//      PACKman                                                 
//          by Scott ÒZzÓ Zimmerman & Nick Thompson                                                 
//      Description:    This snippet shows how to implement a simple
//                      Chooser Package, updated from Scott ÒZzÓ Zimmerman's 
//                      PACKman pascal sample                                       
//      Version:        1.0 Completed 10/19/94                              
//  Copyright:  © 1989-94 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
// Modification History:
//  10/18/94        nick    converted from Pascal
//  10/19/94        nick    updated to reflect info in IM: Devices (pages 1-42 ff)
//                          this sample is think C specific
// To do:
//      implement for metrowerks and MPW C
#define CHOOSERLISTSTRS     1024
pascal OSErr MyPackage( short message, short caller, StringPtr objName, StringPtr objectName, long p1, long p2)
    OSErr           theError ;      // store errors in here
    Str255          tempStr1, tempStr2 ;
    Str255          mainDevStr ;    // read in from resources
    Str255          monitorStr ;
    short           index ;
    Cell            cellLoc;
    short           deviceCount;
    Handle          selectedItem;
    SysEnvRec       sysInfo;
    GDHandle        theDevice;
    theError = noErr;
    switch( message ) {
        case newSelMsg: 
            // Called to record the newly selected device. 
            DebugStr("\pnewSel" ) ;
            selectedItem = GetResource('STR ', -4099);
            if( selectedItem != nil ) 
                cellLoc.h = 0 ;
                cellLoc.v = 0 ;
                if(  LGetSelect(true, &cellLoc, (ListHandle)p1 ) ) {
                    (**((short **)selectedItem)) = cellLoc.v ;
                else {
                    (**((short **)selectedItem)) = 0 ;
                ChangedResource( selectedItem );
                WriteResource( selectedItem );
            break ;
        case fillListMsg: 
            // Count the gDevices (monitors) available on this Macintosh.           
            deviceCount = 1 ;
            if((theError = SysEnvirons(1, &sysInfo)) == noErr ) 
                // Okay, we got the system info, now see    
                // if we have Color Quickdraw.              
                if( sysInfo.hasColorQD )  {
                    // Okay, we have CQD, now how many monitors are connected?                  
                    theDevice = GetDeviceList();
                    while( (**theDevice).gdNextGD != nil ) {
                        theDevice = GetNextDevice(theDevice);
                    // Okay, p1 is the device list handle.  
                    // So call the List Mangler to add some 
                    // items.   
                    LAddRow(deviceCount, 0, (ListHandle)p1 ) ;
                    cellLoc.h = 0 ;
                    cellLoc.v = 0 ;
                    // load the strings we are going to use
                    GetIndString( mainDevStr, CHOOSERLISTSTRS, 1 ) ;
                    GetIndString( monitorStr, CHOOSERLISTSTRS, 2 ) ;
                    for( index = 1; index <= deviceCount; index++ ) {
                        if( index == 1 ) 
                            cellLoc.v = 0 ;
                            LSetCell(&mainDevStr[1], mainDevStr[0], cellLoc, (ListHandle)p1 ) ;
                        else {
                            // get the device number converted to a string
                            NumToString(index, tempStr1) ;
                            // copy the monitor string into the other temp string
                            BlockMove( &monitorStr[1], &tempStr2[1], monitorStr[0] ) ;
                            // and adjust the length byte
                            tempStr2[0] = monitorStr[0];
                            // concatenate our monitor string and the monitor number
                            BlockMove( &tempStr1[1], &tempStr2[ tempStr2[0] + 1 ], tempStr1[0] ) ;
                            // and adjust the length byte
                            tempStr2[0] += tempStr1[0] ;
                            cellLoc.v = index - 1;
                            LSetCell(&tempStr2[1], tempStr2[0], cellLoc, (ListHandle)p1 ) ;
            break ;
    // This message is sent when the Chooser wants us to reselect the   
    // device that was selected the last time our PACK was used.  The   
    // ID of this item is stored in a string resource.                  
    case getSelMsg: 
        cellLoc.h = 0;
        cellLoc.v = 0;
        selectedItem = GetResource('STR ', -4099) ;
        if(  selectedItem != nil ) 
            while( LNextCell(false, true, &cellLoc, (ListHandle)p1) ) {
                if(  cellLoc.v == (**((short **)selectedItem)) )
                    LSetSelect(true, cellLoc, (ListHandle)p1) ;
                    LSetSelect(false, cellLoc, (ListHandle)p1);
        else {
            selectedItem = NewHandle(sizeof(short));
            if(  selectedItem != nil ) {
                (**((short **)selectedItem)) = cellLoc.v;
                AddResource(selectedItem, 'STR ', -4099, "\p" );
            LSetSelect(true, cellLoc, (ListHandle)p1) ;
        break ;
    // Ignore these for now, since we don't know what they do, and it   
    // doesn't appear that we need them.                                
    case selectMsg: 
        DebugStr("\pselectMsg" );
    case deselectMsg: 
        DebugStr("\pdeselectMsg" );
    case terminateMsg: 
        DebugStr("\pterminateMsg" );
    case buttonMsg: 
        DebugStr("\pbuttonMsg" );
    return theError;