Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* File: LibraryManager.h |
Contains: Minimal declarations you need to use the ASLM. |
Copyright: © 1991-1995 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
*/ |
#ifndef __LIBRARYMANAGER__ |
#define __LIBRARYMANAGER__ |
#ifndef __STDDEF__ |
#include <stddef.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __STRING__ |
#include <string.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __TYPES__ |
#include <Types.h> |
#endif |
#include <ConditionalMacros.h> |
#endif |
// |
// |
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc) |
#else |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifndef GENERATING68K |
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc) |
#define GENERATING68K 0 |
#else |
#define GENERATING68K 1 |
#endif |
#endif |
#endif |
// |
// Define the macros that handle adding an empty vtable slot at |
// the beginning of the vtable for SCpp. |
// |
#define ASLM_SCDECLARATION(className) |
#if defined(__SC__) || defined(THINK_CPLUS) || defined(__MRC__) |
#if !NoDummyVTableSlot |
private: \ |
virtual void DummyVirtualFunction(); |
#define ASLM_SCDECLARATION(className) \ |
void className::DummyVirtualFunction() {} |
#endif |
#endif |
// |
// Define SINGLEOBJECT to true if the compiler support SingleObject. |
// |
#if GENERATING68K && !defined(__SC__) || defined(__MWERKS__) |
#define SINGLEOBJECT 1 |
#else |
#define SINGLEOBJECT 0 |
#endif |
// |
// Define _CDECL as _cdecl only when using Symantec 68k products. |
// |
#if defined(__SC__) || defined(THINK_CPLUS) || defined(__MRC__) |
#define _CDECL _cdecl |
#else |
#define _CDECL |
#endif |
// |
// Define the Volatile and VOLATILE macros based on the compiler. |
// |
#define VOLATILE(x) ((void) &x) |
#if GENERATINGPOWERPC || defined(__SC__) || defined(THINK_CPLUS) || defined(__MWERKS__) |
#define Volatile volatile |
#else |
#define Volatile |
#endif |
#undef SystemSixOrLater |
#define SystemSixOrLater 1 |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Some Typedefs and constants |
********************************************************************************/ |
#ifndef NULL |
#define NULL 0 |
#endif |
// |
// The following are parameter typedefs to force Symantec compilers to pass |
// two byte parameters as four byte parameters so you can call MPW built |
// shared libraries from Symantec built clients. |
// |
typedef int OSErrParm; |
typedef unsigned int BooleanParm; |
typedef int charParm; |
typedef unsigned int ucharParm; |
typedef int shortParm; |
typedef unsigned int ushortParm; |
typedef long double floatParm; |
typedef long double doubleParm; |
#else |
typedef OSErr OSErrParm; |
typedef Boolean BooleanParm; |
typedef char charParm; |
typedef unsigned char ucharParm; |
typedef short shortParm; |
typedef unsigned short ushortParm; |
typedef float floatParm; |
typedef double doubleParm; |
#endif |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Some external routines |
********************************************************************************/ |
#ifndef FIX_ASLM |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
char* strcpy(char* s1, const char* s2); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Error Constants |
********************************************************************************/ |
#define kNoError 0 |
#define kASLMNotFoundErr -3120 |
#define kASLMNoParentErr -3121 |
#define kASLMParentNotFoundErr -3122 |
#define kASLMNotRelatedErr -3123 |
#define kASLMInvalidObjectErr -3124 |
#define kASLMPoolCorruptedErr -3125 |
#define kASLMOutOfMemoryErr -3126 |
#define kASLMCodeNotLoadedErr -3127 |
#define kASLMCouldNotLoadCodeErr -3128 |
#define kASLMFilePreflightedErr -3129 |
#define kASLMFileNotPreflightedErr -3130 |
#define kASLMFileNotFoundErr -3131 |
#define kASLMLibraryManagerNotLoadedErr -3132 |
#define kASLMDuplicateFoundErr -3134 |
#define kASLMSeedChangedErr -3135 |
#define kASLMUnconstructedObjectErr -3136 |
#define kASLMInternalErr -3137 |
#define kASLMVersionErr -3138 |
#define kASLMFolderNotFoundErr -3139 |
#define kASLMFolderInUseErr -3140 |
#define kASLMResourceNotFoundErr -3141 |
#define kASLMInvalidSegmentNumberErr -3142 |
#define kASLMNotAllowedNowErr -3155 |
#define kASLMNotSupportedErr -3167 |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Typedefs |
********************************************************************************/ |
// |
// ASLM uses CDECLProcPtr instead of ProcPtr in all of its interfaces. It is the |
// same as ProcPtr except when using SCpp. In this case it is declared as |
// _cdecl so it will have C calling conventions instead of Cpp. |
// |
typedef long (* _CDECL CDECLProcPtr)(); |
typedef void* GlobalWorld; |
#define kInvalidWorld ((GlobalWorld)0) |
typedef unsigned short Version; |
typedef unsigned long VersionParm; // for passing a version as a paramter |
#define kAnyVersion ((Version)0) |
#define TFunctionSetID TClassID |
#define TLibraryID TClassID |
#define CastToFunctionSetID CastToClassID /* for casting a cstring to a TFunctionSetID */ |
#define CastToLibraryID CastToClassID /* for casting a cstring to a TLibraryID */ |
#define FunctionSetID CastToFunctionSetID /* for casting a cstring to a TFunctionSetID */ |
#define LibraryID CastToLibraryID /* for casting a cstring to a TLibraryID */ |
#ifndef ClassID // make sure we don't conflict with MacApp |
#define ClassID CastToClassID /* for casting a cstring to a TLibraryID */ |
#endif |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Forward class declarations |
********************************************************************************/ |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
class TDynamic; |
class TLibraryManager; |
class TClassID; |
class TFunctionSetID; |
class TLibraryID; |
class TLibrary; |
class TFormattedStream; |
class TMemoryPool; |
class TStandardPool; |
class TLibraryFile; |
class TClassInfo; |
class TException; |
class TSimpleList; |
class TFileSpec; |
#else |
typedef char* TClassID; |
typedef void TDynamic; |
typedef void TLibraryManager; |
typedef void TFormattedStream; |
typedef void TStandardPool; |
typedef void TClassInfo; |
typedef void TLibrary; |
typedef void TMemoryPool; |
#endif |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Memory definitions |
********************************************************************************/ |
typedef int ZoneType; |
#define kSystemZone ((ZoneType)1) |
#define kKernelZone ((ZoneType)2) |
#define kApplicZone ((ZoneType)3) |
#define kCurrentZone ((ZoneType)4) |
#define kTempZone ((ZoneType)5) |
typedef int MemoryType; |
#define kNormalMemory ((MemoryType)1) |
#define kHoldMemory ((MemoryType)2) |
#define kLockMemory ((MemoryType)3) |
#define kLockMemoryContiguous ((MemoryType)4) |
/******************************************************************************* |
** ASLM Gestalt selector |
********************************************************************************/ |
#define gestaltASLMPPC 'slmp' |
#define gestaltASLM68K 'aslm' |
#define gestaltASLM gestaltASLMPPC |
#else |
#define gestaltASLM gestaltASLM68K |
#endif |
/* |
If the ASLM gestalt selector returns NULL then ASLM did not load properly |
at boot time and is not available. Otherwise the version will be in the |
upper 2 bytes of the result and lower 2 bits of the result will contain |
information as described below. |
*/ |
enum { |
gestaltASLMVersionMask = 0xffff0000, /* Version is in upper 2 bytes of result */ |
gestaltASLMPresentMask = 0x0001, /* If first bit is set then ASLM was loaded |
at some point but may not be now. If you |
call InitLibraryManager, ASLM will load |
automatically, except at boot time, in |
which case it will set a flag so it stays |
loaded next time and then will reboot. */ |
gestaltASLMLoadedMask = 0x0002 /* If second bit is set then ASLM is |
currently loaded. */ |
}; |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Old interface definitions for backwards compatiblity. |
********************************************************************************/ |
#ifndef SupportOldASLMInterfaces |
#define SupportOldASLMInterfaces 1 |
#endif |
#if SupportOldASLMInterfaces |
// |
// Old error code constants. New error code values are the same but the |
// names were changed by adding "ASLM" to the front and "err" to the end. |
// |
#define kNotFound -3120 |
#define kNoParent -3121 |
#define kParentNotFound -3122 |
#define kNotRelated -3123 |
#define kInvalidObject -3124 |
#define kPoolCorrupted -3125 |
#define kOutOfMemory -3126 |
#define kCodeNotLoaded -3127 |
#define kCouldNotLoadCode -3128 |
#define kFilePreflighted -3129 |
#define kFileNotPreflighted -3130 |
#define kFileNotFound -3131 |
#define kLibraryManagerNotLoaded -3132 |
#define kDuplicateFound -3134 |
#define kSeedChanged -3135 |
#define kUnconstructedObject -3136 |
#define kInternalError -3137 |
#define kVersionError -3138 |
#define kFolderNotFound -3139 |
#define kFolderInUse -3140 |
#define kResourceNotFound -3141 |
#define kNotAllowedNow -3155 |
#define kNotSupported -3167 |
// |
// The FSInfoGetParentID function was renamed to FSInfoGetInterfaceID |
// |
#define FSInfoGetParentID FSInfoGetInterfaceID |
#endif |
/******************************************************************************* |
** STACKOBJECTONLY: Use in a class declaration so the object can only be created |
** on the stack. This makes the constructors and destructors much smaller since |
** they know they will never have to new or delete memory. |
********************************************************************************/ |
private: \ |
void* operator new(size_t) { return NULL; } \ |
void operator delete(void*) {} |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Some "C" Global routines |
** |
** InitLibraryManager initializes a client to use the ASLM. All clients |
** must make this call except for ASLM libraries. CleanupLibraryManager |
** should be called when the client is done using the ASLM. |
** |
** GetLocalLibraryManager can be called after InitLibraryManager is called. If it |
** returns NULL then InitLibraryManager failed. |
********************************************************************************/ |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
These functions are for use by applications or stand-alone code |
resources only |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
OSErr InitLibraryManager(size_t poolsize = 0, ZoneType = kCurrentZone, |
MemoryType = kNormalMemory); |
void CleanupLibraryManager(); |
#else |
OSErr InitLibraryManager(size_t poolsize, int zoneType, int memType); |
void CleanupLibraryManager(void); |
#endif |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Call FragmentIsNonApplicationASLMClient before calling InitLibraryManager |
if you are writing a PowerPC CFM fragment that is not the main |
application code fragment. |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
void FragmentIsNonApplicationASLMClient(); |
#endif |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
These functions can be used by any Shared Library Manager clients |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const void*, const TClassID&); |
const TClassID& GetObjectsClassID(const void*); |
const TClassID& GetObjectsParentClassID(const void*); |
unsigned short GetObjectsVersion(const void*); |
unsigned short GetObjectsMinVersion(const void*); |
size_t GetObjectsSize(const void*); |
TLibrary* GetObjectsLocalLibrary(const void*); |
TLibraryFile* GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile(const void*); |
TStandardPool* GetObjectsLocalPool(const void*); |
void SetObjectsLocalPool(const void*, TStandardPool*); |
void* NewObject(const TClassID&, OSErr* = NULL, |
TMemoryPool* = NULL); |
void* NewObjectWithParent(const TClassID&, |
const TClassID& parentID, |
OSErr* = NULL, TMemoryPool* = NULL); |
void* NewObjectFromStream(const TFormattedStream&, |
OSErr* = NULL, TMemoryPool* = NULL); |
TClassInfo* GetClassInfo(const TClassID&, OSErr* = NULL); |
OSErr VerifyClass(const TClassID&, const TClassID& parentID); |
void* CastObject(const void*, const TClassID& parentID, OSErr* = NULL); |
void* CastToMainObject(const void*); |
OSErr LoadClass(const TClassID&, BooleanParm forceAll); |
OSErr UnloadClass(const TClassID&); |
Boolean IsClassLoaded(const TClassID&); |
OSErr LoadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID&, BooleanParm forceAll); |
OSErr UnloadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID&); |
Boolean IsFunctionSetLoaded(const TFunctionSetID&); |
CDECLProcPtr GetFunctionPointer(const TFunctionSetID&, const char* funcName, |
OSErr* = NULL); |
CDECLProcPtr GetIndexedFunctionPointer(const TFunctionSetID&, unsigned int index, |
OSErr* = NULL); |
OSErr LoadLibraries(BooleanParm forceAll = true, |
BooleanParm doSelf = true); |
OSErr UnloadLibraries(); |
void ResetFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID* = NULL); |
Boolean TraceLogOn(); |
Boolean TraceLogOff(); |
void RegisterDynamicObject(TDynamic*); |
void UnregisterDynamicObject(TDynamic*); |
TLibraryManager* GetLocalLibraryManager(); |
TStandardPool* GetLocalPool(); |
void SetLocalPool(TStandardPool*); |
TStandardPool* GetClientPool(); |
TStandardPool* GetDefaultPool(); |
void SetDefaultPool(TStandardPool*); |
TStandardPool* GetSystemPool(); |
#else |
void* NewObject(const TClassID, OSErr*, TStandardPool*); |
void* NewObjectWithParent(const TClassID, const TClassID parentID, |
OSErr*, TMemoryPool*); |
void* NewObjectFromStream(const TFormattedStream*, OSErr*, |
TMemoryPool*); |
TClassInfo* GetClassInfo(const TClassID, OSErr*); |
OSErr VerifyClass(const TClassID, const TClassID parentID); |
void* CastObject(const void*, const TClassID parentID, OSErr*); |
void* CastToMainObject(const void*); |
OSErr LoadClass(const TClassID, BooleanParm forceAll); |
OSErr UnloadClass(const TClassID); |
Boolean IsClassLoaded(const TClassID); |
OSErr LoadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID, BooleanParm forceAll); |
OSErr UnloadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID); |
Boolean IsFunctionSetLoaded(const TFunctionSetID); |
ProcPtr GetFunctionPointer(const TFunctionSetID, const char* funcName, |
OSErr*); |
ProcPtr GetIndexedFunctionPointer(const TFunctionSetID, unsigned int index, |
OSErr*); |
OSErr LoadLibraries(BooleanParm forceAll, BooleanParm doSelf); |
OSErr UnloadLibraries(void); |
void ResetFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID); |
Boolean TraceLogOn(); |
Boolean TraceLogOff(); |
TLibraryManager* GetLocalLibraryManager(void); |
TStandardPool* GetLocalPool(); |
void SetLocalPool(TStandardPool*); |
TStandardPool* GetClientPool(); |
TStandardPool* GetDefaultPool(); |
void SetDefaultPool(TStandardPool*); |
TStandardPool* GetSystemPool(); |
#endif |
/* |
These routines are declared in LibraryManagerUtilities.h, but are needed |
for the inlines below. |
*/ |
void* SLMNewOperator(size_t, TMemoryPool*); |
void SLMDeleteOperator(void*); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
/******************************************************************************* |
** CLASS TSimpleDynamic |
** |
** A base class for shared-library classes that has no virtual functions. This |
** class is NOT shared, since it is intended to be a trivial class that just |
** forces the VTable to be at the front of the object. |
********************************************************************************/ |
class TSimpleDynamic : public SingleObject |
#else |
class TSimpleDynamic |
#endif |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~ _CDECL TSimpleDynamic(); |
void* operator new(size_t size, TMemoryPool* pool) // from specified pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, pool); } |
void* operator new(size_t size) // from default pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, 0); } |
void operator delete(void* obj, size_t) |
{ SLMDeleteOperator(obj); } |
const TClassID& GetObjectsClassID() const; |
const TClassID& GetObjectsParentClassID() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsVersion() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsMinVersion() const; |
size_t GetObjectsSize() const; |
TLibrary* GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const; |
TLibraryFile* GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const; |
TStandardPool* GetObjectsLocalPool() const; |
void SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool*) const; |
Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID&) const; |
protected: |
_CDECL TSimpleDynamic(); |
private: |
TSimpleDynamic(const TSimpleDynamic&); |
void operator=(const TSimpleDynamic&); |
}; |
/******************************************************************************* |
** CLASS TDynamic |
** |
** The base class for shared-library classes with a set of common capabilities. |
** This class provides the same capabilities as TStdDynamic. |
********************************************************************************/ |
typedef int TraceControlType; |
#define kTraceStatus ((TraceControlType)1) |
#define kTraceOn ((TraceControlType)2) |
#define kTraceOff ((TraceControlType)3) |
#define kTDynamicID "!$dyna,1.2" |
class TDynamic : public SingleObject |
#else |
class TDynamic |
#endif |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~ _CDECL TDynamic(); |
void* operator new(size_t size, TMemoryPool* pool) // from specified pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, pool); } |
void* operator new(size_t size) // from default pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, 0); } |
void operator delete(void* obj, size_t) |
{ SLMDeleteOperator(obj); } |
const TClassID& GetObjectsClassID() const; |
const TClassID& GetObjectsParentClassID() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsVersion() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsMinVersion() const; |
size_t GetObjectsSize() const; |
TLibrary* GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const; |
TLibraryFile* GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const; |
TStandardPool* GetObjectsLocalPool() const; |
void SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool*) const; |
virtual Boolean _CDECL IsValid() const; |
virtual OSErr _CDECL Inflate(TFormattedStream&); |
virtual OSErr _CDECL Flatten(TFormattedStream&) const; |
virtual TDynamic* _CDECL Clone(TStandardPool*) const; |
virtual char* _CDECL GetVerboseName(char*) const; |
virtual void _CDECL Dump() const; |
void _CDECL Trace(char *formatStr, ...) const; |
virtual Boolean _CDECL TraceControl(TraceControlType) const; |
Boolean IsTraceOn() const; |
Boolean TraceOn() const; |
Boolean TraceOff() const; |
Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID&) const; |
protected: |
_CDECL TDynamic(); |
private: |
TDynamic(const TDynamic&); |
void operator=(const TDynamic&); |
}; |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline Boolean TDynamic::IsTraceOn() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceStatus); |
} |
inline Boolean TDynamic::TraceOn() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceOn); |
} |
inline Boolean TDynamic::TraceOff() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceOff); |
} |
/******************************************************************************* |
** CLASS MDynamic |
** |
** A base class for shared-library classes, which has one 1 virtual function (the |
** destructor). This class is NOT shared, since it is intended to be a trivial class |
** that can be used to force the VTable to be at the front of the object for |
** mixin classes. |
********************************************************************************/ |
class MDynamic |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~_CDECL MDynamic(); |
protected: |
_CDECL MDynamic(); |
private: |
MDynamic(const MDynamic&); |
void operator=(const MDynamic&); |
}; |
/******************************************************************************* |
** CLASS TStdDynamic |
** |
** The base class for shared-library classes with a set of common capabilities. |
** This class provides the same capabilities as TDynamic below, but is for |
** classes that you don't want to descend from SingleObject. |
********************************************************************************/ |
#define kTStdDynamicID "!$sdyn,1.2" |
class TStdDynamic |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~ _CDECL TStdDynamic(); |
void* operator new(size_t size, TMemoryPool* pool) // from specified pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, pool); } |
void* operator new(size_t size) // from default pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, 0); } |
void operator delete(void* obj, size_t) |
{ SLMDeleteOperator(obj); } |
const TClassID& GetObjectsClassID() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsVersion() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsMinVersion() const; |
size_t GetObjectsSize() const; |
TLibrary* GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const; |
TLibraryFile* GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const; |
TStandardPool* GetObjectsLocalPool() const; |
void SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool*) const; |
virtual Boolean _CDECL IsValid() const; |
virtual OSErr _CDECL Inflate(TFormattedStream&); |
virtual OSErr _CDECL Flatten(TFormattedStream&) const; |
virtual TDynamic* _CDECL Clone(TStandardPool*) const; |
virtual char* _CDECL GetVerboseName(char*) const; |
virtual void _CDECL Dump() const; |
void _CDECL Trace(char *formatStr, ...) const; |
virtual Boolean _CDECL TraceControl(TraceControlType) const; |
Boolean IsTraceOn() const; |
Boolean TraceOn() const; |
Boolean TraceOff() const; |
Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID&) const; |
protected: |
_CDECL TStdDynamic(); |
private: |
TStdDynamic(const TDynamic&); |
void operator=(const TDynamic&); |
}; |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TStdDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline Boolean TStdDynamic::IsTraceOn() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceStatus); |
} |
inline Boolean TStdDynamic::TraceOn() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceOn); |
} |
inline Boolean TStdDynamic::TraceOff() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceOff); |
} |
/******************************************************************************* |
** CLASS TStdSimpleDynamic |
** |
** A base class for shared-library classes that has no virtual functions. This |
** class is NOT shared, since it is intended to be a trivial class that just |
** forces the VTable to be at the front of the object. |
********************************************************************************/ |
class TStdSimpleDynamic |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~ _CDECL TStdSimpleDynamic(); |
void* operator new(size_t size, TMemoryPool* pool) // from specified pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, pool); } |
void* operator new(size_t size) // from default pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, 0); } |
void operator delete(void* obj, size_t) |
{ SLMDeleteOperator(obj); } |
const TClassID& GetObjectsClassID() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsVersion() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsMinVersion() const; |
size_t GetObjectsSize() const; |
TLibrary* GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const; |
TLibraryFile* GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const; |
TStandardPool* GetObjectsLocalPool() const; |
void SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool*) const; |
Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID&) const; |
protected: |
_CDECL TStdSimpleDynamic(); |
private: |
TStdSimpleDynamic(const TStdSimpleDynamic&); |
void operator=(const TStdSimpleDynamic&); |
}; |
#if defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__) |
/******************************************************************************* |
** CLASS TSCSimpleDynamic |
** |
** A base class for shared-library classes that has no virtual functions. This |
** class is NOT shared, since it is intended to be a trivial class that just |
** forces the VTable to be at the front of the object, and override new to |
** use the ASLM operators. It is used as a simple base class for Symantec C++ objects. |
** This is the normal subclass for Symantec C++ objects that are not going to |
** intermix with MPW C++ objects. |
********************************************************************************/ |
class TSCSimpleDynamic |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~TSCSimpleDynamic(); |
void* operator new(size_t size, TMemoryPool* pool) // from specified pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, pool); } |
void* operator new(size_t size) // from default pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, 0); } |
void operator delete(void* obj, size_t) |
{ SLMDeleteOperator(obj); } |
const TClassID& GetObjectsClassID() const; |
const TClassID& GetObjectsParentClassID() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsVersion() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsMinVersion() const; |
size_t GetObjectsSize() const; |
TLibrary* GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const; |
TLibraryFile* GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const; |
TStandardPool* GetObjectsLocalPool() const; |
void SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool*) const; |
Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID&) const; |
protected: |
TSCSimpleDynamic(); |
private: |
TSCSimpleDynamic(const TSCSimpleDynamic&); |
void operator=(const TSCSimpleDynamic&); |
}; |
/******************************************************************************* |
** CLASS TSCDynamic |
** |
** The base class for shared-library classes with a set of common capabilities. |
** This class provides the same capabilities as TStdDynamic. It is only for |
** Symantec C++ implementations |
********************************************************************************/ |
#define kTSCDynamicID "!$scdy,1.2" |
class TSCDynamic |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~ _cdecl TSCDynamic(); |
void* operator new(size_t size, TMemoryPool* pool) // from specified pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, pool); } |
void* operator new(size_t size) // from default pool |
{ return SLMNewOperator(size, 0); } |
void operator delete(void* obj, size_t) |
{ SLMDeleteOperator(obj); } |
const TClassID& GetObjectsClassID() const; |
const TClassID& GetObjectsParentClassID() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsVersion() const; |
unsigned short GetObjectsMinVersion() const; |
size_t GetObjectsSize() const; |
TLibrary* GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const; |
TLibraryFile* GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const; |
TStandardPool* GetObjectsLocalPool() const; |
void SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool*) const; |
virtual Boolean _cdecl IsValid() const; |
virtual OSErr _cdecl Inflate(TFormattedStream&); |
virtual OSErr _cdecl Flatten(TFormattedStream&) const; |
virtual TSCDynamic* _cdecl Clone(TStandardPool*) const; |
virtual char* _cdecl GetVerboseName(char*) const; |
virtual void _cdecl Dump() const; |
void _cdecl Trace(char *formatStr, ...) const; |
virtual Boolean _cdecl TraceControl(TraceControlType) const; |
Boolean IsTraceOn() const; |
Boolean TraceOn() const; |
Boolean TraceOff() const; |
Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID&) const; |
protected: |
_cdecl TSCDynamic(); |
private: |
TSCDynamic(const TSCDynamic&); |
void operator=(const TSCDynamic&); |
}; |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TSCDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline Boolean TSCDynamic::IsTraceOn() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceStatus); |
} |
inline Boolean TSCDynamic::TraceOn() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceOn); |
} |
inline Boolean TSCDynamic::TraceOff() const |
{ |
return TraceControl(kTraceOff); |
} |
#endif /* __SC__ */ |
#endif /* __cplusplus */ |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Class TClassID, TFunctionSetID, and TLibraryID |
** |
** TFunctionSetID and TLibraryID are typedef'd to be the same as TClassID |
********************************************************************************/ |
#define kMaxClassIDSize 255 |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
const TClassID& CastToClassID(const char* str); // cast a char* to a TClassID |
Boolean operator==(const TClassID&, const char *); |
Boolean operator!=(const TClassID&, const char *); |
Boolean operator==(const char *, const TClassID&); |
Boolean operator!=(const char *, const TClassID&); |
class TClassID |
{ |
public: |
void* operator new(size_t, size_t strLen, TMemoryPool* thePool = NULL) |
{ |
return SLMNewOperator(strLen+1, thePool); |
} |
void* operator new(size_t) |
{ |
return SLMNewOperator(kMaxClassIDSize+1, NULL); |
} |
void operator delete(void* obj, size_t) |
{ SLMDeleteOperator(obj); } |
TClassID(); |
TClassID(const TClassID&); |
operator const char*() const; // cast to a const char * |
Version _CDECL ExtractVersion() const; |
size_t _CDECL GetLength() const; |
TClassID& operator=(const TClassID&); |
Boolean _CDECL operator==(const TClassID&) const; |
Boolean operator!=(const TClassID&) const; |
private: |
char fClassIDStr[kMaxClassIDSize + 1]; |
}; |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TClassID |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
// |
// constructors |
// |
inline TClassID::TClassID() |
{ |
fClassIDStr[0] = 0; |
} |
inline TClassID::TClassID(const TClassID& classID) |
{ |
strcpy(fClassIDStr, classID.fClassIDStr); |
} |
// |
// cast operators |
// |
inline const TClassID& CastToClassID(const char* str) |
{ |
return *(const TClassID*)str; |
} |
inline TClassID::operator const char *() const |
{ |
return fClassIDStr; |
} |
// |
// compare operators |
// |
inline Boolean TClassID::operator!=(const TClassID& classID) const |
{ |
return !(*this == classID); |
} |
inline Boolean operator!=(const TClassID& id1, const char *id2) |
{ |
return !(id1 == CastToClassID(id2)); |
} |
inline Boolean operator!=(const char *id1, const TClassID& id2) |
{ |
return !(id2 == CastToClassID(id1)); |
} |
inline Boolean operator==(const TClassID& id1, const char *id2) |
{ |
return (id1 == CastToClassID(id2)); |
} |
inline Boolean operator==(const char *id1, const TClassID& id2) |
{ |
return (id2 == CastToClassID(id1)); |
} |
// |
// assignment operators |
// |
inline TClassID& TClassID::operator=(const TClassID& classID) |
{ |
strcpy(fClassIDStr, classID.fClassIDStr); |
return *this; |
} |
#endif |
/******************************************************************************* |
** Class TLibraryManager |
** |
** The user's interface to the world! |
********************************************************************************/ |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
#define kTLibraryManagerID "!$lmgr,1.2" |
class TLibraryManager : public TDynamic |
{ |
private: |
virtual ~ _CDECL TLibraryManager(); |
_CDECL TLibraryManager(TStandardPool* = NULL, TLibraryFile* = NULL); |
public: |
virtual void _CDECL Dump() const; |
// New Methods |
virtual void* _CDECL NewObject(const TClassID& classID, |
OSErr* = NULL, TMemoryPool* = NULL) const; |
virtual void* _CDECL NewObject(const TClassID& classID, const TClassID& baseClassID, |
OSErr* = NULL, TMemoryPool* = NULL) const; |
virtual void* _CDECL NewObject(const TFormattedStream&, |
OSErr* = NULL, TMemoryPool* = NULL) const; |
virtual TClassInfo* _CDECL GetClassInfo(const TClassID&, OSErr* = NULL) const; |
virtual OSErr _CDECL VerifyClass(const TClassID& classID, const TClassID& baseClassID) const; |
virtual void* _CDECL CastObject(const void* obj, const TClassID& parentID, |
OSErr* = NULL) const; |
virtual void* _CDECL CastToMainObject(const void* obj) const; |
virtual OSErr _CDECL LoadClass(const TClassID&, BooleanParm loadAll = false); |
virtual OSErr _CDECL UnloadClass(const TClassID&); |
virtual Boolean _CDECL IsClassLoaded(const TClassID&) const; |
OSErr LoadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID&, BooleanParm loadAll = false); |
OSErr UnloadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID&); |
Boolean IsFunctionSetLoaded(const TFunctionSetID&) const; |
virtual CDECLProcPtr _CDECL GetFunctionPointer(const TFunctionSetID&, |
const char* funcName, |
OSErr* = NULL); |
virtual CDECLProcPtr _CDECL GetFunctionPointer(const TFunctionSetID&, |
unsigned int index, |
OSErr* = NULL); |
virtual OSErr _CDECL LoadLibraries(BooleanParm forceAll = true, |
BooleanParm doSelf = true); |
virtual OSErr _CDECL UnloadLibraries(); |
virtual void _CDECL ResetFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID* = NULL); |
virtual Boolean _CDECL TraceLogOn(); |
virtual Boolean _CDECL TraceLogOff(); |
virtual void _CDECL RegisterDynamicObject(TDynamic*); |
virtual void _CDECL UnregisterDynamicObject(TDynamic*); |
void SetObjectPool(TStandardPool*); |
TStandardPool* GetObjectPool() const; |
void SetDefaultPool(TStandardPool*); |
TStandardPool* GetDefaultPool() const; |
GlobalWorld _CDECL GetGlobalWorld() const; |
virtual TLibrary* _CDECL GetLibrary() const; |
virtual TLibraryFile* _CDECL GetLibraryFile() const; |
private: |
TLibraryManager(const TLibraryManager&); |
void operator=(const TLibraryManager&); |
private: |
TStandardPool* fPool; // pool used for new objects and local pool |
TLibraryFile* fLibraryFile; |
TStandardPool* fDefaultPool; |
GlobalWorld fGlobalWorld; |
}; |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline Methods for TLibraryManager |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline OSErr TLibraryManager::LoadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID& functionSetID, BooleanParm loadAll) |
{ |
return LoadClass(functionSetID, loadAll); |
} |
inline OSErr TLibraryManager::UnloadFunctionSet(const TFunctionSetID& functionSetID) |
{ |
return UnloadClass(functionSetID); |
} |
inline Boolean TLibraryManager::IsFunctionSetLoaded(const TFunctionSetID& functionSetID) const |
{ |
return IsClassLoaded(functionSetID); |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TLibraryManager::GetObjectPool() const |
{ |
return fPool; |
} |
inline void TLibraryManager::SetObjectPool(TStandardPool* thePool) |
{ |
fPool = thePool; |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TLibraryManager::GetDefaultPool() const |
{ |
return fDefaultPool; |
} |
inline void TLibraryManager::SetDefaultPool(TStandardPool* thePool) |
{ |
fDefaultPool = thePool; |
} |
inline GlobalWorld TLibraryManager::GetGlobalWorld() const |
{ |
return fGlobalWorld; |
} |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline for IsDerivedFrom |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline Boolean IsDerivedFrom(const void* obj, const TClassID& id) |
{ |
return (GetLocalLibraryManager()->CastObject(obj, id) != NULL); |
} |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline Boolean TDynamic::IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID& id) const |
{ |
return ::IsDerivedFrom(this, id); |
} |
inline const TClassID& TDynamic::GetObjectsClassID() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsClassID(this); |
} |
inline const TClassID& TDynamic::GetObjectsParentClassID() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsParentClassID(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TDynamic::GetObjectsVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsVersion(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TDynamic::GetObjectsMinVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsMinVersion(this); |
} |
inline size_t TDynamic::GetObjectsSize() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsSize(this); |
} |
inline TLibrary* TDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsLocalLibrary(this); |
} |
inline TLibraryFile* TDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile(this); |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TDynamic::GetObjectsLocalPool() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsLocalPool(this); |
} |
inline void TDynamic::SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool* pool) const |
{ |
::SetObjectsLocalPool(this, pool); |
} |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TSimpleDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline const TClassID& TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsClassID() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsClassID(); |
} |
inline const TClassID& TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsParentClassID() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsParentClassID(); |
} |
inline unsigned short TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsVersion(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsMinVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsMinVersion(this); |
} |
inline size_t TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsSize() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsSize(); |
} |
inline TLibrary* TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibrary(); |
} |
inline TLibraryFile* TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile(); |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalPool() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalPool(); |
} |
inline void TSimpleDynamic::SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool* pool) const |
{ |
((const TDynamic*)this)->SetObjectsLocalPool(pool); |
} |
inline Boolean TSimpleDynamic::IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID& id) const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->IsDerivedFrom(id); |
} |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TStdDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline const TClassID& TStdDynamic::GetObjectsClassID() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsClassID(); |
} |
inline unsigned short TStdDynamic::GetObjectsVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsVersion(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TStdDynamic::GetObjectsMinVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsMinVersion(this); |
} |
inline size_t TStdDynamic::GetObjectsSize() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsSize(); |
} |
inline TLibrary* TStdDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibrary(); |
} |
inline TLibraryFile* TStdDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile(); |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TStdDynamic::GetObjectsLocalPool() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalPool(); |
} |
inline void TStdDynamic::SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool* pool) const |
{ |
((const TDynamic*)this)->SetObjectsLocalPool(pool); |
} |
inline Boolean TStdDynamic::IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID& id) const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->IsDerivedFrom(id); |
} |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TStdSimpleDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline const TClassID& TStdSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsClassID() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsClassID(); |
} |
inline unsigned short TStdSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsVersion(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TStdSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsMinVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsMinVersion(this); |
} |
inline size_t TStdSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsSize() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsSize(); |
} |
inline TLibrary* TStdSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibrary(); |
} |
inline TLibraryFile* TStdSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile(); |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TStdSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalPool() const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalPool(); |
} |
inline void TStdSimpleDynamic::SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool* pool) const |
{ |
((const TDynamic*)this)->SetObjectsLocalPool(pool); |
} |
inline Boolean TStdSimpleDynamic::IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID& id) const |
{ |
return ((const TDynamic*)this)->IsDerivedFrom(id); |
} |
#if defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__) |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TSCDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline Boolean TSCDynamic::IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID& id) const |
{ |
return ::IsDerivedFrom(this, id); |
} |
inline const TClassID& TSCDynamic::GetObjectsClassID() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsClassID(this); |
} |
inline const TClassID& TSCDynamic::GetObjectsParentClassID() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsParentClassID(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TSCDynamic::GetObjectsVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsVersion(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TSCDynamic::GetObjectsMinVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsMinVersion(this); |
} |
inline size_t TSCDynamic::GetObjectsSize() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsSize(this); |
} |
inline TLibrary* TSCDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsLocalLibrary(this); |
} |
inline TLibraryFile* TSCDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile(this); |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TSCDynamic::GetObjectsLocalPool() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsLocalPool(this); |
} |
inline void TSCDynamic::SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool* pool) const |
{ |
::SetObjectsLocalPool(this, pool); |
} |
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Inline methods for TSCSimpleDynamic |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
inline const TClassID& TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsClassID() const |
{ |
return ((const TSCDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsClassID(); |
} |
inline const TClassID& TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsParentClassID() const |
{ |
return ((const TSCDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsParentClassID(); |
} |
inline unsigned short TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsVersion(this); |
} |
inline unsigned short TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsMinVersion() const |
{ |
return ::GetObjectsMinVersion(this); |
} |
inline size_t TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsSize() const |
{ |
return ((const TSCDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsSize(); |
} |
inline TLibrary* TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibrary() const |
{ |
return ((const TSCDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibrary(); |
} |
inline TLibraryFile* TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile() const |
{ |
return ((const TSCDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalLibraryFile(); |
} |
inline TStandardPool* TSCSimpleDynamic::GetObjectsLocalPool() const |
{ |
return ((const TSCSimpleDynamic*)this)->GetObjectsLocalPool(); |
} |
inline void TSCSimpleDynamic::SetObjectsLocalPool(TStandardPool* pool) const |
{ |
((const TSCSimpleDynamic*)this)->SetObjectsLocalPool(pool); |
} |
inline Boolean TSCSimpleDynamic::IsDerivedFrom(const TClassID& id) const |
{ |
return ((const TSCSimpleDynamic*)this)->IsDerivedFrom(id); |
} |
#endif /* __SC__ */ |
#endif /* __cplusplus */ |
/******************************************************************************* |
** EXCEPTION Handling |
** |
** Some RULES: |
** 1) Never propogate a failure outside of a constructor or destructor. |
** If your constructor or destructor can call something which fails, it |
** _must_ CATCH the failure and not re-propogate it. |
** 2) Never create an object inside of a "try" block which you cannot |
** destroy (especially an auto object). |
** 3) if you are going to just RERAISE the exception, or Fail |
** with a different error, you must manually call the destructors |
** of any auto objects that are still in scope! |
** 4) Any variables that are changed inside the "try", and which are tested |
** inside a CATCH, CATCH_ALL, or FINALLY must be declared "VOLATILE" |
** (Use the VOLATILE macro above until C++ and volatile work!) |
** 5) Never call Fail while an auto variable is in scope - it's |
** destructor will not be called unless you call it manually. |
** 6) FINALLY is always entered after TRY unless a CATCH clause raises |
** (or re-raises) an exception (this is true even if an exception was |
** not thrown). |
********************************************************************************/ |
typedef struct TException TException; |
struct TException |
{ |
TException* fPrev; |
size_t fReserved; |
long fBuffer[33]; |
#endif |
long fBuffer[12]; |
#endif |
char* fMessage; |
void* fPtr; |
OSErr fError; |
}; |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
void PushException(TException*); |
TException* PopException(TException*); |
Boolean MatchException(TException*, long); |
#pragma parameter __D0 SetupException(__A0) |
int SetupException(long* val) = |
{ |
0x43fa, 0x0008, /* lea *+10,a1 */ |
0x48d0, 0xdefc, /* movem.l d2-d7/a1-a4/a6/a7,(a0) */ |
0x7000 /* moveq #0,d0 */ |
}; |
#else |
int SetupException(long* val); |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
Some important functions for exception handling |
----------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
void Fail(long err, const char* msg=NULL); |
} |
#else |
void Fail(long err, const char* msg); |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
inline void FailNULL(void* val, long err, const char* msg=NULL) |
{ |
if (val == 0) |
Fail(err, msg); |
} |
#else |
#define FailNULL(val, err, msg) \ |
if (val == 0) { Fail(err, msg); } else {} |
#endif |
#if qDebug |
#define DebugFail(err, msg) Fail(err, msg) |
#define DebugFailNULL(ptr, err, msg) FailNULL(ptr, err, msg) |
#else |
#define DebugFail(err, msg) Fail(err, NULL) |
#define DebugFailNULL(ptr, err, msg) FailNULL(ptr, err, NULL) |
#endif |
#define ErrorCode() (except.fError) |
#define ErrorMessage() (except.fMessage) |
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
----------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
#define RAISE(x) Fail(x,NULL) |
#define RERAISE Fail(ErrorCode(), ErrorMessage()) |
#define TRY \ |
{ \ |
Boolean finallyUsed = false; \ |
TException except; \ |
VOLATILE(finallyUsed); \ |
VOLATILE(except); \ |
PushException(&except); \ |
if (SetupException(except.fBuffer) == 0) \ |
{ |
#define CATCH(e) \ |
} \ |
else if (MatchException(&except, e)) \ |
{ |
#define CATCH_ALL \ |
} \ |
else \ |
{ |
#define FINALLY \ |
} \ |
PopException(&except); \ |
finallyUsed = true; \ |
{ |
#define ENDTRY \ |
} \ |
PopException(&except); \ |
if (finallyUsed) \ |
if (ErrorCode() != kNoError) RERAISE; \ |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22