
// Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
// Written by:  Vinnie Moscaritolo
//  Copyright (work in progress)  Apple Computer, Inc All rights reserved.
// You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
// restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
// responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
// not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
// after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
// we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
// descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#pragma mark Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <A4Stuff.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <CodeFragments.h>
#include <MixedMode.h>
#include <RegisterFileLibs.h>
#include "ClientUAM.h" 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark local Prototypes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef pascal  OSStatus (*UAMCallProcPtr) (UAMArgs *theArgs);
pascal  OSStatus    main        (UAMArgs *theArgs);
OSErr   MAKEFSSPECFROMREFNUM    (short theRefNum, FSSpec *theFileSpec);
UniversalProcPtr    mainAddr = nil;
CFragConnectionID   connID = nil;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pascal OSStatus main(UAMArgs *theArgs)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    OSStatus                ErrNo = noErr;
    Str255                  errorMessage;
    SInt16                  itemHit;
    FSSpec                  theFileSpec;
    ProcPtr                 codePtr;
// first time through
    if(mainAddr == nil) {
        ErrNo = MAKEFSSPECFROMREFNUM( CurResFile(), &theFileSpec);
        if (ErrNo != noErr){
            DebugStr("\pError  Could't make fsspec , HUH\n");
            goto Error;
        ErrNo = RegisterFileLibs (&theFileSpec );
        if ((ErrNo != noErr ) && (ErrNo != cfragDupRegistrationErr))
            DebugStr("\pError  Could't make RegisterFileLibs\n");
            goto Error;
// Activate the PGPUAM ppc module
        ErrNo = GetSharedLibrary("\pPGPUAM.PPC", 
        if (ErrNo != noErr){
            DebugStr("\pError  Could't load PGPUAM\n");
            goto Error;
        if (codePtr == nil) {
            DebugStr("\pError PGPUAM mainAddr == nil\n");
            ErrNo = -1; //kOutOfMemoryErr
            goto Error;
        mainAddr  = NewRoutineDescriptorTrap(codePtr, kUAMCallProcInfo,kPowerPCISA);
    ErrNo = ((UAMCallProcPtr)mainAddr) (theArgs);
    if((mainAddr != nil) 
        && (    (theArgs->command == kUAMClose)
            ||  ((theArgs->command == kUAMOpen) && (ErrNo != noErr))))
        mainAddr = nil;
    return ErrNo;
// handle error
    StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert,"\pPGPUAM Failed to load",nil, nil , &itemHit);
    return ErrNo;
** MakeFSSpecFromRefNum - make an FSSpec from an open path's file
**  reference number
OSErr   MAKEFSSPECFROMREFNUM(short theRefNum, FSSpec *theFileSpec)
    FCBPBRec    theFCBInfo;
    OSErr       theError;
    /* Use PBGetFCBInfo to get the  relevant information */
    theFCBInfo.ioNamePtr = theFileSpec->name;
    theFCBInfo.ioVRefNum = 0;
    theFCBInfo.ioRefNum = theRefNum;
    theFCBInfo.ioFCBIndx = 0;
    theError = PBGetFCBInfoSync(&theFCBInfo);
    if( theError == noErr ){
        theFileSpec->vRefNum = theFCBInfo.ioFCBVRefNum;
        theFileSpec->parID = theFCBInfo.ioFCBParID;
}   /* MakeFSSpecFromRefNum */