
// ======================================================================================================================
//  MyWindowController.m
// ======================================================================================================================
#import "MyApplication.h"
#import "MyWindowController.h"
#define kPDFViewXDelta          0
#define kPDFViewYDelta          70
#define kURLLink                0
#define kDestinationLink        1
static NSString *ToolbarBackForward                 = @"Back Forward";
static NSString *ToolbarPreviousPage                = @"Previous Page";
static NSString *ToolbarNextPage                    = @"Next Page";
static NSString *ToolbarPageNumber                  = @"Page Number";
static NSString *ToolbarViewMode                    = @"View Mode";
static NSString *ToolbarSearch                      = @"Search";
static NSString *ToolbarEditTest                    = @"EditTest";
static NSString *ToolbarToggleDrawer                = @"ToggleDrawer";
@implementation MyWindowController
// =================================================================================================== MyWindowController
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- windowDidLoad
- (void) windowDidLoad
    PDFDocument *pdfDoc;
    NSRect      visibleScreen;
    NSSize      pageSize;
    float       scaleFactor;
    // Create PDFDocument.
    pdfDoc = [[PDFDocument alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[self document] fileName]]];
    // Set document.
    [_pdfView setDocument: pdfDoc];
    [pdfDoc release];
    // Default display mode.
    [_pdfView setAutoScales: YES];
    [_pdfView setDisplaysPageBreaks: NO];
    // Get outline (if any).
    _outline = [[[_pdfView document] outlineRoot] retain];
    if (_outline)
        if ([[_pdfView document] isLocked] == NO)
            [_outlineView reloadData];
            [_outlineView setAutoresizesOutlineColumn: NO];
            // Expand items.
            if ([_outlineView numberOfRows] == 1)
                [_outlineView expandItem: [_outlineView itemAtRow: 0] expandChildren: NO];
            [self updateOutlineSelection];
            // Always open drawer if there is an outline and unencrypted PDF.
            [[[[self window] drawers] objectAtIndex: 0] open];
    // How big to create the window?
    // Visible frame for main screen.
    visibleScreen = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
    // Taking into account the toolbars, etc. in the UI.
    visibleScreen.size.width -= kPDFViewXDelta;
    visibleScreen.size.height -= kPDFViewYDelta;
    // If continuous and multi-page, subtract space for a vertical scrollbar.
    if ((([_pdfView displayMode] & 0x01) == 0x01) && ([[_pdfView document] pageCount] > 1))
        visibleScreen.size.width -= [NSScroller scrollerWidth];
    // Page size.
    pageSize = [_pdfView rowSizeForPage: [_pdfView currentPage]];
    // Determine limiting scale factor.
    scaleFactor = visibleScreen.size.width / pageSize.width;
    if (visibleScreen.size.height / pageSize.height < scaleFactor)
        scaleFactor = visibleScreen.size.height / pageSize.height;
    // Scale bounds.
    pageSize.width = floorf(pageSize.width * scaleFactor);
    pageSize.height = floorf(pageSize.height * scaleFactor);
    // Set the window size.
    [[self window] setContentSize: pageSize];
    // Close the search results.
    [self setSearchResultsViewHeight: 0];
    // Create toolbar.
    [self setupToolbarForWindow: [self window]];
    // Internal notification.
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(newActiveAnnotation:) 
            name: @"newActiveAnnotation" object: _pdfView];
    // Establish notifications for this document.
    [self setupDocumentNotifications];
    // State.
    [self updateLinkTools];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setupDocumentNotifications
- (void) setupDocumentNotifications
    // Find notifications.
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(startFind:) 
            name: PDFDocumentDidBeginFindNotification object: [_pdfView document]];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(endFind:) 
            name: PDFDocumentDidEndFindNotification object: [_pdfView document]];
    // Document saving progress notifications.
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(documentBeginWrite:) 
            name: @"PDFDidBeginDocumentWrite" object: [_pdfView document]];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(documentEndWrite:) 
            name: @"PDFDidEndDocumentWrite" object: [_pdfView document]];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(documentEndPageWrite:) 
            name: @"PDFDidEndPageWrite" object: [_pdfView document]];
    // Delegate.
    [[_pdfView document] setDelegate: self];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dealloc
- (void) dealloc
    // No more notifications.
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
    // Remove back-forward toolbar item.
    if (_toolbarBackForwardItem)
        [_toolbarBackForwardItem release];
        [_backForwardView release];
    // Remove page number toolbar item.
    if (_toolbarPageNumberItem)
        [_toolbarPageNumberItem release];
        [_pageNumberView release];
    // Remove page number toolbar item.
    if (_toolbarViewModeItem)
        [_toolbarViewModeItem release];
        [_viewModeView release];
    // Remove search toolbar item.
    if (_toolbarSearchFieldItem)
        [_toolbarSearchFieldItem release];
        [_searchFieldView release];
    // Remove back-forward toolbar item.
    if (_toolbarEditTestItem)
        [_toolbarEditTestItem release];
        [_editTestView release];
    // Search clean-up.
    [_searchResults release];
    [_sampleStrings release];
    // Release outline.
    if (_outline)
        [_outline release];
    // Call super.
    [super dealloc];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdfView
- (PDFView *) pdfView
    return _pdfView;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setSearchResultsViewHeight
- (void) setSearchResultsViewHeight: (float) height
    NSRect      frameBounds;
    float       wasHeight;
    NSArray     *subViews;
    // Get subviews of split view.
    subViews = [_splitView subviews];
    // Get current height of search results view (view on top, view zero).
    frameBounds = [[subViews objectAtIndex: 0] frame];
    wasHeight = frameBounds.size.height;
    // Set it's frame to reflect new height.
    frameBounds.size.height = height;
    frameBounds.origin.y += wasHeight - height;
    // Adjust lower view (PDFView, view 1).
    [[subViews objectAtIndex: 0] setFrame: frameBounds];
    frameBounds = [[subViews objectAtIndex: 1] frame];
    frameBounds.size.height += wasHeight - height;
    [[subViews objectAtIndex: 1] setFrame: frameBounds];
    // Do we need to call this?  It doesn't seem to hurt.
    [_splitView adjustSubviews];
#pragma mark -------- NSTableView delegate methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numberOfRowsInTableView
- (int) numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *) aTableView
    if (aTableView == _searchResultsTable)
        return ([_searchResults count]);
        return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row
- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *) aTableView objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) theColumn row: (int) rowIndex
    if (aTableView == _searchResultsTable)
        if ([[theColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"page"])
            return ([[[[_searchResults objectAtIndex: rowIndex] pages] objectAtIndex: 0] label]);
        else if ([[theColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"section"])
            return ([[[_pdfView document] outlineItemForSelection: [_searchResults objectAtIndex: rowIndex]] label]);
        else if ([[theColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"text"])
            return ([_sampleStrings objectAtIndex: rowIndex]);
            return NULL;
        return NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tableViewSelectionDidChange
- (void) tableViewSelectionDidChange: (NSNotification *) notification
    int         rowIndex;
    if ([notification object] == _searchResultsTable)
        // What was selected. Skip out if the row has not changed.
        rowIndex = [(NSTableView *)[notification object] selectedRow];
        if (rowIndex >= 0)
            [_pdfView setCurrentSelection: [_searchResults objectAtIndex: rowIndex]];
            [_pdfView scrollSelectionToVisible: self];
#pragma mark -------- NSOutlineView methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outlineView:numberOfChildrenOfItem
- (int) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem: (id) item
    if (item == NULL)
        if ((_outline) && ([[_pdfView document] isLocked] == NO))
            return [_outline numberOfChildren];
            return 0;
        return [(PDFOutline *)item numberOfChildren];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outlineView:child:ofItem
- (id) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView child: (int) index ofItem: (id) item
    if (item == NULL)
        if ((_outline) && ([[_pdfView document] isLocked] == NO))
            return [[_outline childAtIndex: index] retain];
            return NULL;
        return [[(PDFOutline *)item childAtIndex: index] retain];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outlineView:isItemExpandable
- (BOOL) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView isItemExpandable: (id) item
    if (item == NULL)
        if ((_outline) && ([[_pdfView document] isLocked] == NO))
            return ([_outline numberOfChildren] > 0);
            return NO;
        return ([(PDFOutline *)item numberOfChildren] > 0);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- outlineView:objectValueForTableColumn:byItem
- (id) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) tableColumn 
        byItem: (id) item
    return [(PDFOutline *)item label];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outlineViewSelectionDidChange
- (void) outlineViewSelectionDidChange: (NSNotification *) notification
    // Get the destination associated with the search result list. Tell the PDFView to go there.
    if (([notification object] == _outlineView) && (_ignoreNotification == NO))
        [_pdfView goToDestination: [[_outlineView itemAtRow: [_outlineView selectedRow]] destination]];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outlineViewItemDidExpand
- (void) outlineViewItemDidExpand: (NSNotification *) notification
    [self updateOutlineSelection];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outlineViewItemDidCollapse
- (void) outlineViewItemDidCollapse: (NSNotification *) notification
    [self updateOutlineSelection];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateOutlineSelection
- (void) updateOutlineSelection
    PDFOutline  *outlineItem;
    int         pageIndex;
    int         numRows;
    int         i;
    // Skip out if this PDF has no outline.
    if (_outline == NULL)
    // Get index of current page.
    pageIndex = [[_pdfView document] indexForPage: [_pdfView currentPage]];
    // Test that the current selection is still valid.
    outlineItem = (PDFOutline *)[_outlineView itemAtRow: [_outlineView selectedRow]];
    if ([[_pdfView document] indexForPage: [[outlineItem destination] page]] == pageIndex)
    // Walk outline view looking for best firstpage number match.
    numRows = [_outlineView numberOfRows];
    for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
        // Get the destination of the given row....
        outlineItem = (PDFOutline *)[_outlineView itemAtRow: i];
        if ([[_pdfView document] indexForPage: [[outlineItem destination] page]] == pageIndex)
            _ignoreNotification = YES;
            [_outlineView selectRow: i byExtendingSelection: NO];
            _ignoreNotification = NO;
        else if ([[_pdfView document] indexForPage: [[outlineItem destination] page]] > pageIndex)
            _ignoreNotification = YES;
            if (i < 1)              
                [_outlineView selectRow: 0 byExtendingSelection: NO];
                [_outlineView selectRow: i - 1 byExtendingSelection: NO];
            _ignoreNotification = NO;
#pragma mark -------- toolbar methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ setupToolbarForWindow
// Create a new toolbar instance, and attach it to our document window.
- (void) setupToolbarForWindow: (NSWindow *) window
    NSToolbar       *toolbar;
    // Allocate it.
    toolbar = [[NSToolbar alloc] initWithIdentifier: @"PDF Linker Toolbar"];
    // Set up toolbar properties: Allow customization, give a default display mode, and 
    // remember state in user defaults.
    [toolbar setAllowsUserCustomization: YES];
    [toolbar setAutosavesConfiguration: YES];
    [toolbar setDisplayMode: NSToolbarDisplayModeIconAndLabel];
    // We are the delegate
    [toolbar setDelegate: self];
    // Attach the toolbar to the document window.
    [window setToolbar: toolbar];
    // Done.
    [toolbar release];
// -------------------------------------------------------------- toolbar:itemForItemIdentifier:willBeInsertedIntoToolbar
// Required delegate method. Given an item identifier, self method returns an 
// item. The toolbar will use self method to obtain toolbar items that can be 
// displayed in the customization sheet, or in the toolbar itself.
- (NSToolbarItem *) toolbar: (NSToolbar *) toolbar itemForItemIdentifier: (NSString *) itemIdent 
        willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: (BOOL) willBeInserted
    NSToolbarItem   *toolbarItem;
    // Create a new toolbar item.
    toolbarItem = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc] initWithItemIdentifier: itemIdent] autorelease];
    if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ToolbarBackForward])
        // Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar, customization palette and tooltip.
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Back/Forward", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Back/Forward", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Go Back or Forward", NULL)];
        // Set toolbar item view.
        [_backForwardView retain];
        [toolbarItem setView: _backForwardView];
        [toolbarItem setMinSize: [_backForwardView frame].size];
        [toolbarItem setMaxSize: [_backForwardView frame].size];
        if (willBeInserted)
            NSMenu      *submenu = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *submenuItem1 = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *submenuItem2 = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *menuFormRep = NULL;
            // Create sub menu.
            submenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] init] autorelease];
            // Create Back menu item - add to sub menu.
            submenuItem1 = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Back", NULL) 
                    action: @selector(doGoBack:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
            [submenuItem1 setTarget: self];
            [submenu addItem: submenuItem1];
            // Create Forward menu item - add to sub menu.
            submenuItem2 = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Forward", NULL) 
                    action: @selector(doGoForward:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
            [submenuItem2 setTarget: self];
            [submenu addItem: submenuItem2];
            // Create menu form representation - set it.
            menuFormRep = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] init] autorelease];
            [menuFormRep setTitle: [toolbarItem label]];
            [menuFormRep setSubmenu: submenu];
            [toolbarItem setMenuFormRepresentation: menuFormRep];
    else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ToolbarPreviousPage])
        // Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar, customization palette and tooltip.
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Previous", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Previous", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Go To Previous Page", NULL)];
        // Set image.
        [toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"ToolbarPreviousPageImage"]];
        // Tell the item what message to send when it is clicked.
        [toolbarItem setTarget: self];
        [toolbarItem setAction: @selector(doGoToPreviousPage:)];
    else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ToolbarNextPage])
        // Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar and customization palette 
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Next", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Next", NULL)];
        // Set up a reasonable tooltip, and image.
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Go To Next Page", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"ToolbarNextPageImage"]];
        // Tell the item what message to send when it is clicked.
        [toolbarItem setTarget: self];
        [toolbarItem setAction: @selector(doGoToNextPage:)];
    else if ([itemIdent isEqual: ToolbarPageNumber])
        // Set up the standard properties .
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Page", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Page", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Go To Page", NULL)];
        // Set toolbar item view.
        [_pageNumberView retain];
        [toolbarItem setView: _pageNumberView];
        [toolbarItem setMinSize: NSMakeSize(50, NSHeight([_pageNumberView frame]))];
        [toolbarItem setMaxSize: NSMakeSize(56, NSHeight([_pageNumberView frame]))];
        if (willBeInserted)
            NSMenu      *submenu = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *submenuItem = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *menuFormRep = NULL;
            // Create sub menu.
            submenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] init] autorelease];
            // Create Page Dialog item.
            submenuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Go To Page Panel", NULL) 
                    action: @selector(doGoToPagePanel:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
            [submenuItem setTarget: self];
            [submenu addItem: submenuItem];
            // Create menu form representation - set it.        
            menuFormRep = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] init] autorelease];
            [menuFormRep setTitle: [toolbarItem label]];
            [menuFormRep setSubmenu: submenu];
            [toolbarItem setMenuFormRepresentation: menuFormRep];
            toolbarItem = [[toolbarItem copy] autorelease];
            [(NSTextField *)[toolbarItem view] setStringValue: @"--"];
    else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ToolbarViewMode])
        // Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar, customization palette and tooltip.
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"View Mode", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"View Mode", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Change the Viewing Mode", NULL)];
        // Set toolbar item view.
        [_viewModeView retain];
        [toolbarItem setView: _viewModeView];
        [toolbarItem setMinSize: [_viewModeView frame].size];
        [toolbarItem setMaxSize: [_viewModeView frame].size];
    else if ([itemIdent isEqual: ToolbarSearch])
        // Set up the standard properties .
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Search", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Search", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Search document", NULL)];
        // Set toolbar item view.
        [_searchFieldView retain];
        [toolbarItem setView: _searchFieldView];
        [toolbarItem setMinSize: NSMakeSize(128, NSHeight([_searchFieldView frame]))];
        [toolbarItem setMaxSize: NSMakeSize(256, NSHeight([_searchFieldView frame]))];
        if (willBeInserted)
            NSMenu      *submenu = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *submenuItem = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *menuFormRep = NULL;
            // Create sub menu.
            submenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] init] autorelease];
            // Create Search panel item.
            submenuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Search Panel", NULL) 
                    action: @selector(doSearch:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
            [submenuItem setTarget: self];
            [submenu addItem: submenuItem];
            // Create menu form representation - set it.        
            menuFormRep = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] init] autorelease];
            [menuFormRep setTitle: [toolbarItem label]];
            [menuFormRep setSubmenu: submenu];
            [toolbarItem setMenuFormRepresentation: menuFormRep];
    else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ToolbarEditTest])
        // Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar and customization palette 
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Link Mode", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Link Mode", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Switch between Edit and Test modes", NULL)];
        // Use a custom view (a menu).
        [_editTestView retain];
        [toolbarItem setView: _editTestView];
        [toolbarItem setMinSize: [[toolbarItem view] frame].size];
        [toolbarItem setMaxSize: [[toolbarItem view] frame].size];
        if (willBeInserted)
            NSMenu      *submenu = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *submenuItem1 = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *submenuItem2 = NULL;
            NSMenuItem  *menuFormRep = NULL;
            // Tell the item what message to send when it is clicked.
            [toolbarItem setTarget: self];
            // Create sub menu.
            submenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] init] autorelease];
            // Create Media Box menu item - add to sub menu.
            submenuItem1 = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Edit Links", NULL) 
                    action: @selector(doEditMode:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
            [submenuItem1 setTarget: self];
            [submenu addItem: submenuItem1];
            // Create Crop Box menu item - add to sub menu.
            submenuItem2 = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Test Links", NULL) 
                    action: @selector(doTestMode:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
            [submenuItem2 setTarget: self];
            [submenu addItem: submenuItem2];
            // Create menu form representation - set it.
            menuFormRep = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] init] autorelease];
            [menuFormRep setTitle: [toolbarItem label]];
            [menuFormRep setSubmenu: submenu];
            [toolbarItem setMenuFormRepresentation: menuFormRep];
            toolbarItem = [[toolbarItem copy] autorelease];
    else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ToolbarToggleDrawer])
        // Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar and customization palette 
        [toolbarItem setLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Outline", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: NSLocalizedString(@"Outline", NULL)];
        // Set up a reasonable tooltip, and image.
        [toolbarItem setToolTip: NSLocalizedString(@"Show or Hide Outline", NULL)];
        [toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"ToolbarDrawerImage"]];
        // Tell the item what message to send when it is clicked.
        [toolbarItem setTarget: self];
        [toolbarItem setAction: @selector(toggleDrawer:)];
        // Not identified, not supported. 
        toolbarItem = NULL;
    return toolbarItem;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers
// Required delegate method. Returns the ordered list of items to be shown in 
// the toolbar by default. If during the toolbar's initialization, no overriding 
// values are found in the user defaults, or if the user chooses to revert to 
// the default items self set will be used.
- (NSArray *) toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar
    return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: 
            ToolbarPreviousPage, ToolbarNextPage, ToolbarBackForward, ToolbarPageNumber, 
            ToolbarSearch, ToolbarToggleDrawer, 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers
// Required delegate method. Returns the list of all allowed items by identifier.
// By default, the toolbar does not assume any items are allowed, even the 
// separator. So, every allowed item must be explicitly listed. The set of 
// allowed items is used to construct the customization palette.
- (NSArray *) toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar
    return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:  
            ToolbarPreviousPage, ToolbarNextPage, ToolbarBackForward, ToolbarPageNumber, ToolbarViewMode, 
            ToolbarEditTest, ToolbarSearch, ToolbarToggleDrawer, 
            NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier, NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier, NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier, 
            NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier, NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier, 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toolbarWillAddItem
// Optional delegate method. Before an new item is added to the toolbar, self 
// notification is posted self is the best place to notice a new item is going 
// into the toolbar. For instance, if you need to cache a reference to the 
// toolbar item or need to set up some initial state, self is the best place 
// to do it. The notification object is the toolbar to which the item is being 
// added. The item being added is found by referencing the @"item" key in the userInfo.
- (void) toolbarWillAddItem: (NSNotification *) theNotification
    NSToolbarItem   *addedItem;
    // Toolbar item added.
    addedItem = [[theNotification userInfo] objectForKey: @"item"];
    // See if it is one we're interested in.
    if ([[addedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarBackForward])
        _toolbarBackForwardItem = [addedItem retain];
        // Listen for these.
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(updateBackForwardState:) 
                name: PDFViewChangedHistoryNotification object: _pdfView];
        // Update.
        [self updateBackForwardState: NULL];
    else if ([[addedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarPageNumber])
        _toolbarPageNumberItem = [addedItem retain];
        // Listen for these.
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(updatePageNumberField:) 
                name: PDFViewPageChangedNotification object: _pdfView];
        // Update.
        [self updatePageNumberField: NULL];
    else if ([[addedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarViewMode])
        _toolbarViewModeItem = [addedItem retain];
        // Update.
        [self updateViewMode: NULL];
    else if ([[addedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarSearch])
        _toolbarSearchFieldItem = [addedItem retain];
    else if ([[addedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarEditTest])
        _toolbarEditTestItem = [addedItem retain];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toolbarDidRemoveItem
- (void) toolbarDidRemoveItem: (NSNotification *) theNotification
    NSToolbarItem   *removedItem;
    // Which item is going away?
    removedItem = [[theNotification userInfo] objectForKey: @"item"];
    if ([[removedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarBackForward])
        // No longer listen.
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self name: PDFViewChangedHistoryNotification 
                object: _pdfView];
        // Release.
        if (_toolbarBackForwardItem)
            [_toolbarBackForwardItem release];
        _toolbarBackForwardItem = NULL;
    else if ([[removedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarPageNumber])
        // No longer listen.
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self name: PDFViewPageChangedNotification 
                object: _pdfView];
        // Release.
        if (_toolbarPageNumberItem)
            [_toolbarPageNumberItem release];
        _toolbarPageNumberItem = NULL;
    else if ([[removedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarViewMode])
        // Release.
        if (_toolbarViewModeItem)
            [_toolbarViewModeItem release];
        _toolbarViewModeItem = NULL;
    else if ([[removedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarSearch])
        // Release.
        if (_toolbarSearchFieldItem)
            [_toolbarSearchFieldItem release];
        _toolbarSearchFieldItem = NULL;
    else if ([[removedItem itemIdentifier] isEqualToString: ToolbarBackForward])
        // Release.
        if (_toolbarEditTestItem)
            [_toolbarEditTestItem release];
        _toolbarEditTestItem = NULL;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- validateToolbarItem
// Optional method. Self message is sent to us since we are the target of some 
// toolbar item actions (for example: of the save items action) 
- (BOOL) validateToolbarItem: (NSToolbarItem *) toolbarItem
    BOOL        enable = YES;
    if ([toolbarItem action] == @selector(doGoToPreviousPage:))
        enable = [_pdfView canGoToPreviousPage];
    else if ([toolbarItem action] == @selector(doGoToNextPage:))
        enable = [_pdfView canGoToNextPage];
    else if ([toolbarItem action] == @selector(doGoToPage:))
        // Enabled if the current document is multipage.
        enable = ([[_pdfView document] pageCount] > 1);
    else if ([toolbarItem action] == @selector(toggleDrawer:))
        // Enabled if we have an outline for this PDF.
        enable = (_outline != NULL);
    return enable;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- saveDocument
- (void) saveDocument: (id) sender
    [self writePDFToURL: NULL];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- saveDocumentAs
- (void) saveDocumentAs: (id) sender
    NSSavePanel *savePanel;
    // Create save panel, require PDF.
    savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
    [savePanel setRequiredFileType: @"pdf"];
    // Run save panel.
    if ([savePanel runModal] == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton)
        [self writePDFToURL: [savePanel URL]];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- writePDFToURL
- (void) writePDFToURL: (NSURL *) URL
    // Currently in PDFKit, when a PDF is saved, the resulting PDF loses its outline.
    if (_outline)
        [_outline release];
    _outline = NULL;
    if (URL == NULL)
        [[_pdfView document] writeToURL: [[_pdfView document] documentURL]];
        [[_pdfView document] writeToURL: URL];
        [_pdfView setDocument: [[[PDFDocument alloc] initWithURL: URL] autorelease]];
        [self setupDocumentNotifications];
    // Clear edited flag.
    [[self window] setDocumentEdited: NO];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printDocument
- (void) printDocument: (id) sender
    // Pass down to PDF view.
    [_pdfView printDocument: sender];
#pragma mark --------  actions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ doGoBackForward
- (void) doGoBackForward: (id) sender
    // Segment with tag eqial to zero is the Back, otherwise Forward.
    if ([[sender cell] tagForSegment: [sender selectedSegment]] == 0)
        [_pdfView goBack: sender];
        [_pdfView goForward: sender];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doGoBack
- (void) doGoBack: (id) sender
    [_pdfView goBack: sender];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doGoForward
- (void) doGoForward: (id) sender
    [_pdfView goForward: sender];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- refreshBackForwardState
- (void) updateBackForwardState: (NSNotification *) notification
    // Update segemented control state.
    [_backForwardView setEnabled: [_pdfView canGoBack] forSegment: 0];
    [_backForwardView setEnabled: [_pdfView canGoForward] forSegment: 1];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doGoToNextPage
- (void) doGoToNextPage: (id) sender
    [_pdfView goToNextPage: sender];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doGoToPreviousPage
- (void) doGoToPreviousPage: (id) sender
    [_pdfView goToPreviousPage: sender];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doGoToPage
- (void) doGoToPage: (id) sender
    int         newPage;
    // Make sure page number entered is valid.
    newPage = [self getPageIndexFromLabel: [sender stringValue]];
    if ((newPage < 1) || (newPage > [[_pdfView document] pageCount]))
        // Error.
        [self updatePageNumberField: NULL];
        // Go to that page.
        [_pdfView goToPage: [[_pdfView document] pageAtIndex: newPage - 1]];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ doGoToPagePanel
- (void) doGoToPagePanel: (id) sender
    // Specify page range.
    [_pageNumberPanelRange setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:  
            NSLocalizedString(@"Go to page (%@ to %@):", NULL), [[[_pdfView document] pageAtIndex: 0] label], 
            [[[_pdfView document] pageAtIndex: [[_pdfView document] pageCount] - 1] label]]];
    // Populate initially with current page label.
    [_pageNumberPanelText setStringValue: [[_pdfView currentPage] label]];
    // Bring up the page number panel as a sheet.
    [NSApp beginSheet: _pageNumberPanel modalForWindow: [self window] modalDelegate: self 
            didEndSelector: @selector(goToPagePanelDidEnd: returnCode: contextInfo:) contextInfo: NULL];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- goToPagePanelDidEnd
- (void) goToPagePanelDidEnd: (NSWindow *) sheet returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
    // Close.
    [_pageNumberPanel close];
    // Make sure page number entered is valid.
    if ((returnCode < 1) || (returnCode > [[_pdfView document] pageCount]))
        // Zero may indicate user canceled, don't beep in that case.
        if (returnCode != 0)
    // Go to that page.
    [_pdfView goToPage: [[_pdfView document] pageAtIndex: returnCode - 1]];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goToPageNumberEntered
- (void) goToPageNumberEntered: (id) sender
    [NSApp endSheet: _pageNumberPanel returnCode: [self getPageIndexFromLabel: [_pageNumberPanelText stringValue]]];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- goToPageNumberCanceled
- (void) goToPageNumberCanceled: (id) sender
    // Return zero (an invalid page number since are UI is 1-based) indicateing user canceled.
    [NSApp endSheet: _pageNumberPanel returnCode: 0];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ updatePageNumberField
- (void) updatePageNumberField: (NSNotification *) notification
    // Update label displayed in "go-to-page text field".
    [_pageNumberView setStringValue: [[_pdfView currentPage] label]];
    // Make sure current outline item is selected.
    [self updateOutlineSelection];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doViewMode
- (void) doViewMode: (id) sender
    switch ([[sender cell] tagForSegment: [sender selectedSegment]])
        case 0:
        [_pdfView setDisplayMode: kPDFDisplaySinglePageContinuous];
        case 1:
        [_pdfView setDisplayMode: kPDFDisplaySinglePage];       
        case 2:
        [_pdfView setDisplayMode: kPDFDisplayTwoUp];        
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateViewMode
- (void) updateViewMode: (NSNotification *) notification
    switch ([_pdfView displayMode])
        case kPDFDisplaySinglePageContinuous:
        [_viewModeView setSelectedSegment: 0];
        case kPDFDisplaySinglePage:
        [_viewModeView setSelectedSegment: 1];
        case kPDFDisplayTwoUp:
        [_viewModeView setSelectedSegment: 2];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doFindAllInstances
- (void) doFindAllInstances: (id) sender
    [_searchFieldView selectText: self];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doSearch
- (void) doSearch: (id) sender
    NSString    *searchString;
    // Cancel find if in progress.
    if ([[_pdfView document] isFinding])
        [[_pdfView document] cancelFindString];
    // User cancelled (empty string sent).
    if ([[sender stringValue] length] == 0)
    // Lazily allocate _searchResults.
    if (_searchResults == NULL)
        _searchResults = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 10];
    // Lazily allocate _sampleStrings.
    if (_sampleStrings == NULL)
        _sampleStrings = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 10];
    // Open search results if required.
    if ([[[_splitView subviews] objectAtIndex: 0] frame].size.height == 0.0)
        [self setSearchResultsViewHeight: 80.0];
    // Normalize search string using Unicode Normalization Form KD.
    searchString = [[sender stringValue] decomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping];
    // Do the search (will search forward, non-literal, and case-insensitive).
    [[_pdfView document] beginFindString: searchString withOptions: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ startFind
- (void) startFind: (NSNotification *) notification
    // Empty arrays.
    [_searchResults removeAllObjects];
    [_sampleStrings removeAllObjects];
    // Clear search results table.
    [_searchResultsTable reloadData];
    // Note start time.
    _searchTime = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 0.0];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- didMatchString
// Called when an instance was located. Delegates can instantiate.
- (void) didMatchString: (PDFSelection *) instance
    PDFSelection    *instanceCopy;
    NSDate          *newTime;
    unsigned        count;
    // Add page label to our array.
    instanceCopy = [instance copy];
    [_searchResults addObject: instanceCopy];
    count = [_searchResults count];
    // Get a string containing a contextual sample of the string searched for and add to array.
    [_sampleStrings addObject: [self getContextualStringFromSelection: instance]];
    // How much time since we were last called (updating the table view too frequently can be slow for performance).
    newTime = [NSDate date];
    if (([newTime timeIntervalSinceDate: _searchTime] > 1.0) || (count == 1))
        // Force a reload.
        [_searchResultsTable reloadData];
        [_searchTime release];
        _searchTime = [newTime retain];
        // Handle found first search result.
        if (count == 1)
            // Select first item (search result) in table view.
            [_searchResultsTable selectRowIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: 0] byExtendingSelection: NO];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getContextualStringFromSelection
- (NSAttributedString *) getContextualStringFromSelection: (PDFSelection *) instance
    NSMutableAttributedString   *attributedSample;
    NSString                    *searchString;
    NSMutableString             *sample;
    NSString                    *rawSample;
    unsigned int                count;
    unsigned int                i;
    unichar                     ellipse = 0x2026;
    NSRange                     searchRange;
    NSRange                     foundRange;
    NSMutableParagraphStyle     *paragraphStyle = NULL;
    // Get search string.
    searchString = [instance string];
    // Extend selection.
    [instance extendSelectionAtStart: 32];
    [instance extendSelectionAtEnd: 128];
    // Get string from sample.
    rawSample = [instance string];
    count = [rawSample length];
    // String to hold non-<CR> characters from rawSample.
    sample = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: count + 32 + 128];
    [sample setString: [NSString stringWithCharacters: &ellipse length: 1]];
    // Keep all characters except <LF>.
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        unichar     oneChar;
        oneChar = [rawSample characterAtIndex: i];
        if (oneChar == 0x000A)
            [sample appendString: @" "];
            [sample appendString: [NSString stringWithCharacters: &oneChar length: 1]];
    // Follow with elipses.
    [sample appendString: [NSString stringWithCharacters: &ellipse length: 1]];
    // Finally, create attributed string.
    attributedSample = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: sample];
    // Find instances of search string and "bold" them.
    searchRange.location = 0;
    searchRange.length = [sample length];
        // Search for the string.
        foundRange = [sample rangeOfString: searchString options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range: searchRange];
        // Did we find it?
        if (foundRange.location != NSNotFound)
            // Bold the text range where the search term was found.
            [attributedSample setAttributes: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize: 
                    [NSFont systemFontSize]], NSFontAttributeName, NULL] range: foundRange];
            // Advance the search range.
            searchRange.location = foundRange.location + foundRange.length;
            searchRange.length = [sample length] - searchRange.location;
    while (foundRange.location != NSNotFound);
    // Create paragraph style that indicates truncation style.
    paragraphStyle = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];
    [paragraphStyle setLineBreakMode: NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
    // Add paragraph style.
    [attributedSample addAttributes: [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: 
            paragraphStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, NULL] range: NSMakeRange(0, [attributedSample length])];
    // Clean.
    [paragraphStyle release];
    return attributedSample;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- endFind
- (void) endFind: (NSNotification *) notification
    // Force a reload.
    [_searchTime release];
    [_searchResultsTable reloadData];       
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doEditMode
- (void) doEditMode: (id) sender
    _linkMode = kLinkEditMode;
    [self updateLinkModeState];
    [self updateLinkTools];
    [_pdfView setNeedsDisplay: YES];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doTestMode
- (void) doTestMode: (id) sender
    _linkMode = kLinkTestMode;
    [_pdfView setActiveAnnotation: NULL];
    [self updateLinkModeState];
    [self updateLinkTools];
    [_pdfView setNeedsDisplay: YES];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateLinkModeState
- (void) updateLinkModeState
    if (_toolbarEditTestItem)
        [(NSPopUpButton *)[_toolbarEditTestItem view] selectItemAtIndex: [self linkMode]];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linkMode
- (int) linkMode
    return _linkMode;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toggleDrawer
- (void) toggleDrawer: (id) sender
    [_drawer toggle: sender];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- validateMenuItem
- (BOOL) validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *) menuItem
    BOOL        enable = YES;
    if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doFindAllInstances:))
        enable = (_toolbarSearchFieldItem != NULL);
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doUseSelectionForFind:))
        enable = [_pdfView currentSelection] != NULL;
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doGoToNextPage:))
        enable = [_pdfView canGoToNextPage];
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doGoToPreviousPage:))
        enable = [_pdfView canGoToPreviousPage];
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doGoBack:))
        enable = [_pdfView canGoBack];
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doGoForward:))
        enable = [_pdfView canGoForward];
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doEditMode:))
        [menuItem setState: [self linkMode] == kLinkEditMode];
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doTestMode:))
        [menuItem setState: [self linkMode] == kLinkTestMode];
    else if ([menuItem action] == @selector(doNewLink:))
        enable = ([self linkMode] == kLinkEditMode);
    return enable;
#pragma mark -------- link methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newActiveAnnotation
- (void) newActiveAnnotation: (NSNotification *) notification
    PDFAnnotationLink   *activeLink;
    if (_edited)
        PDFAnnotationLink   *wasActiveLink;
        wasActiveLink = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey: @"wasActiveAnnotation"];
        if (wasActiveLink != NULL)
            if ([_linkMatrix selectedRow] == kURLLink)
                [wasActiveLink setDestination: NULL];
                [wasActiveLink setURL: NULL];
    _edited = NO;
    activeLink = [_pdfView activeAnnotation];
    if (activeLink)
        if ([activeLink destination] != NULL)
            PDFDestination  *destination;
            NSPoint         point;
            // Link has a destination associated with it.
            [_linkMatrix selectCellAtRow: kDestinationLink column: 0];
            [_linkTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex: kDestinationLink];
            destination = [activeLink destination];
            point = [destination point];
            [_linkDestinationText setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:  
                    NSLocalizedString(@"Page %@; (%.1f, %.1f)", NULL), 
                    [[destination page] label], point.x, point.y]];
        else if ([activeLink URL] != NULL)
            // Link has a URL associated with it.
            [_linkMatrix selectCellAtRow: kURLLink column: 0];
            [_linkTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex: kURLLink];
            [_linkURLText setStringValue: [[activeLink URL] absoluteString]];
            // Unsupported link action.
            [_linkMatrix selectCellAtRow: 1 column: 0];
            [_linkTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex: 1];
            [_linkDestinationText setStringValue: NSLocalizedString(@"Unsupported link.", NULL)];
    [self updateLinkTools];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ updateLinkTools
- (void) updateLinkTools
    PDFAnnotationLink   *activeLink;
    activeLink = [_pdfView activeAnnotation];
    if (([self linkMode] == kLinkEditMode) && (activeLink != NULL))
        // Enable all controls.
        [_linkMatrix setEnabled: YES];
        [_setDestinationButton setEnabled: YES];
        [_linkURLText setEnabled: YES];
        [_linkDestinationText setEnabled: YES];
        // Disable all controls - no selected link.
        [_linkMatrix setEnabled: NO];
        [_setDestinationButton setEnabled: NO];
        [_linkURLText setEnabled: NO];
        [_linkURLText setStringValue: @""];
        [_linkDestinationText setEnabled: NO];
        [_linkDestinationText setStringValue: @""];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linkTypeMatrixHit
- (void) linkTypeMatrixHit: (id) sender
    PDFAnnotationLink   *activeLink;
    activeLink = [_pdfView activeAnnotation];
    if ([sender selectedRow] == kURLLink)
        if ([activeLink URL] == NULL)
            [_linkURLText setStringValue: @""];
            [_linkURLText setStringValue: [[activeLink URL] absoluteString]];
        [_linkTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex: kURLLink];
        [[self window] makeFirstResponder: _linkURLText];
        if ([activeLink destination] == NULL)
            [_linkDestinationText setStringValue: @""];
            PDFDestination  *destination;
            NSPoint         point;
            [_linkTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex: kDestinationLink];
            destination = [activeLink destination];
            point = [destination point];
            [_linkDestinationText setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:  
                    NSLocalizedString(@"Page %@; (%.1f, %.1f)", NULL), 
                    [[destination page] label], point.x, point.y]];
    [self updateLinkTools];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linkURLEntered
- (void) linkURLEntered: (id) sender
    PDFAnnotationLink   *activeLink;
    // We ought to have an active link.
    activeLink = [_pdfView activeAnnotation];
    if (activeLink == NULL)
    // Set it.
    [activeLink setURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [sender stringValue]]];
    // Reflect new URL.
    if ([activeLink URL] == NULL)
        [_linkURLText setStringValue: @""];
        [_linkURLText setStringValue: [[activeLink URL] absoluteString]];
    // Set edited flag.
    [[self window] setDocumentEdited: YES];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linkSetDestinationHit
- (void) linkSetDestinationHit: (id) sender
    PDFAnnotationLink   *activeLink;
    PDFPage             *topLeftPage;
    PDFDestination      *destination;
    NSRect              displayBox;
    NSPoint             topLeftPoint;
    // We ought to have an active link.
    activeLink = [_pdfView activeAnnotation];
    if (activeLink == NULL)
    // What page is at the top-left of the PDFView?
    topLeftPoint = NSMakePoint(0.0, [_pdfView frame].size.height);
    topLeftPage = [_pdfView pageForPoint: topLeftPoint nearest: YES];
    // Get top-left point in page-space (re-using topLeftPoint) and clip to display box.
    topLeftPoint = [_pdfView convertPoint: topLeftPoint toPage: topLeftPage];
    displayBox = [topLeftPage boundsForBox: [_pdfView displayBox]];
    if (topLeftPoint.x < displayBox.origin.x)
        topLeftPoint.x = displayBox.origin.x;
    if (topLeftPoint.x > NSMaxX(displayBox))
        topLeftPoint.x = NSMaxX(displayBox);
    if (topLeftPoint.y < displayBox.origin.y)
        topLeftPoint.y = displayBox.origin.y;
    if (topLeftPoint.y > NSMaxY(displayBox))
        topLeftPoint.y = NSMaxY(displayBox);
    // Create a PDFDestination.
    destination = [[PDFDestination alloc] initWithPage: topLeftPage atPoint: topLeftPoint];
    // Set it.
    [activeLink setDestination: destination];
    // Reflect new destination.
    if ([activeLink destination] == NULL)
        [_linkDestinationText setStringValue: @""];
        PDFDestination  *actualDestination;
        NSPoint         point;
        [_linkTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex: kDestinationLink];
        actualDestination = [activeLink destination];
        point = [actualDestination point];
        [_linkDestinationText setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:  
                NSLocalizedString(@"Page %@; (%.1f, %.1f)", NULL), 
                [[actualDestination page] label], point.x, point.y]];
    // Set edited flag.
    [[self window] setDocumentEdited: YES];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ doNewLink
- (void) doNewLink: (id) sender
    PDFAnnotationLink   *newLink;
    PDFPage             *page;
    PDFSelection        *selection;
    NSRect              bounds;
    // Determine bounds to use for new link annotation.
    selection = [_pdfView currentSelection];
    if (selection != NULL)
        // Get bounds (page space) for selection (first page in case selection spans multiple pages).
        page = [[selection pages] objectAtIndex: 0];
        bounds = [selection boundsForPage: page];
        NSRect      viewFrame;
        NSPoint     center;
        NSSize      defaultSize;
        // Get center of the PDFView.
        viewFrame = [_pdfView frame];
        center = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(viewFrame), NSMidY(viewFrame));
        // Convert to "page space".
        page = [_pdfView pageForPoint: center nearest: YES];
        center = [_pdfView convertPoint: center toPage: page];
        // Create a 
        defaultSize = [_pdfView defaultNewLinkSize];
        bounds = NSMakeRect(center.x - (defaultSize.width / 2.0), center.y - (defaultSize.height / 2.0), 
                defaultSize.width, defaultSize.height);
    // Create annotation and add to page.
    newLink = [[PDFAnnotationLink alloc] initWithBounds: bounds];
    [page addAnnotation: newLink];
    [_pdfView setActiveAnnotation: newLink];
    // Set edited flag.
    [[self window] setDocumentEdited: YES];
#pragma mark -------- save progress
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentBeginWrite
- (void) documentBeginWrite: (NSNotification *) notification
    // Establish maximum and current value for progress bar.
    [_saveProgressBar setMaxValue: (double)[[_pdfView document] pageCount]];
    [_saveProgressBar setDoubleValue: 0.0];
    // Bring up the save panel as a sheet.
    [NSApp beginSheet: _saveWindow modalForWindow: [self window] modalDelegate: self 
            didEndSelector: @selector(saveProgressSheetDidEnd: returnCode: contextInfo:) contextInfo: NULL];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentEndWrite
- (void) documentEndWrite: (NSNotification *) notification
    [NSApp endSheet: _saveWindow];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentEndPageWrite
- (void) documentEndPageWrite: (NSNotification *) notification
    [_saveProgressBar setDoubleValue: [[[notification userInfo] objectForKey: @"PDFDocumentPageIndex"] floatValue]];
    [_saveProgressBar displayIfNeeded];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- saveProgressSheetDidEnd
- (void) saveProgressSheetDidEnd: (NSWindow *) sheet returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
    [_saveWindow close];
#pragma mark -------- utility methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ getPageIndexFromLabel
// Given a page label (might be "1" or "2" or might be "i" or "iv") try to return the index of the
// page that has that label (or -1 if none). In this exceptional case, pages are 1-based.
- (int) getPageIndexFromLabel: (NSString *) label
    int         index = -1;
    int         count;
    int         i;
    // Handle empty string.
    if ([label length] < 1)
        goto bail;
    // Walk through all pages and compare the page label against 'label'.
    count = [[_pdfView document] pageCount];
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        if ([[[[_pdfView document] pageAtIndex: i] label] isEqualToString: label])
            // Got it.
            index = i + 1;
    return index;