Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
* OpenGL_Image_Loading.c |
* OpenGL Image |
* |
* Created by gstahl on Thu Aug 16 2001. |
Copyright: Copyright © 2001 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
* |
*/ |
#ifdef __APPLE_CC__ // project builder |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> // standard carbon |
#include <QuickTime/ImageCompression.h> // for image loading and decompression |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTimeComponents.h> // for file type support |
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> // for OpenGL API |
#include <OpenGL/glext.h> // for OpenGL extension support |
#else // CodeWarrior |
#include <Navigation.h> // for Nav services |
#include <FixMath.h> // for X2Fix |
#include <ImageCompression.h> // for image loading and decompression |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> // for file type support |
#include <gl.h> // for OpenGL API |
#include <glext.h> // for OpenGL extension support |
#include <string.h> // for strstr |
#endif |
#include "OpenGL_Image.h" // our header |
// GL capabilities |
pRecGLCap gpOpenGLCaps = NULL; |
// Default values for images loading |
short gTextureScale = k1024; // for non-tiled images the type of texture scaling to do |
short gMaxTextureSize = 4096; // maximum texture size to use for application |
Boolean gfTileTextures = true; // are multiple tiled textures used to display image? |
Boolean gfOverlapTextures = true; // do tiled textures overlapped to create correct filtering between tiles? (only applies if using tiled textures) |
Boolean gfClientTextures = false; // 10.1+ only: texture from client memory |
Boolean gfAGPTextures = false; // 10.1+ only: texture from AGP memory without loading to GPU can be set after inmage loaded |
Boolean gfNPOTTextures = false; // 10.1+ only: use Non-Power Of Two (NPOT) textures |
// --------------------------------- |
static void FindMinimumOpenGLCapabilities (pRecGLCap pOpenGLCaps); |
static Boolean GetImageFile (FSSpec * pfsspecImage); |
static long GetScaledTextureDimFromImageDim (long imageDimension, short scaling); |
static unsigned char * LoadBufferFromImageFile (FSSpec fsspecImage, short imageScale, Boolean fTileTextures, Boolean fOverlapTextures, |
long * pOrigImageWidth, long * pOrigImageHeight, long * pBufferWidth, long * pBufferHeight, long * pBufferDepth); |
// --------------------------------- |
// finds the minimum OpenGL capabilites across all displays and GPUs attached to machine. |
static void FindMinimumOpenGLCapabilities (pRecGLCap pOpenGLCaps) |
{ |
WindowPtr pWin = NULL; |
Rect rectWin = {0, 0, 10, 10}; |
GLint attrib[] = { AGL_RGBA, AGL_NONE }; |
AGLPixelFormat fmt = NULL; |
AGLContext ctx = NULL; |
long deviceMaxTextureSize = 0, NPOTDMaxTextureSize = 0; |
if (NULL != gpOpenGLCaps) |
{ |
// init desired caps to max values |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_rectangle = true; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_client_storage = true; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_packed_pixel = true; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_edge_clamp = true; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_gl_texture_edge_clamp = true; |
pOpenGLCaps->maxTextureSize = 0x7FFFFFFF; |
pOpenGLCaps->maxNOPTDTextureSize = 0x7FFFFFFF; |
// build window |
pWin = NewCWindow (0L, &rectWin, NULL, false, |
plainDBox, (WindowPtr) -1L, true, 0L); |
// build context |
fmt = aglChoosePixelFormat(NULL, 0, attrib); |
if (fmt) |
ctx = aglCreateContext(fmt, NULL); |
if (ctx) |
{ |
GDHandle hgdNthDevice; |
aglSetDrawable(ctx, GetWindowPort (pWin)); |
aglSetCurrentContext(ctx); |
// for each display |
hgdNthDevice = GetDeviceList (); |
while (hgdNthDevice) |
{ |
if (TestDeviceAttribute (hgdNthDevice, screenDevice)) |
if (TestDeviceAttribute (hgdNthDevice, screenActive)) |
{ |
// move window to display |
MoveWindow (pWin, (**hgdNthDevice).gdRect.left + 5, (**hgdNthDevice) + 5, false); |
aglUpdateContext(ctx); |
// for each cap (this can obviously be expanded) |
// if this driver/GPU/display is less capable |
// save this minimum capability |
{ |
// get strings |
enum { kShortVersionLength = 32 }; |
const GLubyte * strVersion = glGetString (GL_VERSION); // get version string |
const GLubyte * strExtension = glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS); // get extension string |
// get just the non-vendor specific part of version string |
GLubyte strShortVersion [kShortVersionLength]; |
short i = 0; |
while ((((strVersion[i] <= '9') && (strVersion[i] >= '0')) || (strVersion[i] == '.')) && (i < kShortVersionLength)) // get only basic version info (until first space) |
strShortVersion [i] = strVersion[i++]; |
strShortVersion [i] = 0; //truncate string |
// compare capabilities based on extension string and GL version |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_rectangle = |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_rectangle && (NULL != strstr ((const char *) strExtension, "GL_EXT_texture_rectangle")); |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_client_storage = |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_client_storage && (NULL != strstr ((const char *) strExtension, "GL_APPLE_client_storage")); |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_packed_pixel = |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_packed_pixel && (NULL != strstr ((const char *) strExtension, "GL_APPLE_packed_pixel")); |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_edge_clamp = |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_edge_clamp && (NULL != strstr ((const char *) strExtension, "GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp")); |
pOpenGLCaps->f_gl_texture_edge_clamp = |
pOpenGLCaps->f_gl_texture_edge_clamp && (NULL != (!strstr ((const char *) strShortVersion, "1.0") && !strstr ((const char *) strShortVersion, "1.1"))); // if not 1.0 and not 1.1 must be 1.2 or greater |
// get device max texture size |
glGetIntegerv (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &deviceMaxTextureSize); |
if (deviceMaxTextureSize < pOpenGLCaps->maxTextureSize) |
pOpenGLCaps->maxTextureSize = deviceMaxTextureSize; |
// get max size of non-power of two texture on devices which support |
if (NULL != strstr ((const char *) strExtension, "GL_EXT_texture_rectangle")) |
{ |
if (NPOTDMaxTextureSize < pOpenGLCaps->maxNOPTDTextureSize) |
pOpenGLCaps->maxNOPTDTextureSize = NPOTDMaxTextureSize; |
#endif |
} |
} |
// next display |
hgdNthDevice = GetNextDevice(hgdNthDevice); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ // could not build context set caps to min |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_rectangle = false; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_client_storage = false; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_packed_pixel = false; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_edge_clamp = false; |
pOpenGLCaps->f_gl_texture_edge_clamp = false; |
pOpenGLCaps->maxTextureSize = 0; |
} |
// set clamp param based on retrieved capabilities |
if (pOpenGLCaps->f_gl_texture_edge_clamp) // if OpenGL 1.2 or later and texture edge clamp is supported natively |
pOpenGLCaps->edgeClampParam = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; // use 1.2+ constant to clamp texture coords so as to not sample the border color |
else if (pOpenGLCaps->f_ext_texture_edge_clamp) // if GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp extension supported |
pOpenGLCaps->edgeClampParam = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS; // use extension to clamp texture coords so as to not sample the border color |
else |
pOpenGLCaps->edgeClampParam = GL_CLAMP; // clamp texture coords to [0, 1] |
} |
} |
// --------------------------------- |
// opens image into GWorld created without padding (via QTNewGWorldFromPtr (...)) which can be used for packed pixel texturing |
static Boolean GetImageFile (FSSpec * pfsspecImage) |
{ |
enum { kNumImageTypes = 17 }; // number of formats to support for Nav |
NavReplyRecord replyNav; // Navigation reply used to load image |
// list of file type for Nav (one less since the sturcture accounts for one already) |
NavTypeListHandle hTypeList = (NavTypeListHandle) NewHandleClear (sizeof (NavTypeList) + sizeof (OSType) * (kNumImageTypes - 1)); |
AEKeyword theKeyword; // keyword used to "decrypt" the nav reply |
DescType actualType; // another nav "decrption" variable |
Size actualSize; // yet again another nav thingy |
OSStatus err = noErr; // err return value |
HLock ((Handle) hTypeList); |
// QT file list (should be able to just use 'qtif' but does not work on Mac OS X as of 10.0.4 so must include all) |
(**hTypeList).osTypeCount = kNumImageTypes; |
(**hTypeList).osType[0] = kQTFileTypeQuickTimeImage; |
(**hTypeList).osType[1] = 'SGI '; |
(**hTypeList).osType[2] = kQTFileTypePhotoShop; |
(**hTypeList).osType[3] = 'GIF '; |
(**hTypeList).osType[4] = kQTFileTypeGIF; |
(**hTypeList).osType[5] = 'JPEG'; |
(**hTypeList).osType[6] = 'JPG '; |
(**hTypeList).osType[7] = kQTFileTypePicture; |
(**hTypeList).osType[8] = kQTFileTypeMacPaint; |
(**hTypeList).osType[9] = 'grip'; |
(**hTypeList).osType[10] = 'BMPp'; |
(**hTypeList).osType[11] = kQTFileTypeTIFF; |
(**hTypeList).osType[12] = kQTFileTypeText; |
(**hTypeList).osType[13] = kQTFileTypeTargaImage; |
(**hTypeList).osType[14] = kQTFileTypeSGIImage; |
(**hTypeList).osType[15] = kQTFileTypeBMP; |
(**hTypeList).osType[16] = '????'; |
// use nav to have the user choose a file to open |
err = NavChooseFile (NULL, &replyNav, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, hTypeList, NULL); |
if ((err == noErr) && (replyNav.validRecord)) // if we have a valid reply (i.e. user did not cancel |
err = AEGetNthPtr (&(replyNav.selection), 1, typeFSS, &theKeyword, &actualType, // extract fsspec of reply |
pfsspecImage, sizeof (FSSpec), &actualSize); |
if ((err != noErr) || (!replyNav.validRecord)) // if we had an error or did not get a valid reply |
return false; // go away |
NavDisposeReply (&replyNav); // be good citizens and dispose our reply |
HUnlock ((Handle) hTypeList); |
DisposeHandle ((Handle) hTypeList); |
return true; |
} |
// --------------------------------- |
// based on scaling determine the texture dimension which fits the image dimension passe in |
// kNone: no scaling just use image dimension (will not guarentee support power for 2 textures) |
// kNearest: find nearest power of 2 texture |
// kNearestLess: find nearest power of 2 texture which is less than image dimension |
// kNearestGreater: find nearest power of 2 texture which is greater than image dimension |
// k32 - k1024: use this specific texture size |
static long GetScaledTextureDimFromImageDim (long imageDimension, short scaling) |
{ |
switch (scaling) |
{ |
case kNone: // no scaling |
return imageDimension; |
break; |
case kNearest: // scale to nearest power of two |
{ |
// find power of 2 greater |
long i = 0, texDim = 1, imageTemp = imageDimension; |
while (imageTemp >>= 1) // while the dimension still has bits of data shift right (losing a bit at a time) |
i++; // count shifts (i.e., powers of two) |
texDim = texDim << i; // shift our one bit representation left the like amount (i.e., 2 ^ i) |
if (texDim >= gMaxTextureSize) // if we are too big or at max size |
return gMaxTextureSize; // then must use max texture size |
// are we closer to greater pow 2 or closer to higher pow 2? |
// compare to the power of two that is double of initial guess |
else if (((texDim << 1) - imageDimension) < (imageDimension - texDim)) |
return (texDim << 1); // if it is closer away then return double guess |
else |
return texDim; // otherwise orginal guess is closer so return this |
} |
break; |
case kNearestLess: |
{ |
// find power of 2 lower |
long i = 0, texDim = 1; |
while (imageDimension >>= 1) // while the dimension still has bits of data shift right (losing a bit at a time) |
i++; // count shifts (i.e., powers of two) |
texDim = texDim << i; // shift our one bit representation left the like amount (i.e., 2 ^ i) |
return texDim; // returns the maxium power of two that is less than or equal the texture dimension |
} |
break; |
case KNearestGreater: |
{ |
// find power of 2 greater |
long i = 0, texDim = 1; |
while (imageDimension >>= 1) // while the dimension still has bits of data shift right (losing a bit at a time) |
i++; // count shifts (i.e., powers of two) |
texDim = texDim << (i + 1); // shift our one bit representation left the like amount (i.e., 2 ^ (i + 1)) |
return texDim; // returns the minimum power of two that is greater than or equal the texture dimension |
} |
break; |
case k32: // return hard values for texture dimension |
return 32; |
break; |
case k64: |
return 64; |
break; |
case k128: |
return 128; |
break; |
case k256: |
return 256; |
break; |
case k512: |
return 512; |
break; |
case k1024: |
return 1024; |
break; |
case k2048: |
return 2048; |
break; |
case k4096: |
return 8192; |
break; |
case k8192: |
return 8192; |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
// --------------------------------- |
static void GetImageInfo (FSSpec fsspecImage, long * pOrigImageWidth, long * pOrigImageHeight) |
{ |
GraphicsImportComponent giComp; // componenet for importing image |
Rect rectImage; // rectangle of source image |
*pOrigImageWidth = 0; |
*pOrigImageHeight = 0; |
GetGraphicsImporterForFile (&fsspecImage, &giComp); |
GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds (giComp, &rectImage); // get the image bounds |
*pOrigImageWidth = (long) (rectImage.right - rectImage.left); // find width from right side - left side bounds |
*pOrigImageHeight = (long) (rectImage.bottom -; // same for height |
CloseComponent(giComp); // dump component |
} |
// --------------------------------- |
// Returns a packed array of pixels of depth pBufferDepth bits with size pBufferWidth x pBufferHeight. |
// Will fill pOrigImageWidth & pOrigImageHeight with dimensions of image in file |
// Will return NULL on error |
// Image is scaled and/or inset depending imageScale, maxTextureSize, fTileTextures, and/or fOverlapTextures values |
static unsigned char * LoadBufferFromImageFile (FSSpec fsspecImage, short imageScale, Boolean fTileTextures, Boolean fOverlapTextures, |
long * pOrigImageWidth, long * pOrigImageHeight, long * pBufferWidth, long * pBufferHeight, long * pBufferDepth) |
{ |
unsigned char * pImageBuffer = NULL; |
GWorldPtr pGWorld = NULL; |
OSType pixelFormat; |
long rowStride; // length, in bytes, of a pixel row in the image |
GraphicsImportComponent giComp; // componenet for importing image |
Rect rectImage; // rectangle of source image |
ImageDescriptionHandle hImageDesc; // handle to image description used to get image depth |
MatrixRecord matrix; |
float texOverlap = fOverlapTextures ? 1.0f : 0.0f; // size of texture overlap, switch based on whether we are using overlap or not |
GDHandle origDevice; // save field for current graphics device |
CGrafPtr origPort; // save field for current graphics port |
OSStatus err = noErr; // err return value |
// zero output params |
*pOrigImageWidth = 0; |
*pOrigImageHeight = 0; |
*pBufferWidth = 0; |
*pBufferHeight = 0; |
*pBufferDepth = 0; |
// get imorter for the image tyoe in file |
GetGraphicsImporterForFile (&fsspecImage, &giComp); |
if (err != noErr) // if we have an error |
return NULL; // go away |
// Create GWorld |
err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds (giComp, &rectImage); // get the image bounds |
if (err != noErr) |
return NULL; // go away if error |
hImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle) NewHandle (sizeof (ImageDescriptionHandle)); // create a handle for the image description |
HLock ((Handle) hImageDesc); // lock said handle |
err = GraphicsImportGetImageDescription (giComp, &hImageDesc); // retrieve the image description |
if (err != noErr) |
return NULL; // go away if error |
*pOrigImageWidth = (long) (rectImage.right - rectImage.left); // find width from right side - left side bounds |
*pOrigImageHeight = (long) (rectImage.bottom -; // same for height |
if ((**hImageDesc).depth <= 16) // we are using a 16 bit texture for all images 16 bits or less |
{ |
*pBufferDepth = 16; |
pixelFormat = k16BE555PixelFormat; |
} |
else // otherwise |
{ |
*pBufferDepth = 32; // we will use a 32 bbit texture (this includes 24 bit images) |
pixelFormat = k32ARGBPixelFormat; |
} |
if (fTileTextures) |
{ |
*pBufferWidth = *pOrigImageWidth; |
*pBufferHeight = *pOrigImageHeight; // if using multiple texture the overall texture width is the same as the image, account for border |
if (fOverlapTextures) // adjust for overlap (in this case the edge border and the requirement for even sized textures when doing overlap |
{ |
*pBufferWidth += 2; |
*pBufferHeight += 2; |
if (*pOrigImageWidth & 0x01) // if odd |
(*pBufferWidth)++; // add one for correct texture slicing (can't slice images with odd size textures and do proper overlap) |
if (*pOrigImageHeight & 0x01) // if odd |
(*pBufferHeight)++; // add one for correct texture slicing (can't slice images with odd size textures and do proper overlap) |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// find nearest acceptable texture size (will only use on texture for entire image) |
*pBufferWidth = GetScaledTextureDimFromImageDim (*pOrigImageWidth, imageScale) ; |
*pBufferHeight = GetScaledTextureDimFromImageDim (*pOrigImageHeight, imageScale); |
} |
SetRect (&rectImage, 0, 0, (short) *pBufferWidth, (short) *pBufferHeight); // l, t, r. b set image rectangle for creation of GWorld |
rowStride = *pBufferWidth * *pBufferDepth >> 3; // set stride in bytes width of image * pixel depth in bytes |
pImageBuffer = (unsigned char *) NewPtrClear (rowStride * *pBufferHeight); // build new buffer exact size of image (stride * height) |
if (NULL == pImageBuffer) |
{ |
CloseComponent(giComp); // dump component |
return NULL; // if we failed to allocate buffer |
} |
// create a new gworld using our unpadded buffer, ensure we set the pixel type correctly for the expected image bpp |
QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&pGWorld, pixelFormat, &rectImage, NULL, NULL, 0, pImageBuffer, rowStride); |
if (NULL == pGWorld) |
{ |
DisposePtr ((Ptr) pImageBuffer); // dump image buffer |
pImageBuffer = NULL; |
CloseComponent(giComp); |
return NULL; // if we failed to create gworld |
} |
GetGWorld (&origPort, &origDevice); // save onscreen graphics port |
// decompress (draw) to gworld and thus fill buffer |
SetIdentityMatrix (&matrix); // set transform matrix to identity (basically pass thorugh) |
// this scale really only does something the case of non-tiled textures to inset them one pixel |
// thus maintaining the power of 2 (or desired) dimension of the overall texture |
ScaleMatrix (&matrix, X2Fix ((float) (*pBufferWidth - texOverlap * 2.0f) / (float) *pOrigImageWidth), |
X2Fix ((float) (*pBufferHeight - texOverlap * 2.0f) / (float) *pOrigImageHeight), |
X2Fix (0.0), X2Fix (0.0)); |
// inset texture size to image size and offset by 1 pixel into the image so the |
// decompression puts the image into to center of the pixmap inset by one on each side |
TranslateMatrix (&matrix, X2Fix (texOverlap), X2Fix (texOverlap)); // step in for border |
err = GraphicsImportSetMatrix(giComp, &matrix); // set our matrix as the importer matrix |
if (err == noErr) |
err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld (giComp, pGWorld, NULL); // set the destination of the importer component |
if (err == noErr) |
err = GraphicsImportSetQuality (giComp, codecLosslessQuality); // we want lossless decompression |
if ((err == noErr) && GetGWorldPixMap (pGWorld) && LockPixels (GetGWorldPixMap (pGWorld))) |
GraphicsImportDraw (giComp); // if everything looks good draw image to locked pixmap |
else |
{ |
DisposeGWorld (pGWorld); // dump gworld |
pGWorld = NULL; |
DisposePtr ((Ptr) pImageBuffer); // dump image buffer |
pImageBuffer = NULL; |
CloseComponent(giComp); // dump component |
return NULL; |
} |
UnlockPixels (GetGWorldPixMap (pGWorld)); // unlock pixels |
CloseComponent(giComp); // dump component |
SetGWorld(origPort, origDevice); // set current graphics port to offscreen |
// done with gworld and image since they are loaded to a texture |
DisposeGWorld (pGWorld); // do not need gworld |
pGWorld = NULL; |
// padded outside row of buffer with a copy of the row just inset from it |
if (fOverlapTextures) // copy image edges pixels into edges pixels of buffer for overlap texture case to create 1 texel border |
{ |
unsigned long i, j, pixelWidth = (unsigned long) (*pBufferDepth / 8); // iterators, pixel width in bytes |
// inset of far side to compensate for odd sized images that need two rows of padding |
// (only want copy last row/column of real data to row/column next to it) |
unsigned long farInset = 1; |
if ((fTileTextures) && // this only applies to mulitple texture images single texture images will always have one row of padding |
((*pBufferHeight - 2) > *pOrigImageHeight)) // if we had to add extra row for odd texture padding |
farInset = 2; // inset on extra row |
// handle top and bottom edges (corners will be over written) |
for (i = 0; i < *pBufferWidth * pixelWidth; i++) // for every byte in top and bottom rows |
{ // sample the row below and above (respectively) for the pixel value |
*(pImageBuffer + i) = // byte in top row equals |
*(pImageBuffer + rowStride + i); // corresponding byte in row below it |
*(pImageBuffer + ((*pBufferHeight - farInset) * rowStride) + i) = // byte in bottom row (or one in from bottom) equals |
*(pImageBuffer + ((*pBufferHeight - farInset - 1) * rowStride) + i); // byte in row above it |
} |
if ((fTileTextures) && // this only applies to mulitple texture images single texture images will always have one row of padding |
((*pBufferWidth - 2) > *pOrigImageWidth)) // if we had to add extra column for odd texture padding |
farInset = 2; // inset on extra column |
// handle left and right edges (including the "real" corners) |
for (i = 0; i < *pBufferHeight; i++) // for every line in column, sample the column right and left (respectively) for the pixel value, include the ends |
for (j = 0; j < pixelWidth; j++) // for every byte in pixel |
{ |
*(pImageBuffer + (i * rowStride) + j) = // byte in first column of pixels equals |
*(pImageBuffer + (i * rowStride) + pixelWidth + j); // corresponding byte on column to right |
*(pImageBuffer + (i * rowStride) + ((*pBufferWidth - farInset) * pixelWidth) + j) = // byte in last (or next to last) column of pixels equals |
*(pImageBuffer + (i * rowStride) + (*pBufferWidth - farInset - 1) * pixelWidth + j); // corresponding byte on column to left |
} |
} |
return pImageBuffer; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
// ================================== |
// public |
Boolean LoadImageForRecImage (pRecImage pWindowInfo) |
{ |
FSSpec fsspecImage; |
short i; |
if (NULL == gpOpenGLCaps) |
{ |
gpOpenGLCaps = (pRecGLCap) NewPtrClear (sizeof (recGLCap)); |
FindMinimumOpenGLCapabilities (gpOpenGLCaps); |
} |
if (0 == gpOpenGLCaps->maxTextureSize) // could not get GL caps abort |
return false; |
// attempt to open image file |
if (!GetImageFile (&fsspecImage)) |
return false; |
GetImageOptions (gpOpenGLCaps, &gfTileTextures, &gTextureScale, &gfOverlapTextures, &gMaxTextureSize, &gfClientTextures, &gfAGPTextures, &gfNPOTTextures); |
GetImageInfo (fsspecImage, &(pWindowInfo->imageWidth), &(pWindowInfo->imageHeight)); |
// set global setup vars here |
pWindowInfo->fNPOTTextures = gfNPOTTextures; // are we non-power of two |
if (pWindowInfo->fNPOTTextures) |
{ |
long scaledWidth = pWindowInfo->imageWidth; |
long scaledHeight = pWindowInfo->imageHeight; |
pWindowInfo->fTileTextures = gfTileTextures; // are we tiling |
if (false == pWindowInfo->fTileTextures) // if user has selected scaling |
{ |
scaledWidth = GetScaledTextureDimFromImageDim (scaledWidth, gTextureScale); |
scaledHeight = GetScaledTextureDimFromImageDim (scaledHeight, gTextureScale); |
} |
else // ensure... |
gTextureScale = kNone; // no scaling |
pWindowInfo->maxTextureSize = gpOpenGLCaps->maxNOPTDTextureSize < gMaxTextureSize ? gpOpenGLCaps->maxNOPTDTextureSize : gMaxTextureSize; |
if ((scaledWidth <= pWindowInfo->maxTextureSize) && (scaledHeight <= pWindowInfo->maxTextureSize)) // if we can fit into a single texture |
{ // since we can fit in a single texture |
pWindowInfo->fTileTextures = false; // we wont tile |
pWindowInfo->fOverlapTextures = false; // no overlap since we are not tiling |
} |
else |
pWindowInfo->fOverlapTextures = gfOverlapTextures; // take user defined overlap flag |
} |
else |
{ |
pWindowInfo->fTileTextures = gfTileTextures; // are we tiling |
if (true == pWindowInfo->fTileTextures) // if we are tiling |
pWindowInfo->fOverlapTextures = gfOverlapTextures; // take user defiend overlap flag |
else // otherwise |
pWindowInfo->fOverlapTextures = false; // there is no need to overlap |
pWindowInfo->maxTextureSize = gpOpenGLCaps->maxTextureSize < gMaxTextureSize ? gpOpenGLCaps->maxTextureSize : gMaxTextureSize; |
} |
pWindowInfo->fClientTextures = gfClientTextures; // texture from client memory if selected |
pWindowInfo->fAGPTexturing = gfAGPTextures; // if AGP texturing selected |
pWindowInfo->pImageBuffer = LoadBufferFromImageFile (fsspecImage, gTextureScale, pWindowInfo->fTileTextures, pWindowInfo->fOverlapTextures, |
&(pWindowInfo->imageWidth), &(pWindowInfo->imageHeight), |
&(pWindowInfo->textureWidth), &(pWindowInfo->textureHeight), &(pWindowInfo->imageDepth)); |
// set default parameters for this image |
pWindowInfo->zoom = 1.0f; // pixel 1 to 1 size |
pWindowInfo->rotation = 0.0f; // orginal orientation |
pWindowInfo->centerX = 0; // no offset |
pWindowInfo->centerY = 0; |
pWindowInfo->info = true; // show imaage info |
pWindowInfo->lines = false; // don't show polygon edges |
pWindowInfo->grid = false; // don't show pixel edges |
pWindowInfo->spinning = false; // don't spin |
pWindowInfo->timerInterval = 0.1f; |
for (i = 0; i <= *(; i++) |
pWindowInfo->name[i] =[i]; |
return true; // gworld and buffer will persist until texturing is complete |
} |
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