
    File:       PAPServerSample.h
    Contains:   headers, defines for the PAPServerSample.c file
    Written by: Rich Kubota 
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1993-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/22/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#include <ConditionalMacros.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma import on
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Types.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include "OpenTransport.h"      // open transport files 
#include "OpenTptAppleTalk.h"   
#define SHOW_DEBUG_FLOW     1   // enable display of DebugStr showing program flow
#define DO_DEBUG_LOG        0   // enable a debug log at the beginning
// defines for the STR# resource
#define kServerStrID    1000    // STR# resource ID for the PAP Server Sample strings
#define kOTVersion111   0x01118000
#define kOTVersion120   0x01208000
enum {
    kServerNBPStrID = 1,
#define kZeroQLen       0
#define kDynamicSocket  0
#define kATPType        3
#define TIMEOUT         25      // seconds
#define kMaxHandoffEPs  5       // maximum number of handoff endpoints supported by this sample
#define kDITop          0x0050      /* kTopLeft - for positioning the Disk
                                               Initialization dialogs. */
#define kDILeft         0x0070
#define kNumBuffers     25      // initial number of packet buffers to allocate
#define kUserByteSize   4
#define kPAPDataSize    32768   // if we can, collect 16K of data at a time     
// defines for gFlags bits
#define OTActiveFlag        0
#define dumpPktsFlag        1
#define BufsInitdFlag       4
#define InBackGndFlag       5
#define BuffsHeldFlag       6
#define CheckOptFlag        7
#define StatusBusyFlag      8
#define StatusIdleFlag      9
// flags macros for setting, testing and clearing the gFlag bits
#define SetOTActiveFlag(flags)      ((flags) |= 1 << OTActiveFlag)
#define ClrOTActiveFlag(flags)      ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << OTActiveFlag)))
#define TstOTActiveFlag(flags)      (((flags) & (1 << OTActiveFlag)) != 0)
#define SetdumpPktsFlag(flags)      ((flags) |= 1 << dumpPktsFlag)
#define ClrdumpPktsFlag(flags)      ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << dumpPktsFlag)))
#define TstdumpPktsFlag(flags)      (((flags) & (1 << dumpPktsFlag)) != 0)
#define SetBufsInitdFlag(flags)     ((flags) |= 1 << BufsInitdFlag)
#define ClrBufsInitdFlag(flags)     ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << BufsInitdFlag)))
#define TstBufsInitdFlag(flags)     (((flags) & (1 << BufsInitdFlag)) != 0)
#define SetInBackGndFlag(flags)     ((flags) |= 1 << InBackGndFlag)
#define ClrInBackGndFlag(flags)     ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << InBackGndFlag)))
#define TstInBackGndFlag(flags)     (((flags) & (1 << InBackGndFlag)) != 0)
#define SetBuffsHeldFlag(flags)     ((flags) |= 1 << BuffsHeldFlag)
#define ClrBuffsHeldFlag(flags)     ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << BuffsHeldFlag)))
#define TstBuffsHeldFlag(flags)     (((flags) & (1 << BuffsHeldFlag)) != 0)
#define SetCheckOptFlag(flags)      ((flags) |= 1 << CheckOptFlag)
#define ClrCheckOptFlag(flags)      ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << CheckOptFlag)))
#define TstCheckOptFlag(flags)      (((flags) & (1 << CheckOptFlag)) != 0)
#define SetStatusBusyFlag(flags)    ((flags) |= 1 << StatusBusyFlag)
#define ClrStatusBusyFlag(flags)    ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << StatusBusyFlag)))
#define TstStatusBusyFlag(flags)    (((flags) & (1 << StatusBusyFlag)) != 0)
#define SetStatusIdleFlag(flags)    ((flags) |= 1 << StatusIdleFlag)
#define ClrStatusIdleFlag(flags)    ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << StatusIdleFlag)))
#define TstStatusIdleFlag(flags)    (((flags) & (1 << StatusIdleFlag)) != 0)
// defines for the semaphore bits
#define kInListenLoop       0       // this bit used with OTAtomicSetBit to control re-entrancy into the DoListenAccept procedure
#define kInRcvDataFlag      1       // used with OTAtomic calls to check whether in DoReceive call
// defines for flags bits
#define EPActiveFlag        0       // indicates that the endpoint is active
#define EPBoundFlag         1       // indicates the endpoint is bound
#define EPListenFlag        2       // indicates that the endpoint has processed a listen request
#define EPBusyFlag          3       // used with handoff endpoint to indicate it has accepted 
                                    // a handoff endpoint
#define ListenerSavedFlag   4       // a listener has been identified and saved locally
#define PassconFlag         6       // the passive connection has completed
#define EOMOnFlag           7       // EOM option enabled
#define ListenPendFlag      10
#define AcceptPendFlag      11
#define TempFileFlag        12      // indicates that a temp file has been opened for data to this endpoint
#define InPSQueryFlag       13      // indicates that the endpoint is currently processing a PS query
#define HasDataFlag         14      // indicates that there is more to read for this endpoint
#define OrdDisconFlag       15      // indicates that the server received an orderly discon event
// flags macros for setting, testing and clearing the flag bits
#define SetEPActiveFlag(flags)      ((flags) |= 1 << EPActiveFlag)
#define ClrEPActiveFlag(flags)      ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << EPActiveFlag)))
#define TstEPActiveFlag(flags)      (((flags) & (1 << EPActiveFlag)) != 0)
#define SetEPBoundFlag(flags)       ((flags) |= 1 << EPBoundFlag)
#define ClrEPBoundFlag(flags)       ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << EPBoundFlag)))
#define TstEPBoundFlag(flags)       (((flags) & (1 << EPBoundFlag)) != 0)
#define SetEPListenFlag(flags)      ((flags) |= 1 << EPListenFlag)
#define ClrEPListenFlag(flags)      ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << EPListenFlag)))
#define TstEPListenFlag(flags)      (((flags) & (1 << EPListenFlag)) != 0)
#define SetEPBusyFlag(flags)        ((flags) |= 1 << EPBusyFlag)
#define ClrEPBusyFlag(flags)        ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << EPBusyFlag)))
#define TstEPBusyFlag(flags)        (((flags) & (1 << EPBusyFlag)) != 0)
#define SetListenerSavedFlag(flags) ((flags) |= 1 << ListenerSavedFlag)
#define ClrListenerSavedFlag(flags) ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << ListenerSavedFlag)))
#define TstListenerSavedFlag(flags) (((flags) & (1 << ListenerSavedFlag)) != 0)
#define SetPassconFlag(flags)       ((flags) |= 1 << PassconFlag)
#define ClrPassconFlag(flags)       ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << PassconFlag)))
#define TstPassconFlag(flags)       (((flags) & (1 << PassconFlag)) != 0)
#define SetEOMOnFlag(flags)         ((flags) |= 1 << EOMOnFlag)
#define ClrEOMOnFlag(flags)         ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << EOMOnFlag)))
#define TstEOMOnFlag(flags)         (((flags) & (1 << EOMOnFlag)) != 0)
#define SetListenPendFlag(flags)    ((flags) |= 1 << ListenPendFlag)
#define ClrListenPendFlag(flags)    ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << ListenPendFlag)))
#define TstListenPendFlag(flags)    (((flags) & (1 << ListenPendFlag)) != 0)
#define SetAcceptPendFlag(flags)    ((flags) |= 1 << AcceptPendFlag)
#define ClrAcceptPendFlag(flags)    ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << AcceptPendFlag)))
#define TstAcceptPendFlag(flags)    (((flags) & (1 << AcceptPendFlag)) != 0)
#define SetTempFileFlag(flags)      ((flags) |= 1 << TempFileFlag)
#define ClrTempFileFlag(flags)      ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << TempFileFlag)))
#define TstTempFileFlag(flags)      (((flags) & (1 << TempFileFlag)) != 0)
#define SetInPSQueryFlag(flags)     ((flags) |= 1 << InPSQueryFlag)
#define ClrInPSQueryFlag(flags)     ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << InPSQueryFlag)))
#define TstInPSQueryFlag(flags)     (((flags) & (1 << InPSQueryFlag)) != 0)
#define SetHasDataFlag(flags)       ((flags) |= 1 << HasDataFlag)
#define ClrHasDataFlag(flags)       ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << HasDataFlag)))
#define TstHasDataFlag(flags)       (((flags) & (1 << HasDataFlag)) != 0)
#define SetOrdDisconFlag(flags)     ((flags) |= 1 << OrdDisconFlag)
#define ClrOrdDisconFlag(flags)     ((flags) &= (-1 ^ (1 << OrdDisconFlag)))
#define TstOrdDisconFlag(flags)     (((flags) & (1 << OrdDisconFlag)) != 0)
enum {
    kLookingForEndStr = 1,
enum {
    kSetBusyStr = 1,
** Structures
typedef struct MyEndpointRef MyEndpointRef;
typedef struct 
        OTLink      fLink;                      // first field standard for OTLink list
        OTFlags     flags;
        MyEndpointRef *theEp;                   // save the endpoint ref associated with the endpoint
        UInt32      lastPos;                    // last scanned position in the buffer
        UInt32      numBytes;                   // numBytes in this packet
        OTTimeStamp timeStamp;                  // timestamp of this packet
        UInt8       data[kPAPDataSize];         // data bytes of packet
} PacketBuffer;
typedef PacketBuffer *PacketPtr;
struct MyEndpointRef
    EndpointRef     ep;
    UInt32          flags;
    OTLIFO          *usedQ;                 // ptr to incoming packet queue for this connection
    PacketPtr       prevPtr;                // used while processing a postscript
                                            // query where we have to save the previous packet
                                            // in order to complete processing of queries.
    OTTimeStamp     timeDataIn;             // timestamp of first incoming packet
    OTTimeStamp     timeDataEnd;            // timestamp of last incoming packet
    OTTimeStamp     timerDog;               // timestamp of most recent packet
    UInt32          numBytesIn;             // number of bytes received for a connection
    UInt16          psState;                // state while processing a postscript query
    short           fRefNum;                // file ref num of temp file associated
                                            //  with this endpoint
    UInt8           semaphore;
    UInt8           dummy;
// Prototypes
extern void DoValueBreak(long value, const char* message);
#pragma import off
#pragma options align=reset
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __PAPSERVERSAMPLE__ */