
/*  event.c                                                                         
    This contains all the code for routing and handling events.
    Michael Bishop - August 21 1996                                                 
    Nick Thompson
    (c)1994-96 Apple computer Inc., All Rights Reserved                             
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
** Includes
#include    <Devices.h>
#include    <QuickDraw.h>
/*  for QuickDraw 3D */
#include    "QD3D.h"
#include    "QD3DMath.h"
#include    "QD3DDrawContext.h"
#include    "QD3DShader.h"
#include    "QD3DTransform.h"
#include    "QD3DGroup.h"
#include    "PickOne_event.h"
#include    "PickOne_document.h"
#include    "PickOne_menu.h"
#include    "PickOne_window.h"
#include    "PickOne_main.h"
/*  --------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Event_HandleKeyPress
**  Handles a Key pressed
void Event_HandleKeyPress(EventRecord *theEvent)
    char    key;
    key = theEvent->message & charCodeMask;
    /*  just check to see if we want to quit... */
    if ( theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey ) {       /* Command key down? */
/*  --------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Event_DoOSEvent
**  Handles an OSEvent
void    Event_DoOSEvent(EventRecord theEvent)
{   char    mask;
    mask = (theEvent.message >> 24) && 0xFF;
    switch(mask) {
        case mouseMovedMessage:
        case suspendResumeMessage:
/*  --------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Event_DoSuspendResume
**  Does nothing at the moment
void    Event_DoSuspendResume(EventRecord theEvent)
    if((theEvent.message & resumeFlag) != 0)
        gForeground = true;
        gTicks = 5;
        gForeground = false;
        gTicks = 50;
/*  --------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Event_DoNull
**  Do this when your app is idle
void Event_DoNull(void)
    /*  we received a null event, rotate the cube */
    WindowPtr       theWindow;
    theWindow = FrontWindow() ;
    while( theWindow != NULL)
        Document_Idle(Window_GetDocument( theWindow )) ;
        theWindow = Window_GetNextWindow(theWindow);