Retired Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Developer Library. This information should not be used for new development.
Current information on this Developer Library topic can be found here:
// Version: <1.0> |
// |
// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") |
// in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, |
// installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
// constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these |
// terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple |
// software. |
// |
// In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
// subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive |
// license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the |
// "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
// Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms; |
// provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
// without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text |
// and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither |
// the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to |
// endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific |
// prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this |
// notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by |
// Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be |
// infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
// Software may be incorporated. |
// |
// The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
// |
// |
// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <string> |
#include <assert.h> |
#include "fft_internal.h" |
#include "clFFT.h" |
using namespace std; |
#define max(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B)) |
#define min(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B)) |
static string |
num2str(int num) |
{ |
char temp[200]; |
sprintf(temp, "%d", num); |
return string(temp); |
} |
// For any n, this function decomposes n into factors for loacal memory tranpose |
// based fft. Factors (radices) are sorted such that the first one (radixArray[0]) |
// is the largest. This base radix determines the number of registers used by each |
// work item and product of remaining radices determine the size of work group needed. |
// To make things concrete with and example, suppose n = 1024. It is decomposed into |
// 1024 = 16 x 16 x 4. Hence kernel uses float2 a[16], for local in-register fft and |
// needs 16 x 4 = 64 work items per work group. So kernel first performance 64 length |
// 16 ffts (64 work items working in parallel) following by transpose using local |
// memory followed by again 64 length 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory |
// followed by 256 length 4 ffts. For the last step since with size of work group is |
// 64 and each work item can array for 16 values, 64 work items can compute 256 length |
// 4 ffts by each work item computing 4 length 4 ffts. |
// Similarly for n = 2048 = 8 x 8 x 8 x 4, each work group has 8 x 8 x 4 = 256 work |
// iterms which each computes 256 (in-parallel) length 8 ffts in-register, followed |
// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed |
// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed |
// by transpose using local memory, followed by 512 length 4 in-register ffts. Again, |
// for the last step, each work item computes two length 4 in-register ffts and thus |
// 256 work items are needed to compute all 512 ffts. |
// For n = 32 = 8 x 4, 4 work items first compute 4 in-register |
// lenth 8 ffts, followed by transpose using local memory followed by 8 in-register |
// length 4 ffts, where each work item computes two length 4 ffts thus 4 work items |
// can compute 8 length 4 ffts. However if work group size of say 64 is choosen, |
// each work group can compute 64/ 4 = 16 size 32 ffts (batched transform). |
// Users can play with these parameters to figure what gives best performance on |
// their particular device i.e. some device have less register space thus using |
// smaller base radix can avoid spilling ... some has small local memory thus |
// using smaller work group size may be required etc |
static void |
getRadixArray(unsigned int n, unsigned int *radixArray, unsigned int *numRadices, unsigned int maxRadix) |
{ |
if(maxRadix > 1) |
{ |
maxRadix = min(n, maxRadix); |
unsigned int cnt = 0; |
while(n > maxRadix) |
{ |
radixArray[cnt++] = maxRadix; |
n /= maxRadix; |
} |
radixArray[cnt++] = n; |
*numRadices = cnt; |
return; |
} |
switch(n) |
{ |
case 2: |
*numRadices = 1; |
radixArray[0] = 2; |
break; |
case 4: |
*numRadices = 1; |
radixArray[0] = 4; |
break; |
case 8: |
*numRadices = 1; |
radixArray[0] = 8; |
break; |
case 16: |
*numRadices = 2; |
radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 2; |
break; |
case 32: |
*numRadices = 2; |
radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 4; |
break; |
case 64: |
*numRadices = 2; |
radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8; |
break; |
case 128: |
*numRadices = 3; |
radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 4; radixArray[2] = 4; |
break; |
case 256: |
*numRadices = 4; |
radixArray[0] = 4; radixArray[1] = 4; radixArray[2] = 4; radixArray[3] = 4; |
break; |
case 512: |
*numRadices = 3; |
radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8; radixArray[2] = 8; |
break; |
case 1024: |
*numRadices = 3; |
radixArray[0] = 16; radixArray[1] = 16; radixArray[2] = 4; |
break; |
case 2048: |
*numRadices = 4; |
radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8; radixArray[2] = 8; radixArray[3] = 4; |
break; |
default: |
*numRadices = 0; |
return; |
} |
} |
static void |
insertHeader(string &kernelString, string &kernelName, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat) |
{ |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) |
kernelString += string("__kernel void ") + kernelName + string("(__global float *in_real, __global float *in_imag, __global float *out_real, __global float *out_imag, int dir, int S)\n"); |
else |
kernelString += string("__kernel void ") + kernelName + string("(__global float2 *in, __global float2 *out, int dir, int S)\n"); |
} |
static void |
insertVariables(string &kStream, int maxRadix) |
{ |
kStream += string(" int i, j, r, indexIn, indexOut, index, tid, bNum, xNum, k, l;\n"); |
kStream += string(" int s, ii, jj, offset;\n"); |
kStream += string(" float2 w;\n"); |
kStream += string(" float ang, angf, ang1;\n"); |
kStream += string(" __local float *lMemStore, *lMemLoad;\n"); |
kStream += string(" float2 a[") + num2str(maxRadix) + string("];\n"); |
kStream += string(" int lId = get_local_id( 0 );\n"); |
kStream += string(" int groupId = get_group_id( 0 );\n"); |
} |
static void |
formattedLoad(string &kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat) |
{ |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("] = in[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n"); |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].x = in_real[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].y = in_imag[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n"); |
} |
} |
static void |
formattedStore(string &kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat) |
{ |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat) |
kernelString += string(" out[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("];\n"); |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" out_real[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].x;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_imag[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].y;\n"); |
} |
} |
static int |
insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(string &kernelString, int N, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int R0, int mem_coalesce_width, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat) |
{ |
int log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm = (int) log2(numWorkItemsPerXForm); |
int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG; |
int i, j; |
int lMemSize = 0; |
if(numXFormsPerWG > 1) |
kernelString += string(" s = S & ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG - 1) + string(";\n"); |
if(numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width) |
{ |
if(numXFormsPerWG > 1) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm-1) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n"); |
kernelString += string(" offset = mad24( mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG) + string(", jj), ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii );\n"); |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out += offset;\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" in_imag += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_imag += offset;\n"); |
} |
for(i = 0; i < R0; i++) |
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat); |
kernelString += string(" }\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = 0;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" offset = mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii);\n"); |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out += offset;\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" in_imag += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_imag += offset;\n"); |
} |
for(i = 0; i < R0; i++) |
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat); |
} |
} |
else if( N >= mem_coalesce_width ) |
{ |
int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width; |
int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ); |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId & ") + num2str(mem_coalesce_width - 1) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(mem_coalesce_width)) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); |
kernelString += string(" offset = mad24( groupId, ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG) + string(", jj);\n"); |
kernelString += string(" offset = mad24( offset, ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii );\n"); |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out += offset;\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" in_imag += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_imag += offset;\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n"); |
for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" if( jj < s ) {\n"); |
for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * N, dataFormat); |
kernelString += string(" }\n"); |
if(i != numOuterIter - 1) |
kernelString += string(" jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) + string(";\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n "); |
kernelString += string("else {\n"); |
for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
{ |
for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * N, dataFormat); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n"); |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii);\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
{ |
for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore[") + num2str(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + |
num2str(i * numInnerIter + j) + string("].x;\n"); |
} |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
{ |
for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore[") + num2str(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + |
num2str(i * numInnerIter + j) + string("].y;\n"); |
} |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG; |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" offset = mad24( groupId, ") + num2str(N * numXFormsPerWG) + string(", lId );\n"); |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out += offset;\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" in_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" in_imag += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_real += offset;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" out_imag += offset;\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId & ") + num2str(N-1) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(N)) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); |
kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" if(jj < s )\n"); |
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat); |
if(i != R0 - 1) |
kernelString += string(" jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / N) + string(";\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n"); |
kernelString += string("else {\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
{ |
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n"); |
if(numWorkItemsPerXForm > 1) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" ii = 0;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad = sMem + mul24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(");\n"); |
} |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore[") + num2str(i * ( groupSize / N ) * ( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore[") + num2str(i * ( groupSize / N ) * ( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG; |
} |
return lMemSize; |
} |
static int |
insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(string &kernelString, int N, int maxRadix, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int mem_coalesce_width, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat) |
{ |
int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG; |
int i, j, k, ind; |
int lMemSize = 0; |
int numIter = maxRadix / Nr; |
string indent = string(""); |
if( numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width ) |
{ |
if(numXFormsPerWG > 1) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n"); |
indent = string(" "); |
} |
for(i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) |
{ |
j = i % numIter; |
k = i / numIter; |
ind = j * Nr + k; |
formattedStore(kernelString, ind, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat); |
} |
if(numXFormsPerWG > 1) |
kernelString += string(" }\n"); |
} |
else if( N >= mem_coalesce_width ) |
{ |
int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width; |
int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ); |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId & ") + num2str(mem_coalesce_width - 1) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(mem_coalesce_width)) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
{ |
j = i % numIter; |
k = i / numIter; |
ind = j * Nr + k; |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].x;\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i*numInnerIter + j) + string("].x = lMemStore[") + num2str(j*mem_coalesce_width + i*( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width )*(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
{ |
j = i % numIter; |
k = i / numIter; |
ind = j * Nr + k; |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].y;\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i*numInnerIter + j) + string("].y = lMemStore[") + num2str(j*mem_coalesce_width + i*( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width )*(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n"); |
for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" if( jj < s ) {\n"); |
for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
formattedStore(kernelString, i*numInnerIter + j, j*mem_coalesce_width + i*(groupSize/mem_coalesce_width)*N, dataFormat); |
kernelString += string(" }\n"); |
if(i != numOuterIter - 1) |
kernelString += string(" jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) + string(";\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n"); |
kernelString += string("else {\n"); |
for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ ) |
{ |
for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) |
formattedStore(kernelString, i*numInnerIter + j, j*mem_coalesce_width + i*(groupSize/mem_coalesce_width)*N, dataFormat); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n"); |
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG; |
} |
else |
{ |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); |
kernelString += string(" ii = lId & ") + num2str(N - 1) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int) log2(N)) + string(";\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
{ |
j = i % numIter; |
k = i / numIter; |
ind = j * Nr + k; |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].x;\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemStore[") + num2str(i*( groupSize / N )*( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
{ |
j = i % numIter; |
k = i / numIter; |
ind = j * Nr + k; |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].y;\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemStore[") + num2str(i*( groupSize / N )*( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("];\n"); |
kernelString += string(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); |
kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" if(jj < s ) {\n"); |
formattedStore(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat); |
kernelString += string(" }\n"); |
if( i != maxRadix - 1) |
kernelString += string(" jj +=") + num2str(groupSize / N) + string(";\n"); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n"); |
kernelString += string("else {\n"); |
for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ ) |
{ |
formattedStore(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat); |
} |
kernelString += string("}\n"); |
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG; |
} |
return lMemSize; |
} |
static void |
insertfftKernel(string &kernelString, int Nr, int numIter) |
{ |
int i; |
for(i = 0; i < numIter; i++) |
{ |
kernelString += string(" fftKernel") + num2str(Nr) + string("(a+") + num2str(i*Nr) + string(", dir);\n"); |
} |
} |
static void |
insertTwiddleKernel(string &kernelString, int Nr, int numIter, int Nprev, int len, int numWorkItemsPerXForm) |
{ |
int z, k; |
int logNPrev = log2(Nprev); |
for(z = 0; z < numIter; z++) |
{ |
if(z == 0) |
{ |
if(Nprev > 1) |
kernelString += string(" angf = (float) (ii >> ") + num2str(logNPrev) + string(");\n"); |
else |
kernelString += string(" angf = (float) ii;\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
if(Nprev > 1) |
kernelString += string(" angf = (float) ((") + num2str(z*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(" + ii) >>") + num2str(logNPrev) + string(");\n"); |
else |
kernelString += string(" angf = (float) (") + num2str(z*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(" + ii);\n"); |
} |
for(k = 1; k < Nr; k++) { |
int ind = z*Nr + k; |
//float fac = (float) (2.0 * M_PI * (double) k / (double) len); |
kernelString += string(" ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * ") + num2str(k) + string(".0f / ") + num2str(len) + string(".0f )") + string(" * angf;\n"); |
kernelString += string(" w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n"); |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(ind) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(ind) + string("], w);\n"); |
} |
} |
} |
static int |
getPadding(int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int Nprev, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int numBanks, int *offset, int *midPad) |
{ |
if((numWorkItemsPerXForm <= Nprev) || (Nprev >= numBanks)) |
*offset = 0; |
else { |
int numRowsReq = ((numWorkItemsPerXForm < numBanks) ? numWorkItemsPerXForm : numBanks) / Nprev; |
int numColsReq = 1; |
if(numRowsReq > Nr) |
numColsReq = numRowsReq / Nr; |
numColsReq = Nprev * numColsReq; |
*offset = numColsReq; |
} |
if(numWorkItemsPerXForm >= numBanks || numXFormsPerWG == 1) |
*midPad = 0; |
else { |
int bankNum = ( (numWorkItemsReq + *offset) * Nr ) & (numBanks - 1); |
if( bankNum >= numWorkItemsPerXForm ) |
*midPad = 0; |
else |
*midPad = numWorkItemsPerXForm - bankNum; |
} |
int lMemSize = ( numWorkItemsReq + *offset) * Nr * numXFormsPerWG + *midPad * (numXFormsPerWG - 1); |
return lMemSize; |
} |
static void |
insertLocalStores(string &kernelString, int numIter, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, string &comp) |
{ |
int z, k; |
for(z = 0; z < numIter; z++) { |
for(k = 0; k < Nr; k++) { |
int index = k*(numWorkItemsReq + offset) + z*numWorkItemsPerXForm; |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore[") + num2str(index) + string("] = a[") + num2str(z*Nr + k) + string("].") + comp + string(";\n"); |
} |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
} |
static void |
insertLocalLoads(string &kernelString, int n, int Nr, int Nrn, int Nprev, int Ncurr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, string &comp) |
{ |
int numWorkItemsReqN = n / Nrn; |
int interBlockHNum = max( Nprev / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1 ); |
int interBlockHStride = numWorkItemsPerXForm; |
int vertWidth = max(numWorkItemsPerXForm / Nprev, 1); |
vertWidth = min( vertWidth, Nr); |
int vertNum = Nr / vertWidth; |
int vertStride = ( n / Nr + offset ) * vertWidth; |
int iter = max( numWorkItemsReqN / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1); |
int intraBlockHStride = (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev*Nr)) > 1 ? (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev*Nr)) : 1; |
intraBlockHStride *= Nprev; |
int stride = numWorkItemsReq / Nrn; |
int i; |
for(i = 0; i < iter; i++) { |
int ii = i / (interBlockHNum * vertNum); |
int zz = i % (interBlockHNum * vertNum); |
int jj = zz % interBlockHNum; |
int kk = zz / interBlockHNum; |
int z; |
for(z = 0; z < Nrn; z++) { |
int st = kk * vertStride + jj * interBlockHStride + ii * intraBlockHStride + z * stride; |
kernelString += string(" a[") + num2str(i*Nrn + z) + string("].") + comp + string(" = lMemLoad[") + num2str(st) + string("];\n"); |
} |
} |
kernelString += string(" barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
} |
static void |
insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(string &kernelString, int Nprev, int Nr, int numWorkItemsReq, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int offset, int midPad) |
{ |
int Ncurr = Nprev * Nr; |
int logNcurr = log2(Ncurr); |
int logNprev = log2(Nprev); |
int incr = (numWorkItemsReq + offset) * Nr + midPad; |
if(Ncurr < numWorkItemsPerXForm) |
{ |
if(Nprev == 1) |
kernelString += string(" j = ii & ") + num2str(Ncurr - 1) + string(";\n"); |
else |
kernelString += string(" j = (ii & ") + num2str(Ncurr - 1) + string(") >> ") + num2str(logNprev) + string(";\n"); |
if(Nprev == 1) |
kernelString += string(" i = ii >> ") + num2str(logNcurr) + string(";\n"); |
else |
kernelString += string(" i = mad24(ii >> ") + num2str(logNcurr) + string(", ") + num2str(Nprev) + string(", ii & ") + num2str(Nprev - 1) + string(");\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
if(Nprev == 1) |
kernelString += string(" j = ii;\n"); |
else |
kernelString += string(" j = ii >> ") + num2str(logNprev) + string(";\n"); |
if(Nprev == 1) |
kernelString += string(" i = 0;\n"); |
else |
kernelString += string(" i = ii & ") + num2str(Nprev - 1) + string(";\n"); |
} |
if(numXFormsPerWG > 1) |
kernelString += string(" i = mad24(jj, ") + num2str(incr) + string(", i);\n"); |
kernelString += string(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(j, ") + num2str(numWorkItemsReq + offset) + string(", i);\n"); |
} |
static void |
insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(string &kernelString, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int offset, int midPad) |
{ |
if(numXFormsPerWG == 1) { |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore = sMem + ii;\n"); |
} |
else { |
kernelString += string(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24(jj, ") + num2str((numWorkItemsReq + offset)*Nr + midPad) + string(", ii);\n"); |
} |
} |
static void |
createLocalMemfftKernelString(cl_fft_plan *plan) |
{ |
unsigned int radixArray[10]; |
unsigned int numRadix; |
unsigned int n = plan->n.x; |
assert(n <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup * plan->max_radix && "signal lenght too big for local mem fft\n"); |
getRadixArray(n, radixArray, &numRadix, 0); |
assert(numRadix > 0 && "no radix array supplied\n"); |
if(n/radixArray[0] > plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup) |
getRadixArray(n, radixArray, &numRadix, plan->max_radix); |
assert(radixArray[0] <= plan->max_radix && "max radix choosen is greater than allowed\n"); |
assert(n/radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup && "required work items per xform greater than maximum work items allowed per work group for local mem fft\n"); |
unsigned int tmpLen = 1; |
unsigned int i; |
for(i = 0; i < numRadix; i++) |
{ |
assert( radixArray[i] && !( (radixArray[i] - 1) & radixArray[i] ) ); |
tmpLen *= radixArray[i]; |
} |
assert(tmpLen == n && "product of radices choosen doesnt match the length of signal\n"); |
int offset, midPad; |
string localString(""), kernelName(""); |
clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat = plan->format; |
string *kernelString = plan->kernel_string; |
cl_fft_kernel_info **kInfo = &plan->kernel_info; |
int kCount = 0; |
while(*kInfo) |
{ |
kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next; |
kCount++; |
} |
kernelName = string("fft") + num2str(kCount); |
*kInfo = (cl_fft_kernel_info *) malloc(sizeof(cl_fft_kernel_info)); |
(*kInfo)->kernel = 0; |
(*kInfo)->lmem_size = 0; |
(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = 0; |
(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = 0; |
(*kInfo)->dir = cl_fft_kernel_x; |
(*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 1; |
(*kInfo)->next = NULL; |
(*kInfo)->kernel_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(kernelName.size()+1)); |
strcpy((*kInfo)->kernel_name, kernelName.c_str()); |
unsigned int numWorkItemsPerXForm = n / radixArray[0]; |
unsigned int numWorkItemsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerXForm <= 64 ? 64 : numWorkItemsPerXForm; |
assert(numWorkItemsPerWG <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup); |
int numXFormsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerWG / numWorkItemsPerXForm; |
(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = numXFormsPerWG; |
(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = numWorkItemsPerWG; |
unsigned int *N = radixArray; |
unsigned int maxRadix = N[0]; |
unsigned int lMemSize = 0; |
insertVariables(localString, maxRadix); |
lMemSize = insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(localString, n, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, maxRadix, plan->min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat); |
(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size; |
string xcomp = string("x"); |
string ycomp = string("y"); |
unsigned int Nprev = 1; |
unsigned int len = n; |
unsigned int r; |
for(r = 0; r < numRadix; r++) |
{ |
int numIter = N[0] / N[r]; |
int numWorkItemsReq = n / N[r]; |
int Ncurr = Nprev * N[r]; |
insertfftKernel(localString, N[r], numIter); |
if(r < (numRadix - 1)) { |
insertTwiddleKernel(localString, N[r], numIter, Nprev, len, numWorkItemsPerXForm); |
lMemSize = getPadding(numWorkItemsPerXForm, Nprev, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], plan->num_local_mem_banks, &offset, &midPad); |
(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size; |
insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(localString, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], offset, midPad); |
insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(localString, Nprev, N[r], numWorkItemsReq, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, offset, midPad); |
insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, xcomp); |
insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r+1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, xcomp); |
insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, ycomp); |
insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r+1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, ycomp); |
Nprev = Ncurr; |
len = len / N[r]; |
} |
} |
lMemSize = insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(localString, n, maxRadix, N[numRadix - 1], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, plan->min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat); |
(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size; |
insertHeader(*kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat); |
*kernelString += string("{\n"); |
if((*kInfo)->lmem_size) |
*kernelString += string(" __local float sMem[") + num2str((*kInfo)->lmem_size) + string("];\n"); |
*kernelString += localString; |
*kernelString += string("}\n"); |
} |
// For n larger than what can be computed using local memory fft, global transposes |
// multiple kernel launces is needed. For these sizes, n can be decomposed using |
// much larger base radices i.e. say n = 262144 = 128 x 64 x 32. Thus three kernel |
// launches will be needed, first computing 64 x 32, length 128 ffts, second computing |
// 128 x 32 length 64 ffts, and finally a kernel computing 128 x 64 length 32 ffts. |
// Each of these base radices can futher be divided into factors so that each of these |
// base ffts can be computed within one kernel launch using in-register ffts and local |
// memory transposes i.e for the first kernel above which computes 64 x 32 ffts on length |
// 128, 128 can be decomposed into 128 = 16 x 8 i.e. 8 work items can compute 8 length |
// 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory followed by each of these eight |
// work items computing 2 length 8 ffts thus computing 16 length 8 ffts in total. This |
// means only 8 work items are needed for computing one length 128 fft. If we choose |
// work group size of say 64, we can compute 64/8 = 8 length 128 ffts within one |
// work group. Since we need to compute 64 x 32 length 128 ffts in first kernel, this |
// means we need to launch 64 x 32 / 8 = 256 work groups with 64 work items in each |
// work group where each work group is computing 8 length 128 ffts where each length |
// 128 fft is computed by 8 work items. Same logic can be applied to other two kernels |
// in this example. Users can play with difference base radices and difference |
// decompositions of base radices to generates different kernels and see which gives |
// best performance. Following function is just fixed to use 128 as base radix |
void |
getGlobalRadixInfo(int n, int *radix, int *R1, int *R2, int *numRadices) |
{ |
int baseRadix = min(n, 128); |
int numR = 0; |
int N = n; |
while(N > baseRadix) |
{ |
N /= baseRadix; |
numR++; |
} |
for(int i = 0; i < numR; i++) |
radix[i] = baseRadix; |
radix[numR] = N; |
numR++; |
*numRadices = numR; |
for(int i = 0; i < numR; i++) |
{ |
int B = radix[i]; |
if(B <= 8) |
{ |
R1[i] = B; |
R2[i] = 1; |
continue; |
} |
int r1 = 2; |
int r2 = B / r1; |
while(r2 > r1) |
{ |
r1 *=2; |
r2 = B / r1; |
} |
R1[i] = r1; |
R2[i] = r2; |
} |
} |
static void |
createGlobalFFTKernelString(cl_fft_plan *plan, int n, int BS, cl_fft_kernel_dir dir, int vertBS) |
{ |
int i, j, k, t; |
int radixArr[10], R1Arr[10], R2Arr[10]; |
int radix, R1, R2; |
int numRadices; |
int maxThreadsPerBlock = plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup; |
int maxArrayLen = plan->max_radix; |
int batchSize = plan->min_mem_coalesce_width; |
clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat = plan->format; |
int vertical = (dir == cl_fft_kernel_x) ? 0 : 1; |
getGlobalRadixInfo(n, radixArr, R1Arr, R2Arr, &numRadices); |
int numPasses = numRadices; |
string localString(""), kernelName(""); |
string *kernelString = plan->kernel_string; |
cl_fft_kernel_info **kInfo = &plan->kernel_info; |
int kCount = 0; |
while(*kInfo) |
{ |
kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next; |
kCount++; |
} |
int N = n; |
int m = (int)log2(n); |
int Rinit = vertical ? BS : 1; |
batchSize = vertical ? min(BS, batchSize) : batchSize; |
int passNum; |
for(passNum = 0; passNum < numPasses; passNum++) |
{ |
localString.clear(); |
kernelName.clear(); |
radix = radixArr[passNum]; |
R1 = R1Arr[passNum]; |
R2 = R2Arr[passNum]; |
int strideI = Rinit; |
for(i = 0; i < numPasses; i++) |
if(i != passNum) |
strideI *= radixArr[i]; |
int strideO = Rinit; |
for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++) |
strideO *= radixArr[i]; |
int threadsPerXForm = R2; |
batchSize = R2 == 1 ? plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup : batchSize; |
batchSize = min(batchSize, strideI); |
int threadsPerBlock = batchSize * threadsPerXForm; |
threadsPerBlock = min(threadsPerBlock, maxThreadsPerBlock); |
batchSize = threadsPerBlock / threadsPerXForm; |
assert(R2 <= R1); |
assert(R1*R2 == radix); |
assert(R1 <= maxArrayLen); |
assert(threadsPerBlock <= maxThreadsPerBlock); |
int numIter = R1 / R2; |
int gInInc = threadsPerBlock / batchSize; |
int lgStrideO = log2(strideO); |
int numBlocksPerXForm = strideI / batchSize; |
int numBlocks = numBlocksPerXForm; |
if(!vertical) |
numBlocks *= BS; |
else |
numBlocks *= vertBS; |
kernelName = string("fft") + num2str(kCount); |
*kInfo = (cl_fft_kernel_info *) malloc(sizeof(cl_fft_kernel_info)); |
(*kInfo)->kernel = 0; |
if(R2 == 1) |
(*kInfo)->lmem_size = 0; |
else |
{ |
if(strideO == 1) |
(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (radix + 1)*batchSize; |
else |
(*kInfo)->lmem_size = threadsPerBlock*R1; |
} |
(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = numBlocks; |
(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = threadsPerBlock; |
(*kInfo)->dir = dir; |
if( (passNum == (numPasses - 1)) && (numPasses & 1) ) |
(*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 1; |
else |
(*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 0; |
(*kInfo)->next = NULL; |
(*kInfo)->kernel_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(kernelName.size()+1)); |
strcpy((*kInfo)->kernel_name, kernelName.c_str()); |
insertVariables(localString, R1); |
if(vertical) |
{ |
localString += string("xNum = groupId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(numBlocksPerXForm)) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("groupId = groupId & ") + num2str(numBlocksPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("indexIn = mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(", xNum << ") + num2str((int)log2(n*BS)) + string(");\n"); |
localString += string("tid = mul24(groupId, ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(");\n"); |
localString += string("i = tid >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("j = tid & ") + num2str(strideO - 1) + string(";\n"); |
int stride = radix*Rinit; |
for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++) |
stride *= radixArr[i]; |
localString += string("indexOut = mad24(i, ") + num2str(stride) + string(", j + ") + string("(xNum << ") + num2str((int) log2(n*BS)) + string("));\n"); |
localString += string("bNum = groupId;\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
int lgNumBlocksPerXForm = log2(numBlocksPerXForm); |
localString += string("bNum = groupId & ") + num2str(numBlocksPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("xNum = groupId >> ") + num2str(lgNumBlocksPerXForm) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("indexIn = mul24(bNum, ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(");\n"); |
localString += string("tid = indexIn;\n"); |
localString += string("i = tid >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("j = tid & ") + num2str(strideO - 1) + string(";\n"); |
int stride = radix*Rinit; |
for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++) |
stride *= radixArr[i]; |
localString += string("indexOut = mad24(i, ") + num2str(stride) + string(", j);\n"); |
localString += string("indexIn += (xNum << ") + num2str(m) + string(");\n"); |
localString += string("indexOut += (xNum << ") + num2str(m) + string(");\n"); |
} |
// Load Data |
int lgBatchSize = log2(batchSize); |
localString += string("tid = lId;\n"); |
localString += string("i = tid & ") + num2str(batchSize - 1) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("j = tid >> ") + num2str(lgBatchSize) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("indexIn += mad24(j, ") + num2str(strideI) + string(", i);\n"); |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) |
{ |
localString += string("in_real += indexIn;\n"); |
localString += string("in_imag += indexIn;\n"); |
for(j = 0; j < R1; j++) |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("].x = in_real[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n"); |
for(j = 0; j < R1; j++) |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("].y = in_imag[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n"); |
} |
else |
{ |
localString += string("in += indexIn;\n"); |
for(j = 0; j < R1; j++) |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("] = in[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n"); |
} |
localString += string("fftKernel") + num2str(R1) + string("(a, dir);\n"); |
if(R2 > 1) |
{ |
// twiddle |
for(k = 1; k < R1; k++) |
{ |
localString += string("ang = dir*(2.0f*M_PI*") + num2str(k) + string("/") + num2str(radix) + string(")*j;\n"); |
localString += string("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n"); |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(k) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(k) + string("], w);\n"); |
} |
// shuffle |
numIter = R1 / R2; |
localString += string("indexIn = mad24(j, ") + num2str(threadsPerBlock*numIter) + string(", i);\n"); |
localString += string("lMemStore = sMem + tid;\n"); |
localString += string("lMemLoad = sMem + indexIn;\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("lMemStore[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < numIter; k++) |
for(t = 0; t < R2; t++) |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(k*R2+t) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(t*batchSize + k*threadsPerBlock) + string("];\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("lMemStore[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < numIter; k++) |
for(t = 0; t < R2; t++) |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(k*R2+t) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(t*batchSize + k*threadsPerBlock) + string("];\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
for(j = 0; j < numIter; j++) |
localString += string("fftKernel") + num2str(R2) + string("(a + ") + num2str(j*R2) + string(", dir);\n"); |
} |
// twiddle |
if(passNum < (numPasses - 1)) |
{ |
localString += string("l = ((bNum << ") + num2str(lgBatchSize) + string(") + i) >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("k = j << ") + num2str((int)log2(R1/R2)) + string(";\n"); |
localString += string("ang1 = dir*(2.0f*M_PI/") + num2str(N) + string(")*l;\n"); |
for(t = 0; t < R1; t++) |
{ |
localString += string("ang = ang1*(k + ") + num2str((t%R2)*R1 + (t/R2)) + string(");\n"); |
localString += string("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n"); |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(t) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(t) + string("], w);\n"); |
} |
} |
// Store Data |
if(strideO == 1) |
{ |
localString += string("lMemStore = sMem + mad24(i, ") + num2str(radix + 1) + string(", j << ") + num2str((int)log2(R1/R2)) + string(");\n"); |
localString += string("lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(tid >> ") + num2str((int)log2(radix)) + string(", ") + num2str(radix+1) + string(", tid & ") + num2str(radix-1) + string(");\n"); |
for(int i = 0; i < R1/R2; i++) |
for(int j = 0; j < R2; j++) |
localString += string("lMemStore[ ") + num2str(i + j*R1) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i*R2+j) + string("].x;\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
for(int i = 0; i < R1; i++) |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*(radix+1)*(threadsPerBlock/radix)) + string("];\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
for(int i = 0; i < R1/R2; i++) |
for(int j = 0; j < R2; j++) |
localString += string("lMemStore[ ") + num2str(i + j*R1) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i*R2+j) + string("].y;\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
for(int i = 0; i < R1; i++) |
localString += string("a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*(radix+1)*(threadsPerBlock/radix)) + string("];\n"); |
localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"); |
localString += string("indexOut += tid;\n"); |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) { |
localString += string("out_real += indexOut;\n"); |
localString += string("out_imag += indexOut;\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("out_real[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("out_imag[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n"); |
} |
else { |
localString += string("out += indexOut;\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("out[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("];\n"); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
localString += string("indexOut += mad24(j, ") + num2str(numIter*strideO) + string(", i);\n"); |
if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) { |
localString += string("out_real += indexOut;\n"); |
localString += string("out_imag += indexOut;\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("out_real[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("out_imag[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n"); |
} |
else { |
localString += string("out += indexOut;\n"); |
for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) |
localString += string("out[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("];\n"); |
} |
} |
insertHeader(*kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat); |
*kernelString += string("{\n"); |
if((*kInfo)->lmem_size) |
*kernelString += string(" __local float sMem[") + num2str((*kInfo)->lmem_size) + string("];\n"); |
*kernelString += localString; |
*kernelString += string("}\n"); |
N /= radix; |
kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next; |
kCount++; |
} |
} |
void FFT1D(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_fft_kernel_dir dir) |
{ |
unsigned int radixArray[10]; |
unsigned int numRadix; |
switch(dir) |
{ |
case cl_fft_kernel_x: |
if(plan->n.x > plan->max_localmem_fft_size) |
{ |
createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.x, 1, cl_fft_kernel_x, 1); |
} |
else if(plan->n.x > 1) |
{ |
getRadixArray(plan->n.x, radixArray, &numRadix, 0); |
if(plan->n.x / radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup) |
{ |
createLocalMemfftKernelString(plan); |
} |
else |
{ |
getRadixArray(plan->n.x, radixArray, &numRadix, plan->max_radix); |
if(plan->n.x / radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup) |
createLocalMemfftKernelString(plan); |
else |
createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.x, 1, cl_fft_kernel_x, 1); |
} |
} |
break; |
case cl_fft_kernel_y: |
if(plan->n.y > 1) |
createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.y, plan->n.x, cl_fft_kernel_y, 1); |
break; |
case cl_fft_kernel_z: |
if(plan->n.z > 1) |
createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.z, plan->n.x*plan->n.y, cl_fft_kernel_z, 1); |
default: |
return; |
} |
} |
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