This sample demonstrates render-to-vertex-array using FBO, PBO, and VBO. |
A VBO is allocated with storage and indices for an N x N mesh. |
Then content is drawn into an N x N texture attached to an FBO. |
The pixel data is copied from the FBO into the VBO, by binding a PBO to the VBO id and calling glReadPixels. |
Now the pixel RGBA colors can be used as vertex XYZW data. |
Several simple examples of content are included to show how pixel data can be used as vertex data: |
* Sum of sines: [ and ] control sine height, { and } control sine frequency. Drag centers with the mouse. |
* Coincentric rings: toggle with 'r'. The depth coordinate of 3D geometry can be extruded in the mesh. |
* OpenGL logo: ; and ' control height. The texture is extruded in the mesh. |
* Twirl: , and . twirl the red and green channels, and the mesh X and Y geometry. |
Any 2D image processing technique can be applied to the texture, and the vertices will move accordingly. |
This sample uses several OpenGL extensions in conjunction. Please read the specifications for full details: | | | |
Additionally, if APPLE_float_pixels is available, the texture attached to the FBO uses float data. |
Renderers that support FBO, PBO, and VBO but do not support APPLE_float_pixels can still run this |
sample, but the texture will only have 8-bit integer precision, leading to some visual artifacts. |
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