Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Sample Package/HTMLSample sources/RenderingWindow.c
/* |
file RenderingWindow.c |
Description: |
This file contains the routines used to manage the windows displayed |
by the HTMLSample application. |
HTMLSample is an application illustrating how to use the new |
HTMLRenderingLib services found in Mac OS 9. HTMLRenderingLib |
is Apple's light-weight HTML rendering engine capable of |
displaying HTML files. |
by John Montbriand, 1999. |
Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc. |
all rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: |
You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
10/16/99 created by John Montbriand |
*/ |
#include "RenderingWindow.h" |
#include <HTMLRendering.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <StdDef.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <Sound.h> |
#include "History.h" |
#include "CIconButtons.h" |
#include "SampleUtils.h" |
#include "HTMLSample.h" |
/* resource id numbers for PICT resources used |
for drawing the fill area to the right of the buttons */ |
enum { |
kLeftBarPicture = 128, |
kCenterBarPicture = 129, |
kRightBarPicture = 130 |
}; |
/* ASCII codes for the arrow keys on the keyboard */ |
enum { |
kLeftArrowKey = 28, |
kUpArrowKey = 30, |
kDownArrowKey = 29 |
}; |
/* color icon button resources for the default |
navigation buttons. */ |
enum { |
kBackDefaultButton = 128, |
kHomeDefaultButton = 129, |
kForwardDefaultButton = 130 |
}; |
/* constants used for adding custom buttons. */ |
enum { |
kExtraButtonsMax = 4, |
kExtraButtonsListID = 128 |
}; |
/* the resource id for the main window's |
WIND resource. */ |
enum { |
kRenderingWindowID = 128 |
}; |
/* RWindowHandle's refer to a data structure created |
for each rendering window to store various state |
variables used for maintaining the window on the |
screen. Most importantly, for this example, this |
is where a reference to the HTML rendering object |
is stored. A handle to this structure is stored in |
the rendering window's refcon field. */ |
typedef struct RWindowStruct RWindowVars; |
typedef RWindowVars **RWindowHandle; |
struct RWindowStruct { |
RWindowHandle prev, next; /* list of open rendering windows */ |
WindowPtr rwindow; /* a pointer to the window */ |
HRReference renderer; /* a reference to the rendering object */ |
HistoryDataHandle history; /* history of visited links for this window */ |
Boolean isActive; /* true when this window is the frontmost window. */ |
CIconButtonHandle bback, bhome, bforward; /* the default buttons */ |
short nExtraButtons; /* the number of extra buttons */ |
CIconButtonHandle extraButtons[1]; /* handles to the extra buttons */ |
}; |
/* these picture handles are used for drawing the fill area |
to the right of the buttons in the top of the window. The |
resources these variables reference are read in when |
InitRenderingWindows is called. */ |
PicHandle gFBLeft = NULL, gFBCenter = NULL, gFBRight = NULL; |
/* a list of open rendering windows. */ |
RWindowHandle gRWFirst = NULL, gRWLast = NULL; |
/* the global history is used to store 'all' visited links for |
every window. */ |
HistoryDataHandle gGlobalHistory = NULL; |
/* gRenderingWindowsOpen is set to true when InitRenderingWindows |
is successful. */ |
Boolean gRenderingWindowsOpen = false; |
/* InitRenderingWindows is called to initialize the environment used by |
routines defined in this file. It should be called before any of the |
other routines defined in this file are called. */ |
OSStatus InitRenderingWindows(void) { |
/* get the pictures for drawing the fill |
area to the right of the buttons from the |
resource file */ |
gFBLeft = GetPicture(kLeftBarPicture); |
if (gFBLeft == NULL) return resNotFound; |
gFBCenter = GetPicture(kCenterBarPicture); |
if (gFBCenter == NULL) return resNotFound; |
gFBRight = GetPicture(kRightBarPicture); |
if (gFBRight == NULL) return resNotFound; |
/* initialize the list of opened windows */ |
gRWFirst = gRWLast = NULL; |
/* allocate the global history */ |
gGlobalHistory = NewHistory(); |
if (gGlobalHistory == NULL) return memFullErr; |
/* set the open flag */ |
gRenderingWindowsOpen = true; |
/* done */ |
return noErr; |
} |
/* CloseRenderingWindows closes any open rendering windows and |
deallocates any structures allocated when InitRenderingWindows |
was called. */ |
OSStatus CloseRenderingWindows(void) { |
if (gRenderingWindowsOpen) { |
/* close any open rendering windows */ |
while (gRWFirst != NULL) |
RWCloseWindow((**gRWFirst).rwindow); |
/* release the global history */ |
DisposeHistory(gGlobalHistory); |
/* reset the open flag */ |
gRenderingWindowsOpen = false; |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
/* MyHRURLToFSSpecProc is the URL to FSSpec mapping defined for rendering windows. |
it calls the HTMLRenderingLib HRUtilGetFSSpecFromURL routine to map the url |
to a FSSpec and then it checks to see if the file exists and if it's an application. |
If the file does not exist, it re-directs the URL to refer to the error page. If the |
file exists and it's an application, it launches the application. */ |
static pascal OSStatus MyHRURLToFSSpecProc(const char *rootURL, const char *linkURL, |
FSSpec *fsspec, URLSourceType urlSourceType, void *refCon) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
FSSpec spec; |
OSStatus err; |
FInfo fndrInfo; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) refCon; |
/* as the rendering library to map the file |
for us. */ |
err = HRUtilGetFSSpecFromURL(rootURL, linkURL, &spec); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* check to see if the file exists. */ |
err = FSpGetFInfo(&spec, &fndrInfo); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* if the file is an application, launch it */ |
if (fndrInfo.fdType == 'APPL') { |
LaunchParamBlockRec launchpb; |
BlockZero(&launchpb, 0); |
launchpb.launchBlockID = extendedBlock; |
launchpb.launchEPBLength = extendedBlockLen; |
launchpb.launchFileFlags = launchNoFileFlags; |
launchpb.launchControlFlags = launchContinue; |
launchpb.launchAppSpec = &spec; |
err = LaunchApplication(&launchpb); |
/* we return an error so the HTMLRenderingLib |
does not try to draw the file. */ |
return fnfErr; |
} |
/* return the FSSpec */ |
*fsspec = spec; |
return noErr; |
bail: |
/* if an error occured and we're looking for a |
HTML source file, then we re-direct the URL to the |
error file. */ |
if (urlSourceType == kHRLookingForHTMLSource) { |
Handle rootURL, errorLink; |
/* the link we have in our resources is application |
relative, so we need to get the application's URL first. */ |
if (GetApplicationFolderURL(&rootURL) == noErr) { |
/* and then we pull the application relative link |
from the resource file. */ |
errorLink = GetResource(kCStyleStringResourceType, kErrorPageURLString); |
if (errorLink != NULL) { |
HLock(errorLink); |
HLock(rootURL); |
/* after retrieving the URL and the link, we ask the |
rendering library to map them to a FSSpec. */ |
if (HRUtilGetFSSpecFromURL(*rootURL, *errorLink, &spec) == noErr) { |
/* then, if the file exists, we return a FSSpec referring |
to the error file. */ |
if (FSpGetFInfo(&spec, &fndrInfo) == noErr) { |
*fsspec = spec; |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
HUnlock(errorLink); |
} |
DisposeHandle(rootURL); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
/* RedrawWindowButtons redraws the three default buttons in the top |
of the window. the way they are drawn depends on what commands |
are available at the time when this routine is called. here we set the |
origin to 0,0, and the clip region to the window's clip region. We |
do so because when this routine is called the origin and clip region |
may have been left in an unknown state by the rendering library.*/ |
static void RedrawWindowButtons(RWindowHandle rwv) { |
RgnHandle clipsave; |
Rect r; |
/* set the current grafport to the window's */ |
SetPortWindowPort((**rwv).rwindow); |
/* set the origin before drawing. it may be incorrect when we're called. */ |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
/* save the clipping region going to links with anchors sets it incorrectly */ |
clipsave = NewRgn(); |
GetClip(clipsave); |
ClipRect(GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort((**rwv).rwindow), &r)); |
/* draw the buttons */ |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).bback, (CanGoBack((**rwv).history) ? kCBup : kCBdisabled)); |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).bhome, (CanGoHome((**rwv).history) ? kCBup : kCBdisabled)); |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).bforward, (CanGoForward((**rwv).history) ? kCBup : kCBdisabled)); |
/* restore the clipping region */ |
SetClip(clipsave); |
DisposeRgn(clipsave); |
} |
/* MyNewURLProc is called by the rendering library whenever a new HTML file |
is brought into the display. This routine will be called with the HTML file's |
URL. if addToHistory is true, then the file is added to the history of visited |
links. */ |
static pascal OSStatus MyNewURLProc(const char *url, const char *targetFrame, |
Boolean addToHistory, void *refCon) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
Str255 title; |
Point theSize; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) refCon; |
/* set up the drawing environment */ |
SetPortWindowPort((**rwv).rwindow); |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
/* set the window's title to the new file */ |
if (HRGetTitle( (**rwv).renderer, title) == noErr) |
SetWTitle((**rwv).rwindow, title); |
else title[0] = 0; |
/* set the window's standard state rectangle to |
the 'best' size for displaying this page. If the user |
zooms the window, it will go to this size. */ |
if (HRGetRenderedImageSize((**rwv).renderer, &theSize) == noErr) |
SetWindowStandardStateSize((**rwv).rwindow, theSize.h + 16, theSize.v + 32 + 16); |
/* if add to history is true, then we add the URL to both |
the window's history and to the global history. */ |
if (addToHistory) { |
/* add to the window's history */ |
AddToHistory((**rwv).history, url, title); |
/* add tot the global history. */ |
AddToHistory(gGlobalHistory, url, "\p"); |
/* redraw the window's controls. We do |
this here because their visual state depends |
on the state of the window's history. */ |
RedrawWindowButtons(rwv); |
} |
/* done */ |
return noErr; |
} |
/* MyHRWasURLVisitedProc is called by the HTML rendering library |
when it would like to determine if a link has been visited. This |
information is used when drawing links. */ |
static pascal Boolean MyHRWasURLVisitedProc(const char *url, void *refCon) { |
/* here we return true if the link can be found in the |
global history of all visited links, not just the window's history. */ |
return InHistory(gGlobalHistory, url); |
} |
/* URLContainsAnchor returns true if a URL contains |
an anchor. i.e. it contains a # character. */ |
static Boolean URLContainsAnchor(char const *url) { |
char const *cp; |
for (cp = url; *cp != '\0'; cp++) |
if (*cp == '#') |
return true; |
return false; |
} |
/* RWGotoURL displays HTML file referred to by the url in the |
rendering window. if addToHistory is true, then the window |
will be added to the window's history list. */ |
OSStatus RWGotoURL(WindowPtr rWin, char* url, Boolean addToHistory) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
OSStatus err; |
Point origin = {0, 0}; |
Rect donedrawingbox; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
/* if the URL does not contain an anchor, then scroll |
the HTML view to the origin. */ |
if ( ! URLContainsAnchor(url)) { |
err = HRScrollToLocation((**rwv).renderer, &origin); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
} |
/* ask the rendering object to display the HTML page |
referred to by the URL. note, we pass the addToHistory to |
this routine which in turn passes it to our MyNewURLProc |
routine. */ |
err = HRGoToURL((**rwv).renderer, url, addToHistory, false); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* draw the new page */ |
err = HRDraw((**rwv).renderer, NULL); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* if addToHistory is false, then we would not |
have re-drawn the buttons inside of our MyNewURLProc |
routine so we should draw them here. */ |
if ( ! addToHistory) |
RedrawWindowButtons(rwv); |
/* we validate the areas that were drawn by this |
routine. This is to avoid unnecessary redraws when |
the window is first opened. When the window is opened, |
an update event will be posted for its entire contents. |
These calls prevent the areas we have just drawn from |
being re-drawn when the update event is processed. */ |
SetRect(&donedrawingbox, 0, 0, 32*3, 32); |
ValidWindowRect(rWin, &donedrawingbox); |
GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort((**rwv).rwindow), &donedrawingbox); | += 33; |
ValidWindowRect(rWin, &donedrawingbox); |
/* done */ |
return noErr; |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
/* RWGotoAppRelLink displays HTML file referred to by the application |
relative link in the rendering window. if addToHistory is true, then |
the window will be added to the window's history list. */ |
OSStatus RWGotoAppRelLink(WindowPtr rWin, char* linkstr, Boolean addToHistory) { |
OSStatus err; |
Handle rootURL, fullURL; |
/* set up our locals */ |
rootURL = fullURL = NULL; |
/* get the URL for the application's folder */ |
err = GetApplicationFolderURL(&rootURL); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* allocate a handle for storing the full URL */ |
fullURL = NewHandle(0); |
if (fullURL == NULL) { err = memFullErr; goto bail; } |
/* ask the HTML rendering library to combine |
the url and the link to make a complete URL */ |
HLock(rootURL); |
err = HRUtilCreateFullURL(*rootURL, linkstr, fullURL); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
HUnlock(rootURL); |
/* call the RWGotoURL to bring the HTML file into view. */ |
MoveHHi(fullURL); |
HLock(fullURL); |
err = RWGotoURL(rWin, *fullURL, addToHistory); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* clean up our locals */ |
DisposeHandle(rootURL); |
DisposeHandle(fullURL); |
/* done */ |
return noErr; |
bail: |
/* on error, clean up and return the error. */ |
if (rootURL != NULL) DisposeHandle(rootURL); |
if (fullURL != NULL) DisposeHandle(fullURL); |
return err; |
} |
/* GoBackCommand is called whenever the user chooses |
'go back' by either picking the menu item, clicking on |
the button, or using the left arrow key on the keyboard. */ |
static void GoBackCommand(RWindowHandle rwv) { |
char** theURL; |
/* get previous the URL from the window's history. */ |
if (GoBack((**rwv).history, (Handle*) &theURL) == noErr) { |
MoveHHi((Handle) theURL); |
HLock((Handle) theURL); |
/* call the RWGotoURL routine to bring the |
HTML file referred to by the URL into view. */ |
RWGotoURL((**rwv).rwindow, *theURL, false); |
DisposeHandle((Handle) theURL); |
} |
} |
/* GoHomeCommand is called whenever the user chooses |
'go home' by either picking the menu item, clicking on |
the button, or using the left arrow key on the keyboard. |
The file opened by this command will be the first file |
displayed in the window when it was opened. */ |
static void GoHomeCommand(RWindowHandle rwv) { |
char** theURL; |
/* get first the URL from the window's history. */ |
if (GoHome((**rwv).history, (Handle*) &theURL) == noErr) { |
MoveHHi((Handle) theURL); |
HLock((Handle) theURL); |
/* call the RWGotoURL routine to bring the |
HTML file referred to by the URL into view. */ |
RWGotoURL((**rwv).rwindow, *theURL, false); |
DisposeHandle((Handle) theURL); |
} |
} |
/* GoForwardCommand is called whenever the user chooses |
'go forward' by either picking the menu item, clicking on |
the button, or using the left arrow key on the keyboard. */ |
static void GoForwardCommand(RWindowHandle rwv) { |
char** theURL; |
/* get next the URL from the window's history. */ |
if (GoForward((**rwv).history, (Handle*) &theURL) == noErr) { |
MoveHHi((Handle) theURL); |
HLock((Handle) theURL); |
/* call the RWGotoURL routine to bring the |
HTML file referred to by the URL into view. */ |
RWGotoURL((**rwv).rwindow, *theURL, false); |
DisposeHandle((Handle) theURL); |
} |
} |
/* RWGoToButtonPage is called whenever the user clicks on |
a custom button. This routine attempts to load the |
application relative URL stored in the button's string |
data. */ |
static OSStatus RWGoToButtonPage(WindowPtr rWin, CIconButtonHandle theButton) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
OSStatus err; |
Handle linkURL; |
/* set up locals */ |
linkURL = NULL; |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
/* get the application relative link from the button */ |
err = GetCIconButtonStringData(theButton, &linkURL); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* call RWGotoAppRelLink to bring the HTML file |
referred to by the link into the display. */ |
MoveHHi(linkURL); |
HLock(linkURL); |
err = RWGotoAppRelLink(rWin, *linkURL, true); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* clean up */ |
DisposeHandle(linkURL); |
/* done */ |
return noErr; |
bail: |
if (linkURL != NULL) DisposeHandle(linkURL); |
return err; |
} |
/* DrawFillBar draws the fill area to the right of the |
button controls in the top of the window. */ |
static OSStatus DrawFillBar(Rect *bounds) { |
Rect r; |
/* Draw the left side */ |
r = *bounds; |
r.right = r.left + 8; |
DrawPicture(gFBLeft, &r); |
/* draw the center */ |
r = *bounds; |
r.left += 8; |
r.right -= 8; |
DrawPicture(gFBCenter, &r); |
/* draw the right side */ |
r = *bounds; |
r.left = r.right - 8; |
DrawPicture(gFBRight, &r); |
/* done */ |
return noErr; |
} |
/* RWUpdate should be called in response to an update event. |
it calls BeginUpdate and EndUpdate redrawing the window's |
contents as necessary. */ |
void RWUpdate(WindowPtr rWin) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
Rect windowBounds, r; |
RgnHandle windowVisibleRgn; |
short i; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
/* set up the drawing environment */ |
SetPortWindowPort(rWin); |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
ClipRect(GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(rWin), &windowBounds)); |
GetPortVisibleRegion(GetWindowPort(rWin), (windowVisibleRgn = NewRgn())); |
BeginUpdate(rWin); |
/* draw the button controls and the fill area at the top of the window. */ |
SetRect(&r, 32*(3+(**rwv).nExtraButtons), 0, windowBounds.right, 32); |
DrawFillBar(&r); |
RedrawWindowButtons(rwv); |
for (i=0; i<(**rwv).nExtraButtons; i++) |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).extraButtons[i], kCBup); |
/* draw a one pixel border at the bottom of that area */ |
MoveTo(0, 32); |
LineTo(windowBounds.right-1, 32); |
/* if the window is not active, then gray out everything we |
just drew. */ |
if ( ! (**rwv).isActive) { |
SetRect(&r, 0, 0, windowBounds.right, 33); |
GrayOutBox(&r); |
} |
/* draw the grow icon */ |
DrawGrowIconWithoutScrollLines(rWin); |
/* draw the HTML image. we do this last as the time it takes |
to complete may vary depending on the HTML content in the window. |
This way, the window's structure and controls look solid and they |
redraw in a consistent way. */ |
HRDraw((**rwv).renderer, windowVisibleRgn); |
/* reset the drawing enviroment */ |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
EndUpdate(rWin); |
DisposeRgn(windowVisibleRgn); |
} |
/* RWActivate should be called in response to activate events.*/ |
void RWActivate(WindowPtr rWin, Boolean activate) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
Rect r, windowBounds; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
/* set the active flag in the window's variables */ |
(**rwv).isActive = activate; |
/* call the rendering library to activate or |
deactivate the HTML object */ |
if (activate) |
HRActivate((**rwv).renderer); |
else HRDeactivate((**rwv).renderer); |
/* post an update event so the grow icon |
and the controls are re-drawn to reflect |
the new active/inactive state. */ |
SetPortWindowPort(rWin); |
GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(rWin), &windowBounds); |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
SetRect(&r, 0, 0, windowBounds.right, 33); |
InvalWindowRect(rWin, &r); |
/* ...and the grow box */ |
SetRect(&r, 0, 0, 16, 16); |
OffsetRect(&r, windowBounds.right-16, windowBounds.bottom-16); |
InvalWindowRect(rWin, &r); |
} |
/* RWRecalculateSize should be called whenever the size of a rendering |
window changes. This routine resizes and redraws the windows |
contents appropriately. */ |
void RWRecalculateSize(WindowPtr rWin) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
Rect r; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
/* set up the drawing environment */ |
SetPortWindowPort(rWin); |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
/* reset the html object's rendering area */ |
GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(rWin), &r); |
SetRect(&r, r.left,, r.right+1, r.bottom+1); |
HRSetRenderingRect((**rwv).renderer, &r); |
} |
/* RWResetGotoMenu should be called before calling MenuKey or MenuSelect. It |
enables the back, forward, and home menu commands depending on what |
commands are available and it rebuilds the history list at the bottom |
of the go to menu. */ |
void RWResetGotoMenu(WindowPtr rWin) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
MenuHandle goMenu; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
goMenu = GetMenuHandle(mGo); |
/* enable the back command */ |
if (CanGoBack((**rwv).history)) |
EnableMenuItem(goMenu, iBack); |
else DisableMenuItem(goMenu, iBack); |
/* enable the forward command */ |
if (CanGoForward((**rwv).history)) |
EnableMenuItem(goMenu, iForward); |
else DisableMenuItem(goMenu, iForward); |
/* enable the home command */ |
if (CanGoHome((**rwv).history)) |
EnableMenuItem(goMenu, iHome); |
else DisableMenuItem(goMenu, iHome); |
/* remove any items at the bottom of the menu */ |
while (CountMenuItems(goMenu) >= iGoSep) |
DeleteMenuItem(goMenu, iGoSep); |
/* append this window's history to the menu */ |
AppendHistoryToMenu((**rwv).history, goMenu); |
} |
/* RWHandleGotoMenu should be called when an item is chosen from the |
go to menu. item is the number of the item that was chosen. */ |
void RWHandleGotoMenu(WindowPtr rWin, short item) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
/* err, this first part is pretty obvious...*/ |
if (item == iBack) { |
GoBackCommand(rwv); |
} else if (item == iForward) { |
GoForwardCommand(rwv); |
} else if (item == iHome) { |
GoHomeCommand(rwv); |
} else if (item > iGoSep) { |
char** theURL; |
/* if one of the history items is chosen from the bottom of |
the menu, then we retrieve that item from the window's |
history and call HRGoToURL to display it. */ |
if (GoToMenuItem((**rwv).history, (Handle*) &theURL, item - iGoSep) == noErr) { |
MoveHHi((Handle) theURL); |
HLock((Handle) theURL); |
HRGoToURL((**rwv).renderer, *theURL, false, true); |
SetPortWindowPort(rWin); |
RedrawWindowButtons(rwv); |
DisposeHandle((Handle) theURL); |
} |
} |
} |
/* RWHandleMouseDown should be called in response to mouse down |
events occuring inside of a rendering window. This routine responds |
to mouse clicks in the controls at the top of the window. */ |
void RWHandleMouseDown(WindowPtr rWin, Point where) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
Rect r; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
SetPortWindowPort(rWin); |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
ClipRect(GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(rWin), &r)); |
/* handle clicks in the standard buttons */ |
if (TrackCIconButton((**rwv).bback, where)) { |
GoBackCommand(rwv); |
} else if (TrackCIconButton((**rwv).bhome, where)) { |
GoHomeCommand(rwv); |
} else if (TrackCIconButton((**rwv).bforward, where)) { |
GoForwardCommand(rwv); |
} else { |
/* if a user clicks in a custom button, then we |
go to the link specified in it's data */ |
short i; |
for (i=0; i<(**rwv).nExtraButtons; i++) { |
if (TrackCIconButton((**rwv).extraButtons[i], where)) { |
OSStatus err; |
err = RWGoToButtonPage(rWin, (**rwv).extraButtons[i]); |
/* report errors here */ |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).extraButtons[i], kCBup); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* RWKeyDown should be called for keydown events when a rendering |
window is the frontmost window. This routine maps the left, up, |
and right arrow keys to the back, home, and forward commands. */ |
void RWKeyDown(WindowPtr rWin, char theKey) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
Rect r; |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
SetPortWindowPort(rWin); |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
ClipRect(GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(rWin), &r)); |
switch (theKey) { |
case kLeftArrowKey: /* left arrow key */ |
if (CanGoBack((**rwv).history)) { |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).bback, kCBdown); |
GoBackCommand(rwv); |
} |
break; |
case kUpArrowKey: /* up arrow key */ |
if (CanGoHome((**rwv).history)) { |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).bhome, kCBdown); |
GoHomeCommand(rwv); |
} |
break; |
case kDownArrowKey: /* right arrow key */ |
if (CanGoForward((**rwv).history)) { |
DrawCIconButton((**rwv).bforward, kCBdown); |
GoForwardCommand(rwv); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
/* RWOpen opens a new, empty rendering window. If successful, |
then *rWindow will contain a pointer to a newly created window. */ |
OSStatus RWOpen(WindowPtr *rWindow) { |
OSStatus err; |
WindowPtr rwin; |
short i, nExtraButtons; |
HRReference rend; /* the window's rendering object */ |
HistoryDataHandle hist; /* the window's history */ |
RWindowHandle rwv; /* storage for the window's state variables */ |
RBCLRsrcHandle extraButtonIDs; /* extra button id list */ |
CIconButtonHandle backButton, homeButton, forwardButton; |
CIconButtonHandle extraButtons[kExtraButtonsMax]; |
/* static globals */ |
static HRWasURLVisitedUPP gVisitedURLUPP = NULL; |
static HRURLToFSSpecUPP gTranslateURLUPP = NULL; |
static Point gPosition = { 0, 0}; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwin = NULL; |
rend = NULL; |
hist = NULL; |
rwv = NULL; |
backButton = homeButton = forwardButton = NULL; |
for (i=0; i<kExtraButtonsMax; i++) extraButtons[i] = NULL; |
nExtraButtons = 0; |
/* get the buttons */ |
backButton = NewCIconButton(kBackDefaultButton); |
if (backButton == NULL) { err = resNotFound; goto bail; } |
homeButton = NewCIconButton(kHomeDefaultButton); |
if (homeButton == NULL) { err = resNotFound; goto bail; } |
forwardButton = NewCIconButton(kForwardDefaultButton); |
if (forwardButton == NULL) { err = resNotFound; goto bail; } |
/* get the extra buttons */ |
extraButtonIDs = (RBCLRsrcHandle) GetResource(kIconButtonIDListType, kExtraButtonsListID); |
if (extraButtonIDs != NULL) { |
nExtraButtons = (**extraButtonIDs).n; |
if (nExtraButtons > kExtraButtonsMax) nExtraButtons = kExtraButtonsMax; |
for (i=0; i < nExtraButtons; i++) { |
extraButtons[i] = NewCIconButton((**extraButtonIDs).ids[i]); |
if (extraButtons[i] == NULL) { err = resNotFound; goto bail; } |
SetCIconButtonPosition(extraButtons[i], 32 * (3 + i), 0); |
} |
} |
/* allocate the window */ |
rwin = GetNewCWindow(kRenderingWindowID, NULL, (WindowPtr)(-1)); |
if (rwin == NULL) { err = resNotFound; goto bail; } |
SetPortWindowPort(rwin); |
/* position it on the screen */ |
MoveWindow(rwin, gPosition.h + 20, gPosition.v + 50, true); |
gPosition.h = (gPosition.h + 10) % 300; |
gPosition.v = (gPosition.v + 32) % 200; |
/* set up the renderer */ |
err = HRNewReference(&rend, kHRRendererHTML32Type, GetWindowPort(rwin)); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
err = HRSetGrowboxCutout(rend, true); |
if (err != noErr) goto bail; |
/* create the history */ |
hist = NewHistory(); |
if (hist == NULL) { err = memFullErr; goto bail; } |
/* allocate the storage and store a handle to it in the refcon */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) NewHandleClear(offsetof(RWindowVars, extraButtons) + sizeof(CIconButtonHandle)*nExtraButtons); |
if (rwv == NULL) { err = memFullErr; goto bail; } |
(**rwv).rwindow = rwin; |
(**rwv).renderer = rend; |
(**rwv).history = hist; |
(**rwv).isActive = false; |
(**rwv).bback = backButton; |
(**rwv).bhome = homeButton; |
(**rwv).bforward = forwardButton; |
(**rwv).nExtraButtons = nExtraButtons; |
for (i=0; i<nExtraButtons; i++) |
(**rwv).extraButtons[i] = extraButtons[i]; |
SetWRefCon(rwin, (long) rwv); |
/* set up the new links call back */ |
if (gNewURLUPP == NULL) { |
if (gNewURLUPP == NULL) { err = memFullErr; goto bail; } |
} |
HRRegisterNewURLUPP( gNewURLUPP, rend, rwv); |
/* set up the visited links call back */ |
if (gVisitedURLUPP == NULL) { |
gVisitedURLUPP = NewHRWasURLVisitedUPP(MyHRWasURLVisitedProc); |
if (gVisitedURLUPP == NULL) { err = memFullErr; goto bail; } |
} |
HRRegisterWasURLVisitedUPP( gVisitedURLUPP, rend, rwv); |
/* set up the link translation call back */ |
if (gTranslateURLUPP == NULL) { |
gTranslateURLUPP = NewHRURLToFSSpecUPP(MyHRURLToFSSpecProc); |
if (gTranslateURLUPP == NULL) { err = memFullErr; goto bail; } |
} |
HRRegisterURLToFSSpecUPP( gTranslateURLUPP, rend, rwv); |
/* add the window to the list of open windows */ |
if (gRWFirst == NULL) { |
gRWFirst = gRWLast = rwv; |
} else { |
(**rwv).next = gRWFirst; |
(**gRWFirst).prev = rwv; |
gRWFirst = rwv; |
} |
/* recalculate the window's coordinates and show it */ |
RWRecalculateSize(rwin); |
ShowWindow(rwin); |
*rWindow = rwin; |
return noErr; |
bail: |
/* if an error occurs, we recover and return the error code */ |
if (hist != NULL) DisposeHistory(hist); |
if (rend != NULL) HRDisposeReference(rend); |
if (rwin != NULL) DisposeWindow(rwin); |
if (rwv != NULL) DisposeHandle((Handle) rwv); |
if (backButton != NULL) DisposeCIconButton(backButton); |
if (homeButton != NULL) DisposeCIconButton(homeButton); |
if (forwardButton != NULL) DisposeCIconButton(forwardButton); |
for (i=0; i < nExtraButtons; i++) { |
if (extraButtons[i] != NULL) DisposeCIconButton(extraButtons[i]); |
} |
return err; |
} |
/* RWCloseWindow closes the rendering window pointed to by |
rWin. */ |
void RWCloseWindow(WindowPtr rWin) { |
RWindowHandle rwv; |
short i; |
/* set up locals */ |
rwv = (RWindowHandle) GetWRefCon(rWin); |
/* delete the rendering object */ |
HRDisposeReference((**rwv).renderer); |
/* delete the history */ |
DisposeHistory((**rwv).history); |
/* deallocate the window */ |
DisposeWindow((**rwv).rwindow); |
/* delete the icons */ |
DisposeCIconButton((**rwv).bback); |
DisposeCIconButton((**rwv).bhome); |
DisposeCIconButton((**rwv).bforward); |
for (i=0; i < (**rwv).nExtraButtons; i++) |
DisposeCIconButton((**rwv).extraButtons[i]); |
/* remove from the rendering window list */ |
if ((**rwv).next != NULL) |
(**(**rwv).next).prev = (**rwv).prev; |
else gRWLast = (*rwv)->prev; |
if ((**rwv).prev != NULL) |
(**(**rwv).prev).next = (**rwv).next; |
else gRWFirst = (**rwv).next; |
/* delete storage */ |
DisposeHandle((Handle) rwv); |
} |
/* IsARenderingWindow returns true if rWin points to a rendering |
window created by RWOpen. You should not call any of the routines |
below for windows that are not rendering windows. This routine |
provides a convenient way to tell if a windowptr returned by one |
of the toolbox routines is a rendering window. */ |
Boolean IsARenderingWindow(WindowPtr rWin) { |
RWindowHandle rover; |
/* a null pointer cannot refer to a rendering window */ |
if (rWin == NULL) return false; |
/* search the list of windows and see if it's there */ |
for (rover = gRWFirst; rover != NULL; rover = (**rover).next) |
if (rWin == (**rover).rwindow) |
return true; |
/* if it's not there, return false. */ |
return false; |
} |
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