
// PickMeshShapePartShell.h
// Modification History:
//  01/01/95    nick    created this file from other stuff
//  11/09/95    robert  removed unused things and added _documentRecord from
//                      MeshShapePartPickShell.c. Added fPickPartStyle, fPickParts,
//                      and support for shape part menu.
// for QuickDraw 3D
#include "QD3D.h"
#include "QD3DGroup.h"
#include "QD3DStyle.h"
#include "QD3DView.h"
extern WindowPtr    gMainWindow;
struct _documentRecord {
    TQ3ViewObject   fView;              // the view for the scene
    TQ3GroupObject  fModel;             // object in the scene being modelled
    TQ3StyleObject  fInterpolation;     // interpolation style used when rendering
    TQ3StyleObject  fBackFacing;        // whether to draw shapes that face away from the camera
    TQ3StyleObject  fFillStyle;         // whether drawn as solid filled object or decomposed to components
    TQ3StyleObject  fPickPartStyle;     // indicates which shape parts can be picked
    TQ3PickParts    fPickParts;         // pick parts selected in shape part menu
typedef struct _documentRecord DocumentRec, *DocumentPtr, **DocumentHdl;
enum {
    mApple = 128,
enum {
    iAbout = 1
enum {
    iQuit = 1
enum {
    iObject = 1,
TQ3Status DrawDocumentData(
    DocumentPtr theDocument);