Sample Package/HTMLSample Package Guide/index.html

   <TITLE>HTMLRenderingLib Home</TITLE>
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         <P><IMG SRC="images/moofbig.jpg" WIDTH=121 HEIGHT=119 ALIGN=bottom></P>
         <H1>Guide To Making Packages</H1>
         <P>HTMLSample is a 'package aware' application that allows
         you to open Mac OS 9 HTML file packages. This guide itself
         is a Mac OS 9 package, and the application being used to
         view it is a package as well.</P>
<P>Packages provide a convenient way to group related files together
in a directory that is treated as if it were a single mirroring the
external qualities of the package's main file. Using packages is
another way to simplify your development efforts and provide a simple
user interface for your products. </P>
<P>Packages are a new concept for Mac OS 9 and they are documented in
<A HREF="tn1188/tn1188.html">Technote 1188</A>. This technote defines
packages and discusses several implementation issues related to
<P>You can use the <A HREF="PackageTool">Package Tool</A> to to make
your own packages once you have formatted a directory as described in
Technote 1188. Be aware, it is important that file sharing be turned
off when you create a package so the alias file will not contain
server information when it is created.</P>
<P>The source code for the HTMLSample application illustrates how you
can recognize package type documents and open them in your
application. It also shows how you can instruct Navigation Services
to display package type documents in its windows so users can open
them using that interface.</P>
<P>Source code for the PackageTool illustrates how you can recognize
and accept package documents in drag commands.</P>