
#   Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
#   Offscreen Buffer Sample Application
#   OffSample
#   POffSample.h    -   Rez Include Source
#   Copyright © 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
#   All rights reserved.
#   Versions:   
#               1.00                04/89
#               1.01                06/92
#   Components:
#               OffSample.p         April 1, 1989
#               OffSample.r         April 1, 1989
#               OffSample.h         April 1, 1989
#               OffSample.rsrc      April 1, 1989
#               POffSample.make     April 1, 1989
#   Requirements:
#               Offscreen.p         April 1, 1989
#               Offscreen.inc1.p    April 1, 1989
#               UFailure.p          November 1, 1988
#               UFailure.inc1.p     November 1, 1988
#               UFailure.a          November 1, 1988
#   OffSample demonstrates the usage of the Offscreen
#   unit. It shows how to use offscreen pixmaps and
#   bitmaps to produce flicker-free updating with a
#   minimum of re-structuring of code. OffSample attempts
#   to reduce the amount of 'knowledge' that it has of
#   the offscreen structure so as to minimize its
#   dependence on that unit.
#   OffSample emphasizes using the Offscreen unit; it
#   is not intended to be viewed as a complete application
#   from which to base some larger effort. Instead, its
#   method of using offscreen bitmaps and pixmaps should
#   be studied and adapted to other applications that
#   desire features such as flicker-free updating.
#define kMinSize                75      /* application's minimum size (in K) */
#define kPrefSize               245     /* application's preferred size (in K) */
#define rMenuBar                128     /* application's menu bar */
#define rAboutAlert             128     /* about alert */
#define rUserAlert              129     /* error user alert */
#define rWindow                 128     /* application's window */
/* kSysEnvironsVersion is passed to SysEnvirons to tell it which version of the
   SysEnvRec we understand. */
#define kSysEnvironsVersion     1
/* kOSEvent is the event number of the suspend/resume and mouse-moved events sent
   by MultiFinder. Once we determine that an event is an osEvent, we look at the
   high byte of the message sent to determine which kind it is. To differentiate
   suspend and resume events we check the resumeMask bit. */
#define kOSEvent                app4Evt /* event used by MultiFinder */
#define kSuspendResumeMessage   1       /* high byte of suspend/resume event message */
#define kResumeMask             1       /* bit of message field for resume vs. suspend */
#define kMouseMovedMessage      0xFA    /* high byte of mouse-moved event message */
#define sErrStrings             128
#define kNoBackBuff             128
#define kNoEditBuff             129
#define kTitle                  130
#define kColorPrompt            131
#define kNoWantBack             132
#define kNoWantEdit             133
/* The following constants are used to identify menus and their items. The menu IDs
   have an "m" prefix and the item numbers within each menu have an "i" prefix. */
#define mApple                  128     /* Apple menu */
#define iAbout                  1
#define mFile                   129     /* File menu */
#define iNew                    1
#define iClose                  4
#define iQuit                   12
#define mEdit                   130     /* Edit menu */
#define iUndo                   1
#define iCut                    3
#define iCopy                   4
#define iPaste                  5
#define iClear                  6
#define mShape                  131     /* Shape menu */
#define mSpecial                132     /* Special menu */
#define iUseBack                1
#define iUseEdit                2
#define iPickColor              4
/*  kTopLeft - This is for positioning the Disk Initialization dialogs. */
#define kDITop                  0x0050
#define kDILeft                 0x0070
/*  kMinHeap - This is the minimum result from the following equation:
        ORD(GetApplLimit) - ORD(ApplicZone)
    for the application to run. It will insure that enough memory will
    be around for reasonable-sized scraps, FKEYs, etc. to exist with the
    application, and still give the application some 'breathing room'.
    To derive this number, we ran under a MultiFinder partition that was
    our requested minimum size, as given in the 'SIZE' resource. */
#define kMinHeap                66 * 1024
/*  kMinSpace - This is the minimum result from PurgeSpace, when called
    at initialization time, for the application to run. This number acts
    as a double-check to insure that there really is enough memory for the
    application to run, including what has been taken up already by
    pre-loaded resources, the scrap, code, and other sundry memory blocks. */
#define kMinSpace               49 * 1024
/* kExtremeNeg and kExtremePos are used to set up wide open rectangles and regions. */
#define kExtremeNeg             -32768
#define kExtremePos             32767 - 1 /* required to address an old region bug */
/* these #defines are used to set enable/disable flags of a menu */
#define AllItems    0b1111111111111111111111111111111   /* 31 flags */
#define NoItems     0b0000000000000000000000000000000
#define MenuItem1   0b0000000000000000000000000000001
#define MenuItem2   0b0000000000000000000000000000010
#define MenuItem3   0b0000000000000000000000000000100
#define MenuItem4   0b0000000000000000000000000001000
#define MenuItem5   0b0000000000000000000000000010000
#define MenuItem6   0b0000000000000000000000000100000
#define MenuItem7   0b0000000000000000000000001000000
#define MenuItem8   0b0000000000000000000000010000000
#define MenuItem9   0b0000000000000000000000100000000
#define MenuItem10  0b0000000000000000000001000000000
#define MenuItem11  0b0000000000000000000010000000000
#define MenuItem12  0b0000000000000000000100000000000