# PDFAnnotation Editor macOS Application |
This sample demonstrates how to use [PDFKit]( to examine, edit and create annotations – interactive UI elements – to your own PDF document. |
## Overview |
The PDF file format allows for annotations to be associated with a page and a location on that page. |
PDFKit natively supports many different annotations types: circle, free text, ink, line, link, highlight/underline/strikethrough, |
square, stamp, text, and widgets (interactive form elements). This example shows developers how to create new annotation |
subtypes to add to a PDFView, how to examine the different types of properties per annotation subtype, and how to use |
new PDFKit API methods to update such properties. |
Note: widget annotation types are a little more complicated than the rest of PDFKit's native annotations. |
For a more in-depth example on widgets, please take a look at the PDFAnnotationWidgetsAdvanced iOS sample code. |
## Creating/Editing a PDFAnnotation Programmatically |
### PDFAnnotation Creation |
Before taking a look at the example code, it's important to understand how to create a PDFAnnotation. |
All annotations are instantiated using the |
[`PDFAnnotation`]( constructor with the appropriate |
[`PDFAnnotationSubtype`]( or a custom subtype. |
(For the sake of this example we will stick to PDFKit's native annotation subtypes, but for the record any string may |
by used at PDFAnnotation creation.): |
```Objective-C |
// Create a circle annotation |
circleAnnotation = [[PDFAnnotation alloc] initWithBounds:bounds forType:PDFAnnotationSubtypeCircle withProperties:nil]; |
``` |
After creating the annotation, the last thing we need to do is add it to a [`PDFPage`]( |
And as long as our PDFPage lives within a [`PDFView`](, the circle annotation will |
automatically appear in the view: |
```Objective-C |
// Add our circle annotation to a PDFPage |
[page addAnnotation: circleAnnotation]; |
``` |
### PDFAnnotation editing |
Editing an annotation is just as easy as creating one. To see all of the different properties developers can modify on an annotation, please |
take a look at [`PDFAnnotation's`]( instance properties/instance methods |
sections. Within this example, `AnnotationPanel` highlights a handful of these properties/methods. |
## Interacting with PDFAnnotation Editor |
### Opening a PDF File |
After launching PDFAnnotation Editor, there are two ways to begin editing a PDF file with existing annotations, and/or to add new annotations to a PDF: |
- 'File > Open', then choose the desired PDF file to open. The application will open a new editing window with the chosen PDF. |
- 'File > New'. The application will open a new editing window that is blank, then drag & drop the desired PDF file into the PDFView. |
Once you have a window open, you may drag & drop new PDFs into the PDFView as desired. (Note: PDFAnnotation Editor is designed so that there is only |
one PDF file per PDFView/window. To have more than one PDF file open while running the application, you must repeat one of the methods above.) |
### Creating/Editing Annotations in PDFAnnotation Editor |
Once you have a PDF open, adding annotations is simple: select 'File > Annotation', then select whichever new annotation you would like to add to the view. |
After adding an annotation, the AnnotationPanel will appear and you may modify the given annotation as available via the editor. |
- To change any type of color property on an annotation: select 'File > Annotation > Show Colors'. This will then bring up the system color panel. Once you |
have chosen a color, drag it ("it" being the square color well in the bottom left corner of the color panel next to the dropper icon) to the proper color well |
in the AnnotationPanel. You will see the color update instantly on the annotation in the PDFView. |
- To change any type of font property on an annotation: select 'File > Annotation > Show Fonts', and select the desired font. You will see the font update |
instantly in the PDFView. Before you select the font, make sure the annotation you are trying to update is 'selected' according to the AnnotationPanel, else |
PDFAnnotation Editor won't know which annotation you're attempting to edit. |
### Printing a PDF File |
To print the PDF file you have opened and/or edited in PDFAnnotation Editor: select 'File > Print...'. |
### Saving a PDF File |
To save the PDF file you have opened and/or edited in PDFAnnotation Editor: select 'File > Save' or 'File > Save As...'. |
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