Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
In process/dumpuserInfo.c
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stddef.h> /* needed for offsetof */ |
#include <string.h> |
#include <console.h> |
#include <sioux.h> |
#include <PLStringFuncs.h> |
#include "AppleShareRegistry.h" |
#include "AppleShareFileServerRegistry.h" |
#define PGP_MACINTOSH 1 |
#include "pgpErrors.h" |
#include "pgpKeys.h" |
#include "pgpMemoryMgr.h" |
#include "pgpUtilities.h" |
void BuildObjectSpecByShortID(OAMObjectSpec *obj, OAMShortObjectSpec id) |
{ |
memset(obj, 0, sizeof(OAMObjectSpec)); |
obj->specType = kOAMObjectSpecByShortID; |
obj->u.shortID = id; |
} |
void BuildObjectSpecByNameType(OAMObjectSpec *obj, StringPtr name, OAMType type) |
{ |
short len = 0; |
memset(obj, 0, sizeof(OAMObjectSpec)); |
obj->specType = kOAMObjectSpecByNameType; |
obj->objectType = type; |
len = *name + 1; |
memcpy(obj->, name, len); |
} |
void DisplayAttr(OAMAttributeDescriptor *attr) |
{ |
if (attr && attr->attributeSignature) { |
printf("---------------------------------\n"); |
// printf("attr->status = %d\n",attr->status ); |
// printf("attr->offset = %d\n",attr->offset ); |
// printf("attr->actSize = %d\n",attr->actSize ); |
// printf("attr->bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = %d\n",attr->bufferDescriptor.bufferLen ); |
// printf("attr->bufferDescriptor.actCount = %d\n",attr->bufferDescriptor.actCount ); |
if (attr->status == 0) |
{ |
switch (attr->attributeSignature) { |
case kOAMBasic: |
switch (attr->attributeType) { |
case kOAMName: |
{ |
StringPtr name = (StringPtr)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer; |
p2cstr(name); |
printf("Name = %s",name); |
} |
break; |
case kOAMInternetName: |
{ |
StringPtr name = (StringPtr)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer; |
p2cstr(name); |
printf("Name = %s",name); |
} |
break; |
case kOAMShortID: |
printf("ID = %d",*((UInt32*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMType: |
printf("Type = %.4s",(char*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer); |
break; |
}; |
break; |
case kOAMUser: |
switch (attr->attributeType) { |
case kOAMUserFlags: |
printf("userFlags = 0x%x",*((UInt16*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMUserComment: |
{ |
printf("comment = %#s",(StringPtr)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer); |
} |
break; |
case kOAMPasswordLen: |
printf("pwdLen = %d",*((UInt8*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMLastLogin: |
{ |
DateTimeRec date = {}; |
SecondsToDate(*(UInt32*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer, &date); |
printf("kLastLogin: %d/%d/%d", date.month,, date.year); |
} |
break; |
}; |
break; |
case kOAMService: |
switch (attr->attributeType) { |
case kOAMShortStatus: |
printf("shortStatus = 0x%x",*((UInt32*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
/* |
case kOAMDetailedStatus: |
printf("detailedStatus = 0x%x",*((UInt32*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
*/ |
case kOAMServiceFlags: |
printf("kServiceFlags = 0x%x",*((UInt32*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
}; |
break; |
case kOAMMachine: |
switch (attr->attributeType) { |
case kOAMGuestProgramLinking: |
printf("kGuestProgramLinking = 0x%x",*((UInt8*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMNoGuestAccess: |
printf("kNoGuestAccess = 0x%x",*((UInt8*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMProgramLinking: |
printf("kProgramLinking = 0x%x",*((UInt8*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMServerName: |
printf("name = %#s",(StringPtr)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer); |
break; |
case kOAMMultihoming: |
printf("kMultihoming = 0x%x",*((UInt8*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMNoSavePassword: |
printf("kNoSavePassword = 0x%x",*((UInt8*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMMinPasswordLen: |
printf("kMinPasswordLen = 0x%x",*((UInt8*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMMaxBadLogins: |
printf("kMaxBadLogins = %d",*((UInt16*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMDefaultShutdown: |
printf("kDefaultShutdown = %d",*((UInt16*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
case kOAMUniqueID: |
printf("kUniqueID = %d",*((UInt32*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
}; |
break; |
case kOAMGestalt: |
printf("selector: %.4s response: %X", (char*)&attr->attributeType, *((SInt32*)attr->bufferDescriptor.buffer)); |
break; |
} |
printf(" <status, len> = <%d, %d> ",attr->status,attr->bufferDescriptor.actCount ); |
printf("\n---------------------------------\n"); |
} |
} |
} |
void MyListAllUserNames(OAMSessionID sess) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMIterationSpec iter; |
UInt32 maxToGet = 15; |
OAMType typeList[2] = {kOAMUser,0}; |
char bd_buffer[4096] = {}; |
char iter_buffer[512] = {}; |
OAMBufferDescriptor bd = {}; |
OAMAttributeDescriptor iter_attr[2] = {}; |
Str31 userName = {}; |
int userCount = 0; |
/* set up buffer descriptor */ |
bd.buffer = bd_buffer; |
bd.bufferLen = sizeof(bd_buffer); |
bd.actCount = 0; |
/* set up iter spec */ |
memset(&iter, 0 , sizeof(iter)); |
iter.iterationType = kOAMIterObjects; |
iter.typeList = typeList; |
iter.iterationFlags = kOAMIterByIndex; |
iter.u.startingIndex = 1; |
iter.maxToGet = maxToGet; |
/* set up iter_attr */ |
iter_attr[0].attributeSignature = kOAMBasic; |
iter_attr[0].attributeType = kOAMName; |
iter_attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer = userName; |
iter_attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = sizeof(iter_buffer); |
iter_attr[0].bufferDescriptor.actCount = 0; |
/* null terminate array of attribute descriptors */ |
iter_attr[1].attributeSignature = NULL; |
do |
{ |
err = OAMIterate(sess, &iter, iter_attr, &bd, NULL); |
if(!err) { |
OAMObjectSpec obj = {}; |
OAMParseInfo parseInfo; |
int attrIndex; |
memset(&parseInfo, 0, sizeof(OAMParseInfo)); |
err = OAMParseAttributeBuffer(&bd, iter_attr, &parseInfo); |
while(OAMParseGetNextObject(&parseInfo, &obj) != kOAMParseDone) { |
printf("id = %d type = %s\n", obj.u.shortID, (char*)&obj.objectType); |
for ( attrIndex = 0; ; attrIndex++) |
{ |
if (OAMParseGetNextAttribute(&parseInfo, &iter_attr[attrIndex]) != kOAMParseDone) |
DisplayAttr(&iter_attr[attrIndex]); |
else |
break; |
} |
userCount++; |
} |
iter.u.startingIndex += maxToGet; |
} |
} while (!err && iter.more ); |
printf("userCount(%d)\n",userCount); |
} |
OAMStatus MyGetMachineName(OAMSessionID sess, StringPtr machineName) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMObjectSpec machineObj; |
OAMAttributeDescriptor myAttrDesc[2] = {}; |
memset(&myAttrDesc, 0, sizeof(myAttrDesc)); |
myAttrDesc[0].attributeSignature = kOAMMachine; |
myAttrDesc[0].attributeType = kOAMServerName; |
myAttrDesc[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer = machineName; |
myAttrDesc[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = sizeof(Str31); |
myAttrDesc[0].bufferDescriptor.actCount = sizeof(Str31); |
/* null terminate array of attribute descriptors */ |
myAttrDesc[1].attributeSignature = NULL; |
BuildObjectSpecByShortID(&machineObj, kOAMMachineShortID); |
err = OAMGetAttribute(sess, &machineObj, myAttrDesc, NULL); |
return err; |
} |
void MyListRegistryAgents(unsigned char * name, unsigned char * zone) |
{ |
UInt32 numInBuffer = 0; |
UInt32 numFound = 0; |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
char buffer[2048]; |
OAMBufferDescriptor lookup_bd; |
OAMServerLocator* loc = NULL; |
int loc_size = offsetof(OAMServerLocator,protSpecific) + sizeof(Str32); |
OAMServerSpec serverSpec; |
int serverIndex; |
/* set up buffer descriptor */ |
lookup_bd.buffer = buffer; |
lookup_bd.bufferLen = sizeof(buffer); |
lookup_bd.actCount = 0; |
/* Build AppleTalk OAMServerLocator */ |
loc = (OAMServerLocator *) NewPtr(loc_size); |
memset(loc, 0, loc_size); |
loc->specSize = loc_size; |
loc->protType = kOAMLocatorAppletalk; |
memcpy (loc->name, name, sizeof(Str32)); |
memcpy (loc->protSpecific, zone, sizeof(Str32)); |
err = OAMFindServer(loc, &lookup_bd, &numInBuffer, &numFound, NULL); |
printf("Found %d AppleShare Registry Agent(s).\n", numFound); |
for (serverIndex = 1; serverIndex<=numInBuffer; serverIndex++) |
{ |
err = OAMFindServerExtract(&lookup_bd, serverIndex,&serverSpec); |
p2cstr(; |
printf("%s\n",; |
} |
} |
OAMSessionID MyOpenSession(Str31 serverName, Str31 zoneName) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMSessionID sessID = 0; |
UInt32 numInBuffer = 0; |
UInt32 numFound = 0; |
OAMServerLocator *loc; |
OAMServerSpec server; |
UInt32 loc_size= offsetof(OAMServerLocator,protSpecific) + sizeof(Str32); |
/* set up the server locator */ |
loc = (OAMServerLocator *)new char [loc_size]; |
/* build the AppleTalk OAMServerLocator */ |
memset(loc, 0, loc_size); |
loc->specSize = loc_size; |
loc->protType = kOAMLocatorAppletalk; |
memcpy (loc->name, serverName, sizeof(Str32)); |
memcpy (loc->protSpecific, zoneName, sizeof(Str32)); |
/* set up buffer descriptor */ |
char buffer[512]= {}; |
OAMBufferDescriptor lookup_bd = { buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0}; |
/* set up the server spec */ |
memset(&server, 0, sizeof(OAMServerSpec)); |
err = OAMFindServer(loc, &lookup_bd, &numInBuffer, &numFound, NULL); |
if(!err && numFound != 0) |
{ |
err = OAMFindServerExtract(&lookup_bd, 1, &server); |
err = OAMOpenSession(&server, &sessID, NULL); |
printf("OAMOpenSession: %d \n", err); |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
printf("sessionID = %d\n", sessID); |
} |
} else |
printf("Server Not Found\n"); |
return sessID; |
} |
OAMStatus MyAuthenticate(OAMSessionID sess, StringPtr name, StringPtr password) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMObjectSpec obj; |
OAMKey key; |
memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); |
key.keyBufferLen = 8; |
memcpy(&key.keyBuffer, &password[1], password[0]); |
BuildObjectSpecByNameType(&obj, name, kOAMUser); |
err = OAMAuthenticateSession(sess, &obj, &key, NULL); |
return err; |
} |
OAMStatus RemoveServerKey(OAMSessionID sessionId) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMObjectSpec obj; |
OAMAttributeDescriptor attr[2] = {}; |
unsigned char key[4096]; |
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); |
attr[0].attributeSignature = kOAMMachine; |
attr[0].attributeType = 'PGPs'; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer = key; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = sizeof(key); |
attr[1].attributeSignature = NULL; |
memset(&obj, 0, sizeof(OAMObjectSpec)); |
obj.specType = kOAMObjectSpecByShortID; |
obj.u.shortID = kOAMMachineShortID; |
err = OAMDeleteAttribute(sessionId, &obj, attr, NULL); |
return err; |
} |
PGPError GetKeyMaterial(PGPContextRef context, PGPKeySetRef keyset , StringPtr keyName, Boolean privateKey, void** keyBuffer, PGPSize* keyBufferLen ) |
{ |
PGPFilterRef theFilter = kInvalidPGPFilterRef; |
PGPKeyIterRef theIterator = kInvalidPGPKeyIterRef; |
PGPKeyListRef theKeyListRef = kInvalidPGPKeyListRef; |
PGPKeyRef aKey = kInvalidPGPKeyRef; |
PGPKeySetRef newKeySet = NULL; |
PGPUInt32 numKeys; |
Boolean canSign; |
char name[255]; |
PGPError err; |
*keyBuffer = nil; |
// Find key in database |
PLstrcpy((StringPtr)name, keyName); |
p2cstr((StringPtr) name); |
err = PGPNewUserIDStringFilter(context, name, kPGPMatchSubString, &theFilter); |
err = PGPFilterKeySet(keyset , theFilter, &newKeySet); |
err = PGPOrderKeySet(newKeySet,kPGPAnyOrdering, &theKeyListRef); |
err = PGPNewKeyIter( theKeyListRef, &theIterator ); |
PGPCountKeys(newKeySet, &numKeys); |
if(numKeys > 0) |
while(IsntPGPError (PGPKeyIterNext( theIterator, &aKey ))) |
{ |
PGPGetKeyBoolean (aKey, kPGPKeyPropCanSign, &canSign); |
// if(canSign) |
{ |
PGPKeySetRef keys = NULL; |
PGPKeyListRef listRef = kInvalidPGPKeyListRef; |
PGPKeyIterRef iter = kInvalidPGPKeyIterRef; |
PGPSubKeyRef theSubKeyRef = kInvalidPGPSubKeyRef; |
PGPUserIDRef theUserIDRef = kInvalidPGPUserIDRef; |
PGPSigRef theSigRef = kInvalidPGPSigRef; |
PGPNewSingletonKeySet(aKey, &keys); |
// strip new keyset of sigs and subkeys... |
err = PGPOrderKeySet(keys, kPGPAnyOrdering, &listRef); |
err = PGPNewKeyIter( listRef, &iter ); |
while(IsntPGPError (PGPKeyIterNext( iter, &aKey ))) |
{ |
PGPUserIDRef primaryUserIDRef = kInvalidPGPUserIDRef; |
PGPGetPrimaryUserID(aKey, &primaryUserIDRef); |
while( IsntPGPError(err = PGPKeyIterNextSubKey(iter, &theSubKeyRef )) && ( theSubKeyRef != NULL) ) |
{ |
err = PGPRemoveSubKey(theSubKeyRef); |
} |
while( IsntPGPError(err = PGPKeyIterNextUserID(iter, &theUserIDRef )) && ( theUserIDRef != NULL) ) |
{ |
while( IsntPGPError(err = PGPKeyIterNextUIDSig(iter, &theSigRef )) && ( theSigRef != NULL) ) |
{ |
err = PGPRemoveSig(theSigRef); |
} |
if(theUserIDRef != primaryUserIDRef) PGPRemoveUserID(theUserIDRef); |
} |
} |
err = PGPExportKeySet( keys, |
PGPOAllocatedOutputBuffer (context, keyBuffer, MAX_PGPUInt32, keyBufferLen ), |
PGPOArmorOutput (context, false), |
PGPOExportPrivateKeys(context, privateKey), // fix this |
PGPOExportFormat(context, kPGPExportFormat_Basic), |
PGPOLastOption(context)); |
printf("KeySize %d Bytes\n", *keyBufferLen); |
PGPFreeKeySet(keys); |
PGPFreeKeyIter(iter ); |
PGPFreeKeyList(listRef ); |
break; |
} |
} |
PGPFreeFilter(theFilter); |
PGPFreeKeyIter(theIterator ); |
PGPFreeKeyList(theKeyListRef ); |
return err; |
} |
OAMStatus SetServerKey(OAMSessionID sessionId, void* key, UInt32 len) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMObjectSpec obj; |
OAMAttributeDescriptor attr[2] = {}; |
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); |
attr[0].attributeSignature = kOAMMachine; |
attr[0].attributeType = 'PGPs'; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer = key; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = len; |
attr[1].attributeSignature = NULL; |
BuildObjectSpecByShortID(&obj, kOAMMachineShortID); |
err = OAMSetAttribute(sessionId, &obj, attr, NULL); |
printf("Server Key set (%d, %d) (%d bytes)\n", err, attr[0].status, attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen); |
if(err == noErr) |
{ |
if( attr[0].status == noErr) |
{ |
printf(" Success\n"); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
OAMStatus GetServerKey(PGPContextRef context, OAMSessionID sessionId) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMObjectSpec obj; |
OAMAttributeDescriptor attr[2] = {}; |
unsigned char key[4096]; |
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); |
attr[0].attributeSignature = kOAMMachine; |
attr[0].attributeType = 'PGPs'; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer = key; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = sizeof(key); |
attr[1].attributeSignature = NULL; |
memset(&obj, 0, sizeof(OAMObjectSpec)); |
obj.specType = kOAMObjectSpecByShortID; |
obj.u.shortID = kOAMMachineShortID; |
err = OAMGetAttribute(sessionId, &obj, attr, NULL); |
if(err == noErr) |
{ |
if( attr[0].status == noErr) |
{ |
PGPKeySetRef newKeySet = NULL; |
PGPUInt32 numKeys; |
PGPKeyListRef theKeyListRef = kInvalidPGPKeyListRef; |
PGPKeyIterRef theIterator = kInvalidPGPKeyIterRef; |
PGPKeyRef aKey = kInvalidPGPKeyRef; |
printf(" GetServer Key, %d Bytes\n", attr[0].bufferDescriptor.actCount); |
err = PGPImportKeySet(context, &newKeySet, |
PGPOInputBuffer( context, attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer, attr[0].bufferDescriptor.actCount ), |
PGPOLastOption( context) ); |
PGPCountKeys(newKeySet, &numKeys); |
if(numKeys > 0) |
{ |
Boolean canSign; |
PGPOrderKeySet(newKeySet,kPGPAnyOrdering, &theKeyListRef); |
PGPNewKeyIter( theKeyListRef, &theIterator); |
while(IsntPGPError (PGPKeyIterNext( theIterator, &aKey ))) |
{ |
PGPGetKeyBoolean (aKey, kPGPKeyPropCanSign, &canSign); |
if(canSign) |
{ |
char primaryUsernamebuf[256]; |
PGPGetPrimaryUserIDNameBuffer(aKey, sizeof primaryUsernamebuf,primaryUsernamebuf, NULL ); |
printf("KeyName : \"%s\"\n", primaryUsernamebuf); |
break; |
} |
} |
PGPFreeKeyIter(theIterator ); |
PGPFreeKeyList(theKeyListRef ); |
if(PGPKeySetRefIsValid (newKeySet)) PGPFreeKeySet(newKeySet); |
} |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
OAMStatus GetUserKey(PGPContextRef context, OAMSessionID sessionId, unsigned char* userName ) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMObjectSpec obj; |
OAMAttributeDescriptor attr[2] = {}; |
unsigned char key[4096]; |
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); |
attr[0].attributeSignature = kOAMUser; |
attr[0].attributeType = 'PGPs'; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer = key; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = sizeof(key); |
attr[1].attributeSignature = NULL; |
BuildObjectSpecByNameType(&obj,(StringPtr) userName, kOAMUser); |
err = OAMGetAttribute(sessionId, &obj, attr, NULL); |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
if( attr[0].status == noErr) |
{ |
PGPKeySetRef newKeySet = NULL; |
PGPUInt32 numKeys; |
PGPKeyListRef theKeyListRef = kInvalidPGPKeyListRef; |
PGPKeyIterRef theIterator = kInvalidPGPKeyIterRef; |
PGPKeyRef aKey = kInvalidPGPKeyRef; |
printf(" GetUser Key, %d Bytes\n", attr[0].bufferDescriptor.actCount); |
err = PGPImportKeySet(context, &newKeySet, |
PGPOInputBuffer( context, attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer, attr[0].bufferDescriptor.actCount ), |
PGPOLastOption( context) ); |
PGPCountKeys(newKeySet, &numKeys); |
if(numKeys > 0) |
{ |
Boolean canSign; |
PGPOrderKeySet(newKeySet,kPGPAnyOrdering, &theKeyListRef); |
PGPNewKeyIter( theKeyListRef, &theIterator); |
while(IsntPGPError (PGPKeyIterNext( theIterator, &aKey ))) |
{ |
PGPGetKeyBoolean (aKey, kPGPKeyPropCanSign, &canSign); |
// if(canSign) |
{ |
char primaryUsernamebuf[256]; |
PGPGetPrimaryUserIDNameBuffer(aKey, sizeof primaryUsernamebuf,primaryUsernamebuf, NULL ); |
printf("KeyName : \"%s\"\n", primaryUsernamebuf); |
break; |
} |
} |
PGPFreeKeyIter(theIterator ); |
PGPFreeKeyList(theKeyListRef ); |
if(PGPKeySetRefIsValid (newKeySet)) PGPFreeKeySet(newKeySet); |
} |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
OAMStatus SetUserKey(OAMSessionID sessionId, unsigned char* userName, void* key, UInt32 len ) |
{ |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMObjectSpec obj = {}; |
OAMAttributeDescriptor attr[2] = {}; |
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); |
attr[0].attributeSignature = kOAMUser; |
attr[0].attributeType = 'PGPs'; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.buffer = key; |
attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen = len; |
attr[1].attributeSignature = NULL; |
BuildObjectSpecByNameType(&obj,(StringPtr) userName, kOAMUser); |
err = OAMSetAttribute(sessionId, &obj, attr, NULL); |
printf("User Key set (%d, %d) (%d bytes)\n", err, attr[0].status, attr[0].bufferDescriptor.bufferLen); |
return err; |
} |
int main ( void) |
{ |
PGPContextRef theContextRef = kInvalidPGPContextRef; |
PGPKeySetRef theKeySetRef = kInvalidPGPKeySetRef; |
void *keyBuffer = nil; |
PGPSize keyBufferLen = 0; |
OAMStatus err = noErr; |
OAMSessionID sessionID = 0; |
Str31 machineName = {}; |
#if __MWERKS__ |
extern tSIOUXSettings SIOUXSettings; |
SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false; |
SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit = false; |
SIOUXSettings.rows = 40; |
#endif |
err = PGPNewContext( kPGPsdkAPIVersion, &theContextRef ); |
err = PGPOpenDefaultKeyRings(theContextRef, kPGPKeyRingOpenFlags_Mutable /* FALSE*/, &theKeySetRef); |
err = OAMInitialize(4, 0, NULL, NULL); |
// MyListRegistryAgents("\pÅ", "\p*"); |
// MyListRegistryAgents("\pThe President's Humidor", "\p*"); |
// MyListRegistryAgents("\pÅ" ,"\pDA3 4th - North" ); |
// sessionID = MyOpenSession("\pPhlex Wannabe" ,"\pDA3 4th - North"); |
sessionID = MyOpenSession("\pThe President's Humidor", "\p*"); |
// err = OAMOpenSession(NULL, &sessionID, NULL); |
if (sessionID) |
{ |
err = MyAuthenticate(sessionID, "\pvinnie", "\pbunbun"); |
printf("Authenticate = %d\n",err); |
err = MyGetMachineName(sessionID, machineName); |
printf("%d = MachineName(%#s) \n",err, machineName); |
MyListAllUserNames(sessionID); |
/* err = RemoveServerKey( sessionID); |
printf("RemoveServerKey = %d\n",err); |
err = GetKeyMaterial(theContextRef, theKeySetRef, machineName, true, &keyBuffer, &keyBufferLen); |
if(keyBuffer) |
{ |
err = SetServerKey(sessionID, keyBuffer, keyBufferLen ); |
PGPFreeData(keyBuffer); |
} |
err = GetKeyMaterial(theContextRef, theKeySetRef, "\pVinnie Moscaritolo", false, &keyBuffer, &keyBufferLen); |
if(keyBuffer) |
{ |
err = SetUserKey(sessionID, "\pVinnie Moscaritolo",keyBuffer, keyBufferLen ); |
PGPFreeData(keyBuffer); |
} |
err = GetServerKey(theContextRef, sessionID); |
err = GetUserKey(theContextRef, sessionID,"\pVinnie Moscaritolo"); |
err = GetUserKey(theContextRef, sessionID,"\pLeland Wallace"); |
*/ |
OAMCloseSession(sessionID, NULL); |
} |
err = OAMDeInitialize(); |
if( PGPKeySetRefIsValid( theKeySetRef)) PGPFreeKeySet (theKeySetRef ); |
if( PGPContextRefIsValid( theContextRef)) PGPFreeContext(theContextRef ); |
return 0; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22