
    File:       StreamLogResources.h
    Contains:   Header file containing application resource definitions.
    Written by: Quinn "The Eskimo!"
    Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
    You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
    restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
    responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
    not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
    after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
    we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
    descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#pragma once
enum {
    // MBAR
    rMenuBar = 128,
        mApple = 128,
            iAbout = 1,
        mFile = 129,
            iClose = 1,
            iShowHideLogWindow = 2,
            iStartStopLogging = 3,
            iScrollWhileLogging = 4,
            iStartOnLaunch = 5,
            iQuit = 6,
        mEdit = 130,
            iUndo = 1,
            // - = 2,
            iCut = 3,
            iCopy = 4,
            iPaste = 5,
            iClear = 6,
            iSelectAll = 7,
        mTraceLevel = 150,
            iAll = 1,
            iLevelOffset = 3,
    // DLOG
    rMainDialog = 128,
        ditStart = 1,               // push button
        ditStop = 2,                // push button
        ditLogErrors = 3,           // checkbox
        ditLogTraces = 4,           // checkbox
        ditAllTraces = 5,           // radio
        ditTracesMatching = 6,      // radio
        ditSetupFilter = 7,         // push button
        ditLogToFile = 8,           // checkbox
        ditLoggedCount = 9,         // static text
        ditDroppedCount = 10,       // static text
        ditTraceLevel = 11,         // popup
        ditLogEntryList = 12,       // user item
    rFilterDialog = 129,
        // ditOK = 1,                   // push botton
        // ditCancel = 2,               // push botton
        ditDefault = 3,             // default user item
        ditAllModules = 4,          // radio
        ditChosenModules = 5,       // radio
        ditModuleID = 6,            // static text
        ditAllStreams = 7,          // radio
        ditChosenStreams = 8,       // radio
        ditStreamID = 9,            // static text
    // ALRT
    rConfirmStopAlert = 256,
    rAboutBox = 257,
    rErrorAlert = 258,
    // STR#
    rMiscStrings = 128,
        strShowLogWindow = 1,
        strHideLogWindow = 2,
        strStartLogging = 3,
        strStopLogging = 4,
        strLogFileName = 5,
    // LDEF
    rSimpleLDEF = 128,
    // Ners
    rErrorTable = 128,
    dummy = 666                     // just so I don't have to worry about the trailing commas