Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: PGPUAMclientLoginDialog.c |
Description: Handles the PGPlogin Username Dialog |
Written by: Vinnie Moscaritolo |
Copyright: © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Change History (most recent first): |
You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*/ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Includes |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <Appearance.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <Controls.h> |
#include <DateTimeUtils.h> |
#include <PLStringFuncs.h> |
#include "PGPUAMclient.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclientLoginDialog.h" |
#include "LaunchApplication.h" |
#include "TMacException.h" |
#include "TASIPPGPkey.h" |
#include "TASIPKeyPane.h" |
#include "TAboutBoxPane.h" |
#include "TSetupPane.h" |
#include "TPGPUAMPrefs.h" |
#include "PassphraseCache.h" |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Local Defines |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
const OSType kPGPkeysCreator = 'pgpK'; |
#define kLoginDialogID 130 |
static enum { |
kConnectID = 1, |
kCancelID , // 2 |
kChangeKeyID, // 37 |
kUserNameID, // 3 |
STXT4_Name, // 4 |
kInfoID, // 5 |
kIcon, // 6 |
kDisclosureTri, // 7 |
kHelpItem, // 9 |
kLaunchPGPKeysButton,// 35 |
kKeyIcon, // 10 |
kProgressArrowsID, // 12 |
kDisclosureText, // 13 |
kTabsID, // 14 |
kSeperatorLine, // 15 |
KLastLoginDialogItem |
} ; |
#define kDialogStringsID 128 |
static enum { |
kNoDetailsStrID =1, |
kShowDetailsStrID, |
kHideDetailsStrID, |
kServerKeyNotFound, |
kServerKeyNotFoundErrorMsg1, |
kServerKeyNotFoundErrorMsg2 |
}; |
#define kKeyStringsID 129 |
static enum { |
kKeyNameStrID =1, |
kKeyIDStrID , |
kKeyTypeStrID, |
kKeySizeStrID, |
kKeyCreatedStrID, |
kKeyExpiresStrID, |
kKeyExpiredStrID, |
kKeyRevokedStrID, |
kKeyInvalidStrID, |
kKeyValidStrID, |
kKeyTrustedStrID, |
kKeyUnTrustedStrID, |
kKeyServerKeyIsEnabled, |
kKeyServerKeyIsDisabled, |
kKeyServerKeyIsRevoked, |
kKeyServerKeyIsExpired |
}; |
static enum { |
kHelpIconID = 2200, |
kHelpIconDisabledID = 2201 |
}; |
static enum{ |
kServerAuthPaneID = 1, |
kSetupPaneID, |
kAboutBoxPaneID |
}; |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#pragma mark Local Globals? |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static TASIPPGPkey gServerKey; |
static DialogPtr gDialog = nil; |
static TPane* gPane = nil; |
static TPGPUAMPrefs* gPrefs = nil; |
static EventCallbackPtr gEventCallbackUPP = nil; |
static Boolean gDialogForeground = true; |
static Boolean appleGuideAvailable = false; |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#pragma mark Local Prototypes |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static short GetDlgItemTop(DialogPtr dlog, int item); |
static short GetDlgItemBottom(DialogPtr dlog, int item); |
static pascal void KeyIconDrawProc (ControlHandle theControl, SInt16 thePart); |
static pascal ControlPartCode KeyIconHitTestProc (ControlHandle theControl, Point where); |
static pascal Boolean LoginDialogFilterProc (DialogRef dialog, EventRecord *event, short *itemHit); |
static DialogPtr NewLoginDialog(StringPtr userName, StringPtr serverName, TPGPUAMPrefs* userPrefs); |
static void SetDialogDisclosureState (DialogPtr theDialog, Boolean expanded); |
static void LoginDialogIdle(); |
static void UpdateLoginDialog(DialogPtr theDialog); |
#pragma mark - |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSErr DoLoginDialog( StringPtr userName, |
StringPtr serverName, |
short *sessionRefNum, |
TPGPUAMPrefs* userPrefs, |
LoginStartConnectionProcPtr startProc, |
CancelConnectionProcPtr cancelProc, |
UniversalProcPtr eventProcUPP, |
void *context ) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
ModalFilterUPP loginDialogFilterProcUPP = NewModalFilterProc (LoginDialogFilterProc); |
ControlHandle theControl; |
short itemNo; |
Size theSize; |
long response = 0; |
GrafPtr savePort; |
OSErr ErrNo = noErr; |
Boolean busy; |
if(startProc == nil) return paramErr; |
GetPort(&savePort); |
gEventCallbackUPP = eventProcUPP; |
gPrefs = userPrefs; |
try |
{ |
// setup prefs timelimit |
EnablePassphraseCaching( userPrefs->GetCachePassPhrase() ); |
if( userPrefs->GetCachePassPhrase() ) |
SetPassphraseCacheTimeLimit( userPrefs->GetCachePassPhraseTimeLimit() ); |
// Is apple Guide available ? |
ErrNo = Gestalt(gestaltHelpMgrAttr, &response); |
appleGuideAvailable = (ErrNo == noErr && (response & (1 << gestaltAppleGuidePresent))); |
// update Key info |
gServerKey.Initialize(gAFPSrvrSig); |
// create Login Dialog |
ThrowIfNil( gDialog = NewLoginDialog(userName, serverName, userPrefs)); |
// setup panel |
gPane = new TASIPKeyPane(gDialog, CountDITL(gDialog), &gServerKey); |
gPane->Refresh(); |
SetDialogDisclosureState(gDialog, userPrefs->GetDisclosureState() ); |
// Showtime! |
ShowWindow(gDialog); |
busy = true; |
while(busy) |
{ |
ModalDialog(loginDialogFilterProcUPP, &itemNo); |
switch(itemNo){ |
case kCancelID: |
if( cancelProc) cancelProc(context); |
busy = false; |
ErrNo = userCanceledErr; |
break; |
case kConnectID: |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kConnectID, &theControl ); |
DeactivateControl(theControl); |
// force this to no longer be the default item |
// else Appearance will re-activate it on process switch in.? |
SetDialogDefaultItem(gDialog,0); |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kProgressArrowsID, &theControl ); |
ShowControl(theControl); |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kUserNameID, &theControl ); |
DeactivateControl(theControl); |
GetControlData( theControl, 0, kControlEditTextTextTag, (Size) 63, (Ptr)&userName[1], &theSize ); |
userName[0] = (theSize &0xFF); |
ErrNo = (startProc)( userName,serverName,sessionRefNum,userPrefs, &gServerKey, LoginDialogIdle, context ); |
busy = false; |
break; |
// toggle disclosure triangle |
case kKeyIcon: |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kDisclosureTri, &theControl ); |
SetControlValue(theControl, 0x1 ^ GetControlValue(theControl)); |
// user toggled it |
case kDisclosureTri: |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kKeyIcon, &theControl ); |
InvalRect(&(**theControl).contrlRect); |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kDisclosureTri, &theControl ); |
SizeWindow(gDialog, |
(GetDialogWindow(gDialog)->portRect.right - |
GetDialogWindow(gDialog)->portRect.left), |
((GetControlValue(theControl) == 0) |
?GetDlgItemTop(gDialog, kSeperatorLine ) - 2 |
:GetDlgItemBottom(gDialog, kTabsID)) - 4,true); |
userPrefs->SetDisclosureState ( (GetControlValue(theControl) == 1 )); |
break; |
case kHelpItem: |
break; |
case kChangeKeyID: |
break; |
case kIcon: |
break; |
case kLaunchPGPKeysButton: |
LaunchApplication(kPGPkeysCreator); |
break; |
case kTabsID: |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kTabsID, &theControl ); |
if(gPane) delete gPane; gPane = nil; |
switch (GetControlValue( theControl ) ) |
{ |
case kServerAuthPaneID: |
gPane = new TASIPKeyPane(gDialog, CountDITL(gDialog), &gServerKey); |
break; |
case kSetupPaneID: |
gPane = new TSetupPane(gDialog, CountDITL(gDialog),userPrefs ); |
break; |
case kAboutBoxPaneID: |
gPane = new TAboutBoxPane(gDialog, CountDITL(gDialog) ); |
break; |
} |
if(gPane) gPane->Refresh(); |
break; |
default: |
if((itemNo >= KLastLoginDialogItem) && gPane != nil) |
{ |
gPane->ItemHit(itemNo); |
UpdateLoginDialog(gDialog); |
}; |
break; |
}; |
} |
} |
// Error Reporting |
catch (...) |
{ |
if(gDialog) |
{ |
ClearKeyboardFocus(gDialog); |
if(gPane) delete gPane; |
DisposeDialog(gDialog); |
} |
SetPort(savePort); |
throw; |
} |
ClearKeyboardFocus(gDialog); |
if(gPane) delete gPane; |
DisposeDialog(gDialog); |
gDialog = nil; |
SetPort(savePort); |
return ErrNo; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static DialogPtr NewLoginDialog(StringPtr userName, StringPtr serverName, TPGPUAMPrefs* userPrefs ) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
ControlUserPaneDrawUPP keyIconDrawProcUPP = NewControlUserPaneDrawProc(KeyIconDrawProc); |
ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP keyIconHitTestProcUPP = NewControlUserPaneHitTestProc(KeyIconHitTestProc); |
Handle uamName; |
DialogPtr theDialog = nil; |
ControlHandle theControl; |
ControlFontStyleRec fontInfo; |
Str255 text; |
// get Dialog Title |
uamName = Get1Resource(kUAMStr,kUAMName); |
if(!uamName) return nil; |
// Get the Dialog |
theDialog = GetNewDialog(kLoginDialogID, nil, (WindowPtr)-1); |
SetPort((GrafPtr) theDialog); |
// set dialog title |
HLock(uamName); |
SetWTitle(theDialog, (StringPtr) *uamName); |
HUnlock(uamName); |
// setup Dialog Items |
SetDialogCancelItem (theDialog,kCancelID); |
SetDialogTracksCursor(theDialog,true); |
UpdateLoginDialog(theDialog); |
// setup key Icon & triangle text draw routine |
GetDialogItemAsControl( theDialog, kKeyIcon, &theControl ); |
SetControlData(theControl, 0, kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag, sizeof(ControlUserPaneDrawUPP), (Ptr) &keyIconDrawProcUPP); |
SetControlData(theControl, 0, kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag, sizeof(ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP), (Ptr) &keyIconHitTestProcUPP); |
// load serverName info |
ParamText( serverName, "\p","\p","\p"); |
// Preload and setup User name field |
GetDialogItemAsControl( theDialog, kUserNameID, &theControl ); |
SetControlData( theControl, 0, kControlEditTextTextTag, userName[0], (Ptr)(userName+1) ); |
SetKeyboardFocus(theDialog,theControl, kControlFocusNextPart); |
// Change key is not yet supported |
GetDialogItemAsControl( theDialog, kChangeKeyID, &theControl ); |
DeactivateControl(theControl); |
// is appleguide around? |
GetDialogItemAsControl( theDialog, kHelpItem, &theControl ); |
SetControlVisibility(theControl, appleGuideAvailable, true); |
fontInfo.font = kControlFontBigSystemFont; |
fontInfo.just = teJustRight; |
fontInfo.flags = kControlUseFontMask | kControlUseJustMask; |
// Name |
GetDialogItemAsControl( theDialog, STXT4_Name, &theControl ); |
SetControlData( theControl, 0, kControlStaticTextStyleTag, sizeof fontInfo, (Ptr)&fontInfo); |
// select proper font for disclosure text |
fontInfo.just = teJustLeft; |
fontInfo.font = kControlFontSmallSystemFont; |
GetDialogItemAsControl( theDialog, kDisclosureText, &theControl ); |
SetControlData( theControl, 0, kControlStaticTextStyleTag, sizeof fontInfo, (Ptr)&fontInfo); |
return theDialog; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal Boolean LoginDialogFilterProc |
(DialogRef dialog, EventRecord *event, short *itemHit) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
ModalFilterUPP upp; |
ControlHandle theControl; |
Boolean handled; |
// pre filtering |
switch(event->what) |
{ |
case nullEvent: |
IdleControls(dialog); |
if(gPane) gPane->Idle(); |
break; |
case mouseDown: |
if(( dialog == gDialog) && (gPane != nil)) |
if( gPane->HandleMouseDown(event)) return true; |
break; |
// handle switch into background? |
case osEvt: |
if ((event->message >> 24) & suspendResumeMessage ) |
{ if( gDialogForeground = (event->message & resumeFlag)) |
{ |
// finder resume event |
// re-open PGP key database |
TPGPkey::OpenKeyDefaultRing(); |
gServerKey.Initialize(gAFPSrvrSig); |
UpdateLoginDialog(gDialog); |
// update aprop panes |
if(gPane) gPane->Refresh(); |
} |
else |
{ |
// finder suspend event |
// close PGP key Database |
TPGPkey::CloseKeyRing(); |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
if (!GetStdFilterProc (&upp)) |
handled = CallModalFilterProc (upp,dialog,event,itemHit); |
if(!handled) |
CallUniversalProc( gEventCallbackUPP, kEventCallbackProcInfo, event); |
return handled; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void LoginDialogIdle() |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
EventRecord event; |
event.what = nullEvent; |
LoginDialogFilterProc (gDialog, &event, 0); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void UpdateLoginDialog(DialogPtr dialog) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
ControlHandle theControl; |
// can we connect with this key? |
GetDialogItemAsControl( dialog, kConnectID, &theControl ); |
if( gPrefs->GetAuthenticateServer() |
&& (!gServerKey.CanVerify() || gServerKey.IsExpired() || gServerKey.IsRevoked() || gServerKey.IsDisabled()) ) |
{ |
SetDialogDefaultItem(dialog, 0); |
DeactivateControl(theControl); |
} |
else |
{ |
ActivateControl(theControl); |
SetDialogDefaultItem(dialog,kConnectID); |
} |
} |
#pragma mark - |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void SetDialogDisclosureState(DialogPtr theDialog, Boolean expanded) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// activate the disclosure triangle with the proper window default state |
{ |
ControlHandle theControl; |
GetDialogItemAsControl( theDialog, kDisclosureTri, &theControl ); |
SetControlValue(theControl, expanded?1:0); |
SizeWindow(theDialog, |
(GetDialogWindow(theDialog)->portRect.right - |
GetDialogWindow(theDialog)->portRect.left), |
((GetControlValue(theControl) == 0) |
?GetDlgItemTop(theDialog, kSeperatorLine ) - 2 |
:GetDlgItemBottom(theDialog, kTabsID)) - 4,true); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal void KeyIconDrawProc(ControlHandle theControl, SInt16 thePart) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
#pragma unused( thePart ) |
Rect bounds; |
Str255 text; |
GrafPtr savePort; |
GetPort(&savePort); |
SetPort((GrafPtr) gDialog); |
bounds = (**theControl).contrlRect; |
// paint the proper Icon |
bounds.right = bounds.left+16; |
EraseRect(&bounds); |
PlotIconID(&bounds, atNone, gDialogForeground? ttNone: ttSelectedDisabled , gServerKey.GetIconID()); |
// get the right text string to display for the disclosure text |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kDisclosureTri, &theControl ); |
if( gServerKey.IsInitialized() ) |
GetIndString(text, kDialogStringsID, |
( GetControlValue(theControl) == 0) ?kShowDetailsStrID:kHideDetailsStrID); |
else |
GetIndString(text, kDialogStringsID,kServerKeyNotFound); |
// update the text line using an imbebded text item |
GetDialogItemAsControl( gDialog, kDisclosureText, &theControl ); |
SetControlData( theControl, 0, kControlStaticTextTextTag, text[0], (Ptr)(text+1) ); |
SetPort(savePort); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal ControlPartCode KeyIconHitTestProc(ControlHandle theControl, Point where) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
#pragma unused( where ) |
return kControlButtonPart; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static short GetDlgItemTop(DialogPtr dlog, int item) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
short type; Handle hndl; Rect box; |
GetDialogItem(dlog,item,&type,&hndl,&box); |
return (; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static short GetDlgItemBottom(DialogPtr dlog, int item) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
short type; Handle hndl; Rect box; |
GetDialogItem(dlog,item,&type,&hndl,&box); |
return (box.bottom); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22