
    File:       LogEngine.h
    Contains:   The core code to talk to the STREAMS log module.
    Written by: Quinn "The Eskimo!"
    Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
    You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
    restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
    responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
    not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
    after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
    we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
    descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#pragma once
// Pick up low-level OT APIs.
#include <OpenTransportProtocol.h>
// Core Data Structure
enum {
    kMagicValue = 'Bing'
struct LogEntry {
    OTLink *fNext;
    OSType fMagic;              // Must be kMagicValue
    UInt32 fRefCount;
    UInt32 fTextLength;
    struct log_ctl fLogHeader;
    // variable length text goes here
typedef struct LogEntry LogEntry, *LogEntryPtr;
extern pascal void RetainLogEntry(LogEntryPtr thisEntry);
    // Increments the reference count for the log entry.
    // Clients can call this function to hold on to log
    // entries that are passed to them by ForEachNewLogEntry.
    // Context: SystemTask /only/
extern pascal void ReleaseLogEntry(LogEntryPtr thisEntry);
    // Decrements the reference count for the log entry,
    // and frees the entry if count decrements to zero.
    // Clients should eventually call this function to free
    // any log entry they have retained.
    // Context: SystemTask /only/
extern pascal OSStatus StartLogging(Boolean logErrors,
                                UInt32 traceInfoCount, struct trace_ids traceInfo[]);
    // Tells the module to start logging.  If logErrors is true,
    // the log will contain all strlog messages that have the
    // SL_ERROR bit in the flags when they are created.  If
    // traceInfoCount is non-zero, then we're also logging
    // traces.  traceInfo must point to an array of trace_ids
    // that describe which traces we're interested in.  Each
    // trace_id contains a field for module ID, for stream ID,
    // and for level.  Each field specifies the value of that
    // parameter we accept, or -1 to accept any value for that
    // parameter.  For example, the mid field is the module ID
    // whose traces we should accept, or -1 if you want to accept
    // traces for all modules.
    // Context: SystemTask /only/
extern pascal void StopLogging(void);
    // Stops the logging process.  Call this if and only if
    // StartLogging returns noErr.  After stopping logging
    // you should call ForEachNewLogEntry to get any log
    // entries that might have accumulated in the time
    // between you making the StopLogging call and the time
    // that logging actually stops.
    // Context: SystemTask /only/
extern pascal Boolean LoggingActive(void);
    // Returns whether logging is currently active.
    // Context: SystemTask /only/
extern pascal UInt32 NumberOfDroppedLogEntries(void);
    // Returns the number of log entries that have been
    // dropped due to memory constaints.  This should
    // always be zero.
    // Context: SystemTask /only/
typedef pascal void (*ProcessLogEntryProcPtr)(LogEntryPtr logEntry, void *refCon);
extern pascal void ForEachNewLogEntry(ProcessLogEntryProcPtr doThis, void *refCon);
    // This routine calls the supplied doThis routine for each
    // log entry that has arrived since the last time you called
    // this routine.  The log entry is immediately released
    // after doThis returns, so you should call RetainLogEntry
    // if you keep a reference to it.
    // Context: SystemTask /only/