
// PickMeshShapePart.c
// This demonstrates how to use picks  to test which parts of a mesh geometry have
// been hit.  When the mesh is picked the fPickParts value set from the ShapeParts
// menu controls the parts tested: object, face, edge, or vertex.  As the returned
// hits  in the pick are processed the corresponding part of the mesh is draw in a
// different color  and the name  of that part is displayed in the window's  upper
// left corner.
// The vertex and edge tolerance levels  set in CreatePick() control how close the
// window point pick must be to the given part.
// Robert Dierkes - November 11, 1995
// ©1994-95 Apple computer Inc., All Rights Reserved
// system headers
#include <Windows.h>
// for QuickDraw 3D
#include "QD3D.h"
#include "QD3DMath.h"
#include "QD3DDrawContext.h"
#include "QD3DShader.h"
#include "QD3DGroup.h"
#include "QD3DPick.h"
#include "PickMeshShapePart.h"
// function prototypes
void TickDelay(
    long    time);
TQ3Status DoGroupPicking(
    TQ3ViewObject       view,
    TQ3GroupObject      group,
    TQ3PickObject       pick);
void GetRandomRGBColor(
    TQ3ColorRGB     *pColorRGB);
TQ3Status ChangeMeshFaceColor(
    TQ3GeometryObject   meshGeo,
    TQ3MeshFace         meshFace,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument);
TQ3Status ChangeMeshEdgeColor(
    TQ3GeometryObject   meshGeo,
    TQ3MeshEdge         meshEdge,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument);
TQ3Status ChangeMeshVertexColor(
    TQ3GeometryObject   meshGeo,
    TQ3MeshVertex       meshVertex,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument);
TQ3Status HandleMeshShapePart(
    TQ3GeometryObject   geometry,
    TQ3ShapePartObject  shapePart,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument);
TQ3Status HandleMeshPickHits(
    TQ3PickObject       pick,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument);
TQ3Status CreatePick(
    TQ3PickObject       *pPick);
#define kDelay          30
#define kTextLocationX  30
#define kTextLocationY  30
static TQ3PickObject    gPick = NULL;
//  InitPicking
TQ3Status InitPicking(
    return CreatePick(&gPick);
//  ExitPicking
TQ3Status ExitPicking(
    if (gPick != NULL) {
        gPick = NULL;
    return kQ3Success;
//  TickDelay
void TickDelay(
    long    time)
    long    ticks,
    startTicks = ticks = TickCount();
    while (ticks - startTicks != time ) {
        ticks = TickCount();
//  DoGroupPicking
TQ3Status DoGroupPicking(
    TQ3ViewObject       view,
    TQ3GroupObject      group,
    TQ3PickObject       pick)
    TQ3Status           status;
    TQ3ViewStatus       viewStatus;
    if ((status = Q3View_StartPicking(view, pick)) == kQ3Failure)
        return status;
    do {
        status = Q3DisplayGroup_Submit(group, view);
        viewStatus = Q3View_EndPicking(view);
    } while (viewStatus == kQ3ViewStatusRetraverse);
    if (viewStatus != kQ3ViewStatusDone) {
        status = kQ3Failure;
    return status;
//  GetRandomRGBColor
void GetRandomRGBColor(
    TQ3ColorRGB     *pColorRGB)
    unsigned long   ticks;
    ticks = TickCount();
        (ticks % 10)   / 10.0,
        (ticks % 100)  / 100.0,
        (ticks % 1000) / 1000.0);
//  ChangeMeshFaceColor
TQ3Status ChangeMeshFaceColor(
    TQ3GeometryObject   meshGeo,
    TQ3MeshFace         meshFace,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument)
    TQ3Status       status;
    TQ3AttributeSet attributeSet;
    TQ3ColorRGB     colorRGB;
    status = kQ3Failure;
    if (meshGeo  == NULL  ||
        meshFace == NULL) {
        return status;
    /* Get the face attributes */
    if ((status = Q3Mesh_GetFaceAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshFace, &attributeSet)) == kQ3Failure) {
        return status;
    /* Create an attributes if none */
    if (attributeSet == NULL) {
        if ((attributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New()) == NULL) {
            return kQ3Failure;
    if ((status = Q3AttributeSet_Add(attributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &colorRGB)) == kQ3Success) {
        char    partTypeString[] = {"\pFace"};
        /* Set new face color */
        status = Q3Mesh_SetFaceAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshFace, attributeSet);
        /* Redraw the mesh */
        MoveTo(kTextLocationX, kTextLocationY);
        DrawText((void *) partTypeString, 1, (short) partTypeString[0]);
        /* Remove new face color */
        status = Q3Mesh_SetFaceAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshFace, NULL);
    return status;
//  ChangeMeshEdgeColor
TQ3Status ChangeMeshEdgeColor(
    TQ3GeometryObject   meshGeo,
    TQ3MeshEdge         meshEdge,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument)
    TQ3Status       status;
    TQ3AttributeSet attributeSet1,
    TQ3MeshVertex   meshVertex1,
    TQ3ColorRGB     colorRGB;
    status = kQ3Failure;
    if ((meshGeo  == NULL)  ||
        (meshEdge == NULL)  ||
        (theDocument == NULL)) {
        debugstr("ChangeMeshEdgeColor: NULL parameter passed");
        return status;
    attributeSet1 = NULL;
    attributeSet2 = NULL;
     * Set color on both vertices of this edge
     * We change the vertex attributes instead of the edge attributes because we can only
     * see the effects of an edge attribute when the fill style is kQ3FillStyleEdges.  We
     * could use kQ3FillStyleEdges rather than the current fill of kQ3FillStyleFilled but
     * then we couldn't see the attributes on the vertex and face. 
    if ((status = Q3Mesh_GetEdgeVertices(meshGeo, meshEdge, &meshVertex1, &meshVertex2)) == kQ3Failure) {
        return status;
    /* Get the vertex attributes */
    if (((status = Q3Mesh_GetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex1, &attributeSet1)) == kQ3Failure)  ||
        ((status = Q3Mesh_GetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex2, &attributeSet2)) == kQ3Failure)) {
        goto ChangeMeshEdgeColor_Exit;
    /* Create an attributes if none */
    if (attributeSet1 == NULL) {
        if ((attributeSet1 = Q3AttributeSet_New()) == NULL) {
            goto ChangeMeshEdgeColor_Exit;
    if (attributeSet2 == NULL) {
        if ((attributeSet2 = Q3AttributeSet_New()) == NULL) {
            goto ChangeMeshEdgeColor_Exit;
    if (((status = Q3AttributeSet_Add(attributeSet1, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &colorRGB)) == kQ3Success)  &&
        ((status = Q3AttributeSet_Add(attributeSet2, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &colorRGB)) == kQ3Success)) {
        char    partTypeString[] = {"\pEdge"};
        /* Set new vertex color */
        if (((status = Q3Mesh_SetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex1, attributeSet1)) == kQ3Success)  &&
            ((status = Q3Mesh_SetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex2, attributeSet2)) == kQ3Success)) {
            /* Redraw the mesh */
            MoveTo(kTextLocationX, kTextLocationY);
            DrawText((void *) partTypeString, 1, (short) partTypeString[0]);
        /* Remove new vertex color */
        status = Q3Mesh_SetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex1, NULL);
        status = Q3Mesh_SetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex2, NULL);
    if (attributeSet1 != NULL)
    if (attributeSet2 != NULL)
    return status;
//  ChangeMeshVertexColor
TQ3Status ChangeMeshVertexColor(
    TQ3GeometryObject   meshGeo,
    TQ3MeshVertex       meshVertex,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument)
    TQ3Status       status;
    TQ3AttributeSet attributeSet;
    TQ3ColorRGB     colorRGB;
    status = kQ3Failure;
    if ((meshGeo  == NULL)  ||
        (meshVertex == NULL)  ||
        (theDocument == NULL)) {
        debugstr("ChangeMeshVertexColor: NULL parameter passed");
        return status;
    /* Get the vertex attributes */
    if ((status = Q3Mesh_GetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex, &attributeSet)) == kQ3Failure) {
        return status;
    /* Create an attributes if none */
    if (attributeSet == NULL) {
        if ((attributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New()) == NULL) {
            return kQ3Failure;
    if ((status = Q3AttributeSet_Add(attributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &colorRGB)) == kQ3Success) {
        char    partTypeString[] = {"\pVertex"};
        /* Set new vertex color */
        status = Q3Mesh_SetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex, attributeSet);
        /* Redraw the mesh */
        MoveTo(kTextLocationX, kTextLocationY);
        DrawText((void *) partTypeString, 1, (short) partTypeString[0]);
        /* Remove new vertex color */
        status = Q3Mesh_SetVertexAttributeSet(meshGeo, meshVertex, NULL);
    return status;
//  HandleMeshShapePart
TQ3Status HandleMeshShapePart(
    TQ3GeometryObject   geometry,
    TQ3ShapePartObject  shapePart,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument)
    TQ3Status           status;
    TQ3ObjectType       objectType;
    if ((geometry == NULL)  || (shapePart == NULL)  ||  (theDocument == NULL)) {
        debugstr("HandleMeshShapePart: NULL parameter passed");
        return kQ3Failure;
    /* Is object a mesh geometry? */
    if (Q3Object_IsType (geometry, kQ3GeometryTypeMesh) == kQ3False) {
        debugstr("HandleMeshShapePart: geometry isn't a mesh");
        return kQ3Failure;
    /* Is the shapePart a mesh part? */
    if (Q3ShapePart_GetType (shapePart) != kQ3ShapePartTypeMeshPart) {
        debugstr("HandleMeshShapePart: shape part isn't for a mesh");
        return kQ3Failure;
    status = kQ3Failure;
    /* Or use this to get the shape part hit: objectType = Q3Object_GetLeafType(shapePart); */
    objectType = Q3MeshPart_GetType(shapePart);
    switch (objectType) {
        case kQ3MeshPartTypeMeshFacePart:
                TQ3MeshFace     meshFace;
                if (Q3MeshFacePart_GetFace(shapePart, &meshFace) == kQ3Success) {
                    status = ChangeMeshFaceColor(geometry, meshFace, theDocument);
        case kQ3MeshPartTypeMeshEdgePart:
                TQ3MeshEdge     meshEdge;
                if (Q3MeshEdgePart_GetEdge(shapePart, &meshEdge) == kQ3Success) {
                    status = ChangeMeshEdgeColor(geometry, meshEdge, theDocument);
        case kQ3MeshPartTypeMeshVertexPart:
                TQ3MeshVertex   meshVertex;
                if (Q3MeshVertexPart_GetVertex(shapePart, &meshVertex) == kQ3Success) {
                    status = ChangeMeshVertexColor(geometry, meshVertex, theDocument);
            status = kQ3Failure;
    return status;
//  HandleMeshPickHits
TQ3Status HandleMeshPickHits(
    TQ3PickObject       pick,
    DocumentPtr         theDocument)
    TQ3Status           status;
    unsigned long       hitIndex,
    TQ3HitData          hitData;
#else  /* ! QD3D_OBSOLETE */
    TQ3PickDetail       validMask;
    TQ3Object           object;
    TQ3ShapePartObject  shapePart;
    object    = NULL;
    shapePart = NULL;
#endif /* ! QD3D_OBSOLETE */
    if ((pick == NULL)  ||  (theDocument == NULL)) {
        debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: NULL parameter passed");
        return kQ3Failure;
    numHits = 0;
    if (Q3Pick_GetNumHits(pick, &numHits) == kQ3Failure) {
        debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: NULL parameter passed");
        return kQ3Failure;
    /* Process each hit in the pick */
    for (hitIndex = 0, status = kQ3Success;
        (hitIndex < numHits) && (status == kQ3Success);
         hitIndex++) {
        if (Q3Pick_GetHitData(pick, hitIndex, &hitData) == kQ3Failure) {
            debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: Q3Pick_GetHitData failed");
            status = kQ3Failure;
            goto HandleMeshPickHits_Cleanup;
        /* Test if hit data contains an object and shape part */
        /* Get reference to geometry object hit */
        if (! HitData_Has_Object(hitData)) {
            debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: no object information returned in Q3Pick_GetHitData");
            status = kQ3Failure;
            goto HandleMeshPickHits_Cleanup;
        /* Get reference to shapePart hit */
        if (! HitData_Has_ShapePart(hitData)) {
            debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: no shape part information returned in Q3Pick_GetHitData");
            status = kQ3Failure;
            goto HandleMeshPickHits_Cleanup;
        /* Color the shape part(s) hit */
        (void) HandleMeshShapePart(hitData.object, hitData.shapePart, theDocument);
        /* Dispose hitData.object and hitData.shapePart returned with Q3Pick_GetHitData */
#else   /* ! QD3D_OBSOLETE */
         * New Picking API for QuickDraw 3D Release 1.5
        /* Get the TQ3PickDetail masks for this hit  (hitIndex) */
        if ((status = Q3Pick_GetPickDetailValidMask(pick, hitIndex, &validMask)) == kQ3Failure) {
            debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: Q3Pick_GetPickDetailValidMask failed");
            goto HandleMeshPickHits_Cleanup;
        /* Quick check to see if the hit contains an object and shape part */
        if (! (validMask & kQ3PickDetailMaskObject)  ||
            ! (validMask & kQ3PickDetailMaskShapePart) ) {
            debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: expected object and shapePart TQ3PickDetailMasks masks to be set");
            status = kQ3Failure;
            goto HandleMeshPickHits_Cleanup;
        /* Get reference to geometry object hit */
        if ((status = Q3Pick_GetPickDetailData(pick, hitIndex, kQ3PickDetailMaskObject, &object)) == kQ3Failure) {
            debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: no object returned in Q3Pick_GetPickDetailData");
            goto HandleMeshPickHits_Cleanup;
        /* Get reference to shapePart hit */
        if ((status = Q3Pick_GetPickDetailData(pick, hitIndex, kQ3PickDetailMaskShapePart, &shapePart)) == kQ3Failure) {
            debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: no object returned in Q3Pick_GetPickDetailData");
            goto HandleMeshPickHits_Cleanup;
        /* Color the shape part(s) hit */
        (void) HandleMeshShapePart(object, shapePart, theDocument);
        /* Dispose object and shapePart returned with Q3Pick_GetPickDetailData */
        if (object != NULL) {
            object = NULL;
        if (shapePart != NULL) {
            shapePart = NULL;
#endif /* ! QD3D_OBSOLETE */
     * If we reuse the pick object be sure to empty the hit list.
     * If the pick object is disposed immediately after picking
     * (not the case in this sample code) the hit list is automatically disposed.
    if (Q3Pick_EmptyHitList(pick) == kQ3Failure) {
        debugstr("HandleMeshPickHits: Q3Pick_EmptyHitList failed");
    return status;
//  CreatePick
TQ3Status CreatePick(
    TQ3PickObject       *pPick)
    TQ3WindowPointPickData  data;
    TQ3Status               status;
    status = kQ3Failure;
    if (pPick  == NULL)
        return status;
    /* Create pick object */ = kQ3PickSortNearToFar; = kQ3PickDetailMaskObject  | /* Request only object and shape parts */
                     kQ3PickDetailMaskShapePart; = kQ3ReturnAllHits;
    Q3Point2D_Set(&data.point, 0.0, 0.0);
    data.vertexTolerance = 5.0;                 /* Set vertex and edge tolerences */
    data.edgeTolerance   = 3.0;
    if ((*pPick = Q3WindowPointPick_New(&data)) != NULL)
        status = kQ3Success;
    return status;
//  DoPicking
TQ3Status DoPicking(
    Point               *pWhere,    /* local window coordinates */
    DocumentPtr         theDocument)
    TQ3Status           status;
    TQ3Point2D          point;
    status = kQ3Failure;
    if (theDocument->fView  == NULL  ||
        theDocument->fModel == NULL  ||
        theDocument->fPickPartStyle == NULL  ||
        gPick == NULL) {
        return kQ3Failure;
    /* Set pick part style with parts selected in the menu */
    if ((status = Q3PickPartsStyle_Set(theDocument->fPickPartStyle, theDocument->fPickParts)) == kQ3Failure)
        return kQ3Failure;
    /* Set the pick's point to mouse location */
    Q3Point2D_Set(&point, pWhere->h, pWhere->v);
    if ((status = Q3WindowPointPick_SetPoint(gPick, &point)) == kQ3Failure)
        return kQ3Failure;
    if ((status = DoGroupPicking(theDocument->fView, theDocument->fModel, gPick)) == kQ3Failure)
        return kQ3Failure;
    /* Handle hit(s) on mesh */
    return HandleMeshPickHits(gPick, theDocument);