
**  Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
**  Header file for collection of String Utilities for DTS Sample code
**  Copyright © 1988-1992 Apple Computer, Inc.
**  All rights reserved.
#ifndef __STRINGUTILS__
#define __STRINGUTILS__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*  These are duplicates of c-library functions.  The reason for duplicating them
**  is so that the StringUtils code can be small and linked in with other code that
**  stays resident at all times.  It is possible that when you call code to do
**  something as seemingly innocent as getting the length of a string, memory can
**  move.  This is because the code you are calling isn't necessarily in memory.
**  If the code segment that contains the code you are calling isn't in ram, then
**  it has to be loaded.  Loading the code may cause memory compaction, and therefore
**  memory can move.  The pointer to the string is already pushed on the stack prior
**  to the call, so if you passed a pointer into an unlocked handle, after calling
**  the code, that handle may have moved, and therefore the pointer is invalid.
**  To prevent the above problem, alternate names were used for these common library
**  functions.  Link this code into the same segment that holds main(), and you will
**  be guaranteed that they will be in memory whenever you call them. */
short   clen(char *cptr);
    **  ¦ Return the length of the c-string.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        Pointer to c-string to get length for.
    **  RESULT: short       Length of c-string.
    **  Return the length of the c-string. */
char    *ccat(char *s1, char *s2);
    **  ¦ Catenate two c-strings.
    **  INPUT:  s1          Destination string to catenate onto.
    **          s2          String to catenate with.
    **  RESULT: char *      Pointer to target string.
    **  Catenate two c-strings (s2 onto end of s1). */
char    *ccpy(char *s1, char *s2);
    **  ¦ Copy a c-string.
    **  INPUT:  s1          Destination string for copy.
    **          s2          String to copy.
    **  RESULT: char *      Pointer to target string.
    **  Copy a c-string (s2 onto s1). */
short   pcmp(StringPtr s1, StringPtr s2);
    **  ¦ Compare two pascal-strings.
    **  INPUT:  s1      String effectively to the "left" of the compare.
    **          s2      String effectively to the "right" of the compare.
    **  RESULT: short   Signed value.  If < 0, then s1 < s2.
    **                                 If > 0, then s1 > s2.
    **                                 if = 0, then strings are equal.
    **  Compare two pascal-strings. */
void    pcat(StringPtr d, StringPtr s);
    **  ¦ Catenate two pascal-strings.
    **  INPUT:  d       Destination string to catenate onto.
    **          s       String to catenate with.
    **  Catenate two pascal-strings (s onto end of d). */
void    pcpy(StringPtr d, StringPtr s);
    **  ¦ Copy a pascal-string.
    **  INPUT:  d       Destination string for copy.
    **          s       String to copy.
    **  Copy a pascal-string (s onto d). */
void    c2p(char *cptr);
    **  ¦ Convert a c-string to a pascal-string.
    **  INPUT:  cptr    The string to convert.
    **  Convert a c-string to a pascal-string.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   p2c. */
void    p2c(StringPtr cptr);
    **  ¦ Convert a pascal-string to a c-string.
    **  INPUT:  cptr    The string to convert.
    **  Convert a pascal-string to a c-string.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   c2p. */
/*  These are useful, relatively small routines for string manipulation.  As with the above calls,
**  link them into the code segment that holds main().
**  With the below functions, you will have most of the functionality of sprintf using shorts and
**  longs.  It will take more calls, but only what you call is linked in. */
void    ccatchr(char *cptr, char c, short count);
    **  ¦ Catenate a single character multiple times onto the designated string.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to catenate character to.
    **          c           Character to catenate.
    **          count       Number of times to catenate char.
    **  Catenate a single character multiple times onto the designated string.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccpychr, pcatchr, pcpychr. */
void    ccatpaddec(char *cptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and catenate it onto the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to catenate to.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and catenate it to the designated string
    **  with padding.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish to have an unsigned decimal
    **  value, call ccatnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccatdec. */
void    ccatdec(char *cptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and catenate it onto the string.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to catenate to.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and catenate it to
    **  the designated string.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish
    **  to have an unsigned decimal value, call ccatnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccatpaddec. */
void    ccatpadhex(char *cptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and catenate it onto the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to catenate to.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and catenate it to the designated
    **  string with padding.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccathex. */
void    ccathex(char *cptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and catenate it onto the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to catenate to.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and catenate it to the designated
    **  string with no padding options.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccatpadhex. */
void    ccatpadnum(char *cptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated base text and catenate it onto the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to catenate to.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **          base        Base number is to be represented in.
    **  Convert the value into text for the designated base and catenate it to the designated string
    **  with padding.  If the base is negative, then the output is a signed number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccatnum. */
void    ccatnum(char *cptr, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated text and catenate it onto the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to catenate to.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **          base        Designated base for conversion.  (If negative, conversion is signed.)
    **  Convert the value into text of the designated base and catenate it to the
    **  string with no padding options.  If the base is negative, then the conversion is signed.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccatpadnum. */
void    ccpychr(char *cptr, char c, short count);
    **  ¦ Copy a single character multiple times into the designated string.
    **  INPUT:  cptr    String to replace.
    **          c       Character to place in string.
    **          count   Number of times character should be copied.
    **  Copy a single character multiple times onto the designated string.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccatchr. */
void    ccpypaddec(char *cptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and copy it into the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to copy into.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and copy it into the designated string
    **  with padding.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish to have an unsigned decimal
    **  value, call ccpypadnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccpydec. */
void    ccpydec(char *cptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and copy it into the string.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to copy into.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and copy it into
    **  the designated string.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish
    **  to have an unsigned decimal value, call ccatnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccpypaddec. */
void    ccpypadhex(char *cptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and copy it into the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to copy into.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and copy it into the designated
    **  string with padding.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccpyhex. */
void    ccpyhex(char *cptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and copy it into the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to copy into.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and copy it into the designated
    **  string with no padding options.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccpypadhex. */
void    ccpypadnum(char *cptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated base text and copy it into the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to copy into.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **          base        Base number is to be represented in.
    **  Convert the value into text for the designated base and copy it into the designated string
    **  with padding.  If the base is negative, then the output is a signed number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccpynum. */
void    ccpynum(char *cptr, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated text and copy it into the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to copy into.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **          base        Designated base for conversion.  (If negative, conversion is signed.)
    **  Convert the value into text of the designated base and copy it into the
    **  string with no padding options.  If the base is negative, then the conversion is signed.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   ccpypadnum. */
long    c2dec(char *cptr, short *charsUsed);
    **  ¦ Convert the c-string to a decimal number.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to convert to a decimal number.
    **          charsUsed   Pointer to short to hold # of chars scanned in the conversion.
    **                      (Pass in nil if you donÕt care.)
    **  RESULT: long        Decimal value.
    **  Convert the c-string to a decimal number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   c2hex, c2num. */
long    c2hex(char *cptr, short *charsUsed);
    **  ¦ Convert the c-string to a hex number.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to convert to a hex number.
    **          charsUsed   Pointer to short to hold # of chars scanned in the conversion.
    **                      (Pass in nil if you donÕt care.)
    **  RESULT: long        Hex value.
    **  Convert the c-string to a hex number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   c2dec, c2num. */
long    c2num(char *cptr, short base, short *charsUsed);
    **  ¦ Convert the c-string to a number of the designated base.
    **  INPUT:  cptr        String to convert to a number of the designated base.
    **          base        Number for the conversion.  (If base is negative, conversion is signed.)
    **          charsUsed   Pointer to short to hold # of chars scanned in the conversion.
    **                      (Pass in nil if you donÕt care.)
    **  RESULT: long        Numeric value.
    **  Convert the c-string to a number of the designated base.  If there are characters
    **  found that determine the base, they will be used instead of the indicated base.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   c2dec, c2hex. */
short   GetLastBase(Boolean handleChars);
    **  ¦ Returns what base was used when text is converted to a num and sets mode.
    **  INPUT:  handleChars     True if you want c2num or p2num (directly or indirectly)
    **                          to handle character constants.
    **  Sometimes the string being analyzed indicates what base the conversion should be
    **  (i.e., starting with a $).  Also, a common string data type is the 1 to 4 char string,
    **  surrounded by single ticks.  If you want to find out what the base was for the
    **  string, just call GetLastBase.  You also pass in a handleChars value of true or
    **  false.  (The default is false.)  If you pass in true, then c2num, called directly or
    **  indirectly, will convert these strings to numbers. */
void    pcatchr(StringPtr pptr, char c, short count);
    **  ¦ Catenate a single character multiple times onto the designated string.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to catenate character to.
    **          c           Character to catenate.
    **          count       Number of times to catenate char.
    **  Catenate a single character multiple times onto the designated string.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcpychr. */
void    pcatpaddec(StringPtr pptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and catenate it onto the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to catenate to.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and catenate it to the designated string
    **  with padding.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish to have an unsigned decimal
    **  value, call pcatnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcatdec. */
void    pcatdec(StringPtr pptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and catenate it onto the string.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to catenate to.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and catenate it to
    **  the designated string.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish
    **  to have an unsigned decimal value, call pcatnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcatpaddec. */
void    pcatpadhex(StringPtr pptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and catenate it onto the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to catenate to.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and catenate it to the designated
    **  string with padding.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcathex. */
void    pcathex(StringPtr pptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and catenate it onto the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to catenate to.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and catenate it to the designated
    **  string with no padding options.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcatpadhex. */
long    pcatnum(StringPtr pptr, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated text and catenate it onto the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to catenate to.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **          base        Designated base for conversion.  (If negative, conversion is signed.)
    **  Convert the value into text of the designated base and catenate it to the
    **  string with no padding options.  If the base is negative, then the conversion is signed.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcatpadnum. */
void    pcatpadnum(StringPtr pptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated base text and catenate it onto the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to catenate to.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and catenate.
    **          base        Base number is to be represented in.
    **  Convert the value into text for the designated base and catenate it to the designated string
    **  with padding.  If the base is negative, then the output is a signed number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcatnum. */
void    pcpychr(StringPtr pptr, char c, short count);
    **  ¦ Copy a single character multiple times into the designated string.
    **  INPUT:  pptr    String to replace.
    **          c       Character to place in string.
    **          count   Number of times character should be copied.
    **  Copy a single character multiple times onto the designated string.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcatchr. */
void    pcpypaddec(StringPtr pptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and copy it into the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to copy into.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and copy it into the designated string
    **  with padding.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish to have an unsigned decimal
    **  value, call pcpypadnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcpydec. */
void    pcpydec(StringPtr pptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-10 text and copy it into the string.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to copy into.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-10 number and copy it into
    **  the designated string.  The value is assumed to be signed.  If you wish
    **  to have an unsigned decimal value, call ccatnum with a base of 10.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcpypaddec. */
void    pcpypadnum(StringPtr pptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated base text and copy it into the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to copy into.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **          base        Base number is to be represented in.
    **  Convert the value into text for the designated base and copy it into the designated string
    **  with padding.  If the base is negative, then the output is a signed number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcpynum. */
void    pcpynum(StringPtr pptr, long v, short base);
    **  ¦ Convert value into designated text and copy it into the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to copy into.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **          base        Designated base for conversion.  (If negative, conversion is signed.)
    **  Convert the value into text of the designated base and copy it into the
    **  string with no padding options.  If the base is negative, then the conversion is signed.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcpypadnum. */
void    pcpypadhex(StringPtr pptr, char padChr, short minApnd, short maxApnd, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and copy it into the string, with padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to copy into.
    **          padChr      Character to pad with (or 0 for none).
    **          minApnd     Minimum length of string, if there is a non-0 pad char.
    **          maxApnd     Maximum length of string, including padding.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and copy it into the designated
    **  string with padding.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcpyhex. */
void    pcpyhex(StringPtr pptr, long v);
    **  ¦ Convert value into base-16 text and copy it into the string, with no padding.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to copy into.
    **          v           Value to convert to text and copy.
    **  Convert the value into text for the base-16 number and copy it into the designated
    **  string with no padding options.  The value is assumed to be unsigned.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   pcpypadhex. */
long    p2dec(StringPtr pptr, short *charsUsed);
    **  ¦ Convert the pascal-string to a decimal number.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to convert to a decimal number.
    **          charsUsed   Pointer to short to hold # of chars scanned in the conversion.
    **                      (Pass in nil if you donÕt care.)
    **  RESULT: long        Decimal value.
    **  Convert the pascal-string to a decimal number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   p2hex, p2num. */
long    p2hex(StringPtr pptr, short *charsUsed);
    **  ¦ Convert the pascal-string to a hex number.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to convert to a hex number.
    **          charsUsed   Pointer to short to hold # of chars scanned in the conversion.
    **                      (Pass in nil if you donÕt care.)
    **  RESULT: long        Hex value.
    **  Convert the pascal-string to a hex number.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   p2dec, p2num. */
long    p2num(StringPtr pptr, short base, short *charsUsed);
    **  ¦ Convert the pascal-string to a number of the designated base.
    **  INPUT:  pptr        String to convert to a number of the designated base.
    **          base        Number for the conversion.  (If base is negative, conversion is signed.)
    **          charsUsed   Pointer to short to hold # of chars scanned in the conversion.
    **                      (Pass in nil if you donÕt care.)
    **  RESULT: long        Numeric value.
    **  Convert the pascal-string to a number of the designated base.  If there are characters
    **  found that determine the base, they will be used instead of the indicated base.
    **  __________
    **  Also see:   p2dec, p2hex. */
short   GetHexByte(char *cptr);
    **  ¦ Internal function for returning a hex value from 2 characters.
    **  INPUT:  cptr    Pointer to characters to analyze.
    **  RESULT: short   Hex value obtained from characters.
    **  This does not analyze just true hex values.  The first character has special meaning for
    **  AppsToGo functions.  (This is really meant to be an internal function.)  If the first
    **  character is a Ò=Ó, then the next characterÕs ascii value is returned as the hex value
    **  for the two characters.  If the first character is a ÒÅÓ, then the second character
    **  is upper-cased, and then the ascii value of that is returned. */
Boolean EqualHandle(void *h1, void *h2);
    **  ¦ Checks to see if two handles are identical.
    **  INPUT:  h1          First handle for compare.
    **          h2          Second handle for compare.
    **  RESULT: Boolean     Returns true if handles are equal.
    **  This function checks to see if two handles are identical. */
Boolean EqualData(void *v1, void *v2, long size);
    **  ¦ Checks to see if two blocks of data are identical.
    **  INPUT:  v1          Pointer to first data block.
    **          v2          Pointer to second data block.
    **          size        Length of data blocks.
    **  RESULT: Boolean     Returns true if blocks are equal.
    **  This function checks to see if two blocks of data are identical. */
void    SetMem(void *vptr, unsigned char c, unsigned long len);
    **  ¦ Sets a block of memory to a specified value.
    **  INPUT:  vptr    Pointer to block of memory to set.
    **          c       Byte value to store into memory.
    **          len     Length of block to set to specified value.
    **  Sets a block of memory to a specified value. */
#ifdef __cplusplus