# Pathfinder: Pathfinding Basics
This sample demonstrates how to use GameplayKit’s pathfinding features to map out a game world and find paths through it. 
## Playing the game
Tap anywhere (iOS), press any key (OS X), or click the Siri Remote touch surface (tvOS) to show the solution for the displayed maze. Tap/click again to generate a new maze.
## Structure
The `MazeBuilder` class implements a general algorithm for random maze generation, creating 2D mazes expressed through `GKGridGraph` objects. 
The `Maze` class represents a generated maze, and its `solution` property getter uses `GKGraph.findPathFromNode(_:toNode:)` to obtain a path through the maze.
The `GameScene` class generates a visual representation of each `Maze` object, animates the display of maze solutions, and handles events to display/solve new mazes.
## Requirements
### Build
Xcode 7 with OS X 10.11, iOS 9.0, or tvOS 9.0 SDK
### Runtime
OS X 10.11, iOS 9.0, or tvOS 9.0
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