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Sample Package/HTMLSample/HTMLSample Help/index.html
<HTML> |
<HEAD> |
<TITLE>HTMLSample Help</TITLE> |
</HEAD> |
<H1>HTMLSample Help</H1> |
<H3>Contents</H3> |
<UL> |
<LI><A HREF="#overview">Overview</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#buttons">Button Commands</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#menus">Menu Commands</A> |
<UL> |
<LI><A HREF="#mFile">The File Menu</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#mGo">The Go Menu</A></LI> |
</UL> |
</LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#keys">Special Keyboard Commands</A></LI> |
</UL> |
<P><A NAME=overview></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Overview</H3> |
<P>HTMLSample is an application that demonstrates the capabilities of |
the HTMLRenderingLib that is new for Mac OS 9.</P> |
<P><A NAME=buttons></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Button Commands</H3> |
<P>Navigation controls are located in the top left corner of the |
windows as shown in figure 1.</P> |
<P><IMG SRC="images/controls.gif" WIDTH=198 HEIGHT=129 ALIGN=bottom></P> |
<P><B>Figure 1</B>. Navigation controls.</P> |
<P>Navigation controls provide a 'memory' function allowing you to |
browse back and forth between pages. As you click on different pages, |
they are accumulated into a history. At any time it is possible to go |
back to a previously visited page. Detailed descriptions of the |
controls shown in figure 1 follow:</P> |
<UL> |
<LI><B>Go back</B>. This command allows you to return to the most |
recently visited page. That is, the page that was being displayed |
before currently showing page was displayed.</LI> |
<LI><B>Go back to beginning</B>. This command allows you to return |
to the very first page visited. This page will be the first one |
that was displayed when the window was opened.</LI> |
<LI><B>Go forward</B>. After clicking 'go back' this command |
allows you to return to the page that was being displayed before |
the 'go back' command was clicked. Together, the 'go back' and 'go |
forward' commands allow you to walk through the display |
history.</LI> |
<LI><B>Help</B>. This button leads to this page.</LI> |
</UL> |
<P><A NAME=menus></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Menu Commands</H3> |
<H4><A NAME=mFile></A></H4> |
<P> </P> |
<H4>The File Menu</H4> |
<TR> |
<TD WIDTH=128> |
<P><IMG SRC="images/filemenu.gif" WIDTH=108 HEIGHT=59 ALIGN=bottom></P> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
<P>The file menu provides two commands: open and quit. The |
quit command exits the application and the open command |
allows you to choose a file on disk for display in a new |
window.</P> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<A NAME=mGo></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H4>The Go Menu</H4> |
<TR> |
<TD WIDTH=128> |
<P><IMG SRC="images/gomenu.gif" WIDTH=87 HEIGHT=81 ALIGN=bottom></P> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
<P>The Go menu provides menu commands for navigation in the |
front most window's visited links history. Back, Forward, |
and Home are identical to using the <A HREF="#buttons">button |
commands</A> with the same names.</P> |
<P>The current contents of the visited links list is shown |
at the bottom of the menu. To go back to a particular page |
in the history list, choose the title of the page from among |
the items listed.</P> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
</P> |
<P><A NAME=keys></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Special Keyboard Commands</H3> |
<UL> |
<LI>The left, right and up arrows on the keyboard can be used to |
access the back, forward and home commands.</LI> |
<LI>Holding down the command key and typing the letter "O" (oh!) |
is the same as choosing the Open command in the File menu.</LI> |
<LI>Holding down the command key and typing the letter "Q" is the |
same as choosing the Quit command in the File menu.</LI> |
<LI>Holding down the command key and typing the letter "B" is the |
same as choosing the Back command in the Go menu.</LI> |
<LI>Holding down the command key and typing the letter "F" is the |
same as choosing the Forward command in the Go menu.</LI> |
<LI>Holding down the command key and typing the letter "H" is the |
same as choosing the Home command in the Go menu.</LI> |
</UL> |
<P> </P> |
<P></P> |
</BODY> |
</HTML> |
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