
    File: EnableSelfSendSample.c
    By:     Rich Kubota
            Developer Technical Support
    Purpose: Demonstrate the use of the OTOptionManagement call to tell an AppleTalk
            endpoint to enable/disable the SelfSend option.
    change history:
            9/14/98 rrk Modified check for asynch mode. Return err -1, instead of using 
                classic AppleTalk SelfSend call.
                Note that this sample does not support asynch endpoints.  To support
                an asynch endpoint, the same call to OTOptionManagement would happen
                however, the endpoint handler will be called with the
                T_OPTMGMTCOMPLETE event.  The handler would then inspect the cookie, 
                which will be the TOptMgmt "ret" value to check for the
                success or failure of the call.
            1/25/98 rrk Changed the original use of the OTOptionManagement call, OPT_SELFSEND
                which only enables selfsend from the endpoint to other AppleTalk services when
                broadcast messages are sent from the endpoint.  The desired behavior is one 
                where if other AppleTalk clients on the node send broadcast messages, that they
                are also sent to the endpoint.  To this end, there is the ATALK_IOC_FULLSELFSEND
                Ioct, which must be sent to the DDP endpoint.
                Note that the ATALK_IOC_FULLSELFSEND is desired to respond similarly to the 
                PSetSelfSend function.  If the result is not negative, then the following responses
                can be expected.
                0 - FullSelfSend was previously off
                1 - FullSelfSend was previously on
                Input parameters
                ep - the AppleTalk EndpointRef on which to enable fullSelfSend. You can pass
                any AppleTalk endpoint, DDP or above, to this function.
                enableSelfSend - a long word of the desired setting.
                Return result
                < 0 - error
                0 - FullSelfSend was previously off
                1 - FullSelfSend was previously on
                Note that if the use of the Ioctl returns an error < 0, then the PBSetSelfSend
                function is called.
                Note: As with the PSetSelfSend call, the Ioctl call affects AppleTalk globally.
                If you enable this feature, it is recommended that you not disable the feature
                when the process quits.  The user may launch another process which enables 
                selfsend.  Turning off selfsend in this case, affects the other process, as well.
#include "OpenTransport.h"          // open transport files         
#include "OpenTptAppletalk.h"
#include "AppleTalk.h"
extern OSStatus DoNegotiateSelfSendOption(EndpointRef ep, long enableSelfSend);
    Sample function to enable/disable the SelfSend option for 
    an AppleTalk endpoint. 
    EndpointRef ep - endpoint on which to set SelfSend option on
    long enableSelfSend - 1L - option on, 0L - option off
   Return: 0 - indicates call success
           -1 - asynch endpoints are not supported 
           other negative result - error calling OTIoctl
OSStatus DoNegotiateSelfSendOption(EndpointRef ep, long enableSelfSend)
    OSStatus        result;
    if (OTIsSynchronous(ep) == false)           // check whether ep sync or not
        DebugStr("\pThis routine does not support asynch endpoints");
        return (OSStatus)-1;
    result = OTIoctl(ep, ATALK_IOC_FULLSELFSEND, (void*)enableSelfSend);
    return result;