Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: OTVirtualClient.c |
Contains: This is an OpenTransport sample client application which can be used |
to exercise and test the OpenTransport Virtual Server sample. |
It also demonstrates coding techniques for OT client applications. |
You are welcome to use this code in any way to create you own |
OpenTransport applications. For more information on this program, |
please review the document "About OTVirtual Server". |
Written by: Eric Okholm |
Copyright: Copyright © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/22/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#define DoAlert(x) { sprintf(gProgramErr, x); gProgramState = kProgramError; } |
#define DoAlert1(x, y) { sprintf(gProgramErr, x, y); gProgramState = kProgramError; } |
#define DoAlert2(x, y, z) { sprintf(gProgramErr, x, y, z); gProgramState = kProgramError;} |
// |
// Program mode |
// |
// Before compiling, |
// set kDebugLevel to 0 for production |
// or 1 for debug code. |
// |
// In production mode, the code attempts to recover cleanly from any problems in encounters. |
// In debug mode, the unexplained phenomenon cause an alert box highlighting the situation |
// to be delivered and then the program exits. |
// |
#define kDebugLevel 1 |
#if kDebugLevel > 0 |
#define DBAlert(x) DoAlert(x) |
#define DBAlert1(x, y) DoAlert1(x, y) |
#define DBAlert2(x, y, z) DoAlert2(x, y, z) |
#else |
#define DBAlert(x) { } |
#define DBAlert1(x, y) { } |
#define DBAlert2(x, y, z) { } |
#endif |
// |
// Include files |
// |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <Events.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <GestaltEqu.h> |
#include <Memory.h> |
#include <Menus.h> |
#include <QuickDraw.h> |
#include <SegLoad.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <StdLib.h> |
#include <String.h> |
#include <strings.h> |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#include <Windows.h> |
#include <OpenTptInternet.h> // includes OpenTransport.h |
#include <OpenTptClient.h> // needed for OTReleaseBuffer() |
// |
// Defines, enums, resource IDs |
// |
#define kInFront (WindowPtr) -1 |
#define kWindowResID 128 |
// Apple Menu |
#define kAppleMenuResID 128 |
#define kAppleMenuAbout 1 |
// File Menu |
#define kFileMenuResID 129 |
#define kFileMenuOpen 1 |
#define kFileMenuClose 2 |
#define kFileMenuQuit 4 |
// Edit Menu |
#define kEditMenuResID 130 // Edit menu is disabled |
// Client Menu |
#define kClientMenuResID 131 |
#define kClientMenuTCPPrefs 1 |
// Alerts, etc. |
#define kAlertExitResID 128 |
#define kAboutBoxResID 130 |
// TCP Prefs Dialog |
#define kTCPPrefsDlogResID 129 |
#define kServerAddrDItem 2 |
#define kServerPortDItem 4 |
#define kMaxConnectionsDItem 6 |
#define kStartStopDItem 7 |
// Overall program states |
enum |
{ |
kProgramRunning = 0, |
kProgramDone = 1, |
kProgramError = 2 |
}; |
// Server states |
enum |
{ |
kClientStopped = 0, |
kClientRunning = 1, |
kClientShuttingDown = 2 |
}; |
// Bit numbers in EPInfo stateFlags fields |
enum |
{ |
kOpenInProgressBit = 0 |
}; |
// Misc stuff |
enum |
{ |
kTimerIntervalInSeconds = 3, |
kTimerInterval = (kTimerIntervalInSeconds * 1000), |
kServerRequestSize = 128, |
kOTVersion111 = 0x01110000 |
}; |
// Endpoint Info Structure |
struct EPInfo |
{ |
EndpointRef erf; // actual endpoint |
struct EPInfo* next; // used to link all acceptor's EPInfos (not atomic) |
OTLink link; // link into an OT LIFO (atomic) |
UInt8 stateFlags; // various status fields |
}; |
typedef struct EPInfo EPInfo; |
// |
// Globals |
// |
EPInfo* gDNS = NULL; |
EPInfo* gConnectors = NULL; |
InetHostInfo gServerHostInfo; |
Boolean gWaitForServerAddr; |
int gClientState = kClientStopped; |
int gProgramState = kProgramRunning; |
char gProgramErr[128]; |
DialogPtr gDialogPtr = NULL; |
WindowPtr gWindowPtr = NULL; |
long gSleepTicks = 60; |
Str255 gServerAddrStr = "\p17.202.32.195"; |
long gServerAddr = 0; |
Str255 gServerPortStr = "\p2001"; |
long gServerPort = 0; |
Str255 gMaxConnectionsStr = "\p100"; |
long gMaxConnections = 0; |
Boolean gClientRunning = false; |
Str255 gStartStr = "\pStart"; |
Str255 gStopStr = "\pStop"; |
SInt32 gCntrEndpts = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrIdleEPs = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrBrokenEPs = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrPending = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrConnections = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrTotalConnections = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrBytesRcvd = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrTotalBytesRcvd = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrDiscon = 0; |
OTLIFO* gIdleEPs = &gIdleEPLIFO; |
OTLIFO* gBrokenEPs = &gBrokenEPLIFO; |
OTConfiguration* gCfgMaster = NULL; |
Boolean gWaitForEventLoop = false; |
long gTimerTask = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrIntervalConnects = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrIntervalBytes = 0; |
SInt32 gConnectsPerSecond = 0; |
SInt32 gConnectsPerSecondMax = 0; |
SInt32 gKBytesPerSecond = 0; |
SInt32 gKBytesPerSecondMax = 0; |
SInt32 gCntrIntervalEventLoop = 0; |
SInt32 gEventsPerSecond = 1; |
SInt32 gEventsPerSecondMax = 1; |
Boolean gDoWindowUpdate = true; |
unsigned char gServerRequest[kServerRequestSize]; |
OSType gOTVersionSelector = 'otvr'; |
UInt32 gOTVersion; |
// |
// OpenTransport Networking Code Prototypes |
// |
static void DoConnect(EPInfo*); |
static Boolean EPClose(EPInfo*); |
static Boolean EPOpen(EPInfo*, OTConfiguration* cfg); |
static void NetEventLoop(void); |
static void NetInit(void); |
static void NetShutdown(void); |
static pascal void Notifier(void*, OTEventCode, OTResult, void*); |
static void ReadData(EPInfo*); |
static void Recycle(void); |
static void SendRequest(EPInfo*); |
static void StartClient(void); |
static void StopClient(void); |
static void TimerInit(); |
static void TimerDestroy(); |
static pascal void TimerRun(void*); |
// |
// Macintosh Program Wrapper Prototypes |
// |
static void AboutBox(void); |
static void AlertExit(char* ); |
static void DialogClose(void); |
static Boolean EventDialog(EventRecord*); |
static void EventDrag(WindowPtr, Point); |
static void EventGoAway(WindowPtr, Point); |
static void EventKeyDown(EventRecord*); |
static void EventLoop(void); |
static void EventMouseDown(EventRecord*); |
static void MacInit(void); |
static void MacInitROM(void); |
static void MyC2PStr(char*, Str255); |
static void MyP2CStr(Str255, char*); |
static void MenuDispatch(long); |
static void SetupMenus(void); |
static void TCPPrefsDialog(void); |
static void TCPPrefsReset(void); |
static void WindowClose(void); |
static void WindowOpen(void); |
static void WindowUpdate(void); |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// OpenTransport Networking Code |
// |
// The code in this section provides the networking portions of the |
// OpenTransport Virtual Client. |
// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// DoBind |
// |
// This routine requests a wildcard port binding from the transport protocol. |
// Since the program doesn't care what port is returned, it passes in NULL |
// for the bind return parameter. The bind request structure is ephemeral |
// and can be a local stack variable since OT is done with it when the call returns. |
// The bind is done when the notifier receives a T_BINDCOMPLETE event. |
// |
static void DoBind(EPInfo* epi) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
TBind bindReq; |
InetAddress inAddr; |
// |
// Bind the endpoint to a wildcard address |
// (assign us a port, we don't care which one). |
// |
OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, 0, 0); |
bindReq.addr.len = sizeof(InetAddress); |
bindReq.addr.buf = (unsigned char*) &inAddr; |
bindReq.qlen = 0; |
err = OTBind(epi->erf, &bindReq, NULL); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
DBAlert1("DoBind: OTBind error %d", err); |
return; |
} |
} |
// |
// DoConnect |
// |
// This routine attempts establish a new connection to the globally known |
// server address and port. If the program is still trying to use the |
// DNR to resolve the server's host name into an IP address, the endpoint |
// is queued for later connection. |
// |
static void DoConnect(EPInfo* epi) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
TCall sndCall; |
InetAddress inAddr; |
OTLink* link; |
// Don't want new connections if already shutting down. |
if (gProgramState != kProgramRunning || gClientState != kClientRunning) |
return; |
if (gWaitForServerAddr || gWaitForEventLoop) |
{ |
if (epi != NULL) |
{ |
OTLIFOEnqueue(gIdleEPs, &epi->link); |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrIdleEPs); |
} |
return; |
} |
// If we weren't passed a specific EPInfo, try to get an idle one. |
if (epi == NULL) |
{ |
link = OTLIFODequeue(gIdleEPs); |
if (link == NULL) |
return; |
OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gCntrIdleEPs); |
epi = OTGetLinkObject(link, EPInfo, link); |
} |
OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, gServerPort, gServerAddr); |
OTMemzero(&sndCall, sizeof(TCall)); |
sndCall.addr.len = sizeof(InetAddress); |
sndCall.addr.buf = (unsigned char*) &inAddr; |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrPending); |
err = OTConnect(epi->erf, &sndCall, NULL); |
if (err != kOTNoDataErr) |
{ |
OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gCntrPending); |
DBAlert2("DoConnect: OTConnect error %d state %d", err, OTGetEndpointState(epi->erf)); |
return; |
} |
// |
// If OTConnect didn't return an error, this thread will |
// resume when the notifier gets a T_CONNECT event... |
// |
} |
// |
// EPClose |
// |
// This routine is a front end to OTCloseProvider. |
// Centralizing closing of endpoints makes debugging and instrumentation easier. |
// |
static Boolean EPClose(EPInfo* epi) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
// |
// If an endpoint is still being opened, we can't close it yet. |
// There is no way to cancel an OTAsyncOpenEndpoint, so we just |
// have to wait for the T_OPENCOMPLETE event at the notifier. |
// |
if ( OTAtomicTestBit(&epi->stateFlags, kOpenInProgressBit) ) |
return false; |
err = OTCloseProvider(epi->erf); |
epi->erf = NULL; |
if (err) |
DBAlert1("EPClose: OTCloseProvider error %d", err); |
if (epi != gDNS) |
OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gCntrEndpts); |
return true; |
} |
// |
// EPOpen: |
// |
// A front end to OTAsyncOpenEndpoint. |
// A status bit is set so we know there is an open in progress. |
// It is cleared when the notifier gets a T_OPENCOMPLETE where the context |
// pointer is this EPInfo. Until that happens, this EPInfo can't be cleaned |
// up and released. |
// |
static Boolean EPOpen(EPInfo* epi, OTConfiguration* cfg) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OTAtomicSetBit(&epi->stateFlags, kOpenInProgressBit); |
err = OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(cfg, 0, NULL, &Notifier, epi); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
OTAtomicClearBit(&epi->stateFlags, kOpenInProgressBit); |
DBAlert1("EPOpen: OTAsyncOpenEndpoint error %d", err); |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
// |
// NetEventLoop |
// |
// This routine is called once during each pass through the program's event loop. |
// If the program is running on OT 1.1.2 or an earlier release, this is where |
// outbound orderly releases are started (see comments in DoSndOrderlyRelease |
// for more information on that). This is also where endpoints are "fixed" by |
// closing them and opening a new one to replace them. This is rarely necessary, |
// but works around some timing issues in OTUnbind(). Having passed through the |
// event loop once, we assume it is safe to turn off throttle-back. And, finally, |
// if we have deferred handing of a T_LISTEN, here we start it up again. |
// |
static void NetEventLoop() |
{ |
Recycle(); |
gWaitForEventLoop = false; |
DoConnect(NULL); |
} |
// |
// NetInit: |
// |
// This is nothing but a front end to InitOpenTransport. |
// The only reason for having this routine is to get the call to InitOpenTransport |
// up into the "networking" section of the program and out of the |
// "macintosh program wrapper" section of the program. |
// |
static void NetInit() |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
err = InitOpenTransport(); |
if (err) |
{ |
DBAlert1("NetInit: InitOpenTransport error %d", err); |
return; |
} |
err = Gestalt(gOTVersionSelector, (long*) &gOTVersion); |
if (err || (gOTVersion < kOTVersion111)) |
{ |
DoAlert("Please install Open Transport 1.1.1 or later"); |
return; |
} |
TimerInit(); |
} |
// |
// NetShutdown: |
// |
// Ditto... |
// |
static void NetShutdown() |
{ |
TimerDestroy(); |
CloseOpenTransport(); |
} |
// |
// Notifier: |
// |
// Most of the interesting networking code in this program resides inside |
// this notifier. In order to run asynchronously and as fast as possible, |
// things are done inside the notifier whenever possible. Since almost |
// everything is done inside the notifier, there was little need for specical |
// synchronization code. |
// |
// Note: The DNR events are combined with normal endpoint events in this notifier. |
// The only events which are expected from the DNR are T_DNRSTRINGTOADDRCOMPLETE |
// |
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Normal events defined by XTI (T_LISTEN, T_CONNECT, etc) |
// and OT completion events (T_OPENCOMPLETE, T_BINDCOMPLETE, etc.) are not |
// reentrant. That is, whenever our notifier is invoked with such an event, |
// the notifier will not be called again by OT for another normal or completion |
// event until we have returned out of the notifier - even if we make OT calls |
// from inside the notifier. This is a useful synchronization tool. |
// However, there are two kinds of events which will cause the notifier to |
// be reentered. One is T_MEMORYRELEASED, which always happens instantly. |
// The other are state change events like kOTProviderWillClose. |
// |
static pascal void Notifier(void* context, OTEventCode event, OTResult result, void* cookie) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OTResult epState; |
EPInfo* epi = (EPInfo*) context; |
// |
// Once the program is shutting down, most events would be uninteresting. |
// However, we still need T_OPENCOMPLETE and T_MEMORYRELEASED events since |
// we can't call CloseOpenTransport until all OTAsyncOpenEndpoints and |
// OTSends with AckSends have completed. So those specific events |
// are still accepted. |
// |
if (gProgramState != kProgramRunning) |
{ |
if (event != T_OPENCOMPLETE) |
return; |
} |
// |
// This really isn't necessary, it's just a sanity check which should be removed |
// once a program is debugged. It's just making sure we don't get event notifications |
// after all of our endpoints have been closed. |
// |
if (gClientState == kClientStopped) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: got event %d when client not running!", event); |
return; |
} |
// |
// Within the notifier, all action is based on the event code. |
// In this notifier, fatal errors all break out of the switch to the bottom. |
// As long as everything goes as expected, the case returns rather than breaks. |
// |
switch (event) |
{ |
// |
// |
// This event is returned when an endpoint has been bound to a wildcard addr. |
// No errors are expected. The program immediately attempts to establish |
// a connection from this endpoint to the server. |
// |
{ |
if (result != kOTNoError) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_BINDCOMPLETE result %d", result); |
return; |
} |
DoConnect(epi); // resumes at T_CONNECT |
return; |
} |
// |
// |
// This event is returned when a connection is established to the server. |
// The program must call OTRcvConnect() to get the conenction information |
// and clear the T_CONNECT event from the stream. Since OTRcvConnect() |
// returns immediately (rather than via a completion event to the notifier) |
// we can use local stack structures for parameters. |
// |
case T_CONNECT: |
{ |
TCall call; |
InetAddress caddr; |
if (result != kOTNoError) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_CONNECT result %d", result); |
return; |
} |
call.addr.maxlen = sizeof(InetAddress); |
call.addr.buf = (unsigned char*) &caddr; |
call.opt.maxlen = 0; |
call.opt.buf = NULL; |
call.udata.maxlen = 0; |
call.udata.buf = NULL; |
err = OTRcvConnect(epi->erf, &call); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_CONNECT - OTRcvConnect err %d", err); |
return; |
} |
OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gCntrPending); |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrConnections); |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrTotalConnections); |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrIntervalConnects); |
SendRequest(epi); |
// |
// Since we won't be sending any data, |
// might as well send along the orderly release now. |
// |
err = OTSndOrderlyDisconnect(epi->erf); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
if (err != kOTLookErr) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_CONNECT: OTSndOrderlyDisconnect error %d", err); |
} |
} |
return; // Wait for a T_DATA... |
} |
// |
// T_DATA: |
// |
// The main rule for processing T_DATA's is to remember that once you have |
// a T_DATA, you won't get another one until you have read to a kOTNoDataErr. |
// The advanced rule is to remember that you could get another T_DATA |
// during an OTRcv() which will eventually return kOTNoDataErr, presenting |
// the application with a synchronization issue to be most careful about. |
// |
// In this application, since an OTRcv() calls are made from inside the notifier, |
// this particular synchronization issue doesn't become a problem. |
// |
case T_DATA: |
{ |
ReadData(epi); |
return; |
} |
// |
// |
// This event occurs when the DNR has finished an attempt to translate |
// the server's name into an IP address we can use to connect to. |
// |
{ |
if (result != kOTNoError) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_DNRSTRINGTOADDRCOMPLETE result %d", result); |
return; |
} |
gServerAddr = gServerHostInfo.addrs[0]; |
gWaitForServerAddr = false; |
return; |
} |
// |
// |
// An inbound T_DISCONNECT event usually indicates that the other side of the |
// connection did an abortive disconnect (as opposed to an orderly release). |
// It also can be generated by the transport provider on the system (e.g. tcp) |
// when it decides that a connection is no longer in existance. |
// |
// We receive the disconnect, but this program ignores the associated reason (NULL param). |
// It is possible to get back a kOTNoDisconnectErr from the OTRcvDisconnect call. |
// This can happen when either (1) the disconnect on the stream is hidden by a |
// higher priority message, or (2) something has flushed or reset the disconnect |
// event in the meantime. This is not fatal, and the appropriate thing to do is |
// to pretend the T_DISCONNECT event never happened. Any other error is unexpected |
// and needs to be reported so we can fix it. Next, unbind the endpoint so we can |
// reuse it for a new inbound connection. |
// |
// It is possible to get an error on the unbind due to a bug in OT 1.1.1 and earlier. |
// The best thing to do for that is close the endpoint and open a new one to replace it. |
// We do this back in the main thread so we don't have to deal with synchronization problems. |
// |
{ |
epState = OTGetEndpointState(epi->erf); |
if (epState == T_OUTCON) |
{ |
OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gCntrPending); |
} |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrDiscon); |
err = OTRcvDisconnect(epi->erf, NULL); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
if (err == kOTNoDisconnectErr) |
return; |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_DISCONNECT - OTRcvDisconnect error %d", err); |
return; |
} |
err = OTUnbind(epi->erf); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
OTLIFOEnqueue(gBrokenEPs, &epi->link); |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrBrokenEPs); |
} |
return; |
} |
// |
// T_GODATA: |
// |
// Because of the complexity involved in the implementation of OT flow control, |
// it is sometimes possible to receive a T_GODATA even when we aren't subject |
// to flow control - normally only at the start of a program. If this happens, |
// ignoring it is the correct thing to do. |
// |
case T_GODATA: |
{ |
return; |
} |
// |
// |
// This event occurs when an OTAsyncOpenEndpoint() completes. Note that this event, |
// just like any other async call made from outside the notifier, can occur during |
// the call to OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(). That is, in the main thread the program did |
// the OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(), and the notifier is invoked before control is returned |
// to the line of code following the call to OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(). This is one |
// event we need to keep track of even if we are shutting down the program since there |
// is no way to cancel outstanding OTAsyncOpenEndpoint() calls. |
// |
{ |
char serverCString[256]; |
OTAtomicClearBit(&epi->stateFlags, kOpenInProgressBit); |
if (result == kOTNoError) |
epi->erf = (EndpointRef) cookie; |
else |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_OPENCOMPLETE result %d", result); |
return; |
} |
if (gProgramState != kProgramRunning) |
return; |
if (epi == gDNS) |
{ |
MyP2CStr(gServerAddrStr, serverCString); |
err = OTInetStringToAddress((InetSvcRef)epi->erf, serverCString, &gServerHostInfo); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
// |
// Can't translate the server address string |
// |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_OPENCOMPLETE - OTInetStringToAddress error %d", err); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrEndpts); |
// |
// Set to blocking mode so we don't have to deal with kEAGAIN errors. |
// Async/blocking is the best mode to write an OpenTransport application in. |
// |
err = OTSetBlocking(epi->erf); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_OPENCOMPLETE - OTSetBlocking error %d", err); |
return; |
} |
DoBind(epi); |
return; // resumes at T_BINDCOMPLETE |
} |
} |
// |
// T_ORDREL: |
// |
// This event occurs when an orderly release has been received on the stream. |
// |
case T_ORDREL: |
{ |
err = OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(epi->erf); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: T_ORDREL - OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect error %d", err); |
return; |
} |
epState = OTGetEndpointState(epi->erf); |
if (epState != T_IDLE) |
return; |
OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gCntrConnections); |
err = OTUnbind(epi->erf); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
OTLIFOEnqueue(gBrokenEPs, &epi->link); |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrBrokenEPs); |
} |
return; |
} |
// |
// |
// This event occurs on completion of an OTUnbind(). |
// The endpoint is ready for reuse on a new inbound connection. |
// Put it back into the queue of idle endpoints. |
// Note that the OTLIFO structure has atomic queue and dequeue, |
// which can be helpful for synchronization protection. |
// |
{ |
if (result != kOTNoError) |
{ |
// |
// Unbind errors can occur as a result of a bug in OT 1.1.1 and earlier |
// versions. The best recovery is to put the endpoint in the broken |
// list for recycling with a clean, new endpoint. |
// |
OTLIFOEnqueue(gBrokenEPs, &epi->link); |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrBrokenEPs); |
return; |
} |
DoBind(epi); |
return; |
} |
// |
// default: |
// |
// There are events which we don't handle, but we don't expect to see |
// any of them. When running in debugging mode while developing a program, |
// we exit with an informational alert. Later, in the production version |
// of the program, we ignore the event and try to keep running. |
// |
default: |
{ |
DBAlert1("Notifier: unknown event <%x>", event); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
// |
// ReadData: |
// |
// This routine attempts to read all available data from an endpoint. |
// Since this routine is only called from inside the notifier in the current |
// version of OTVirtualClient, it is not necessary to program to handle |
// getting back a T_DATA notification DURING an OTRcv() call, as would be |
// the case if we read from outside the notifier. We must read until we |
// get a kOTNoDataErr in order to clear the T_DATA event so we will get |
// another notification of T_DATA in the future. |
// |
// Currently this application uses no-copy receives to get data. This obligates |
// the program to return the buffers to OT asap. Since this program does nothing |
// with data other than count it, that's easy. Future, more complex versions |
// of this program will do more interesting things with regards to that. |
// |
static void ReadData(EPInfo* epi) |
{ |
OTBuffer* bp; |
OTResult res; |
OTFlags flags; |
while (true) |
{ |
res = OTRcv(epi->erf, &bp, kOTNetbufDataIsOTBufferStar, &flags); |
if (res > 0) |
{ |
OTAtomicAdd32(res, &gCntrBytesRcvd); |
OTAtomicAdd32(res, &gCntrTotalBytesRcvd); |
OTAtomicAdd32(res, &gCntrIntervalBytes); |
OTReleaseBuffer(bp); |
continue; |
} |
if (res == kOTNoDataErr) |
{ |
// |
// Since ReadData is only called from inside the notifier |
// we don't have to worry about having missed a T_DATA |
// during the OTRcv. |
// |
return; |
} |
if (res <= 0) |
{ |
if (res == kOTLookErr) |
{ |
res = OTLook(epi->erf); |
if (res == T_ORDREL) |
return; |
if (res == T_GODATA) |
{ |
// |
// This isn't expected, but it has happened occasionally. |
// The correct way to proceed is to ignore it. |
// |
continue; |
} |
else |
{ |
DBAlert1("ReadData: OTRcv got OTLookErr 0x%08x", res); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
DBAlert1("ReadData: OTRcv error %d", res); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// |
// Recycle: |
// |
// This routine shouldn't be necessary, but it is helpful to work around both |
// problems in OpenTransport and bugs in this program. Basicly, whenever an |
// unexpected error occurs which shouldn't be fatal to the program, the EPInfo |
// is queued on the BrokenEP queue. When recycle is called, once per pass around |
// the event loop, it will attempt to close the associated endpoint and open |
// a new one to replace it using the same EPInfo structure. This process of |
// closing an errant endpoint and opening a replacement is probably the most |
// reliable way to make sure that this program and OpenTransport can recover |
// from unexpected happenings in a clean manner. |
// |
static void Recycle() |
{ |
OTLink* list = OTLIFOStealList(gBrokenEPs); |
OTLink* link; |
EPInfo* epi; |
while ( (link = list) != NULL ) |
{ |
list = link->fNext; |
epi = OTGetLinkObject(link, EPInfo, link); |
if (!EPClose(epi)) |
{ |
OTLIFOEnqueue(gBrokenEPs, &epi->link); |
continue; |
} |
OTAtomicAdd32(-1, &gCntrBrokenEPs); |
EPOpen(epi, OTCloneConfiguration(gCfgMaster)); |
} |
} |
// |
// SendRequest: |
// |
// Tell the OT Virtual Server we want it to send us some data. |
// For demonstration purposes, the server will wait for a 128 byte |
// "request" to come in before sending us data. It doesn't care |
// what the request looks like, it just allows us to better simulate |
// true client/server interactions. |
// |
static void SendRequest(EPInfo* epi) |
{ |
OTResult res; |
res = OTSnd(epi->erf, gServerRequest, kServerRequestSize, 0); |
// |
// This is bogus and needs to add flow control. |
// The only reason we get away with it here is because flow control |
// will never happen in the first 128 bytes sent, and that is all |
// we are sending. |
// |
if (res != kServerRequestSize) |
{ |
DBAlert1("SendRequest: got result %d", res); |
} |
OTAtomicAdd32(res, &gCntrIntervalBytes); |
} |
// |
// StartClient: |
// |
// Open one InetServices (DNS) object, |
// and as many connection endpoints as the program will use. |
// Start making connections as soon as the server's name is translated |
// to an IP address. |
// |
static void StartClient() |
{ |
int i; |
EPInfo* epi; |
OSStatus err; |
gCntrEndpts = 0; |
gCntrPending = 0; |
gCntrConnections = 0; |
gCntrBrokenEPs = 0; |
gCntrTotalConnections = 0; |
gIdleEPs->fHead = NULL; |
gBrokenEPs->fHead = NULL; |
gClientState = kClientRunning; |
TCPPrefsReset(); |
gWaitForServerAddr = true; |
// |
// Open an InternetServices so we have access to the DNR |
// to translate the server's name into an IP address (if necessary). |
// |
gDNS = (EPInfo*) NewPtr(sizeof(EPInfo)); |
if (gDNS == NULL) |
{ |
DBAlert("StartClient: NewPtr cannot get memory for EPInfo"); |
return; |
} |
OTMemzero(gDNS, sizeof(EPInfo)); |
OTAtomicSetBit(&gDNS->stateFlags, kOpenInProgressBit); |
err = OTAsyncOpenInternetServices(kDefaultInternetServicesPath, 0, Notifier, gDNS); |
if (err != kOTNoError) |
{ |
OTAtomicClearBit(&gDNS->stateFlags, kOpenInProgressBit); |
DBAlert1("OTAsyncOpenInternetServices error %d", err); |
return; |
} |
// |
// Get memory for EPInfo structures |
// |
for (i = 0; i < gMaxConnections; i++) |
{ |
epi = (EPInfo*) NewPtr(sizeof(EPInfo)); |
if (epi == NULL) |
{ |
DBAlert("StartClient: NewPtr cannot get memory for EPInfo"); |
return; |
} |
OTMemzero(epi, sizeof(EPInfo)); |
epi->next = gConnectors; |
gConnectors = epi; |
} |
// |
// Open endpoints which can be used for outbound |
// connections to the server. |
// |
gCfgMaster = OTCreateConfiguration("tcp"); |
if (gCfgMaster == NULL) |
{ |
DBAlert("StartClient: OTCreateConfiguration returned NULL"); |
return; |
} |
for (epi = gConnectors; epi != NULL; epi = epi->next) |
{ |
if (!EPOpen(epi, OTCloneConfiguration(gCfgMaster))) |
break; |
} |
} |
// |
// StopClient: |
// |
// This is where the client is shut down, either because the user clicked |
// the stop button, or because the program is exiting (error or quit). |
// The tricky part is that we can't quit while there are outstanding |
// OTAsyncOpenEndpoint calls (which can't be cancelled, by the way). |
// |
static void StopClient() |
{ |
EPInfo *epi, *last; |
gClientState = kClientShuttingDown; |
// |
// First, make sure the DNS is closed. |
// |
if (gDNS != NULL) |
{ |
if (!EPClose(gDNS)) |
return; |
DisposePtr((char*)gDNS); |
gDNS = NULL; |
} |
// |
// Start closing connector endpoints. |
// While we could be rude and just close the endpoints, |
// we try to be polite and wait for all outstanding connections |
// to finish before closing the endpoints. The is a bit easier |
// on the server which won't end up keeping around control blocks |
// for dead connections which it doesn't know are dead. Alternately, |
// we could just send a disconnect, but this seems cleaner. |
// |
epi = gConnectors; |
last = NULL; |
while (epi != NULL) |
{ |
if (!EPClose(epi)) |
{ |
// Can't close this endpoint yet, so skip it. |
last = epi; |
epi = epi->next; |
continue; |
} |
else |
{ |
if (last != NULL) |
{ |
last->next = epi->next; |
DisposePtr((char*)epi); |
epi = last->next; |
} |
else |
{ |
gConnectors = epi->next; |
DisposePtr((char*)epi); |
epi = gConnectors; |
} |
} |
} |
// |
// If the list is empty now, then all endpoints have been successfully closed, |
// so the client is stopped now. At this point we can either restart it or |
// exit the program safely. |
// |
if (gConnectors == NULL) |
{ |
gClientState = kClientStopped; |
gCntrEndpts = 0; |
gCntrIdleEPs = 0; |
gCntrPending = 0; |
gCntrConnections = 0; |
gCntrBrokenEPs = 0; |
gCntrTotalConnections = 0; |
gIdleEPs->fHead = NULL; |
gBrokenEPs->fHead = NULL; |
OTDestroyConfiguration(gCfgMaster); |
} |
} |
// |
// TimerInit |
// |
// Start up a regular timer to do housekeeping. Strictly speaking, |
// this isn't necessary, but having a regular heartbeat allows us to |
// detect if we are so busy with network notifier processing that the |
// program's event loop isn't ever firing. We want to know this so |
// we can at least allow the user to quit the program if they want to. |
// |
static void TimerInit() |
{ |
gTimerTask = OTCreateTimerTask(&TimerRun, 0); |
if (gTimerTask == 0) |
{ |
sprintf(gProgramErr, "TimerInit: OTCreateTimerTask returned 0"); |
gProgramState = kProgramError; |
return; |
} |
OTScheduleTimerTask(gTimerTask, kTimerInterval); |
} |
// |
// TimerDestroy |
// |
static void TimerDestroy() |
{ |
if (gTimerTask != 0) |
{ |
OTCancelTimerTask(gTimerTask); |
OTDestroyTimerTask(gTimerTask); |
gTimerTask = 0; |
} |
} |
// |
// TimerRun |
// |
// Fires every N seconds, no matter how busy the system is. |
// We use this to detect if the program's main event loop is getting no time, |
// in which case we can slow the client down by doing a throttle-back until |
// the event loop can run at least once. It also is a convenient statistics |
// gathering point. |
// |
static pascal void TimerRun(void*) |
{ |
gConnectsPerSecond = (gCntrIntervalConnects / kTimerIntervalInSeconds); |
gKBytesPerSecond = (gCntrIntervalBytes / (kTimerIntervalInSeconds * 1024)); |
gEventsPerSecond = (gCntrIntervalEventLoop / kTimerIntervalInSeconds); |
if (gCntrIntervalEventLoop == 0) |
gWaitForEventLoop = true; |
if (gConnectsPerSecond > gConnectsPerSecondMax) |
gConnectsPerSecondMax = gConnectsPerSecond; |
if (gKBytesPerSecond > gKBytesPerSecondMax) |
gKBytesPerSecondMax = gKBytesPerSecond; |
if (gEventsPerSecond > gEventsPerSecondMax) |
gEventsPerSecondMax = gEventsPerSecond; |
gCntrIntervalConnects = 0; |
gCntrIntervalBytes = 0; |
gCntrIntervalEventLoop = 0; |
gDoWindowUpdate = true; |
gCntrConnections = gCntrEndpts - gCntrPending - gCntrBrokenEPs; |
OTScheduleTimerTask(gTimerTask, kTimerInterval); |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Macintosh Program Wrapper |
// |
// The code from here down deals with the Macintosh environment, events, |
// menus, command keys, etc. Networking code is in the section above. |
// Since this code is fairly basic, and since this isn't really intended |
// to be a "sample Macintosh application" (just a sample OpenTransport application) |
// this section isn't heavily commented. There are much better Macintosh |
// application samples for handling mouse, keyboard, event loops, etc. |
// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void AboutBox() |
{ |
Alert(kAboutBoxResID, NULL); |
} |
static Boolean EventDialog(EventRecord* event) |
{ |
DialogPtr dp; |
short item; |
short itemType; |
Handle itemHandle; |
Rect itemRect; |
if (event->modifiers & cmdKey) |
{ |
EventKeyDown(event); // this allows menu commands while dialog is active window |
return false; // note if I add cut/paste I will have to rework this. |
} |
if ((DialogSelect(event, &dp, &item)) && (dp == gDialogPtr)) |
{ |
GetDialogItem(gDialogPtr, item, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect); |
switch (item) |
{ |
case kServerAddrDItem: |
GetDialogItemText(itemHandle, gServerAddrStr); |
return true; |
case kServerPortDItem: |
GetDialogItemText(itemHandle, gServerPortStr); |
return true; |
case kMaxConnectionsDItem: |
GetDialogItemText(itemHandle, gMaxConnectionsStr); |
return true; |
case kStartStopDItem: |
GetDialogItem(gDialogPtr, kStartStopDItem, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect); |
if (gClientRunning) |
{ |
StopClient(); |
SetControlTitle((ControlHandle)itemHandle, gStartStr); |
gClientRunning = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
StartClient(); |
SetControlTitle((ControlHandle)itemHandle, gStopStr); |
gClientRunning = true; |
} |
DrawDialog(gDialogPtr); |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
static void TCPPrefsReset() |
{ |
StringToNum(gServerPortStr, &gServerPort); |
StringToNum(gMaxConnectionsStr, &gMaxConnections); |
} |
static void TCPPrefsDialog() |
{ |
short itemType; |
Handle itemHandle; |
Rect itemRect; |
gDialogPtr = GetNewDialog(kTCPPrefsDlogResID, NULL, kInFront); |
SetWTitle(gDialogPtr, "\pTCP Preferences"); |
GetDialogItem(gDialogPtr, kServerAddrDItem, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect); |
SetDialogItemText(itemHandle, gServerAddrStr); |
GetDialogItem(gDialogPtr, kServerPortDItem, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect); |
SetDialogItemText(itemHandle, gServerPortStr); |
GetDialogItem(gDialogPtr, kMaxConnectionsDItem, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect); |
SetDialogItemText(itemHandle, gMaxConnectionsStr); |
GetDialogItem(gDialogPtr, kStartStopDItem, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect); |
if (gClientRunning) |
SetControlTitle((ControlHandle)itemHandle, gStopStr); |
else |
SetControlTitle((ControlHandle)itemHandle, gStartStr); |
DrawDialog(gDialogPtr); |
} |
static void DialogClose() |
{ |
DisposeDialog(gDialogPtr); |
gDialogPtr = NULL; |
TCPPrefsReset(); |
} |
static void MenuDispatch(long menu) |
{ |
short menuID; |
short cmdID; |
menuID = HiWord(menu); |
cmdID = LoWord(menu); |
switch(menuID) |
{ |
case kAppleMenuResID: |
{ |
switch (cmdID) |
{ |
case kAppleMenuAbout: |
AboutBox(); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
case kFileMenuResID: |
{ |
switch (cmdID) |
{ |
case kFileMenuQuit: |
gProgramState = kProgramDone; |
break; |
case kFileMenuOpen: |
WindowOpen(); |
break; |
case kFileMenuClose: |
WindowClose(); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
case kEditMenuResID: |
break; |
case kClientMenuResID: |
{ |
switch (cmdID) |
{ |
case kClientMenuTCPPrefs: |
TCPPrefsDialog(); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
static void EventDrag(WindowPtr wp, Point loc) |
{ |
Rect dragBounds; |
dragBounds = qd.screenBits.bounds; |
DragWindow(wp, loc, &dragBounds); |
} |
static void EventGoAway(WindowPtr wp, Point loc) |
{ |
if (TrackGoAway(wp, loc)) |
{ |
if (wp == gWindowPtr) |
WindowClose(); |
else if (wp == gDialogPtr) |
DialogClose(); |
} |
} |
static void EventMouseDown(EventRecord* event) |
{ |
short part; |
WindowPtr wp; |
long menu; |
part = FindWindow(event->where, &wp); |
switch (part) |
{ |
case inMenuBar: |
menu = MenuSelect(event->where); |
HiliteMenu(0); |
MenuDispatch(menu); |
break; |
case inDrag: |
EventDrag(wp, event->where); |
break; |
case inGoAway: |
EventGoAway(wp, event->where); |
break; |
case inContent: |
SelectWindow(wp); |
break; |
case inGrow: // no grow box |
case inZoomIn: // no zoom box |
case inZoomOut: // no zoom box |
case inSysWindow: |
case inDesk: |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
static void EventKeyDown(EventRecord* event) |
{ |
char c; |
long menu; |
c = event->message & charCodeMask; |
if (event->modifiers & cmdKey) |
{ |
// cmd key |
menu = MenuKey(c); |
HiliteMenu(0); |
if (menu != 0) |
MenuDispatch(menu); |
} |
else |
{ |
// normal keystroke |
} |
} |
static void EventLoop() |
{ |
EventRecord event; |
while ((gProgramState == kProgramRunning) || (gClientState != kClientStopped)) |
{ |
OTAtomicAdd32(1, &gCntrIntervalEventLoop); |
if (WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, gSleepTicks, 0)) |
{ |
if ((gDialogPtr != NULL) && (IsDialogEvent(&event))) |
{ |
if (EventDialog(&event)) |
continue; |
} |
switch (event.what) |
{ |
case keyDown: |
EventKeyDown(&event); |
break; |
case mouseDown: |
EventMouseDown(&event); |
break; |
case updateEvt: |
// redraw window now |
break; |
case activateEvt: |
// activate or deactivate window controls |
break; |
case mouseUp: |
case keyUp: |
case autoKey: |
case diskEvt: |
case app4Evt: |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
if (((gProgramState == kProgramRunning) && (gClientState == kClientShuttingDown)) || |
((gProgramState != kProgramRunning) && (gClientState != kClientStopped))) |
StopClient(); |
else if ((gProgramState == kProgramRunning) && (gClientState == kClientRunning)) |
NetEventLoop(); |
WindowUpdate(); |
} |
} |
static void WindowClose() |
{ |
if (gWindowPtr == NULL) |
return; |
DisposeWindow(gWindowPtr); |
gWindowPtr = NULL; |
} |
static void WindowOpen() |
{ |
if (gWindowPtr != NULL) |
return; |
gWindowPtr = GetNewWindow(kWindowResID, NULL, kInFront); |
SetWTitle(gWindowPtr, "\pOTVirtualClient"); |
} |
static void WindowUpdate() |
{ |
char gStrBuf[128]; |
int len; |
if (gWindowPtr == NULL) |
return; |
if (gDoWindowUpdate == false) |
return; |
gDoWindowUpdate = false; |
SetPort(gWindowPtr); |
EraseRgn(gWindowPtr->visRgn); |
gCntrConnections = gCntrEndpts - gCntrIdleEPs - gCntrPending - gCntrBrokenEPs; |
MoveTo(20, 20); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "EPs: total %d idle %d", gCntrEndpts, gCntrIdleEPs); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 40); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "Connects: current %d total %d", gCntrConnections, gCntrTotalConnections); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 60); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "Pending connections %d", gCntrPending); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 80); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "KBytes received %d", (gCntrTotalBytesRcvd / 1024)); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 100); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "Conn/sec: current %d max %d", gConnectsPerSecond, gConnectsPerSecondMax); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 120); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "KBy/sec: current %d max %d", gKBytesPerSecond, gKBytesPerSecondMax); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 140); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "Events/sec: %d/%d", gEventsPerSecond, gEventsPerSecondMax); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 160); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "Running at %d%% of capacity.", |
(100 - ((100 * gEventsPerSecond)/gEventsPerSecondMax))); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
MoveTo(20, 180); |
sprintf(gStrBuf, "Disconnects %d", gCntrDiscon); |
len = strlen(gStrBuf) ; |
DrawText(gStrBuf, 0, len); |
} |
static void SetupMenus() |
{ |
MenuHandle mh; |
mh = GetMenu(kAppleMenuResID); |
AppendResMenu( mh, 'DRVR' ); /* Add DA list */ |
InsertMenu(mh, 0); |
mh = GetMenu(kFileMenuResID); |
InsertMenu(mh, 0); |
mh = GetMenu(kEditMenuResID); |
InsertMenu(mh, 0); |
mh = GetMenu(kClientMenuResID); |
InsertMenu(mh, 0); |
DrawMenuBar(); |
} |
static void MyC2PStr(char* cstr, Str255 pstr) |
{ |
// |
// Converts a C string to a Pascal string. |
// Truncates the string if longer than 254 bytes. |
// |
int i, j; |
i = strlen(cstr); |
if (i > 254) |
i = 254; |
pstr[0] = i; |
for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) |
pstr[j] = cstr[j-1]; |
} |
static void MyP2CStr(Str255 pstr, char* cstr) |
{ |
int i; |
for (i = 0; i < pstr[0]; i++) |
cstr[i] = pstr[i+1]; |
cstr[i] = 0; |
} |
static void AlertExit(char* err) |
{ |
Str255 pErr; |
MyC2PStr(err, pErr); |
ParamText(pErr, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
Alert(kAlertExitResID, NULL); |
ExitToShell(); |
} |
static void MacInitROM() |
{ |
MaxApplZone(); |
MoreMasters(); |
InitGraf(&qd.thePort); |
InitCursor(); |
InitFonts(); |
InitWindows(); |
InitMenus(); |
TEInit(); |
InitDialogs(NULL); |
FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); |
} |
static void MacInit() |
{ |
MacInitROM(); |
WindowOpen(); |
SetupMenus(); |
} |
static void MiscInit() |
{ |
int i; |
// This is just so the data is a little better than random for tracing |
for (i = 0; i < kServerRequestSize; i++) |
gServerRequest[i] = i; |
} |
void main() |
{ |
MacInit(); |
NetInit(); |
MiscInit(); |
EventLoop(); |
NetShutdown(); |
if (gProgramState == kProgramError) |
AlertExit(gProgramErr); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14