Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: OutputBins2PDE.m |
Abstract: Implementation of a slightly more advanced PDE that implements |
new functionality in Leopard while also being compatible with Tiger. |
Version: 1.0 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by |
Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the |
following terms, and your use, installation, modification or |
redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these |
terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, |
install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. |
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple |
Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except |
as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express |
or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to |
any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by |
other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
*/ |
#import <Print/PMPrintingDialogExtensions.h> |
#import "OutputBins2PDE.h" |
#import "PDEChoice.h" |
#import "Utilities.h" |
#import "PDELogging.h" |
// Nib Name |
static NSString *kOBNibName = @"OutputBins2PDE"; |
// Keys to look up localized data for the UI |
static NSString *kOBOutputBinPanelNameKey = @"OutputBinPanelName"; |
// PDE Kind definition |
static NSString *kOutputBinsKindID = @""; |
//This should be a unique key for our print settings. |
static NSString *kOurSettingKey = @""; |
// Default value for our key. |
static NSString *kOurSettingDefaultCFStringValue = @"None"; |
#endif |
// PPD keyword definitions |
static const char* kOutputBinKey = "OutputBin"; |
static const char* kObfuscateKey = "Obfuscate"; |
static const char* kShredderKey = "Shredder"; |
static const char* kFlipImageKey = "FlipImage"; |
static const char* kStaticKey = "Static"; |
static NSString* kOBOutputBinKey = @"OutputBin"; |
static NSString* kOBObfuscateKey = @"Obfuscate"; |
static NSString* kOBShredderKey = @"Shredder"; |
static NSString* kOBFlipImageKey = @"FlipImage"; |
static NSString* kOBStaticKey = @"Static"; |
// Creates a NSArray of PDEChoices from the given PPD choices. |
NSMutableArray * ArrayFromPPDOption(ppd_option_t * option) |
{ |
if(option != NULL) { |
NSInteger count = option->num_choices, i; |
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count]; |
for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
[array addObject:[PDEChoice choiceWithChoice:&option->choices[i]]]; |
} |
return array; |
} else { |
return nil; |
} |
} |
// Translates a given PPD choice into a PDEChoice from the given array of choices. |
// Returns the default choice if a nil choice is requested. |
PDEChoice *FindChoiceForString(NSString * choice, NSArray * choices) |
{ |
NSEnumerator * enumerator = [choices objectEnumerator]; |
PDEChoice * currentChoice = nil; |
// If a choice is requested, then return it... |
if(choice != nil) { |
while(currentChoice = [enumerator nextObject]) { |
if([[currentChoice ppdTitle] isEqualToString:choice]) { |
break; |
} |
} |
// ... but if no choice is specified, then return the default choice. |
} else { |
while(currentChoice = [enumerator nextObject]) { |
if([currentChoice isDefaultChoice]) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
return currentChoice; |
} |
// Initializes an NSPopUpButton from the given array of PDEChoices by creating a |
// menu item titled with [PDEChoice userTitle] and assigning the PDEChoice itself |
// as the represented object (so that when we get that selection we can set the current |
// PDEChoice directly). |
void InitPopUpFromArray(NSPopUpButton * popup, NSArray * choices) |
{ |
PDEChoice * option; |
[popup removeAllItems]; |
NSMenu * menu = [popup menu]; |
NSEnumerator * opt = [choices objectEnumerator]; |
while(option = [opt nextObject]) { |
NSMenuItem * item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[option userTitle] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; |
[item setRepresentedObject:option]; |
[menu addItem:item]; |
} |
} |
NSString *CreateOptionTitle(ppd_option_t * option) |
{ |
return [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:option->text encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
} |
@interface OutputBins2PDE (private_methods) |
-(ppd_file_t*)getPPD; |
-(void)updateMarkedSelections; |
-(void)updateUI; |
-(void)initializeUI; |
-(NSInteger)indexOfMarkedOption:(ppd_option_t*)options forKey:(const char*)key; |
-(PDEChoice*)selectionForPopUp:(NSPopUpButton*)popup withKey:(NSString*)key; |
-(void)showAdvanced:(BOOL)show; |
// Methods used only when running on 10.4 |
-(ppd_file_t *)getPPDOnTiger; |
-(void)getPPDSettingsFromPrintSettingsOnTiger; |
-(void)writePPDSettingsToPrintSettingsOnTiger; |
-(void)getNonPPDSettingsFromPrintSettings; |
-(void)writeNonPPDSettingsToPrintSettings; |
@end |
@implementation OutputBins2PDE |
-(id)initWithCallback:(PDEPluginCallback*)callback andBundle:(NSBundle*)bundle; |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"initWithCallback:(%@, %p) andBundle:(%@ %p)", callback, callback, bundle, bundle); |
self = [super init]; |
// init instance variables |
outputBinSelection = nil; |
obfuscateSelection = nil; |
shredderSelection = nil; |
flipImageSelection = nil; |
staticSelection = nil; |
thePDEName = nil; |
ppd = nil; |
hasInited = NO; |
pdePluginCallbackObject = [ callback retain ]; |
pluginBundle = [ bundle retain ]; |
// Constraint handling and view resizing are only available on Mac OS X 10.5 or later |
// You can test for constraint handling by testing for the |
// -[PDEPluginCallback willChangePPDOptionKeyValue:ppdChoice:] selector |
// and responding accordingly, however -[PDEPluginCallback panelViewDidResize] selector |
// is implemented on Mac OS X 10.4, but does nothing, therefore we use a |
// version test in addition to the respondsToSelector test. |
useConstraintHandling = [pdePluginCallbackObject respondsToSelector:@selector(willChangePPDOptionKeyValue:ppdChoice:)]; |
canResizeView = [pdePluginCallbackObject respondsToSelector:@selector(panelViewDidResize)] && RunningOn105OrLater(); |
PDELog(@"Constraint Handling Available: %s", useConstraintHandling ? "YES" : "NO"); |
PDELog(@"Can resize on the fly: %s", canResizeView ? "YES" : "NO"); |
if(RunningOn105OrLater()) { |
ppd = [pdePluginCallbackObject ppdFile]; |
} else { |
ppd = [self getPPDOnTiger]; |
} |
outputBinOption = ppdFindOption(ppd, kOutputBinKey); |
outputBinChoices = ArrayFromPPDOption(outputBinOption); |
obfuscateOption = ppdFindOption(ppd, kObfuscateKey); |
obfuscateChoices = ArrayFromPPDOption(obfuscateOption); |
shredderOption = ppdFindOption(ppd, kShredderKey); |
shredderChoices = ArrayFromPPDOption(shredderOption); |
flipImageOption = ppdFindOption(ppd, kFlipImageKey); |
flipImageChoices = ArrayFromPPDOption(flipImageOption); |
staticOption = ppdFindOption(ppd, kStaticKey); |
staticChoices = ArrayFromPPDOption(staticOption); |
if((outputBinOption == NULL) && (obfuscateOption == NULL) && (shredderOption == NULL) && (flipImageOption == NULL) && (staticOption == NULL)) { |
[pdePluginCallbackObject release]; |
pdePluginCallbackObject = nil; |
PDEEpilog(@"initWithCallback:=id(nil, nil)"); |
// If we don't release ourselves, no one else will since we are returning nil. |
[self release]; |
return nil; |
} else { |
PDEEpilog(@"initWithCallback:andBundle:=id(self)"); |
return self; |
} |
} |
// The dealloc method is called on object deallocation when garbage collection is not in effect. |
// Therefore this is the place to release objects that we've allocated or retained. |
- (void)dealloc |
{ |
[outputBinChoices release]; |
[obfuscateChoices release]; |
[shredderChoices release]; |
[flipImageChoices release]; |
[staticChoices release]; |
[pdePluginCallbackObject release]; |
[thePDEName release]; |
[pdeView release]; |
[super dealloc]; |
} |
// The finalize method is only needed when you have resources or data that |
// needs to be released when garbage collection is in effect. Since the NSObjects |
// represented by our instance variables are garbage collected, there is no |
// need to release them in the finalize method. Since this code example has no |
// other resources that need to be deallocated when garbage collection is in effect, |
// there is no need for a finalize method in this code. |
// |
// If your code needs to explicitly deallocate resources that are not garbage |
// collected even when garbage collection is in place, remove the ifdef here and add |
// your needed deallocations prior to calling the superclass'es finalize. In general |
// however, it is NOT correct to simply migrate such code from your -dealloc method |
// directly to -finalize, as the timing of -finalize is non-deterministic |
// |
// All of our objects are NSObjects, and thus will be garbage collected automatically |
// for us, therefore we don't need to do anything here. |
#if 0 |
- (void)finalize |
{ |
// Release your resources that are not garbage collected. |
// ... |
// Then finalize the superclass. |
[super finalize]; |
} |
#endif |
// return the NSView for this PDE |
- (NSView*)panelView |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"panelView:"); |
if (pdeView == NULL) { |
// Load view nib |
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:kOBNibName owner:self]; |
// Initialize the basic & advanced sizes |
basicSize = [basicView frame].size; |
PDELog(@"Basic View Size={%.0f x %.0f}", basicSize.width, basicSize.height); |
advancedSize = [advancedView frame].size; |
// Advanced size is now the size of the advanced view, add the size of the basic view |
// for the true advanced size. |
advancedSize.height += basicSize.height; |
PDELog(@"Advanced View Size={%.0f x %.0f}", advancedSize.width, advancedSize.height); |
if(canResizeView) { |
// If we can resize the view, then we will initialize to the basic size |
[self showAdvanced:NO]; |
} else { |
// If we cannot resize, then we will show all options from the start |
[self showAdvanced:YES]; |
// We will also open the "Advanced" options button and disable it |
[advancedButton setState:NSOnState]; |
[advancedButton setHidden:YES]; |
} |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"panelView:=NSView(%@, %p)", pdeView, pdeView); |
return pdeView; |
} |
// Return the localized name for this PDE. This will be used as its title in the |
// menu of printing panes. |
- (NSString*)panelName |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"panelName:"); |
if (thePDEName == NULL) { |
thePDEName = [[pluginBundle localizedStringForKey:kOBOutputBinPanelNameKey value:nil table:nil] retain]; |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"panelName:=NSString(%@)", thePDEName); |
return thePDEName; |
} |
// return the kind ID for this PDE |
- (NSString*)panelKind |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"panelKind:"); |
PDEEpilog(@"panelKind:=NSString(%@)", kOutputBinsKindID); |
return (NSString*)kOutputBinsKindID; |
} |
// return an NSArray of PPD option keywords supported by this PDE |
- (NSArray *)supportedPPDOptionKeys |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"supportedPPDOptionKeys:"); |
if(supportedOptions == nil) |
{ |
supportedOptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; |
if(outputBinOption != nil) { |
[supportedOptions addObject:kOBOutputBinKey]; |
PDELog(@"Adding Output Bin option"); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Output Bin option not supported!"); |
} |
if(obfuscateOption != nil) { |
[supportedOptions addObject:kOBObfuscateKey]; |
PDELog(@"Adding Obfuscate option"); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Obfuscate option not supported!"); |
} |
if(shredderOption != nil) { |
[supportedOptions addObject:kOBShredderKey]; |
PDELog(@"Adding Shredder option"); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Shredder option not supported!"); |
} |
if(flipImageOption != nil) { |
[supportedOptions addObject:kOBFlipImageKey]; |
PDELog(@"Adding Flip Image option"); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Flip Image option not supported!"); |
} |
if(staticOption != nil) { |
[supportedOptions addObject:kOBStaticKey]; |
PDELog(@"Adding Static option"); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Static option not supported!"); |
} |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"supportedPPDOptionKeys:=NSArray(%@)", supportedOptions); |
return supportedOptions; |
} |
// the PDE panel is about to be shown |
-(void)willShow |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"willShow:"); |
// initializeUI: protects itself with a BOOL so that it will only be invoked on the first call to willShow: |
[self initializeUI]; |
// updateUI: will only run if initializeUI has been called at sometime in the past. |
// We know that it will run here since we just called -initializeUI:. |
[self updateUI]; |
PDEEpilog(@"willShow:=void"); |
} |
// the PDE panel is about to be hidden |
-(BOOL)shouldHide |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"shouldHide:"); |
PDEEpilog(@"shouldHide:=BOOL(YES)"); |
return YES; |
} |
// This method enables you to catch the help button and determine |
// the default print panel help should be shown or not. |
// Returning YES will display the default help, returning NO will supress it |
// allowing you to show your own help. |
-(BOOL)shouldShowHelp |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
// the log macro is a no-op on release builds |
// so we mark 'err' unused so we avoid the warning |
#pragma unused(err) |
PDEProlog(@"shouldShowHelp:"); |
PDELog(@"Opening Help Book"); |
CFStringRef helpbook = CFSTR("OutputBinsPDE2Help"); |
err = AHGotoPage(helpbook, NULL, NULL); |
PDELog(@"Result %i attempting to open %@", err, helpbook); |
PDEEpilog(@"shouldShowHelp:=BOOL(%s)", "NO"); |
return NO; |
} |
// This method is called when the system has marked a new PPD option/choice. The passed |
// in choice is the new setting for this PPD option. |
- (void)PPDOptionKeyValueDidChange:(NSString *)option ppdChoice:(NSString *)choice |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"PPDOptionKeyValueDidChange:(%@) ppdChoice:(%@)", option, choice); |
if((option != nil) && (choice != nil)) |
{ |
if([option isEqualToString: kOBOutputBinKey]) |
{ |
outputBinSelection = FindChoiceForString(choice, outputBinChoices); |
PDELog(@"new choice is %@/%@", [outputBinSelection userTitle], [outputBinSelection ppdTitle]); |
} |
else if([option isEqualToString:kOBObfuscateKey]) |
{ |
obfuscateSelection = FindChoiceForString(choice, obfuscateChoices); |
PDELog(@"new choice is %@/%@", [obfuscateSelection userTitle], [obfuscateSelection ppdTitle]); |
} |
else if([option isEqualToString:kOBShredderKey]) |
{ |
shredderSelection = FindChoiceForString(choice, shredderChoices); |
PDELog(@"new choice is %@/%@", [shredderSelection userTitle], [shredderSelection ppdTitle]); |
} |
else if([option isEqualToString:kOBFlipImageKey]) |
{ |
flipImageSelection = FindChoiceForString(choice, flipImageChoices); |
PDELog(@"new choice is %@/%@", [flipImageSelection userTitle], [flipImageSelection ppdTitle]); |
} |
else if([option isEqualToString:kOBStaticKey]) |
{ |
staticSelection = FindChoiceForString(choice, staticChoices); |
PDELog(@"new choice is %@/%@", [staticSelection userTitle], [staticSelection ppdTitle]); |
} |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"PPDOptionKeyValueDidChange:ppdChoice:=void"); |
} |
// read the new settings values and update our internal PDE's settings accordingly |
- (BOOL)restoreValuesAndReturnError:(NSError **)error |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"restoreValuesAndReturnError:(%p)", error); |
if(useConstraintHandling) { |
// In this case, settings corresponding to PPD options are maintained by the implementation and do not come from |
// the print settings but instead from the cups ppd calls. The currently marked choice is the setting for the |
// PPD option(s). |
[ self updateMarkedSelections ]; |
} else { |
[ self getPPDSettingsFromPrintSettingsOnTiger ]; |
} |
[ self getNonPPDSettingsFromPrintSettings ]; |
#endif |
// Now have UI reflect the current settings. |
[self updateUI]; |
PDEEpilog(@"restoreValuesAndReturnError:=BOOL(YES)"); |
return YES; |
} |
// set UI/stored values to the print settings |
- (BOOL)saveValuesAndReturnError:(NSError **)error |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"saveValuesAndReturnError:(%p)", error); |
if(!useConstraintHandling) { |
// If using constraint handling, the PPD option choices are handled for us so in that |
// case there is no need to save anything for PPD options. If this code is not |
// running on 10.5 then we need to write the PPD settings in a way that is compatible |
// with Tiger. |
[ self writePPDSettingsToPrintSettingsOnTiger ]; |
} |
[ self writeNonPPDSettingsToPrintSettings ]; |
#endif |
PDEEpilog(@"saveValuesAndReturnError:=BOOL(YES)"); |
return YES; |
} |
// Queries the PPD for it's marked selections. |
- (void)updateMarkedSelections |
{ |
NSInteger markedChoice; |
// Setup the marked choice for the Output Bins option, if supported |
if(outputBinOption != nil) { |
markedChoice = [self indexOfMarkedOption:outputBinOption forKey:kOutputBinKey]; |
if(markedChoice != -1) { |
outputBinSelection = [outputBinChoices objectAtIndex: markedChoice]; |
} else { |
outputBinSelection = nil; |
} |
} |
// Setup the marked choice for the Obfuscate option, if supported |
if(obfuscateOption != nil) { |
markedChoice = [self indexOfMarkedOption:obfuscateOption forKey:kObfuscateKey]; |
if(markedChoice != -1) { |
obfuscateSelection = [obfuscateChoices objectAtIndex: markedChoice]; |
} else { |
obfuscateSelection = nil; |
} |
} |
// Setup the marked choice for the Shredder option, if supported |
if(shredderOption != nil) { |
markedChoice = [self indexOfMarkedOption:shredderOption forKey:kShredderKey]; |
if(markedChoice != -1) { |
shredderSelection = [shredderChoices objectAtIndex: markedChoice]; |
} else { |
shredderSelection = nil; |
} |
} |
// Setup the marked choice for the Flip Image option, if supported |
if(flipImageOption != nil) { |
markedChoice = [self indexOfMarkedOption:flipImageOption forKey:kFlipImageKey]; |
if(markedChoice != -1) { |
flipImageSelection = [flipImageChoices objectAtIndex: markedChoice]; |
} else { |
flipImageSelection = nil; |
} |
} |
// Setup the marked choice for the Static option, if supported |
if(staticOption != nil) { |
markedChoice = [self indexOfMarkedOption:staticOption forKey:kStaticKey]; |
if(markedChoice != -1) { |
staticSelection = [staticChoices objectAtIndex: markedChoice]; |
} else { |
staticSelection = nil; |
} |
} |
} |
// move stored values to the UI |
- (void)updateUI |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"updateUI:"); |
if(hasInited) { |
NSUInteger index; |
if(outputBinSelection != nil) { |
index = [outputBinChoices indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:outputBinSelection]; |
if(index != NSNotFound) { |
[outputBinPopUp selectItemAtIndex:index]; |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Output bin selection not found!"); |
} |
} |
if(obfuscateSelection != nil) { |
index = [obfuscateChoices indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:obfuscateSelection]; |
if(index != NSNotFound) { |
[obfuscatePopUp selectItemAtIndex:index]; |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Obfuscate selection not found!"); |
} |
} |
if(shredderSelection != nil) { |
index = [shredderChoices indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:shredderSelection]; |
if(index != NSNotFound) { |
[shredderPopUp selectItemAtIndex:index]; |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Shredder selection not found!"); |
} |
} |
if(flipImageSelection != nil) { |
index = [flipImageChoices indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:flipImageSelection]; |
if(index != NSNotFound) { |
[flipImagePopUp selectItemAtIndex:index]; |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Flip Image selection not found!"); |
} |
} |
if(staticSelection != nil) { |
index = [staticChoices indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:staticSelection]; |
if(index != NSNotFound) { |
[staticPopUp selectItemAtIndex:index]; |
} else { |
PDELog(@"Static selection not found!"); |
} |
} |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"updateUI:"); |
} |
// Returns the index of the marked (selected) ppd option of the options given |
// If no option is marked, then return the index of the default option. |
-(NSInteger)indexOfMarkedOption:(ppd_option_t*)option forKey:(const char*)key |
{ |
NSInteger index; |
// Find the choice that is currently marked. |
ppd_choice_t * choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, key); |
// if there is no selected choice, then find the default choice. |
if(choice == NULL) |
{ |
choice = ppdFindChoice(option, option->defchoice); |
} |
if(choice == NULL) |
{ |
// If we still have no given choice here, then there isn't even a default choice |
index = -1; |
PDELog(@"returning a -1 index means there was no default choice"); |
} |
else |
{ |
// the index of the given choice is it's offset in the choices array for that option |
index = choice - option->choices; |
} |
return index; |
} |
// Set's an NSTextField's title to that of the option's human readable text. |
-(void)setViewTitleByTag:(NSInteger)tag fromOptions:(ppd_option_t*)options |
{ |
NSTextField * view = [pdeView viewWithTag:tag]; |
NSString * title = CreateOptionTitle(options);//[NSString stringWithCString:options->text encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
[view setStringValue:title]; |
} |
// initialize the user interface |
- (void) initializeUI |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"initializeUI:"); |
if(!hasInited) { |
// Initialize the Output Bins options, if supported |
if(outputBinOption != nil) { |
PDELog(@"initializing output bins"); |
[self setViewTitleByTag:1 fromOptions:outputBinOption]; |
InitPopUpFromArray(outputBinPopUp, outputBinChoices); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"disabling output bins"); |
[outputBinPopUp setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
// Initialize the Obfuscate options, if supported |
if(obfuscateOption != nil) { |
PDELog(@"initializing obfuscate"); |
[self setViewTitleByTag:2 fromOptions:obfuscateOption]; |
InitPopUpFromArray(obfuscatePopUp, obfuscateChoices); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"disabling obfuscate"); |
[obfuscatePopUp setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
// Initialize the Shredder options, if supported |
if(shredderOption != nil) { |
PDELog(@"initializing shredder"); |
[self setViewTitleByTag:3 fromOptions:shredderOption]; |
InitPopUpFromArray(shredderPopUp, shredderChoices); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"disabling shredder"); |
[shredderPopUp setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
// Initialize the Flip Image options, if supported |
if(flipImageOption != nil) { |
PDELog(@"initializing flip image"); |
[self setViewTitleByTag:4 fromOptions:flipImageOption]; |
InitPopUpFromArray(flipImagePopUp, flipImageChoices); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"disabling flip image"); |
[flipImagePopUp setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
// Initialize the Static options, if supported |
if(staticOption != nil) { |
PDELog(@"initializing static"); |
[self setViewTitleByTag:5 fromOptions:staticOption]; |
InitPopUpFromArray(staticPopUp, staticChoices); |
} else { |
PDELog(@"disabling static"); |
[staticPopUp setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
// UI is now initialized |
hasInited = YES; |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"initializeUI:=void"); |
} |
// format info for Summary panel |
- (NSDictionary *)summaryInfo |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"summaryInfo:"); |
NSMutableDictionary *summaryInfoDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:8]; |
NSString *title; |
if(outputBinSelection != nil) { |
title = CreateOptionTitle(outputBinOption); |
[summaryInfoDict setObject:[outputBinSelection userTitle] forKey:title]; |
[title release]; |
} |
if(obfuscateSelection != nil) { |
title = CreateOptionTitle(obfuscateOption); |
[summaryInfoDict setObject:[obfuscateSelection userTitle] forKey:title]; |
[title release]; |
} |
if(shredderSelection != nil) { |
title = CreateOptionTitle(shredderOption); |
[summaryInfoDict setObject:[shredderSelection userTitle] forKey:title]; |
[title release]; |
} |
if(flipImageSelection != nil) { |
title = CreateOptionTitle(flipImageOption); |
[summaryInfoDict setObject:[flipImageSelection userTitle] forKey:title]; |
[title release]; |
} |
if(staticSelection != nil) { |
title = CreateOptionTitle(staticOption); |
[summaryInfoDict setObject:[staticSelection userTitle] forKey:title]; |
[title release]; |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"summaryInfo:NSDictionary(%@, %p)=", summaryInfoDict, summaryInfoDict); |
return summaryInfoDict; |
} |
// Helper for the showAdvancedOptions that actually does the work |
// of showing or hiding advanced options. |
-(void)showAdvanced:(BOOL)show |
{ |
if(show) { |
// Show the advanced options |
[advancedView setHidden:NO]; |
// Resize myself to accommodate the new view |
[pdeView setFrameSize:advancedSize]; |
} else { |
// Hide the advanced options |
[advancedView setHidden:YES]; |
// Resize myself to remove the new view |
[pdeView setFrameSize:basicSize]; |
} |
} |
// Action message from the UI to show or hide advanced options. |
- (IBAction)showAdvancedOptions:(id)sender |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"showAdvancedOptions:(%@, %p, %i)", sender, sender, [sender state]); |
if(canResizeView) { |
if([sender state] == NSOnState) { |
[self showAdvanced:YES]; |
PDEEpilog(@"showAdvancedOptions: showing advanced options"); |
} else if([sender state] == NSOffState) { |
[self showAdvanced:NO]; |
PDEEpilog(@"showAdvancedOptions: hiding advanced options"); |
} |
// Notify our host that the panel resized |
[pdePluginCallbackObject panelViewDidResize]; |
} else { |
PDEEpilog(@"showAdvancedOptions: view not resized due to lack of support"); |
} |
} |
// Helper for obtaining the current PDE state from the UI. |
// Under constraint handling, the entire interface is queried |
// after every selection change, as other options may have changed. |
// In this case, nil is always returned to indicate that the caller doesn't |
// need to do further processing. |
// In the absence of constraint handling, the new selection is returned |
// since it is the only thing that has changed. |
-(PDEChoice*)selectionForPopUp:(NSPopUpButton*)popup withKey:(NSString*)key |
{ |
PDEProlog(@"doSelectionForPopUp:(%@) withKey:(%@)", popup, key); |
// Get the currently selected item, and the represented object of that item |
NSInteger index = [popup indexOfSelectedItem]; |
PDELog(@"selected index: %i", index); |
PDEChoice *request = [[[popup menu] itemAtIndex:index] representedObject]; |
PDELog(@"selected request: %@", request); |
if(useConstraintHandling) |
{ |
// Ask for the PPD to be marked with the user selected option |
[pdePluginCallbackObject willChangePPDOptionKeyValue:key ppdChoice:[request ppdTitle]]; |
// After the PPD has been marked, constraint handling may have changed other options |
// or this option may not have been what we requested. Regardless, we now need |
// to update our internal state. |
[self updateMarkedSelections]; |
// Inform the caller that no further action is necessary. |
request = nil; |
} |
PDEEpilog(@"doSelectionForPopUp:withKey:=PDEChoice(%@)", request); |
return request; |
} |
// Action message from the UI for the Output Bins option |
- (IBAction)changeOutputBinOption:(id)sender |
{ |
PDEChoice *request = [self selectionForPopUp:outputBinPopUp withKey:kOBOutputBinKey]; |
if(request != nil) |
{ |
outputBinSelection = request; |
} |
// Update the UI, in case constraints handling changed this or other options. |
[self updateUI]; |
} |
// Action message from the UI for the Obfuscate option |
- (IBAction)changeObfuscationOption:(id)sender |
{ |
PDEChoice *request = [self selectionForPopUp:obfuscatePopUp withKey:kOBObfuscateKey]; |
if(request != nil) |
{ |
obfuscateSelection = request; |
} |
// Update the UI, in case constraints handling changed this or other options. |
[self updateUI]; |
} |
// Action message from the UI for the Shredder option |
- (IBAction)changeShredderOption:(id)sender |
{ |
PDEChoice *request = [self selectionForPopUp:shredderPopUp withKey:kOBShredderKey]; |
if(request != nil) |
{ |
shredderSelection = request; |
} |
// Update the UI, in case constraints handling changed this or other options. |
[self updateUI]; |
} |
// Action message from the UI for the Flip Image option |
- (IBAction)changeFlipImageOption:(id)sender |
{ |
PDEChoice *request = [self selectionForPopUp:flipImagePopUp withKey:kOBFlipImageKey]; |
if(request != nil) |
{ |
flipImageSelection = request; |
} |
// Update the UI, in case constraints handling changed this or other options. |
[self updateUI]; |
} |
// Action message from the UI for the Background Static option |
- (IBAction)changeStaticOption:(id)sender |
{ |
PDEChoice *request = [self selectionForPopUp:staticPopUp withKey:kOBStaticKey]; |
if(request != nil) |
{ |
staticSelection = request; |
} |
// Update the UI, in case constraints handling changed this or other options. |
[self updateUI]; |
} |
// The purpose of getNonPPDSettingsFromPrintSettings and writeNonPPDSettingsToPrintSettings is |
// to show how in a Cocoa PDE to read values from the print settings and how to write them out. |
// |
// Missing from this code is setting a default value in case getNonPPDSettingsFromPrintSettings is not called, |
// handling summary information, etc. |
- (void) getNonPPDSettingsFromPrintSettings |
{ |
// If this PDE handled any settings other than PPD option settings, this would |
// be the place to get those settings from the PMPrintSettings using PMPrintSettingsGetValue. |
PMPrintSettings settings = [pdePluginCallbackObject printSettings]; |
if(settings) { |
OSStatus err = PMPrintSettingsGetValue(settings, (CFStringRef)kOurSettingKey, (CFTypeRef *)&ourSettingValue); |
if(err) { |
// No setting for kOurSettingKey in ticket. Use the default value. |
ourSettingValue = kOurSettingDefaultCFStringValue; |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
#endif |
} |
- (void) writeNonPPDSettingsToPrintSettings |
{ |
// If this PDE handled any settings other than PPD option settings, this would |
// be the place to save those settings to the PMPrintSettings using PMPrintSettingsSetValue. |
PMPrintSettings settings = [pdePluginCallbackObject printSettings]; |
if(settings) { |
OSStatus err = PMPrintSettingsSetValue(settings, (CFStringRef)kOurSettingKey, ourSettingValue, kPMUnlocked); |
// do appropriate thing when there is an error. Here we write it |
if(err) |
PDELog(@"OutputBins PDE got an error %d setting the value for %@ !", err, kOurSettingKey); |
} |
#endif |
} |
// ********* Methods only needed on Tiger ************** |
#if __LP64__ |
// These are all no-ops under 64-bit |
-(ppd_file_t*)getPPDOnTiger { return nil; } |
-(void)getPPDSettingsFromPrintSettingsOnTiger {} |
-(void)writePPDSettingsToPrintSettingsOnTiger {} |
#else // __LP64__ |
// If we are not under 64-bit, these may be necessary under Tiger |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif // __cplusplus |
// These functions are only availble under 32-bit mode. |
OSStatus GetPPDRefFromSession(PMPrintSession printSession, ppd_file_t **ppd); |
OSStatus PMSessionGetTicketFromSession(PMPrintSession printSession, CFStringRef key, PMTicketRef* theTicketP); |
OSStatus PMTicketGetPPDDict(PMTicketRef ticket, UInt32 nodeIndex1, UInt32 nodeIndex2, CFMutableDictionaryRef *dict); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif // __cplusplus |
// Only used in 32-bit on 10.4. |
-(ppd_file_t*)getPPDOnTiger |
{ |
ppd_file_t *currentPPD; |
OSStatus err = GetPPDRefFromSession( [ pdePluginCallbackObject printSession ], ¤tPPD ); |
if(err != noErr) |
{ |
currentPPD = NULL; |
} |
return currentPPD; |
} |
// Only used in 32-bit on 10.4. |
-(void)getPPDSettingsFromPrintSettingsOnTiger |
{ |
PMTicketRef printSettings = NULL; |
// obtain the print setings ticket from the session |
OSStatus err = PMSessionGetTicketFromSession([pdePluginCallbackObject printSession], kPDE_PMPrintSettingsRef, &printSettings); |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
NSMutableDictionary *ppdDict = nil; |
// obtain the current PPD keyword dictionary |
err = PMTicketGetPPDDict(printSettings, kPMTopLevel, kPMTopLevel, (CFMutableDictionaryRef *)&ppdDict); |
if(err == noErr) |
{ |
// If no choice was specified (objectForKey returns nil) then FindChoiceForString will |
// return the default selection for that choice. |
outputBinSelection = FindChoiceForString([ppdDict objectForKey:kOBOutputBinKey], outputBinChoices); |
obfuscateSelection = FindChoiceForString([ppdDict objectForKey:kOBObfuscateKey], obfuscateChoices); |
shredderSelection = FindChoiceForString([ppdDict objectForKey:kOBShredderKey], shredderChoices); |
flipImageSelection = FindChoiceForString([ppdDict objectForKey:kOBFlipImageKey], flipImageChoices); |
staticSelection = FindChoiceForString([ppdDict objectForKey:kOBStaticKey], staticChoices); |
} |
} |
} |
// Only used in 32-bit on 10.4. |
-(void)writePPDSettingsToPrintSettingsOnTiger |
{ |
PMTicketRef printSettings = NULL; |
// obtain the print setings ticket from the session |
OSStatus err = PMSessionGetTicketFromSession([pdePluginCallbackObject printSession], kPDE_PMPrintSettingsRef, &printSettings); |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
NSMutableDictionary *ppdDict = nil; |
// set the current choice in the PPD Dict |
err = PMTicketGetPPDDict(printSettings, kPMTopLevel, kPMTopLevel, (CFMutableDictionaryRef *)&ppdDict); |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
// Save the current user data |
// Output Bin |
if(outputBinSelection != nil) { |
[ppdDict setObject:[outputBinSelection ppdTitle] forKey: kOBOutputBinKey]; |
} |
// Obfuscate |
if(obfuscateSelection != nil) { |
[ppdDict setObject:[obfuscateSelection ppdTitle] forKey: kOBObfuscateKey]; |
} |
// Shredder |
if(shredderSelection != nil) { |
[ppdDict setObject:[shredderSelection ppdTitle] forKey: kOBShredderKey]; |
} |
// Flip Image |
if(flipImageSelection != nil) { |
[ppdDict setObject:[flipImageSelection ppdTitle] forKey: kOBFlipImageKey]; |
} |
// Static |
if(staticSelection != nil) { |
[ppdDict setObject:[staticSelection ppdTitle] forKey: kOBStaticKey]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#endif // !__LP64__ |
@end |
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