Photo Editor/PhotoController.swift

 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 The PhotoController manages the Photo object. All changes are pushed through the controller, allowing one or more subscribers to be alerted to changes.
import Cocoa
class PhotoController: NSObject {
    private let subscribers = NSHashTable<AnyObject>.weakObjects()
    private(set) var photo: Photo
    init(photo: Photo) { = photo
    // MARK: - Subscription
    func addSubscriber(_ subscriber: PhotoSubscriber) {
    func removeSubscriber(_ subscriber: PhotoSubscriber) {
    private func forEachSubscriber(_ work: @noescape (PhotoSubscriber) -> Void) {
        for object in subscribers.objectEnumerator() {
            guard let subscriber = object as? PhotoSubscriber else { continue }
    // MARK: - Actions
    func setPhotoImage(_ photoImage: NSImage?) {
        let oldImage = photo.image
        photo.image = photoImage
        forEachSubscriber { $, didChangeImage: photo.image, from: oldImage) }
    func setPhotoTitle(_ title: String) {
        photo.title = title
        forEachSubscriber { $, didChangeTitle: title) }
protocol PhotoSubscriber: class {
    func photo(_ photo: Photo, didChangeImage image: NSImage?, from oldImage: NSImage?)
    func photo(_ photo: Photo, didChangeTitle title: String)
// Optionally provide a default empty implementation to make it "optional". Having it not be optional enforces you to implement the protocol, which can be desired in some cases.
 extension PhotoSubscriber {
 func photo(_ photo: Photo, didChangeImage image: NSImage?, from oldImage: NSImage?) {
 func photo(_ photo: Photo, didChangeTitle title: String) {
// Any given view controller can implement the PhotoControllerConsumer to get assigned the current PhotoController
protocol PhotoControllerConsumer {
    var photoController: PhotoController? { get set }