 
        // to "system task" mode.
        err = noErr;
    } else {
        AbsoluteTime timeToWakeUp;
        // Otherwise just delay the specified amount and then double the 
        // delay for the next time we're called.  Voila, exponential backoff.
        timeToWakeUp = AddAbsoluteToAbsolute(UpTime(), *currentDelay);
        err = MPDelayUntil(&timeToWakeUp);
        if (err == noErr) {
            // Double the delay for next time around.
            *currentDelay = AddAbsoluteToAbsolute(*currentDelay, *currentDelay);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPSndMagic = '>Snd',
    kOTMPSndMemoryRetry = '*Snd'
struct SndParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPSndMagic
    void *      buf;
    OTByteCount nbytes;
    OTFlags     flags;
    UInt32      memoryRetries;
typedef struct SndParam SndParam;
static pascal Boolean SndStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPSnd.
    OSStatus    err;
    Boolean     done;
    SndParam *  sndParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    sndParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, SndParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(sndParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPSndMagic);
    // Must be called from within context of notifier. 
    // The easy way to test this is by calling OTEnterNotifier, 
    // expecting it to return false (ie we couldn't enter the 
    // notifier because we're already inside).
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(sndParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    do {    
        // Initialise done to a bogus Boolean to detect flawed control logic.
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            done = 66;
        // On the last memory retry, drop into the debugger so that we can 
        // trace through OTSnd and figure out why it keeps returning the 
        // kOTOutOfMemoryErr error.
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            if (sndParam->memoryRetries == (kOTMPSndRetryMax - 1)) {
                DebugStr("\pOTMPSnd: Last retry");
        // Attempt the send.
        err = OTSnd((EndpointRef)sndParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, sndParam->buf, sndParam->nbytes, sndParam->flags);
        // There are 6 possible results of this call.
        // 1. success (err == nbytes)
        // 2. partial success (0 < err < nybytes)
        // 3. flow control (err = kOTFlowErr)
        // 4. weird memory stall (err = kOTOutOfMemoryErr)
        // 5. look
        // 6. other error
        if (err == sndParam->nbytes) {
            // Case 1
            err = noErr;
            done = true;
        } else if ( (err > 0) && (err < sndParam->nbytes) ) {
            // Case 2
            // If you haven't set T_MORE and OT only accepts one part of the data 
            // then things get really weird.  We need to go back in time and 
            // set T_MORE on the previous call to OTSnd.  We can't do that, so
            // instead we let you know when this happens.
            // This is only a problem for endpoints that preserve TSDU boundaries.
            // If this assert fires too often (because the primary use of this 
            // module is TCP and TCP does not preserve boundaries) we should comment 
            // it out.  Ideally, the long term solution is for the OTMPEndpoint to 
            // record whether the endpoint's provider preserves TSDU boundaries and 
            // only fire this assert for providers that do.
            // Note that the handle of the other flag, T_EXPEDITED, is correct.
            MoreAssertQ( (sndParam->flags & T_MORE) == T_MORE );
            ((char *) sndParam->buf) += err;
            sndParam->nbytes -= err;
            err = noErr;
            done = false;
        } else if (err == kOTFlowErr) {
            // Case 3
            #if MORE_DEBUG
                (void) OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gSndFlowCounter);
            done = true;
        } else if (err == kOTOutOfMemoryErr) {
            // Case 4
            // Return the error back to the MP task.  It will delay 
            // and retry.
            #if MORE_DEBUG
                if (sndParam->memoryRetries == (kOTMPSndRetryMax - 1)) {
                    DebugStr("\pOTMPSnd: Retried too many times");
            done = true;
        } else {
            // Case 5, 6
            // Return the error back to the MP task.  It will return
            // the error to the caller.
            MoreAssertQ(err != noErr);
            done = true;
        // All branches of the above if statement must set the control variable.
        MoreAssertQ(done == true          || done == false         );
    } while ( ! done );
    if (err == kOTFlowErr) {
        *errPtr = noErr;
        return false;
    } else {
        *errPtr = err;
        return true;
static pascal void SndNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPSnd.
    // This is another example, like ConnectNotifier, of a notifier that 
    // can be called with a code different from the code that's expected.
    OSStatus    err;
    SndParam *  sndParam;
    Boolean     completeIt;
    #pragma unused(result)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( (code == T_GODATA) || (code == T_DISCONNECT) || (code == T_ORDREL) );
    sndParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, SndParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(sndParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPSndMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec == &sndParam->stdParam.waitRecord);
    switch (code) { 
        case T_GODATA:
            completeIt = SndStdAction(&sndParam->stdParam, &err);
        case T_DISCONNECT:
        case T_ORDREL:
            completeIt = true;
            err = kOTLookErr;
    if (completeIt) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, err);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&sndParam->stdParam.mpEP->waitRecords, &waitRec->link);
extern pascal OTResult OTMPSnd(  OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 void *                 buf,
                                 OTByteCount            nbytes,
                                 OTFlags                flags)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus        err;
    SndParam        sndParam;
    AbsoluteTime    currentDelay;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(buf != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(nbytes < 0x01000000);       // arbitrary limit to catch wacky errors
    MPLog4(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPSndMagic, ref, buf, (void *) nbytes, (void *) flags);
    err = InitStdParam(&sndParam.stdParam, kOTMPSndMagic, SndStdAction, ref, T_GODATA, SndNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        sndParam.buf    = buf;
        sndParam.nbytes = nbytes;
        sndParam.flags  = flags;
        // In some cases, OTSnd will return a mysterious kOTOutOfMemoryErr, 
        // which indicates that the OT client libraries didn't have enough 
        // memory to send a request to the kernel even though the stream 
        // wasn't flowed controlled.  The accepted response to this is to 
        // delay for some short period of time before retrying.  We do this 
        // on the MP side rather than the Blue side because it's much 
        // easier to delay an MP task using MPDelayUntil than it is to 
        // retries the Blue side operation using a Time Manager task.
        // Some interesting questions include how long should we delay 
        // and how many times should we retry.  I have chosen a binary 
        // exponential backoff algorithm which allows for very short 
        // retry times (to catch times when a network data consumer is 
        // freeing memory in parallel with us consuming it) that expands 
        // to very long retry times (to allow OT to grow the memory 
        // pool).  Also, after a certain number of retries we issue an 
        // MPRemoteCall, which should trigger a system task which should 
        // grow the OT memory pool.
        // This algorithm is an obvious place to look when performance tuning. 
        // I've done a limited amount of testing to choose reasonable numbers, 
        // but I make no guarantees.
        // Retry#   Delay   Total Delay
        // ------   -----   -----------
        //  1         0.5           0.5
        //  2         1             1.5
        //  3         2             3.5
        //  4         4             7.5
        //  5         8            15.5
        //  6        16            31.5
        //  7        32            63.5
        //  8        64           127.5
        //  9       128           255.5
        //  10      256           511.5
        sndParam.memoryRetries = 0;
        currentDelay = DurationToAbsolute(-500);        // Start delay at 500us.
        do {
            // Restore the wait record's magic.  QueueBlueAndWait sets the 
            // magic to a bad value on the way out to detect accidental wait 
            // record reuse.  However, in this case we know what we're doing 
            // so we just reset the magic.  We could just call InitStdParam 
            // again, but that would be needlessly inefficient.
            #if MORE_DEBUG
                sndParam.stdParam.waitRecord.magic = kOTMPWaitRecordMagic;
            err = QueueBlueAndWait(&sndParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
            if (err == kOTOutOfMemoryErr) {
                sndParam.memoryRetries += 1;
                MPLog1(kOTMPRetriesLogID, kOTMPSndMemoryRetry, (void *) sndParam.memoryRetries);
                err = SndRetryDelay(sndParam.memoryRetries, &currentDelay);
                if (err == noErr) {
                    err = kOTOutOfMemoryErr;
        } while (err == kOTOutOfMemoryErr && sndParam.memoryRetries < kOTMPSndRetryMax);
        // If we completed successfully, return nbytes as the function 
        // result.  Because we're effectively running in sync/blocking 
        // mode, all other results are errors.
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = nbytes;
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPSndMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPRcvMagic = '>Rcv'
struct RcvParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPRcvMagic
    void *      buf;
    OTByteCount nbytes;
    OTFlags *   flags;
typedef struct RcvParam RcvParam;
static pascal Boolean RcvStdAction(StdParam *thisTask, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPRcv.
    OSStatus    err;
    Boolean     done;
    OTByteCount bytesReceivedSoFar;
    OTByteCount bytesAvailable;
    RcvParam *  rcvParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    rcvParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, RcvParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(rcvParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPRcvMagic);
    // Must be called from within context of notifier. 
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(rcvParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    bytesReceivedSoFar = 0;
    do {    
        // Initialise done to a bogus Boolean to detect flawed control logic.
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            done = 66;
        // Attempt to received the data.
        err = OTRcv((EndpointRef)rcvParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, rcvParam->buf, rcvParam->nbytes, rcvParam->flags);
        // There are 5 possible results of this call.
        // 1. success (err == nbytes)
        // 2. partial success (0 < err < nybytes)
        // 3. no data (kOTNoDataErr)
        // 4. look
        // 5. other error
        if (err == rcvParam->nbytes) {
            // Case 1
            bytesReceivedSoFar += err;
            err = noErr;
            done = true;
        } else if ( (err > 0) && (err < rcvParam->nbytes) && (*(rcvParam->flags) == T_MORE) ) {
            // Case 2
            // A note on flags.  We can only try another data receive if the T_MORE 
            // flag is set.  If it isn't set then we should return this chunk of 
            // the data to the client as is, thereby preserve the TSDU boundary.
            bytesReceivedSoFar += err;
            err = noErr;
            ((char *) rcvParam->buf) += bytesReceivedSoFar;
            rcvParam->nbytes -= bytesReceivedSoFar;
            // As an optimisation, if new data has arrived between the OTRcv
            // and here, we loop to get the new data.  Otherwise we return the
            // data that we have.  Note that this optimisation will cause 
            // problems if expedited data is used.  This library isn't really 
            // qualified to handle expedited data.
            if ( (OTCountDataBytes((EndpointRef)rcvParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, &bytesAvailable) == noErr)
                        && (bytesAvailable >= rcvParam->nbytes) ) {
                done = false;
            } else {
                done = true;
        } else if (err == kOTNoDataErr) {
            // Case 3
            done = true;
        } else {
            // Case 4, 5
            // Return the error back to the MP task.  It will return
            // the error to the caller.
            MoreAssertQ(err != noErr);
            done = true;
        // All branches of the above if statement must set the control variable.
        MoreAssertQ(done == true          || done == false         );
    } while ( ! done );
    if (err == kOTNoDataErr) {
        *errPtr = noErr;
        return false;
    } else {
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = bytesReceivedSoFar;
        *errPtr = err;
        return true;
static pascal void RcvNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPRcv.
    // This is another example, like ConnectNotifier, of a notifier that 
    // can be called with a code different from the code that's expected.
    OSStatus    err;
    RcvParam *  rcvParam;
    Boolean     completeIt;
    #pragma unused(result)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( (code == T_DATA) || (code == T_DISCONNECT) || (code == T_ORDREL) );
    rcvParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, RcvParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(rcvParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPRcvMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec == &rcvParam->stdParam.waitRecord);
    switch (code) { 
        case T_DATA:
            completeIt = RcvStdAction(&rcvParam->stdParam, &err);
        case T_DISCONNECT:
        case T_ORDREL:
            completeIt = true;
            err = kOTLookErr;
    if (completeIt) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, err);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&rcvParam->stdParam.mpEP->waitRecords, &waitRec->link);
extern pascal OTResult OTMPRcv(  OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 void *                 buf,
                                 OTByteCount            nbytes,
                                 OTFlags *              flags)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus    err;
    RcvParam    rcvParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(buf != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(nbytes < 0x01000000);       // arbitrary limit to catch wacky errors
    MoreAssertQ(flags != nil);
    MPLog4(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPRcvMagic, ref, buf, (void *) nbytes, flags);
    err = InitStdParam(&rcvParam.stdParam, kOTMPRcvMagic, RcvStdAction, ref, T_DATA, RcvNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        rcvParam.buf    = buf;
        rcvParam.nbytes = nbytes;
        rcvParam.flags  = flags;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&rcvParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPRcvMagic), (void *) err, (void *) *flags);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Listen/Accept *****
enum {
    kOTMPListenMagic = '>Lsn'
struct ListenParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPListenMagic
    TCall *     call;
typedef struct ListenParam ListenParam;
static pascal Boolean ListenStdAction(StdParam *thisTask, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OMPListenn.
    OSStatus        err;
    Boolean         completeIt;
    ListenParam *   listenParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    listenParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, ListenParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(listenParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPListenMagic);
    // Must be called from within context of notifier. 
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(listenParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    err = OTListen((EndpointRef)listenParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, listenParam->call);
    if (err == kOTNoDataErr) {
        err = noErr;
        completeIt = false;
    } else {
        completeIt = true;
    *errPtr = err;
    return completeIt;
static pascal void ListenNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPListen.
    // This is another example, like ConnectNotifier, of a notifier that 
    // can be called with a code different from the code that's expected.
    OSStatus        err;
    ListenParam *   listenParam;
    Boolean         completeIt;
    #pragma unused(result)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( (code == T_LISTEN) || (code == T_DISCONNECT) );
    listenParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, ListenParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(listenParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPListenMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec == &listenParam->stdParam.waitRecord);
    switch (code) {
        case T_LISTEN:
            completeIt = ListenStdAction(&listenParam->stdParam, &err);
        case T_DISCONNECT:
            completeIt = true;
            err = kOTLookErr;
    if (completeIt) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, err);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&listenParam->stdParam.mpEP->waitRecords, &waitRec->link);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPListen(OTMPEndpointRef       ref,
                                 TCall *                call)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus    err;
    ListenParam listenParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(call != nil);
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPListenMagic, ref, call);
    err = InitStdParam(&listenParam.stdParam, kOTMPListenMagic, ListenStdAction, ref, T_LISTEN, ListenNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {    = call;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&listenParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPListenMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPAcceptMagic = '>Acp'
struct AcceptParam {
    StdParam        stdParam;           // kOTMPAcceptMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  passConnWaitRec;
    OTMPEndpointRef worker;
    TCall *         call;
    SInt32          waiterCount;
typedef struct AcceptParam AcceptParam;
static pascal Boolean AcceptStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPAccept.
    OTResult        err;
    AcceptParam *   acceptParam;
    Boolean         enteredWorker;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    acceptParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, AcceptParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(acceptParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPAcceptMagic);
    // If we're accepting on the same endpoint as we're listening, 
    // we don't need to enter the notifier because we're already in it.
    enteredWorker = false;
    if (acceptParam->worker != acceptParam->stdParam.mpEP) {
        enteredWorker = OTEnterNotifier(acceptParam->worker->otEP);
        // There's no real guarantee that the above assert will never fire. 
        // However, the fact that we're running from a deferred task 
        // means that we won't have interrupted OT or another, so it's 
        // should not happen on traditional Mac OS implementations.  Rather 
        // than complicate the code by addressing this problem I've decided 
        // to ignore it and see if it ever happens in practice.
    // Things you learn while programming OT...  It turns out that 
    // T_PASSCON is always delivered immediately to the worker endpoint, 
    // regardless of whether the worker is inside its notifier.  So calling 
    // OTEnterNotifier will not defer the T_PASSCON.  So we can't take 
    // our normal approach of:
    // 1. call OTEnterNotifier
    // 2. call the OT routine
    // 3. if there was no error add the wait record to the list
    // 4. call OTLeaveNotifier, which unblocks notifications, including 
    //    the notification which will remove the wait record from the list.
    // This doesn't work because the T_PASSCON is delivered immediately, 
    // so the wait record isn't on the list when the notifier runs.  We work 
    // around this by putting the wait record on the list in advance and then, 
    // if the call fails, removing it by hand.
    // Note that this T_PASSCON reentrancy is bad for the global 
    // synchronisation model.  Specifically, if a T_PASSCON interrupts 
    // some unrelated operation on the worker endpoint (for example, an 
    // OTIoctl), there's a possibility that the non-atomic operations on 
    // the wait record list on the worker might corrupt the list.  Long term, 
    // we have two choices: 1) update the global synchronisation model (OTGate?), 
    // or 2) outlaw async operations on the worker while OTMPAccept is in 
    // progress.  For the moment I'm going to go with option 2 because the cost 
    // of changing the global synchronisation model is very high and it only 
    // affects a relatively small edge case.  If I later find other problems with 
    // the global synchronisation model I may revisit this.  Of course, option 
    // 1 still doesn't fix the problem noted above with OTEnterNotifier.
    MoreAssertQ(acceptParam-> == nil);
    OTAddFirst(&acceptParam->worker->waitRecords, &acceptParam->;
    err = OTAccept((EndpointRef)acceptParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, (EndpointRef)acceptParam->worker->otEP, acceptParam->call);
    if (err != noErr) {
        Boolean junkBool;
        junkBool = OTRemoveLink(&acceptParam->worker->waitRecords, &acceptParam->;
        acceptParam-> = nil;              // only needed for debugging
    if (enteredWorker) {
    *errPtr = err;
    return (err != noErr);
static pascal void AcceptNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback listener endpoint for OTMPAccept.
    AcceptParam * acceptParam;
    #pragma unused(code)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ(code == T_ACCEPTCOMPLETE);
    acceptParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, AcceptParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(acceptParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPAcceptMagic);
    if ( OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &acceptParam->waiterCount) == 0) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(&acceptParam->stdParam.waitRecord, result);
static pascal void PassConNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for worker endpoint for OTMPAccept.
    AcceptParam * acceptParam;
    #pragma unused(code)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ(code == T_PASSCON);
    acceptParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, AcceptParam, passConnWaitRec);
    MoreAssertQ(acceptParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPAcceptMagic);
    if ( OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &acceptParam->waiterCount) == 0) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(&acceptParam->stdParam.waitRecord, result);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPAccept(OTMPEndpointRef       listener,
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        worker,
                                 TCall *                call)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    // As always, Accept is an ugly special case operation.  Specifically, 
    // we have to coordinate behaviour between two endpoints.  This yields 
    // a number of special cases.
    // o We have two wait records inside AcceptParam, one embedded within 
    //   the stdParam and the other called passConnWaitRec.  The first is 
    //   used to kick off the accept operation and to wait for the 
    //   T_ACCEPTCOMPLETE event.  The second isn't used to kick off any 
    //   operation (the Blue action within the wait record is unusued --
    //   a special case in itself) but is used to wait for the T_PASSCON 
    //   event.
    // o A counter inside the AcceptParam counts down from 2 each time 
    //   one of the notifier callbacks is called.  When it hits zero 
    //   the accept operation is complete and we unblock the MP task.
    // o AcceptStdAction has two gotchas, one associated with entering 
    //   the worker endpoint and the other with the immediate nature 
    //   of T_PASSCON.  See the comments in that routine for more details.
    OSStatus    err;
    AcceptParam acceptParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(listener, false));
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(worker, false));
    MoreAssertQ(call != nil);
    MPLog3(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPAcceptMagic, listener, worker, call);
    err = InitStdParam(&acceptParam.stdParam, kOTMPAcceptMagic, AcceptStdAction, listener, T_ACCEPTCOMPLETE, AcceptNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = InitWaitRecord(&acceptParam.passConnWaitRec, nil, T_PASSCON, PassConNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        acceptParam.worker = worker; = call;
        acceptParam.waiterCount = 2;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&acceptParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPAcceptMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Orderly Disconnect *****
enum {
    kOTMPSndOrderlyDisconnectMagic = '>Sor'
struct SndOrderlyDisconnectParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPSndOrderlyDisconnectMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
typedef struct SndOrderlyDisconnectParam SndOrderlyDisconnectParam;
static pascal void SndOrderlyDisconnectAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPSndOrderlyDisconnect.
    OTResult                    err;
    SndOrderlyDisconnectParam * sndOrderlyDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    sndOrderlyDisconnectParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, SndOrderlyDisconnectParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(sndOrderlyDisconnectParam->magic == kOTMPSndOrderlyDisconnectMagic);
    err = sndOrderlyDisconnectParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTSndOrderlyDisconnect((EndpointRef)sndOrderlyDisconnectParam->mpEP->otEP);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&sndOrderlyDisconnectParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPSndOrderlyDisconnect(OTMPEndpointRef ref)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus                    err;
    SndOrderlyDisconnectParam   sndOrderlyDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPSndOrderlyDisconnectMagic, ref);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&sndOrderlyDisconnectParam.waitRecord, SndOrderlyDisconnectAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        sndOrderlyDisconnectParam.magic = kOTMPSndOrderlyDisconnectMagic;
        sndOrderlyDisconnectParam.mpEP  = ref;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&sndOrderlyDisconnectParam.waitRecord, false);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPSndOrderlyDisconnectMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnectMagic = '>Ror'
struct RcvOrderlyDisconnectParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnectMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
typedef struct RcvOrderlyDisconnectParam RcvOrderlyDisconnectParam;
static pascal void RcvOrderlyDisconnectAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnect.
    OTResult                    err;
    RcvOrderlyDisconnectParam * rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, RcvOrderlyDisconnectParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam->magic == kOTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnectMagic);
    err = rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect((EndpointRef)rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam->mpEP->otEP);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnect(OTMPEndpointRef ref)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus                    err;
    RcvOrderlyDisconnectParam   rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnectMagic, ref);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam.waitRecord, RcvOrderlyDisconnectAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam.magic = kOTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnectMagic;
        rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam.mpEP  = ref;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&rcvOrderlyDisconnectParam.waitRecord, false);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnectMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Unit Data *****
enum {
    kOTMPSndUDataMagic       = '>SnU',
    kOTMPSndUDataMemoryRetry = '*SnU'
struct SndUDataParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPSndUDataMagic
    TUnitData * udata;
    UInt32      memoryRetries;
typedef struct SndUDataParam SndUDataParam;
static pascal Boolean SndUDataStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPSndUData.
    OSStatus        err;
    SndUDataParam * sndUDataParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    sndUDataParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, SndUDataParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(sndUDataParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPSndUDataMagic);
    // Must be called from within context of notifier. 
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(sndUDataParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    err = OTSndUData((EndpointRef)sndUDataParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, sndUDataParam->udata);
    if (err == kOTFlowErr) {
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            (void) OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gSndFlowCounter);
        *errPtr = noErr;
        return false;
    } else {
        *errPtr = err;
        return true;
static pascal void SndUDataNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPSndUData.
    // This is another example, like ConnectNotifier, of a notifier that 
    // can be called with a code different from the code that's expected.
    OSStatus        err;
    SndUDataParam * sndUDataParam;
    Boolean         completeIt;
    #pragma unused(result)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( (code == T_GODATA) || (code == T_UDERR) );
    sndUDataParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, SndUDataParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(sndUDataParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPSndUDataMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec == &sndUDataParam->stdParam.waitRecord);
    switch (code) { 
        case T_GODATA:
            completeIt = SndUDataStdAction(&sndUDataParam->stdParam, &err);
        case T_UDERR:
            completeIt = true;
            err = kOTLookErr;
    if (completeIt) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, err);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&sndUDataParam->stdParam.mpEP->waitRecords, &waitRec->link);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPSndUData(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TUnitData *            udata)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus        err;
    SndUDataParam   sndUDataParam;
    AbsoluteTime    currentDelay;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(udata != nil);
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPSndUDataMagic, ref, udata);
    err = InitStdParam(&sndUDataParam.stdParam, kOTMPSndUDataMagic, SndUDataStdAction, ref, T_GODATA, SndUDataNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        sndUDataParam.udata = udata;
        // See OTSnd for description of why this "do" loop is necessary.
        sndUDataParam.memoryRetries = 0;        
        currentDelay = DurationToAbsolute(-500);        // Start delay at 500us.
        do {
            #if MORE_DEBUG
                // Restore the wait record's magic.  See OTMPSnd for why.
                sndUDataParam.stdParam.waitRecord.magic = kOTMPWaitRecordMagic;
            err = QueueBlueAndWait(&sndUDataParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
            if (err == kOTOutOfMemoryErr) {
                sndUDataParam.memoryRetries += 1;
                MPLog1(kOTMPRetriesLogID, kOTMPSndUDataMemoryRetry, (void *) sndUDataParam.memoryRetries);
                err = SndRetryDelay(sndUDataParam.memoryRetries, &currentDelay);
                if (err == noErr) {
                    err = kOTOutOfMemoryErr;
        } while (err == kOTOutOfMemoryErr && sndUDataParam.memoryRetries < kOTMPSndRetryMax);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPSndUDataMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPRcvUDataMagic = '>RcU'
struct RcvUDataParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPRcvUDataMagic
    TUnitData * udata;
    OTFlags *   flags;
typedef struct RcvUDataParam RcvUDataParam;
static pascal Boolean RcvUDataStdAction(StdParam *thisTask, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPRcvUData.
    OSStatus        err;
    RcvUDataParam * rcvUDataParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    rcvUDataParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, RcvUDataParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(rcvUDataParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPRcvUDataMagic);
    // Must be called from within context of notifier. 
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(rcvUDataParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    err = OTRcvUData((EndpointRef)rcvUDataParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, rcvUDataParam->udata, rcvUDataParam->flags);
    if (err == kOTNoDataErr) {
        *errPtr = noErr;
        return false;
    } else {
        *errPtr = err;
        return true;
static pascal void RcvUDataNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPRcvUData.
    // This is another example, like ConnectNotifier, of a notifier that 
    // can be called with a code different from the code that's expected.
    OSStatus        err;
    RcvUDataParam * rcvUDataParam;
    Boolean         completeIt;
    #pragma unused(result)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( (code == T_DATA) || (code == T_UDERR) );
    rcvUDataParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, RcvUDataParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(rcvUDataParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPRcvUDataMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec == &rcvUDataParam->stdParam.waitRecord);
    switch (code) { 
        case T_DATA:
            completeIt = RcvUDataStdAction(&rcvUDataParam->stdParam, &err);
        case T_UDERR:
            completeIt = true;
            err = kOTLookErr;
    if (completeIt) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, err);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&rcvUDataParam->stdParam.mpEP->waitRecords, &waitRec->link);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPRcvUData(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TUnitData *            udata,
                                 OTFlags *              flags)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus            err;
    RcvUDataParam   rcvUDataParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(udata != nil);
    MoreAssertQ(flags != nil);
    MPLog3(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPRcvUDataMagic, ref, udata, flags);
    err = InitStdParam(&rcvUDataParam.stdParam, kOTMPRcvUDataMagic, RcvUDataStdAction, ref, T_DATA, RcvUDataNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        rcvUDataParam.udata     = udata;
        rcvUDataParam.flags     = flags;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&rcvUDataParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPRcvUDataMagic), (void *) err, (void *) *flags);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPRcvUDErrMagic = '>RuE'
struct RcvUDErrParam {
    OSType          magic;              // must be kOTMPRcvUDErrMagic
    OTMPWaitRecord  waitRecord;
    OTMPEndpointRef mpEP;
    TUDErr *        uderr;
typedef struct RcvUDErrParam RcvUDErrParam;
static pascal void RcvUDErrAction(MoreBlueAction *thisTask)
    // The action callback for OTMPRcvUDErr.
    OTResult        err;
    RcvUDErrParam * rcvUDErrParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    rcvUDErrParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, RcvUDErrParam,;
    MoreAssertQ(rcvUDErrParam->magic == kOTMPRcvUDErrMagic);
    err = rcvUDErrParam->mpEP->cancelErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = OTRcvUDErr((EndpointRef)rcvUDErrParam->mpEP->otEP, rcvUDErrParam->uderr);
    CompleteWaitRecord(&rcvUDErrParam->waitRecord, err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPRcvUDErr(
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TUDErr *               uderr)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus        err;
    RcvUDErrParam   rcvUDErrParam;
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPRcvUDErrMagic, ref, uderr);
    err = InitWaitRecord(&rcvUDErrParam.waitRecord, RcvUDErrAction, 0, nil);
    if (err == noErr) {
        rcvUDErrParam.magic = kOTMPRcvUDErrMagic;
        rcvUDErrParam.mpEP  = ref;
        rcvUDErrParam.uderr = uderr;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&rcvUDErrParam.waitRecord, false);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPRcvUDErrMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Raw Get/Put *****
enum {
    kOTMPPutMessageMagic       = '>Put',
    kOTMPPutMessageMemoryRetry = '*Put'
struct PutMessageParam {
    StdParam        stdParam;           // kOTMPPutMessageMagic
    const strbuf *  ctlbuf;
    const strbuf *  databuf;
    OTFlags         flags;
    UInt32          memoryRetries;
typedef struct PutMessageParam PutMessageParam;
static pascal Boolean PutMessageStdAction(StdParam *thisParam, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPPutMessage.
    OSStatus            err;
    PutMessageParam *   putMessageParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    putMessageParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisParam, PutMessageParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(putMessageParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPPutMessageMagic);
    // Must be called from within context of notifier. 
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(putMessageParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    err = OTPutMessage(putMessageParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, putMessageParam->ctlbuf, putMessageParam->databuf, putMessageParam->flags);
    if (err == kEAGAINErr) {
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            (void) OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gSndFlowCounter);
        *errPtr = noErr;
        return false;
    } else {
        *errPtr = err;
        return true;
static pascal void PutMessageNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPPutMessage.
    OSStatus            err;
    PutMessageParam *   putMessageParam;
    Boolean             completeIt;
    #pragma unused(result)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( code == T_GODATA );
    putMessageParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, PutMessageParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(putMessageParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPPutMessageMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec == &putMessageParam->stdParam.waitRecord);
    completeIt = PutMessageStdAction(&putMessageParam->stdParam, &err);
    if (completeIt) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, err);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&putMessageParam->stdParam.mpEP->waitRecords, &waitRec->link);
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPPutMessage(
                                 OTMPProviderRef        ref,
                                 const strbuf *         ctlbuf,
                                 const strbuf *         databuf,
                                 OTFlags                flags)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus        err;
    PutMessageParam     putMessageParam;
    AbsoluteTime    currentDelay;
    // This routine is a preliminary implementation and has 
    // not yet been tested properly.  Specifically, I have not 
    // tested the flow control execution path.  Use it at your 
    // own risk.
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ( (flags == 0) || (flags == RS_HIPRI) );
    MPLog4(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPPutMessageMagic, ref, ctlbuf, databuf, (void *) flags);
    err = InitStdParam(&putMessageParam.stdParam, kOTMPPutMessageMagic, PutMessageStdAction, ref, T_GODATA, PutMessageNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        putMessageParam.ctlbuf  = ctlbuf;
        putMessageParam.databuf = databuf;
        putMessageParam.flags   = flags;
        // See OTSnd for description of why this "do" loop is necessary.
        putMessageParam.memoryRetries = 0;      
        currentDelay = DurationToAbsolute(-500);        // Start delay at 500us.
        do {
            #if MORE_DEBUG
                // Restore the wait record's magic.  See OTMPSnd for why.
                putMessageParam.stdParam.waitRecord.magic = kOTMPWaitRecordMagic;
            err = QueueBlueAndWait(&putMessageParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
            if (err == kOTOutOfMemoryErr) {
                putMessageParam.memoryRetries += 1;
                MPLog1(kOTMPRetriesLogID, kOTMPPutMessageMemoryRetry, (void *) putMessageParam.memoryRetries);
                err = SndRetryDelay(putMessageParam.memoryRetries, &currentDelay);
                if (err == noErr) {
                    err = kOTOutOfMemoryErr;
        } while (err == kOTOutOfMemoryErr && putMessageParam.memoryRetries < kOTMPSndRetryMax);
    MPLog1(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPPutMessageMagic), (void *) err);
    return err;
enum {
    kOTMPGetMessageMagic = '>Get'
struct GetMessageParam {
    StdParam    stdParam;           // kOTMPGetMessageMagic
    strbuf *    ctlbuf;
    strbuf *    databuf;
    OTFlags *   flagsPtr;
typedef struct GetMessageParam GetMessageParam;
static pascal Boolean GetMessageStdAction(StdParam *thisTask, OSStatus *errPtr)
    // The action callback for OTMPGetMessage.
    OSStatus            err;
    GetMessageParam *   getMessageParam;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    getMessageParam = OTGetLinkObject(thisTask, GetMessageParam, stdParam);
    MoreAssertQ(getMessageParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPGetMessageMagic);
    // Must be called from within context of notifier. 
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(getMessageParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    err = OTGetMessage(getMessageParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP, getMessageParam->ctlbuf, getMessageParam->databuf, getMessageParam->flagsPtr);
    if (err == kEAGAINErr) {
        *errPtr = noErr;
        return false;
    } else {
        *errPtr = err;
        return true;
static pascal void GetMessageNotifier(OTMPWaitRecord *waitRec, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void *cookie)
    // The notification callback for OTMPGetMessage.
    OSStatus            err;
    GetMessageParam *   getMessageParam;
    Boolean             completeIt;
    #pragma unused(result)
    #pragma unused(cookie)
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( (TaskLevel() & kInDeferredTaskMask) == kInDeferredTaskMask );
    MoreAssertQ( code == kGetmsgEvent );
    getMessageParam = OTGetLinkObject(waitRec, GetMessageParam, stdParam.waitRecord);
    MoreAssertQ(getMessageParam->stdParam.magic == kOTMPGetMessageMagic);
    MoreAssertQ(waitRec == &getMessageParam->stdParam.waitRecord);
    // Are we actually in the notifier at this point???
    // I don't think we are, so I added the following test code just to be 
    // sure.  If it fires, I'll have to reexamine the issue 
    // (which will probably be really tricky).
    MoreAssertQ( !OTEnterNotifier(getMessageParam->stdParam.mpEP->otEP) );
    completeIt = GetMessageStdAction(&getMessageParam->stdParam, &err);
    if (completeIt) {
        CompleteWaitRecord(waitRec, err);
    } else {
        MoreAssertQ(waitRec->link.fNext == nil);
        OTAddFirst(&getMessageParam->stdParam.mpEP->waitRecords, &waitRec->link);
extern pascal OTResult OTMPGetMessage(
                                 OTMPProviderRef        ref,
                                 strbuf *               ctlbuf,
                                 strbuf *               databuf,
                                 OTFlags *              flagsPtr)
    // OTMP API entry point.
    OSStatus            err;
    GetMessageParam     getMessageParam;
    // This routine is a preliminary implementation and has 
    // not yet been tested properly.  Specifically, I have not 
    // tested the flow control execution path.  Use it at your 
    // own risk.
    MoreAssertQ(ValidOTMPProviderRef(ref, false));
    MoreAssertQ(flagsPtr != nil);
    MPLog4(kOTMPAPILogID, kOTMPGetMessageMagic, ref, ctlbuf, databuf, flagsPtr);
    err = InitStdParam(&getMessageParam.stdParam, kOTMPGetMessageMagic, GetMessageStdAction, ref, T_DATA, GetMessageNotifier);
    if (err == noErr) {
        getMessageParam.ctlbuf      = ctlbuf;
        getMessageParam.databuf     = databuf;
        getMessageParam.flagsPtr    = flagsPtr;
        err = QueueBlueAndWait(&getMessageParam.stdParam.waitRecord, true);
    MPLog2(kOTMPAPILogID, MPLogTagReturn(kOTMPGetMessageMagic), (void *) err, (void *) *flagsPtr);
    return err;
#pragma mark **** Init/Term *****
static SInt32 gOTInitedCount = 0;
extern pascal OSStatus InitOpenTransportMPInContext(
                                 OTInitializationFlags  flags,
                                 OTClientContextPtr *   clientContext)
    // See comment in header file.
    OSStatus err;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( TaskLevel() == 0 );
    err = noErr;
    MoreAssertQ(gOTInitedCount >= 0);
    gOTInitedCount += 1;
    if (gOTInitedCount == 1) {
        if (gSystemVersion == 0) {
            err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (SInt32 *) &gSystemVersion);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = InitMoreBlueActions();
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = MPAllocateTaskStorageIndex(&gOTMPTaskStorageIndex);
        // Set up various UPPs.  We can always allocate these in the 
        // current zone because there's never a case where a 
        // RoutineDescriptor is allocated in the system heap.
        // Look at the four cases in turn.
        // o Non-Carbon, Application -- UPP allocators just return parameter.
        // o Non-Carbon, Extension -- UPP allocators just return parameter.
        // o Carbon, Application -- UPP allocators may allocate memory but 
        //   allocating in the application heap is fine.
        // o Carbon, Extension --  UPP allocators may allocate memory but 
        //   allocating in the application heap is fine.  You can't use 
        //   Carbon for building real system extensions.  Any Carbon 
        //   shared library must be loaded in the context of a host 
        //   Carbon application.
        MoreAssertQ(gQueuingBlueNotifierUPP  == nil);
        MoreAssertQ(gWaitRecordSearchProcUPP == nil);
        MoreAssertQ(gTrueBlueNotifierUPP     == nil);
        MoreAssertQ(gNotifierToInstall       == nil);
        if (err == noErr) {
            gLocalDeferredTaskUPP    = NewDeferredTaskUPP(LocalDeferredTask);
            gTrueBlueNotifierUPP     = NewOTNotifyUPP(TrueBlueNotifier);
            gWaitRecordSearchProcUPP = NewOTListSearchUPP(WaitRecordSearchProc);
            if (gLocalDeferredTaskUPP == nil || gTrueBlueNotifierUPP == nil || gWaitRecordSearchProcUPP == nil) {
                err = memFullErr;
            #if MORE_DEBUG
                gQueuingBlueNotifierUPP  = NewOTNotifyUPP(QueuingBlueNotifier);
                if (gQueuingBlueNotifierUPP == nil) {
                    err = memFullErr;
        if (err == noErr) {
            gNotifierToInstall = gTrueBlueNotifierUPP;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = InitOpenTransportInContext(flags, clientContext);
    // Clean up after failure.
    if (err != noErr) {
        // InitOpenTransportInContext can't have run successfully, 
        // so there's no need to call CloseOpenTransportInContext for 
        // this particular connection.  So, we call 
        // CloseMPOpenTransportInContext only if we're the first client 
        // to start up, and pass it -1 to indicate that there's no 
        // OT context to shut down.  In that case it simply shuts down 
        // all the UPPs etc.
        if (gOTInitedCount == 1) {
            CloseOpenTransportMPInContext( (OTClientContextPtr) -1 );
    return err;
extern pascal void CloseOpenTransportMPInContext(OTClientContextPtr clientContext)
    // See comment in header file.
    OSStatus junk;
    MoreAssertQ( ! MPTaskIsPreemptive(kInvalidID) );
    MoreAssertQ( TaskLevel() == 0 );
    // Close the client's connection to OT, unless we're handling 
    // the special case of InitOpenTransportMPInContext failing (see above).
    if (clientContext != (OTClientContextPtr) -1) {
    gOTInitedCount -= 1;
    MoreAssertQ(gOTInitedCount >= 0);
    if (gOTInitedCount == 0) {
        // I don't track and clean up all of the OTMPProviderRefs because there's
        // not much point.  The critical data, the OT endpoints, will be shut down
        // by CloseOpenTransport.  The only remaining stuff is the memory used by
        // the OTMPEndpoints, which isn't a huge amount.  However, it's worth noting
        // the failure to close all your endpoints in the debug build, so to help
        // flush out these errors.  Plus, it's one way we deviate from the OT API.
        MoreAssertQ(gOTMPProviderCount == 0);
        if (gOTMPTaskStorageIndex != 0) {
            junk = MPDeallocateTaskStorageIndex(gOTMPTaskStorageIndex);
            MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
            gOTMPTaskStorageIndex = 0;
        if (gTrueBlueNotifierUPP != nil) {
            gTrueBlueNotifierUPP = nil;
        #if MORE_DEBUG
            if (gQueuingBlueNotifierUPP != nil) {
                gQueuingBlueNotifierUPP = nil;
        gNotifierToInstall = nil;
        if (gWaitRecordSearchProcUPP != nil) {
            gWaitRecordSearchProcUPP = nil;
        if (gLocalDeferredTaskUPP != nil) {
            gLocalDeferredTaskUPP = nil;
        MoreAssertQ(gOTMPPreparedTaskCount == 0);
#pragma mark ----- OTMPX -----
extern pascal OSStatus InitOpenTransportMPXInContext(
                                 OTInitializationFlags  flags,
                                 OTClientContextPtr *   clientContext)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    OSStatus err;
    err = noErr;
    if (gSystemVersion == 0) {
        err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (SInt32 *) &gSystemVersion);
    if (err == noErr) {
        if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
            err = InitOpenTransportInContext(flags, clientContext);
        } else {
            err = InitOpenTransportMPInContext(flags, clientContext);
    return err;
extern pascal void CloseOpenTransportMPXInContext(OTClientContextPtr clientContext)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
    } else {
extern pascal OSStatus OTMPXPrepareThisTask(void)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return noErr;
    } else {
        return OTMPPrepareThisTask();
extern pascal void OTMPXUnprepareThisTask(void)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        // do nothing
    } else {
extern pascal OTMPEndpointRef
OTMPXOpenEndpointQInContext     (const char *           cfig,
                                 OTOpenFlags            oflag,
                                 TEndpointInfo *        info,
                                 OSStatus *             errPtr,
                                 OTClientContextPtr     clientContext)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        EndpointRef ep;
        OSStatus    junk;
        ep = OTOpenEndpointInContext(OTCreateConfiguration(cfig), oflag, info, errPtr, clientContext);
        // By default providers do not block.  Our model expects blocking 
        // providers, so we set the endpoint to blocking before we return it.
        if (ep != kOTInvalidEndpointRef) {
            junk = OTSetBlocking(ep);
            MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr);
        return (OTMPEndpointRef)ep;
    } else {
        return OTMPOpenEndpointQInContext(cfig, oflag, info, errPtr, clientContext);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXCloseProvider              (OTMPProviderRef        ref)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTCloseProvider((ProviderRef) ref);
    } else {
        return OTMPCloseProvider(ref);
extern pascal SInt32
OTMPXIoctl                      (OTMPProviderRef        ref,
                                 UInt32                 cmd,
                                 void *                 data)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTIoctl((ProviderRef) ref, cmd, data);
    } else {
        return OTMPIoctl(ref, cmd, data);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXCancelSynchronousCalls     (OTMPProviderRef        ref,
                                 OSStatus               errParam)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTCancelSynchronousCalls((ProviderRef) ref, errParam);
    } else {
        return OTMPCancelSynchronousCalls(ref, errParam);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXGetEndpointInfo            (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TEndpointInfo *        info)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTGetEndpointInfo((EndpointRef) ref, info);
    } else {
        return OTMPGetEndpointInfo(ref, info);
extern pascal OTResult
OTMPXGetEndpointState           (OTMPEndpointRef        ref)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTGetEndpointState((EndpointRef) ref);
    } else {
        return OTMPGetEndpointState(ref);
extern pascal OTResult
OTMPXLook                       (OTMPEndpointRef        ref)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTLook((EndpointRef) ref);
    } else {
        return OTMPLook(ref);
extern pascal OTResult
OTMPXCountDataBytes             (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 OTByteCount *          countPtr)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTCountDataBytes((EndpointRef) ref, countPtr);
    } else {
        return OTMPCountDataBytes(ref, countPtr);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXGetProtAddress             (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TBind *                boundAddr, /* can be NULL */
                                 TBind *                peerAddr) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTGetProtAddress((EndpointRef) ref, boundAddr, peerAddr);
    } else {
        return OTMPGetProtAddress(ref, boundAddr, peerAddr);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXResolveAddress             (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TBind *                reqAddr,
                                 TBind *                retAddr,
                                 OTTimeout              timeOut)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTResolveAddress((EndpointRef) ref, reqAddr, retAddr, timeOut);
    } else {
        return OTMPResolveAddress(ref, reqAddr, retAddr, timeOut);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXBind                       (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TBind *                reqAddr, /* can be NULL */
                                 TBind *                retAddr) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTBind((EndpointRef) ref, reqAddr, retAddr);
    } else {
        return OTMPBind(ref, reqAddr, retAddr);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXUnbind                     (OTMPEndpointRef        ref)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTUnbind((EndpointRef) ref);
    } else {
        return OTMPUnbind(ref);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXConnect                    (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TCall *                sndCall,
                                 TCall *                rcvCall) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTConnect((EndpointRef) ref, sndCall, rcvCall);
    } else {
        return OTMPConnect(ref, sndCall, rcvCall);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXListen                     (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TCall *                call)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTListen((EndpointRef) ref, call);
    } else {
        return OTMPListen(ref, call);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXAccept                     (OTMPEndpointRef        listener,
                                 OTMPEndpointRef        worker,
                                 TCall *                call)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTAccept((EndpointRef) listener, (EndpointRef)worker, call);
    } else {
        return OTMPAccept(listener, worker, call);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXSndDisconnect              (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TCall *                call) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTSndDisconnect((EndpointRef) ref, call);
    } else {
        return OTMPSndDisconnect(ref, call);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXRcvDisconnect              (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TDiscon *              discon) /* can be NULL */
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTRcvDisconnect((EndpointRef) ref, discon);
    } else {
        return OTMPRcvDisconnect(ref, discon);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXSndOrderlyDisconnect       (OTMPEndpointRef        ref)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTSndOrderlyDisconnect((EndpointRef) ref);
    } else {
        return OTMPSndOrderlyDisconnect(ref);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXRcvOrderlyDisconnect       (OTMPEndpointRef        ref)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect((EndpointRef) ref);
    } else {
        return OTMPRcvOrderlyDisconnect(ref);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXOptionManagement           (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TOptMgmt *             req,
                                 TOptMgmt *             ret)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTOptionManagement((EndpointRef) ref, req, ret);
    } else {
        return OTMPOptionManagement(ref, req, ret);
extern pascal OTResult
OTMPXRcv                        (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 void *                 buf,
                                 OTByteCount            nbytes,
                                 OTFlags *              flags)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTRcv((EndpointRef) ref, buf, nbytes, flags);
    } else {
        return OTMPRcv(ref, buf, nbytes, flags);
extern pascal OTResult
OTMPXSnd                        (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 void *                 buf,
                                 OTByteCount            nbytes,
                                 OTFlags                flags)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTSnd((EndpointRef) ref, buf, nbytes, flags);
    } else {
        return OTMPSnd(ref, buf, nbytes, flags);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXSndUData                   (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TUnitData *            udata)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTSndUData((EndpointRef) ref, udata);
    } else {
        return OTMPSndUData(ref, udata);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXRcvUData                   (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TUnitData *            udata,
                                 OTFlags *              flags)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTRcvUData((EndpointRef) ref, udata, flags);
    } else {
        return OTMPRcvUData(ref, udata, flags);
extern pascal OSStatus
OTMPXRcvUDErr                   (OTMPEndpointRef        ref,
                                 TUDErr *               uderr)
    // OTMPX API entry point.
    if (gSystemVersion >= kMacOSXSystemVersion) {
        return OTRcvUDErr((EndpointRef) ref, uderr);
    } else {
        return OTMPRcvUDErr(ref, uderr);