Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: PGPUAMclientProtocol.c |
Description: Handles the PGPlogin Authorization Process |
Written by: Vinnie Moscaritolo |
Copyright: © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Change History (most recent first): |
You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*/ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Includes |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <String.h> |
#include <A4Stuff.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <MixedMode.h> |
#include <PLStringFuncs.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include "ClientUAM.h" |
#include "AFPPackets.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclient.h" |
#include "PGPUAMmsgFormat.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclientProtocol.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclientLoginDialog.h" |
#define PGP_MACINTOSH 1 |
#include "pgpErrors.h" |
#include "pgpKeys.h" |
#include "pgpUtilities.h" |
#include "pgpFeatures.h" |
#include "pgpUserInterface.h" |
#include "pgpHash.h" |
#include "pgpPublicKey.h" |
#include "TPGPException.h" |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#pragma mark Local Prototypes |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal void SndLoginCmdCompletion (void* context, OSStatus result); |
#pragma mark - |
static pascal void SndLoginCmdCompletion (void* context, OSStatus result) |
{ |
OSStatus* err = (OSStatus*) context; |
*err = result; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus SndLoginCmd( ClientUAMCallbackRec *callbacks, |
StringPtr serverVersion, |
StringPtr uamName, |
StringPtr userName, |
StringPtr challengeString, |
OTAddress *serverAddress, |
UInt8 *replyBuffer, |
UInt32 replyBufferSize, |
UInt32 *actReplyBufferSize, |
short *sessionRefNum, |
LoginIdleProcPtr idleProc |
) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
OSStatus ErrNo = kUAMError; |
UAMMessage message; |
UInt8 commandBuffer[256]; |
UInt8 *cmdP; |
OSStatus result = 1; |
// format login command message |
cmdP = (UInt8*) FormatLoginCmd(commandBuffer, serverVersion, uamName, userName, challengeString ); |
// build OpenSession command. |
message.commandCode = kOpenSession; |
message.cmdBuffer = commandBuffer; |
message.cmdBufferSize = cmdP - commandBuffer; |
message.replyBuffer = replyBuffer; |
message.replyBufferSize = replyBufferSize; |
// send OpenSession to server. |
DebugStr("\psend OpenSession to server"); |
message.contextPtr = &result; |
message.completion = SndLoginCmdCompletion; |
ErrNo = CallUniversalProc( callbacks->OpenSessionUPP, |
kOpenSessionProcInfo, |
serverAddress, |
nil, |
&message); |
if(ErrNo != noErr) |
while(result == 1) |
{ |
if(idleProc) (idleProc)(); |
} |
if (ErrNo != noErr) return ErrNo ; |
#else |
message.contextPtr = nil; |
message.completion = nil; |
result = CallUniversalProc( callbacks->OpenSessionUPP, |
kOpenSessionProcInfo, |
serverAddress, |
nil, |
&message); |
#endif |
*sessionRefNum = message.sessionRefNum; |
*actReplyBufferSize = message.replyBufferSize; |
if(result != noErr) result = message.result; |
return result; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus SndLoginContinueCmd( ClientUAMCallbackRec *callbacks, |
short sessionRefNum, |
StringPtr answerString, |
UInt8 *replyBuffer, |
UInt32 replyBufferSize, |
UInt32 *actReplyBufferSize, |
LoginIdleProcPtr idleProc |
) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{ |
OSStatus ErrNo = kUAMError; |
UAMMessage message; |
UInt8 commandBuffer[200]; |
UInt8 *cmdP; |
OSStatus result = 1; |
// format login Continue command message |
cmdP = (UInt8*) FormatLoginContinueCmd(commandBuffer, answerString); |
message.commandCode = kSendRequest; |
message.sessionRefNum = sessionRefNum; |
message.cmdBuffer = commandBuffer; |
message.cmdBufferSize = cmdP - commandBuffer; |
message.replyBuffer = replyBuffer; |
message.replyBufferSize = 128; |
message.contextPtr = &result; |
message.completion = SndLoginCmdCompletion; |
// send to server. |
ErrNo = CallUniversalProc( callbacks->SendRequestUPP, kSendRequestProcInfo,&message); |
if(ErrNo != noErr) |
while(result == 1) |
{ |
if(idleProc) (idleProc)(); |
} |
if (ErrNo != noErr) return ErrNo ; |
#else |
message.contextPtr = nil; |
message.completion = nil; |
result = CallUniversalProc( callbacks->SendRequestUPP, kSendRequestProcInfo,&message); |
#endif |
*actReplyBufferSize = message.replyBufferSize; |
if(result != noErr) result = message.result; |
return result; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22