Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
/* |
File: SortablePicture.cp |
Contains: Methods for the SortablePicture Abstract base class. |
Written by: Karl Groethe |
Copyright: Copyright © 2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/00 Created |
*/ |
#include "SortablePicture.h" |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
const UInt32 textSize=9; |
SortablePicture::SortablePicture(ResID inPictID) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Constructure for creating a sortable picture from the |
pict resources specified by inPictID |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
pictID=inPictID; |
ShowStats=FALSE; |
FrameWaitTime.tv_sec=0; |
FrameWaitTime.tv_nsec=NSEC_PER_SEC/6;//6 fps |
SwapWaitTime.tv_sec=0; |
SwapWaitTime.tv_nsec=0; |
#endif |
AllocPictGWorld(); |
CreatePictWindow(); |
AllocPixelArrays(); |
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex,NULL);//initialize a pthread mutex |
pthread_cond_init(&refresh,NULL);//initialize the conditional for pthread_timedwait() |
//might as well just lock down our pixmap now |
//We'll be using it a lot |
LockPixels(GetPortPixMap(pictGWorld)); |
//base address won't change so lets store it. |
pictBaseAddr=GetPixBaseAddr(GetPortPixMap(pictGWorld)); |
//create our thread to scramble and sort picture |
pthread_create(&scrambleAndSortThread, |
SortablePicture::ScrambleAndSortThread, |
this); |
//create thread to handle drawing |
pthread_create(&drawThread, |
SortablePicture::DrawThread, |
this); |
} |
SortablePicture::~SortablePicture() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Destructor for our sortable picture, handle |
canceling and joining threads and disposing of |
allocated memory. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
SetSwapWaitTime(0);//don't want to wait while we cancel threads |
#endif |
pthread_cancel(drawThread); |
pthread_join(drawThread,NULL); |
pthread_cancel(scrambleAndSortThread); |
pthread_join(scrambleAndSortThread,NULL); |
pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); |
pthread_cond_destroy(&refresh); |
//unlock our pixmap before we go |
UnlockPixels(GetPortPixMap(pictGWorld)); |
DisposePixelArrays(); |
DisposePictWindow(); |
DisposePictGWorld(); |
} |
void* SortablePicture::ScrambleAndSortThread(void* inPict) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Static C++ member that handles Scrambling and sorting |
our picture from within a thread. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
while(TRUE) |
{ |
sleep(2);//show the sorted picture for a few secs |
((SortablePicture*)inPict)->Scramble(); |
((SortablePicture*)inPict)->Sort(); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
void* SortablePicture::DrawThread(void* inPict) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Static C++ member that handles Drawing |
our picture from within a thread. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
while(TRUE){ |
((SortablePicture*)inPict)->Draw(); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
void SortablePicture::CreatePictWindow() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Create our picture's window. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static EventTypeSpec closeEvent={kEventClassWindow,kEventWindowClose}; |
SortablePicture* temp=this; |
Rect portBounds; |
GetPortBounds(pictGWorld,&portBounds); |
CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, |
kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute | |
kWindowCloseBoxAttribute | |
kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute, |
&portBounds, &pictWindow); |
MoveWindow(pictWindow,100,100,FALSE); |
SetWindowProperty( pictWindow, |
kAppCreator, |
Class_ID, |
sizeof(SortablePicture*), |
&temp);//attach our object to the window as a property |
//install a carbon event handler to handle disposing of our object when the window is closed |
InstallWindowEventHandler(pictWindow,NewEventHandlerUPP(myWindowCloseHandler), |
1,&closeEvent,0,NULL); |
ShowWindow(pictWindow); |
} |
void SortablePicture::DisposePictWindow() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
message that can be sent to an object to tell it to |
dispose of it's window |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
DisposeWindow(pictWindow); |
} |
void SortablePicture::AllocPictGWorld() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Create a gworld where we can manipulate the pixmap |
of our picture. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
GrafPtr origPort; |
GDHandle origDev; |
pictBounds=(*GetPicture(pictID))->picFrame; |
pictWidth=pictBounds.right-pictBounds.left; |; |
GetGWorld(&origPort,&origDev); |
NewGWorld(&pictGWorld,0,&pictBounds,NULL,NULL,0); |
SetGWorld(pictGWorld,NULL); |
DrawPicture(GetPicture(pictID),&pictBounds); |
SetGWorld(origPort,origDev); |
} |
void SortablePicture::DisposePictGWorld() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Dispose of our gworld |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
DisposeGWorld(pictGWorld); |
} |
void SortablePicture::AllocPixelArrays() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Allocate and initialize the arrays we will use for |
scrambling and sorting the picture. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
linearPictSize=pictWidth*pictHeight; |
bytesPerPixel=GetPixDepth(GetPortPixMap(pictGWorld))/8;//depth in bytes |
bytesPerRow=GetPixRowBytes(GetPortPixMap(pictGWorld)) & 0x7FFF;//strip off flags |
pixelIndexArray=new UInt32[linearPictSize]; |
pixelOffsetArray=new UInt32[linearPictSize]; |
for(UInt32 i=0;i<pictHeight;i++) |
for(UInt32 j=0;j<pictWidth;j++){ |
UInt32 index=i*pictWidth+j;//simple 2D indexing |
pixelIndexArray[index]=index;//initial ordering of pixels so we know how to sort them |
//offsets from the bass address so we can easily find pixels associated with each index |
pixelOffsetArray[index]=i*bytesPerRow+j*bytesPerPixel; |
} |
} |
void SortablePicture::DisposePixelArrays() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Dispose of the arrays we used for scrambling and |
sorting our picture |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
delete[] pixelIndexArray; |
delete[] pixelOffsetArray; |
} |
void SortablePicture::SwapBytes(Byte* a,Byte* b,UInt32 numBytes) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Utility function for swapping a set of bytes. This allows |
us to deal with multiple bit depths without changing |
any code. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
Byte c=0; |
UInt32 i=0; |
for(i=0;i<numBytes;i++){ |
c=a[i]; |
a[i]=b[i]; |
b[i]=c; |
} |
} |
Boolean SortablePicture::InOrder(UInt32 indexA, UInt32 indexB) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Comparison method used by subclassed to check if two |
pixels are in order. This also maintains a count of |
how many comparisons have been made. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
comparisons++; |
return (pixelIndexArray[indexA]<pixelIndexArray[indexB]); |
} |
void SortablePicture::SwapPixels(UInt32 indexA, UInt32 indexB) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Swap method provided for subclasses to swap two pixels. |
Swaps both the pixels and their index location and |
keeps track of the number of swaps that have been |
made. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
timespec wait=GetSwapWaitTime(); |
if(wait.tv_nsec>1) |
pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(&refresh,&mutex,&wait);//wait for a signal |
else |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);//block other threads while we swap pixels |
#else |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);//block other threads while we swap pixels(no extra overhead) |
#endif |
//swap the pixels at indexA and indexB |
SwapBytes(((Byte*)pictBaseAddr)+pixelOffsetArray[indexA], |
((Byte*)pictBaseAddr)+pixelOffsetArray[indexB],bytesPerPixel); |
//swap their index |
SwapBytes((Byte*)&pixelIndexArray[indexA], |
(Byte*)&pixelIndexArray[indexB],sizeof(UInt32)); |
swaps++;//incriment swaps |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);//release other threads |
pthread_testcancel();//see if we should quit |
} |
void SortablePicture::Scramble() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Scramble the pixels of our picture |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
for(UInt32 i=0;i<linearPictSize;i++)//use 2 Random to get full UInt32 Range |
SwapPixels(i,((UInt32)Random()*(UInt32)Random())%linearPictSize); |
swaps=lastSwapVal=0; |
comparisons=0; |
gettimeofday(&frameTime,NULL);//init frame time |
} |
void SortablePicture::UpdateStats() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Update and draw the statistics for our picture |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
Rect portBounds; |
static const RGBColor textColor={0x0000,0x0000,0x0000}; |
GrafPtr origPort; |
RGBColor oldColor; |
timeval currentTime; |
timeval difftime; |
float fps,sps; |
gettimeofday(¤tTime,NULL); |
timersub(¤tTime,&frameTime,&difftime); |
//calculate frames per second and don't bother if frametime is less than 1 second |
fps=difftime.tv_sec>0 ? 1 : USEC_PER_SEC/(float)difftime.tv_usec; |
sps=fps*(swaps-lastSwapVal);//calculate number of swaps per second |
lastSwapVal=swaps; |
frameTime=currentTime; |
GetPort(&origPort); |
SetPortWindowPort(pictWindow); |
GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(pictWindow),&portBounds); |
GetForeColor(&oldColor); |
RGBForeColor(&textColor); |
TextSize(textSize); |
TextFace(bold); |
//name of the sort |
CFStringRef sortString=CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL,NULL,CFSTR("%s"), |
CFStringGetCStringPtr(GetSortName(),kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); |
//total number of pixels |
CFStringRef totalPixelString=CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL,NULL,CFSTR("Pixels:%i"),linearPictSize); |
//total number of comparisons |
CFStringRef compareString=CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL,NULL,CFSTR("Comparison:%i"),comparisons); |
//total number of swaps |
CFStringRef swapString=CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL,NULL,CFSTR("Swap:%i"),swaps); |
//frame rate and swap rate |
CFStringRef FpsSpsString=CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL,NULL,CFSTR("fps:%.1f\tsps:%.0f"),fps,sps); |
MoveTo(portBounds.left+1,portBounds.bottom-1); |
DrawString(CFStringGetPascalStringPtr(FpsSpsString,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); |
MoveTo(portBounds.left+1,portBounds.bottom-textSize-1); |
DrawString(CFStringGetPascalStringPtr(swapString,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); |
MoveTo(portBounds.left+1,portBounds.bottom-2*textSize-1); |
DrawString(CFStringGetPascalStringPtr(compareString,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); |
MoveTo(portBounds.left+1,portBounds.bottom-3*textSize-1); |
DrawString(CFStringGetPascalStringPtr(totalPixelString,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); |
MoveTo(portBounds.left,portBounds.bottom-4*textSize-1); |
DrawString(CFStringGetPascalStringPtr(sortString,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); |
RGBForeColor(&oldColor); |
SetPort(origPort); |
} |
void SortablePicture::Draw() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Draw our updated picture. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
GrafPtr origPort; |
GDHandle origDev; |
RgnHandle visibleRgn=NewRgn(); |
GetGWorld(&origPort,&origDev); |
Rect srcBounds,destBounds; |
timespec wait=GetFrameWaitTime(); |
pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(&refresh,&mutex,&wait);//wait for a while |
GetPortBounds(pictGWorld,&srcBounds); |
GetWindowPortBounds(pictWindow,&destBounds); |
SetGWorld(GetWindowPort(pictWindow),NULL); |
CopyBits( GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(pictGWorld), |
GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(pictWindow)), |
&srcBounds, |
&destBounds, |
srcCopy,NULL); |
SetGWorld(origPort,origDev); |
if(GetShowStats()) |
UpdateStats(); |
QDFlushPortBuffer(GetWindowPort(pictWindow), |
GetPortVisibleRegion(GetWindowPort(pictWindow),visibleRgn));//flush the buffer |
DisposeRgn(visibleRgn); |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);//let our other threads go |
pthread_testcancel();//see if we should quit |
} |
OSStatus SortablePicture::myWindowCloseHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
void* userData) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Carbon Event handler for handling when our window is |
closed. |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
WindowRef window; |
//get our window from the objed and dispose of it |
GetEventParameter(inEvent,kEventParamDirectObject,typeWindowRef,NULL,sizeof(window),NULL,&window); |
SortablePicture::DisposePictureWindow(window); |
return noErr; |
} |
void SortablePicture::DisposePictureWindow(WindowRef window) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Dispose of our window and the object associated with it |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
SortablePicture* mySortablePicture; |
GetWindowProperty( window, |
kAppCreator, |
Class_ID, |
sizeof(SortablePicture*), |
&mySortablePicture); |
delete mySortablePicture; |
} |
Boolean SortablePicture::GetShowStats() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Should we display the the statistics? |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
return ShowStats; |
} |
void SortablePicture::SetShowStats(Boolean show) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Set whether or not to show stats |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
ShowStats=show; |
} |
timespec SortablePicture::GetFrameWaitTime() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Get minimum time between frames |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
return FrameWaitTime; |
} |
void SortablePicture::SetFrameWaitTime(long eWait) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Set minimum time between frames |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
//bounded Assignment |
FrameWaitTime.tv_nsec=eWait<=0 ? 0 : eWait>=NSEC_PER_SEC ? NSEC_PER_SEC-1 : eWait; |
} |
timespec SortablePicture::GetSwapWaitTime() |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Get minimum time between swaps |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
return SwapWaitTime; |
} |
void SortablePicture::SetSwapWaitTime(long eWait) |
{ |
/*------------------------------------------------------ |
Set minimum time between swaps |
--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
//bounded Assignment |
SwapWaitTime.tv_nsec=eWait<=0 ? 0 : eWait>=NSEC_PER_SEC ? NSEC_PER_SEC-1 : eWait; |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14