
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
                Album has an array of Photos loaded from the application bundle
import UIKit
class Album: NSObject {
    // MARK: Properties
    let photos: [Photo]
    // MARK: Initializers
    override init () {
        guard let imageURLs = Bundle.main.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: "jpg", subdirectory: "Photos") else {
            fatalError("Unable to load photos")
        photos = { Photo(URL: $0) }
    func importPhotos() -> Progress {
        let progress = Progress()
        progress.totalUnitCount = Int64(photos.count)
        for photo in photos {
            let importProgress = photo.startImport()
            progress.addChild(importProgress, withPendingUnitCount: 1)
        return progress
    func resetPhotos() {
        for photo in photos {