Photo Editor/PhotoDocumentWindowController.swift

 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 The PhotoDocumentWindowController controls the main window and references the NSDocument. It stores the current top level edit mode.
import Cocoa
class PhotoDocumentWindowController: NSWindowController, NSWindowDelegate {
    enum EditMode: Int {
        case move
        case draw
        case effects
    enum ZoomSegment: Int {
        case zoomOut
        case actualSize
        case zoomIn
    @IBOutlet weak var modeSelectionControl: NSSegmentedControl!
    private var splitViewController: PhotoSplitViewController! { return contentViewController as? PhotoSplitViewController }
    private var drawAccessoryViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController!
    private var effectsAccessoryViewController: EffectsAccessoryViewController!
    var photoController: PhotoController? {
        willSet {
        didSet {
            // We want to abstractly push state down the view controller hierarchy; we walk down the chain and assign the controller to the children that need it
            func propagateToChildren(of parent: NSViewController) {
                if var photoControllerConsumer: PhotoControllerConsumer = parent as? PhotoControllerConsumer {
                    photoControllerConsumer.photoController = photoController
                for childVC in parent.childViewControllers {
                    propagateToChildren(of: childVC)
            // Push down from our contentViewController to all children
            propagateToChildren(of: contentViewController!)
            // Push to our titlebar accessory view controllers
            effectsAccessoryViewController.photoController = photoController
            // Subscribe to photo changes
    override var document: AnyObject? {
        didSet {
            guard let photoDocument = document as? PhotoDocument else { return }
            if == nil {
       = Photo()
            photoController = PhotoController(photo:!)
    var editMode: EditMode = .move {
        didSet {
            drawAccessoryViewController.animator().isHidden = editMode != .draw
            effectsAccessoryViewController.animator().isHidden = editMode != .effects
            // Mark that state restoration needs to update
            // Update UI
            modeSelectionControl.selectedSegment = editMode.rawValue
    var appearanceObservationToken: NSObjectProtocol?
    //MARK: Window Lifecycle
    deinit {
        if let token = appearanceObservationToken {
    override func windowDidLoad() {
        let window = self.window!
        let storyboard = self.storyboard!
        // Set up the draw titlebar accessory
        let drawAccessory = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "DrawConfigurationAccessory") as! NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController
        drawAccessory.isHidden = editMode != .draw
        drawAccessoryViewController = drawAccessory
        // Similarly, set up the effects titlebar accessory
        let effectsAccessory = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "EffectsConfigurationAccessory") as! EffectsAccessoryViewController
        effectsAccessory.isHidden = editMode != .effects
        effectsAccessoryViewController = effectsAccessory
        // Hide the titlebar for the streamlined toolbar look
        // Comment this out to show the title (file name) of the window
        window.titleVisibility = .hidden
        // If the title isn't hidden, add an accessory view controller; otherwise we would probably add it to the toolbar directly when using the "streamlined toolbar" (aka: hidden title)
        if window.titleVisibility == .visible {
            let rightSideAccesoryViewController = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "RightSideAccesoryViewController") as! NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController
            rightSideAccesoryViewController.layoutAttribute = .trailing
        // Configure the initial appearance
        // Watch for changes in the appearance
        appearanceObservationToken = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .appearanceChanged, object: nil, queue: nil) { [weak self] _ in
        modeSelectionControl.image(forSegment: 0)?.accessibilityDescription = NSLocalizedString("Move", comment: "Label for the 'move' mode")
        modeSelectionControl.image(forSegment: 1)?.accessibilityDescription = NSLocalizedString("Draw", comment: "Label for the 'draw' mode")
        modeSelectionControl.image(forSegment: 2)?.accessibilityDescription = NSLocalizedString("Effects", comment: "Label for the 'effects' mode")
    // State restoration example: Save and restore the edit mode property
    override func encodeRestorableState(with coder: NSCoder) {
        super.encodeRestorableState(with: coder)
        coder.encode(editMode.rawValue, forKey: "EditMode")
    override func restoreState(with coder: NSCoder) {
        super.restoreState(with: coder)
        if let editMode = EditMode(rawValue: coder.decodeInteger(forKey: "EditMode")) {
            self.editMode = editMode
    private func updateWindowAppearance() {
        // See Defaults.swift for a definition of useDarkMode
        if (UserDefaults.useDarkMode) {
            window?.appearance = NSAppearance(named: NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark)
        } else {
            window?.appearance = nil // Goes back to the default Aqua appearance
//MARK: UI Actions
extension PhotoDocumentWindowController : NSUserInterfaceValidations {
    // Validate the user interface items that we implement
    func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool {
        if let action = item.action {
            if action == #selector(PhotoDocumentWindowController.setImageSize(_:)) {
                // Only validate the item if we have a photo
                return photoController?.photo.image != nil
        return true // default to things being enabled
    // The menu item for the image size is hooked up to the firstResponder with an action of "setImageSize:"
    @IBAction func setImageSize(_ sender: AnyObject!) {
        // We want to assert if this can't be loaded
        let sizeViewController = storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "ImageSizeController") as! ImageSizeViewController
        // The validation method above should ensure we have an image
        let photoController = self.photoController!
        let image: NSImage = as NSImage!
        sizeViewController.imageSize = image.size
        sizeViewController.completionHandler = { size, response in
            if response == NSModalResponseOK {
                // We resize the image by redrawing it into a new image and assigning it to the photo controller
                let newImage = NSImage(size: size)
                image.draw(in: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height))
        // Show it as a sheet
    @IBAction func didChangeEditingMode(_ sender: AnyObject!) {
        let rawValue: Int
        if sender.isEqual(modeSelectionControl) {
            rawValue = modeSelectionControl.selectedSegment
        } else {
            rawValue = sender.tag
            modeSelectionControl.selectedSegment = rawValue
        if let mode = EditMode(rawValue: rawValue) {
            editMode = mode
            // Go through all our windows in the same tab and sync the value; this is just an example of how to do something like this
            if let tabbedWindows = window?.tabbedWindows {
                for otherWindow in tabbedWindows {
                    if let otherWindowController = otherWindow.windowController as? PhotoDocumentWindowController {
                        if (otherWindowController != self) {
                            otherWindowController.editMode = mode
                            otherWindowController.modeSelectionControl.selectedSegment = rawValue
    @IBAction func didPressZoomSegment(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl!) {
        guard let segment = ZoomSegment(rawValue: sender.selectedSegment) else { return }
        switch segment {
            case .zoomOut:
            case .actualSize:
            case .zoomIn:
    @IBAction func zoomIn(_ sender: AnyObject!) {
    @IBAction func zoomOut(_ sender: AnyObject!) {
    @IBAction func zoomImageToActualSize(_ sender: AnyObject!) {
//MARK: Photo Subscriber Protocol
extension PhotoDocumentWindowController: PhotoSubscriber {
    func photo(_ photo: Photo, didChangeImage image: NSImage?, from oldImage: NSImage?) {
        if let document = self.document {
            if let undoManager = document.undoManager {
                undoManager?.registerUndoWithTarget(self) { targetType in
    func photo(_ photo: Photo, didChangeTitle title: String) {