
    File:       MyComponent.c
    Contains:   simple component sample.
    Written by: John Wang
    Copyright:  © 1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
        <1>     03/22/94    JW      Created.
    To Do:
#ifdef THINK_C
#define     applec
#include    <Memory.h>
#include    <Errors.h>
#include    <Components.h>
#include    <Movies.h>
#include    <QuickTimeComponents.h>
#include    <Components.h>
#include    <LowMem.h>
#include    "MyComponent.h"
#include    "MyComponentRoutines.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//  Component entry point.
pascal ComponentResult main(ComponentParameters *params, char **storage)
    PrivateGlobals      **myPrivateGlobals = (PrivateGlobals **) storage;
    long                ret;
    if ( kDEBUGME )
        DebugStr("\pIn main()");
    if ( params->what < 0 ) { 
        switch ( params->what ) {
            case kComponentOpenSelect:
                return ( CallComponentFunction(params, (ComponentFunctionUPP) MyOpen) );
            case kComponentCloseSelect:
                return ( CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(storage, params,
                        (ComponentFunctionUPP) MyClose) );
            case kComponentCanDoSelect:
                ret = CallComponentFunction(params, (ComponentFunctionUPP) MyCanDo);
                if ( ret == false ) {
                    DebugStr("\pIn kComponentCanDoSelect");
                    if ( (**myPrivateGlobals).delegate ) {
                        ret = DelegateComponentCall(params, (**myPrivateGlobals).delegate);
                return ( ret );
            case kComponentVersionSelect: 
                return ( CallComponentFunction(params, (ComponentFunctionUPP) MyVersion) );
            case kComponentRegisterSelect: 
                return ( CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(storage, params,
                        (ComponentFunctionUPP) MyRegister) );
            case kComponentTargetSelect: 
                return ( CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(storage, params,
                        (ComponentFunctionUPP) MyTarget) );
                return ( paramErr );
    } else {
        switch ( params->what ) {
                if ( (**myPrivateGlobals).delegate ) {
                    //  If base media handler is targeted, then delegate all unimplemented
                    //  calls to the base media handler.
                    long    ret;
                    ret = DelegateComponentCall(params, (**myPrivateGlobals).delegate);
                    return ( ret );
                } else {
                    //  If base media handler has not been targeted, then return paramErr.
                    return ( paramErr );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//  Required component calls.
pascal ComponentResult MyOpen(ComponentInstance self)
    PrivateGlobals          **myPrivateGlobals;
    ComponentInstance       myComp;
    ComponentDescription    searchComp;
    Component               dataHandler;
    if ( kDEBUGME )
        DebugStr("\pIn MyOpen()");
    myPrivateGlobals = nil;
    searchComp.componentType = 'dhlr';
    searchComp.componentSubType = 'alis';
    searchComp.componentManufacturer = 'appl';
    searchComp.componentFlags = 0x40000000;
    searchComp.componentFlagsMask = 0x40000000;
    //  Open base media handler component and target it.
    dataHandler = FindNextComponent(nil, &searchComp);
    if (dataHandler == nil) {
        DebugStr("\pCould not find data handler.");
    if ((myComp = OpenComponent(dataHandler)) == nil) {
    ComponentSetTarget(myComp, self);
    //  Create private variables.
    myPrivateGlobals = (PrivateGlobals **) NewHandleClear(sizeof(PrivateGlobals));
    if ( myPrivateGlobals == nil )
        goto bail;
    //  Initialize private variables.
    (**myPrivateGlobals).delegate = myComp;
    //  Since we've gotten here, everyt hings ok and we can set up the connection.
    SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle) myPrivateGlobals);
    return ( noErr );
    if ( myPrivateGlobals )
        DisposeHandle((Handle) myPrivateGlobals);
    return ( memFullErr );
pascal ComponentResult MyClose(Handle storage, ComponentInstance self)
    PrivateGlobals      **myPrivateGlobals = (PrivateGlobals **) storage;
    if ( kDEBUGME )
        DebugStr("\pIn MyClose()");
    //  Dispose of private variables.
    if ( myPrivateGlobals ) {
        if ((**myPrivateGlobals).delegate) {
            (**myPrivateGlobals).delegate = nil;
        DisposeHandle((Handle) myPrivateGlobals);
    return ( noErr );
pascal ComponentResult MyCanDo(short selector)
    long    ret;
    if ( kDEBUGME )
        DebugStr("\pIn MyCanDo()");
    switch ( selector ) {
        //  Required component calls.
        case kComponentOpenSelect:
        case kComponentCloseSelect:
        case kComponentCanDoSelect:
        case kComponentVersionSelect: 
        case kComponentRegisterSelect: 
        case kComponentTargetSelect: 
        //  MyComponent specific calls.
        //  Not handled.
            return ( false );
pascal ComponentResult MyVersion()
    if ( kDEBUGME )
        DebugStr("\pIn MyVersion()");
    return ( (kMyComponentSpec<<16) | (kMyComponentVersion) );
pascal ComponentResult MyRegister()
    return ( false );
pascal ComponentResult MyTarget(Handle storage, ComponentInstance self)
    PrivateGlobals      **myPrivateGlobals = (PrivateGlobals **) storage;
    if ( kDEBUGME )
        DebugStr("\pIn MyTarget()");
    //  From now on, self will be the component instance that targeted us.
    (**myPrivateGlobals).self = self;
    return ( noErr );