
 Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 The implementation file for PDFViewEdit.
// =====================================================================================================================
//  PDFViewEdit.m
// =====================================================================================================================
#import "AnnotationPanel.h"
#import "MyStampAnnotation.h"
#import "PDFViewEdit.h"
static NSRect RectPlusScale (NSRect aRect, float scale);
@implementation PDFViewEdit
// ========================================================================================================= PDFViewEdit
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- saveDocument
- (void) saveDocument: (id) sender
    [self saveDocumentAs: sender];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ saveDocumentAs
- (void) saveDocumentAs: (id) sender
    NSSavePanel *panel;
    panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
    [panel setAllowedFileTypes: @[ @"pdf" ]];
    // Run.
    if ([panel runModal] == NSModalResponseOK)
        PDFDocument *document;
        // Save file.
        [[self document] writeToURL: [panel URL]];
        // Clear active annotation.
        _activeAnnotation = NULL;
        // Set new file.
        document = [[[PDFDocument alloc] initWithURL: [panel URL]] autorelease];
        [self setDocument: document];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printDocument
- (void) printDocument: (id) sender
    // Pass to PDF view.
    [self printWithInfo: [[[[self window] windowController] document] printInfo] autoRotate: YES];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ drawPage
- (void) drawPage: (PDFPage *) pdfPage
    NSArray         *annotations;
    NSUInteger      annotCount;
    NSUInteger      i;
    // Let PDFView do most of the hard work.
    [super drawPage: pdfPage];
    // Skip out unless we are in 'edit mode'.
    if (_editMode == NO)
    // Save.
    [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
    // Tranform.
    [self transformContextForPage: pdfPage];
    // Frame all annotations in gray.
    [[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed: 0.0 green: 0.0 blue: 0.0 alpha: 0.3] set];
    // Walk array of annotations.
    annotations = [pdfPage annotations];
    annotCount = [annotations count];
    for (i = 0; i < annotCount; i++)
        NSFrameRectWithWidthUsingOperation([[annotations objectAtIndex: i] bounds], 1.0, NSCompositeSourceOver);
    // Handle the selected annotation.
    if ((_activeAnnotation) && ([_activeAnnotation page] == pdfPage))
        NSRect          bounds;
        NSBezierPath    *path;
        bounds = [_activeAnnotation bounds];
        path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: bounds];
        [path setLineJoinStyle: NSRoundLineJoinStyle];
        [[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed: 1.0 green: 0.0 blue: 0.0 alpha: 0.1] set];
        [path fill];
        [[NSColor redColor] set];
        [path stroke];
        // Draw resize handle.
        NSRectFill(NSIntegralRect([self resizeThumbForRect: bounds rotation: [pdfPage rotation]]));
    // Restore.
    [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- transformContextForPage
- (void) transformContextForPage: (PDFPage *) page
    NSAffineTransform   *transform;
    NSRect              boxRect;
    NSInteger           rotation;
    // Identity.
    transform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
    // Bounds for page.
    boxRect = [page boundsForBox: [self displayBox]];
    // Handle rotation.
    rotation = [page rotation];
    switch (rotation)
        case 90:
        [transform rotateByDegrees: -90];
        [transform translateXBy: -boxRect.size.width yBy: 0.0];
        case 180:
        [transform rotateByDegrees: 180];
        [transform translateXBy: -boxRect.size.height yBy: -boxRect.size.width];
        case 270:
        [transform rotateByDegrees: 90];
        [transform translateXBy: 0.0 yBy: -boxRect.size.height];
    // Origin.
    [transform translateXBy: -boxRect.origin.x yBy: -boxRect.origin.y];
    // Concatenate.
    [transform concat];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selectAnnotation
- (void) selectAnnotation: (PDFAnnotation *) annotation
    // Deselect old annotation when appropriate.
    if ((_activeAnnotation != NULL) && (_activeAnnotation != annotation))
        [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: RectPlusScale([self convertRect: [_activeAnnotation bounds]
                fromPage: [_activeAnnotation page]], [self scaleFactor])];
    // Assign.
    _activeAnnotation = annotation;
    // Display in panel.
    [[AnnotationPanel sharedAnnotationPanel] setAnnotation: _activeAnnotation];
    if (_activeAnnotation)
        // Old (current) annotation location.
        _wasBounds = [_activeAnnotation bounds];
        // Force redisplay.
        [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: RectPlusScale([self convertRect: [_activeAnnotation bounds] 
                fromPage: [_activeAnnotation page]], [self scaleFactor])];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- annotationChanged
- (void) annotationChanged
    // NOP.
    if (_activeAnnotation == NULL)
    // Get bounds.
    NSRect bounds = [_activeAnnotation bounds];
    NSString* type = [_activeAnnotation valueForAnnotationKey:PDFAnnotationKeySubtype];
    // Handle line start and end points.
    if ([type isEqualToString:PDFAnnotationSubtypeLine])
        PDFBorder   *border = [_activeAnnotation border];
        float       inset = 1.0;
        if (border)
            inset = ceilf([border lineWidth] * 2.2);
        [_activeAnnotation setStartPoint: NSMakePoint(inset, inset)];
        [_activeAnnotation setEndPoint: NSMakePoint(bounds.size.width - inset, bounds.size.height - inset)];
    else if ([type isEqualToString:PDFAnnotationSubtypeHighlight] ||
             [type isEqualToString:PDFAnnotationSubtypeUnderline] ||
             [type isEqualToString:PDFAnnotationSubtypeStrikeOut])
        [_activeAnnotation setQuadrilateralPoints: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                [NSValue valueWithPoint: NSMakePoint(0.0, bounds.size.height)],
                [NSValue valueWithPoint: NSMakePoint(bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height)],
                [NSValue valueWithPoint: NSMakePoint(0.0, 0.0)],
                [NSValue valueWithPoint: NSMakePoint(bounds.size.width, 0.0)],
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setEditMode
- (void) setEditMode: (BOOL) edit
    // Assign.
    _editMode = edit;
    // Redraw.
    [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
#pragma mark -------- event overrides
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ setCursorForAreaOfInterest
- (void) setCursorForAreaOfInterest: (PDFAreaOfInterest) area
    [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mouseDown
- (void) mouseDown: (NSEvent *) theEvent
    PDFPage         *activePage;
    PDFAnnotation   *newActiveAnnotation = NULL;
    NSArray         *annotations;
    NSInteger       numAnnotations, i;
    NSPoint         pagePoint;
    // Defer to super for locked PDF or if not in 'edit mode'.
    if (([[self document] isLocked]) || (_editMode == NO))
        [super mouseDown: theEvent];
    // Mouse in display view coordinates.
    _mouseDownLoc = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: NULL];
    // Page we're on.
    activePage = [self pageForPoint: _mouseDownLoc nearest: YES];
    // Get mouse in "page space".
    pagePoint = [self convertPoint: _mouseDownLoc toPage: activePage];
    // Hit test for annotation.
    annotations = [activePage annotations];
    numAnnotations = [annotations count];
    for (i = 0; i < numAnnotations; i++)
        NSRect      annotationBounds;
        // Hit test annotation.
        annotationBounds = [[annotations objectAtIndex: i] bounds];
        if (NSPointInRect(pagePoint, annotationBounds))
            // New annotation.
            newActiveAnnotation = [annotations objectAtIndex: i];
            // Update font panel.
            [self reflectFont];
            // Remember click point relative to annotation origin.
            _clickDelta.x = pagePoint.x - annotationBounds.origin.x;
            _clickDelta.y = pagePoint.y - annotationBounds.origin.y;
    // Select annotation.
    [self selectAnnotation: newActiveAnnotation];
    if (_activeAnnotation == NULL)
        [super mouseDown: theEvent];
        _mouseDownInAnnotation = YES;
        // Hit-test for resize box.
        _resizing = NSPointInRect(pagePoint, [self resizeThumbForRect: _wasBounds 
                rotation: [[_activeAnnotation page] rotation]]);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mouseDragged
- (void) mouseDragged: (NSEvent *) theEvent
    // Defer to super for locked PDF or if not in 'edit mode'.
    if (([[self document] isLocked]) || (_editMode == NO))
        [super mouseDragged: theEvent];
    _dragging = YES;
    // Handle link-edit mode.
    if (_mouseDownInAnnotation)
        NSRect      newBounds;
        NSRect      currentBounds;
        NSRect      dirtyRect;
        NSPoint     mouseLoc;
        NSPoint     endPt;
        // Where is annotation now?
        currentBounds = [_activeAnnotation bounds];
        // Mouse in display view coordinates.
        mouseLoc = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: NULL];
        // Convert end point to page space.
        endPt = [self convertPoint: mouseLoc toPage: [_activeAnnotation page]];
        if (_resizing)
            NSPoint     startPoint;
            // Convert start point to page space.
            startPoint = [self convertPoint: _mouseDownLoc toPage: [_activeAnnotation page]];
            // Resize the annotation.
            switch ([[_activeAnnotation page] rotation])
                case 0:
                newBounds.origin.x = _wasBounds.origin.x;
                newBounds.origin.y = _wasBounds.origin.y + (endPt.y - startPoint.y);
                newBounds.size.width = _wasBounds.size.width + (endPt.x - startPoint.x);
                newBounds.size.height = _wasBounds.size.height - (endPt.y - startPoint.y);
                case 90:
                newBounds.origin.x = _wasBounds.origin.x;
                newBounds.origin.y = _wasBounds.origin.y;
                newBounds.size.width = _wasBounds.size.width + (endPt.x - startPoint.x);
                newBounds.size.height = _wasBounds.size.height + (endPt.y - startPoint.y);
                case 180:
                newBounds.origin.x = _wasBounds.origin.x + (endPt.x - startPoint.x);
                newBounds.origin.y = _wasBounds.origin.y;
                newBounds.size.width = _wasBounds.size.width - (endPt.x - startPoint.x);
                newBounds.size.height = _wasBounds.size.height + (endPt.y - startPoint.y);
                case 270:
                newBounds.origin.x = _wasBounds.origin.x + (endPt.x - startPoint.x);
                newBounds.origin.y = _wasBounds.origin.y + (endPt.y - startPoint.y);
                newBounds.size.width = _wasBounds.size.width - (endPt.x - startPoint.x);
                newBounds.size.height = _wasBounds.size.height - (endPt.y - startPoint.y);
            // Keep integer.
            newBounds = NSIntegralRect(newBounds);
            // Move annotation.
            // Hit test, is mouse still within page bounds?
            if (NSPointInRect([self convertPoint: mouseLoc toPage: [_activeAnnotation page]], 
                    [[_activeAnnotation page] boundsForBox: [self displayBox]]))
                // Calculate new bounds for annotation.
                newBounds = currentBounds;
                newBounds.origin.x = roundf(endPt.x - _clickDelta.x);
                newBounds.origin.y = roundf(endPt.y - _clickDelta.y);
                // Snap back to initial location.
                newBounds = _wasBounds;
        // Change annotation's location.
        [_activeAnnotation setBounds: newBounds];
        // Call our method to handle updating annotation geometry.
        [self annotationChanged];
        // Force redraw.
        dirtyRect = NSUnionRect(currentBounds, newBounds);
        [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: 
                RectPlusScale([self convertRect: dirtyRect fromPage: [_activeAnnotation page]], [self scaleFactor])];
        [super mouseDragged: theEvent];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mouseUp
- (void) mouseUp: (NSEvent *) theEvent
    // Defer to super for locked PDF or if not in 'edit mode'.
    if (([[self document] isLocked]) || (_editMode == NO))
        [super mouseUp: theEvent];
    _dragging = NO;
    // Handle link-edit mode.
    if (_mouseDownInAnnotation)
        _mouseDownInAnnotation = NO;
        [super mouseUp: theEvent];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- keyDown
- (void) keyDown: (NSEvent *) theEvent
    unichar         oneChar;
    unsigned int    theModifiers;
    BOOL            noModifier;
    // Skip out if not in 'edit mode'.
    if (_editMode == NO)
        [super keyDown: theEvent];
    // Get the character from the keyDown event.
    oneChar = [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex: 0];
    theModifiers = [theEvent modifierFlags] & NSEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask;
    noModifier = ((theModifiers & (NSEventModifierFlagShift | NSEventModifierFlagControl | NSEventModifierFlagOption)) == 0);
    // Delete?
    if ((oneChar == NSDeleteCharacter) || (oneChar == NSDeleteFunctionKey))
        [self delete: self];
        [super keyDown: theEvent];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete
- (void) delete: (id) sender
    if (_activeAnnotation != NULL)
        // Remove annotation from page.
        [[_activeAnnotation page] removeAnnotation: _activeAnnotation];
        _activeAnnotation = NULL;
        // Lazy, redraw entire view.
        [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
        // No annotation selected.
        [[AnnotationPanel sharedAnnotationPanel] setAnnotation: NULL];
        // Set edited flag.
        [[self window] setDocumentEdited: YES];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newAnnotation
- (void) newAnnotation: (id) sender
    PDFSelection    *selection;
    PDFAnnotation   *annotation;
    NSRect          annotationBounds;
    // Get bounds for selection if available, otherwise, create an arbitrary rectangle.
    selection = [self currentSelection];
    if (selection)
        annotationBounds = [selection boundsForPage: [[selection pages] objectAtIndex: 0]];
        [self setCurrentSelection: NULL];
        NSRect      pageBounds;
        pageBounds = [[self currentPage] boundsForBox: [self displayBox]];
        annotationBounds = NSMakeRect(pageBounds.origin.x + 20.0, pageBounds.origin.y + 20.0, 200.0, 80.0);
    // Which annotation to create....
    switch ([sender tag])
        case 0:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeWidget withProperties:nil];
        [annotation setWidgetFieldType:PDFAnnotationWidgetSubtypeButton];
        case 1:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeWidget withProperties:nil];
        [annotation setWidgetFieldType:PDFAnnotationWidgetSubtypeChoice];
        case 2:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeCircle withProperties:nil];
        case 3:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeFreeText withProperties:nil];
        case 4:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeInk withProperties:nil];
        // CREATE INK
        case 5:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeLine withProperties:nil];
        case 6:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeLink withProperties:nil];
        case 7:
            // TODO: Take care of underline and strikeout.
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeHighlight withProperties:nil];
        case 8:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeSquare withProperties:nil];
        case 9:
            // TODO: Use custom stamp or regular stamp annotation?
        annotation = [[MyStampAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds: annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeStamp withProperties:nil];
        case 10:
        // Special case bounds for Text annotation - we want something small and icon-sized.
        annotationBounds.size.width = 20.0;
        annotationBounds.size.height = 20.0;
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeText withProperties:nil];
        case 11:
        annotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:annotationBounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeWidget withProperties:nil];
        [annotation setWidgetFieldType:PDFAnnotationWidgetSubtypeText];
    [[self currentPage] addAnnotation: annotation];
    [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
    // Select.
    [self selectAnnotation: annotation];
#pragma mark -------- font
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showFontPanel
- (void) showFontPanel: (id) sender
    [[NSFontPanel sharedFontPanel] makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
    [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] fontMenu: YES];
    [self reflectFont];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reflectFont
- (void) reflectFont
    if ([NSFontPanel sharedFontPanelExists] == NO)
    if (_activeAnnotation == NULL)
    NSString* type = [_activeAnnotation valueForAnnotationKey:PDFAnnotationKeySubtype];
    if ([type isEqualToString:PDFAnnotationSubtypeFreeText])
        [[NSFontPanel sharedFontPanel] setPanelFont: [_activeAnnotation font] isMultiple: NO];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- changeFont
- (void) changeFont: (id) sender
    NSFont      *newFont;
    if (_activeAnnotation == NULL)
    NSString* type = [_activeAnnotation valueForAnnotationKey:PDFAnnotationKeySubtype];
    if ([type isEqualToString:PDFAnnotationSubtypeFreeText])
        newFont = [sender convertFont: [_activeAnnotation font]];
        [_activeAnnotation setFont: newFont];
    // Lazy.
    [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resizeThumbForRect
- (NSRect) resizeThumbForRect: (NSRect) rect rotation: (NSInteger) rotation
    NSRect      thumb;
    // Start with rect.
    thumb = rect;
    // Use rotation to determine thumb origin.
    switch (rotation)
        case 0:
        thumb.origin.x += rect.size.width - 8.0;
        case 90:
        thumb.origin.x += rect.size.width - 8.0;
        thumb.origin.y += rect.size.height - 8.0;
        case 180:
        thumb.origin.y += rect.size.height - 8.0;
    thumb.size.width = 8.0;
    thumb.size.height = 8.0;
    return thumb;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RectPlusScale
static NSRect RectPlusScale (NSRect aRect, float scale)
    float       maxX;
    float       maxY;
    NSPoint     origin;
    // Determine edges.
    maxX = ceilf(aRect.origin.x + aRect.size.width) + scale;
    maxY = ceilf(aRect.origin.y + aRect.size.height) + scale;
    origin.x = floorf(aRect.origin.x) - scale;
    origin.y = floorf(aRect.origin.y) - scale;
    return NSMakeRect(origin.x, origin.y, maxX - origin.x, maxY - origin.y);