
//      PACKman                                                 
//          by Scott ÒZzÓ Zimmerman & Nick Thompson                                                 
//      Description:    This snippet shows how to implement a simple
//                      Chooser Package, updated from Scott ÒZzÓ Zimmerman's 
//                      PACKman pascal sample                                       
//      Version:        1.0 Completed 10/19/94                              
// Modification History:
//  10/18/94        nick    converted from Pascal
//  10/19/94        nick    updated to reflect info in IM: Devices (pages 1-42 ff)
//                          this sample is think C specific
// To do:
//      implement for metrowerks and MPW C
//  Copyright:  © 1989-94 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
#define     VERSION         10          // Version (1.0)
#define     DEVICEID        128         // Device ID 
extern pascal OSErr MyPackage( short message, short caller, StringPtr objName, StringPtr objectName, long p1, long p2) ;
    // Device package flags
    // we work out the flags by seeting the appropriate bit in the longword.
    // for our extension we want to set the following flags:
    //  usesAppleTalk,
    //  noPAP,
    //  noPostScript,
    //  noMultiples,
    //  noLeftButton,
    //  noRightButton,
    //  usesSavedZoneName,
    //  noActualZoneNames,
    //  acceptsInit,
    //  acceptsNewSel,
    //  acceptsFillList,
    //  acceptsGetSel,
    //  acceptsSelect,
    //  acceptsDeselect,
    //  ignoresTerminate,
    // This equates to the following:
    // 1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210  - bit position
    // 1000 0010 0000 0001 1111 0000 0000 0000  - value (see Device package flags, below)
    // 8    2    0    1    F    0    0    0     - this is 0x8201F800
    // the meaning of the flags is as follows:
    // Bit      Meaning 
    // 31       Set if an AppleTalk device  
    // 30Ð29    Reserved (clear to 0)   
    // 28       Set if the device package can have multiple instances selected at once  
    // 27       Set if the device package uses the Left button  
    // 26       Set if the device package uses the Right button 
    // 25       Set if no zone name has been saved  
    // 24       Set if the device package uses actual zone names    
    // 23Ð21    Reserved (clear to 0)   
    // 20       Set if the device uses the On and Off radio buttons and radio button label  
    // 19Ð17    Reserved (clear to 0)   
    // 17       Set if the device package accepts the chooserInitMsg message    
    // 16       Set if the device package accepts the newSelMsg message 
    // 15       Set if the device package accepts the fillListMsg message   
    // 14       Set if the device package accepts the getSelMsg message 
    // 13       Set if the device package accepts the selectMsg message 
    // 12       Set if the device package accepts the deselectMsg message   
    // 11       Set if the device package accepts the terminateMsg message  
    // 10Ð0     Reserved (clear to 0)
    // set up the header for the PACK resource
    asm {
            bra.s       @start      // branch to label start
            dc.w        DEVICEID    // declare word const as the pack device ID
            dc.l        'PACK'      // the resource type
            dc.w        0xF000      // this is -4096, for the chooser
            dc.l        VERSION     // the version number of our package
            dc.l        0x8201F800  // Device package flags (see long comment above)
            jmp         MyPackage