
/* ¥¥¥Start Header¥¥¥ */
/* File:         ICComponentSelectors.h
 * Generated by: 1.0d5
 * For:          IC 1.4
 * On:           Sunday, 14 September 1997, 21:17:55
 * This file is part of the Internet Configuration system and
 * is placed in the public domain for the benefit of all.
/* ¥¥¥End Header¥¥¥ */
    o Pascal "var" parameters are converted from "var x : y" to "y *x".  This
      means that when you see the parameter "y *x" you should be aware that
        you *cannot pass in nil*.  In future this restriction may be eased,
        especially for the attr parameter to ICGetPref.  Parameters where nil
        is legal are declared using the explicit pointer type, ie "yPtr x".
    o Strings are *Pascal* strings.  This means that they must be word aligned.
        MPW and Think C do this automatically.  The last time I check, Metrowerks
        C does not.  If it still doesn't, then IMHO it's a bug in their compiler
        and you should report it to them.
    o The canonical Internet Config interface is defined in Pascal.  These
        headers have not been thoroughly tested.  If there is a conflict between
        these headers and the Pascal interfaces, the Pascal should take precedence.
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
enum {
/* ¥¥¥Start ICCSel.h¥¥¥ */
  kICCStart = 0,
  kICCStop = 1,
  kICCFindConfigFile = 2,
  kICCFindUserConfigFile = 14,
  kICCGeneralFindConfigFile = 30,
  kICCChooseConfig = 33,
  kICCChooseNewConfig = 34,
  kICCGetConfigName = 35,
  kICCGetConfigReference = 31,
  kICCSetConfigReference = 32,
  kICCSpecifyConfigFile = 3,
  kICCGetSeed = 4,
  kICCGetPerm = 13,
  kICCDefaultFileName = 11,
  kICCBegin = 5,
  kICCGetPref = 6,
  kICCSetPref = 7,
  kICCFindPrefHandle = 36,
  kICCGetPrefHandle = 26,
  kICCSetPrefHandle = 27,
  kICCCountPref = 8,
  kICCGetIndPref = 9,
  kICCDeletePref = 12,
  kICCEnd = 10,
  kICCEditPreferences = 15,
  kICCParseURL = 16,
  kICCLaunchURL = 17,
  kICCMapFilename = 24,
  kICCMapTypeCreator = 25,
  kICCMapEntriesFilename = 28,
  kICCMapEntriesTypeCreator = 29,
  kICCCountMapEntries = 18,
  kICCGetIndMapEntry = 19,
  kICCGetMapEntry = 20,
  kICCSetMapEntry = 21,
  kICCDeleteMapEntry = 22,
  kICCAddMapEntry = 23,
  kICCFirstSelector = kICCStart,
  kICCLastSelector = 36
/* ¥¥¥End ICCSel.h¥¥¥ */