Sample Package/HTMLSample sources/History.h

    file History.h
    This file contains routine prototypes and type declarations that can
    be used to access the routines defined in History.c  These routines
    are used to store visitled links.
    HTMLSample is an application illustrating how to use the new
    HTMLRenderingLib services found in Mac OS 9. HTMLRenderingLib
    is Apple's light-weight HTML rendering engine capable of
    displaying HTML files.
    by John Montbriand, 1999.
    Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
    all rights reserved.
    You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
    restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
    responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
    not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
    after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
    we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
    descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
    10/16/99 created by John Montbriand
#ifndef __HISTORY__
#define __HISTORY__
#include <Types.h>
#include <Menus.h>
/* HistoryDataHandle defines the data type we are using
    for storing historical information about visited links.
    A history is maintained as a list/stack where we can
    move backwards and forwards referencing elements as
    required.  The only difference between a history and
    a stack is that if we add a new element to the history,
    then all elements beyond the current reference are
    deleted before the new element is added. */
typedef struct HistoryData HistoryData;
typedef HistoryData *HistoryDataPtr, **HistoryDataHandle;
/* NewHistory creats a new history and returns
    a handle to it. */
HistoryDataHandle NewHistory(void);
/* DisposeHistory disposes of a history and all of the
    structures allocated for it. */
void DisposeHistory(HistoryDataHandle hd);
/* AddToHistory adds a new element to the history.  Both
    the URL and the printed representation of its url
    are stored.  NOTE:  if we have called GoBack a few times
    before this call, then those previously viewed items
    are removed from the history. This is so if we choose
    GoBack again, then we will arrive at the same link we
    are looking at now.  */
OSErr AddToHistory(HistoryDataHandle hd, char const* url, StringPtr printName);
/* InHistory returns true if the URL is among the urls
    currently stored in the history. */
Boolean InHistory(HistoryDataHandle hd, char const* url);
/* CanGoBack returns true if it makes sense to call the
    GoBack command.  i.e. if there are one or more links
    in the history beyond the current one. */
Boolean CanGoBack(HistoryDataHandle hd);
/* GoBack copies the previous url in the history
    into a new handle and returns that handle in
    *url.  It is the caller's responsibility to dispose
    of the handle after it has been used. */
OSErr GoBack(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url);
/* CanGoForward returns true if it makes sense to call the
    GoForward command.  i.e. if there are one or more links
    in the history ahead of the current one.  This can only
    happen after the user has chosen GoBack one or more
    times. */
Boolean CanGoForward(HistoryDataHandle hd);
/* GoForward copies the next url in the history
    into a new handle and returns that handle in
    *url.  It is the caller's responsibility to dispose
    of the handle after it has been used. */
OSErr GoForward(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url);
/* CanGoHome returns true if it makes sense to call the
    GoHome command.  i.e. if there are one or more links
    in the history.  This can only happen after AddToHistory
    has been called one or more times. */
Boolean CanGoHome(HistoryDataHandle hd);
/* GoBack copies the first url in the history
    into a new handle and returns that handle in
    *url.  It is the caller's responsibility to dispose
    of the handle after it has been used. */
OSErr GoHome(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url);
/* AppendHistoryToMenu rebuilds the Go menu adding items to the
    bottom of the menu according to the items in the
    history.  The names of the items are the same as
    the printNames provided in the AddToHistory command. */
OSErr AppendHistoryToMenu(HistoryDataHandle hd, MenuHandle theMenu);
/* GoToMenuItem copies the itemIndex'th url in the history
    into a new handle and returns that handle in
    *url.  It is the caller's responsibility to dispose
    of the handle after it has been used.  This routine
    should only be called after a menu selection has
    been made in a menu built by AppendHistoryToMenu.  */
OSErr GoToMenuItem(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url, short itemIndex);