Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: |
Description: PictureShow is a Java command line tool that takes a list of images and creates a |
Keynote document with a slide for each image, with the image's name below it. |
By default it will create a simple, white-on-black theme. Optionally a Keynote theme |
document (or a regular Keynote document) may be specified whose theme will be applied to |
the document created. |
Author: <JAG> |
Copyright: © Copyright 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
version 1.0: Feb 21 2003: Initial version released to public. |
*/ |
import*; |
import; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.StringTokenizer; |
import java.awt.Dimension; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import java.awt.Toolkit; |
import; |
import org.w3c.dom.*; |
import*; |
import org.xml.sax.SAXException; |
import javax.xml.parsers.*; |
/** |
* A class which can create a Keynote slideshow from a series of source |
* images. The resultant show contains a single slide for each image |
* with the image's file name below it. |
*/ |
public class PictureShow { |
/** A reference to a file whose theme we will use (null if none) */ |
private File templateBundle = null; |
/** The name of the output bundle */ |
private String outputBundleName = null; |
/** An array of VALID images for which we will create slides */ |
private ImageInfo[] imageFiles = null; |
/** The W3C DOM document builder class. */ |
private DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null; |
/** The W3C DOM document object representing the target document */ |
private Document document = null; |
/** The dimesions of slides in our target document */ |
private Dimension slideSize = new Dimension(0,0); |
/** The id of the master slide to reference when creating new blank slides */ |
private String blankMasterId = null; |
/** |
* Main entry point for the PictureShow command line tool. |
* |
* @see #printHelpAndExit |
*/ |
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { |
PictureShow show = new PictureShow(); |
show.parseArgs(args); |
show.generateShow(); |
} |
/** |
* Displayes the usage information for the tool and exits. |
*/ |
private void printHelpAndExit() { |
System.err.println("Usage: PictureShow [-options] <imagefile>... <output-bundle>"); |
System.err.println(" <imagefile>... = A list of image files to use as the source for the picture show"); |
System.err.println(" <output-bundle> = A name to be used for the output bundle."); |
System.err.println(" -t[heme] <themefile> = Use the theme from the indicated file"); |
System.err.println(" (May be a .key file or a .kth file.)"); |
System.err.println(" -help = this message"); |
System.exit(1); |
} |
/** |
* The main body of the program that creates the document containing the |
* image slides. |
*/ |
private void generateShow() throws Exception { |
// Create and configure a document builder factory |
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); |
// If namespace aware, the parser will complain when reading APXL since |
// the plugin: namespace isn't explicitly defined. |
dbf.setNamespaceAware(false); |
// We turn off validation so that we don't need to reference the schema |
dbf.setValidating(false); |
// The white space inside elements is significant for Keynote. |
dbf.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(false); |
// We want to leave any CDATA/text nodes separate so that if we |
// need to serialise the theme data, we don't introduce invalid |
// characters in a text section |
dbf.setCoalescing(false); |
docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); |
if (templateBundle == null) { |
createBlankTheme(); |
} else { |
readTheme(templateBundle); |
} |
// Loop through the valid images and create a slide for each one |
for (int i=0; i < imageFiles.length; i++) { |
createImageSlide(imageFiles[i]); |
} |
writeDocument(outputBundleName); |
} |
/** |
* Creates a new, blank slide (calling createBlankSlide()) and adds the |
* specified image to it. The file name of the image is added beneath |
* as a title. |
* |
* @see createBlankSlide |
*/ |
private void createImageSlide(ImageInfo sourceImage) { |
Element slide = createBlankSlide(); |
// createBlankSlide creates the drawables group for us. |
Element drawables = getFirstChildElementNamed(slide, "drawables"); |
// Below is an example of what the image element looks like that we're |
// creating: |
// |
// <image image-data="image%20URL" transformation="1 0 0 1 286 144"/> |
Element image = document.createElement("image"); |
// We replace all space characters with "%20", since Keynote needs proper |
// URL escaping for the image-data attribute. (We should probably escape |
// other characters as well, but they aren't so likely to appear in file |
// names.) |
String name = sourceImage.getFile().getName(); |
StringBuffer escapedName = new StringBuffer(); |
for (int i=0; i < name.length(); i++) { |
char currentCharacter = name.charAt(i); |
if (currentCharacter == ' ') { |
escapedName.append("%20"); |
} else { |
escapedName.append(currentCharacter); |
} |
} |
image.setAttribute("image-data", escapedName.toString()); |
// determine the size/scale and location to place the image |
float scale = 1; |
Dimension imageSize = sourceImage.getSize(); |
// we'll center the image in top part of the slide, and make sure there |
// is at least a 25-pixel border on all sides, 125 along the bottom for |
// the label. |
Dimension targetSize = new Dimension(slideSize); |
targetSize.width -= 50; |
targetSize.height -= 150; |
// Scale the image down if it's too big |
if (imageSize.width > targetSize.width) { |
float scaleForWidth = (float)targetSize.width / imageSize.width; |
scale *= scaleForWidth; |
imageSize.width *= scaleForWidth; |
imageSize.height *= scaleForWidth; |
} |
if (imageSize.height > targetSize.height) { |
float scaleForHeight = (float)targetSize.height / imageSize.height; |
scale *= scaleForHeight; |
imageSize.width *= scaleForHeight; |
imageSize.height *= scaleForHeight; |
} |
int xTranslate = ((targetSize.width - imageSize.width) / 2) + 25; |
int yTranslate = ((targetSize.height - imageSize.height) / 2) + 25; |
// For non-rotated objects, the transformation matrix is: |
// "<xscale> 0 0 <yscale> <xtranslate> <ytranslate>" |
image.setAttribute("transformation", Float.toString(scale) + " 0 0 " + |
Float.toString(scale) + " " + |
Integer.toString(xTranslate) + " " + |
Integer.toString(yTranslate)); |
drawables.appendChild(image); |
// Move the title placeholder so that it is underneath the image, we put |
// it 100 pixels up from the bottom of the slide, 90 pixels tall. We |
// make it as wide as the slide (less 10 pixels on either side). The |
// height is based on the font/font-size choosen. |
// |
// Here is a sample of XML of what the title will look like after we |
// change it: |
// |
// <title location="10 500" size="780 90" |
// vertical-alignment="tracks-master" visibility="visible"/> |
Element titlePlaceholder = getFirstChildElementNamed(drawables, "title"); |
titlePlaceholder.setAttribute("location", "10 " + |
Integer.toString(slideSize.height - 100)); |
titlePlaceholder.setAttribute("size", |
Integer.toString(slideSize.width - 20) + " 90"); |
titlePlaceholder.setAttribute("visibility", "visible"); |
// Add a bullet point of level zero (the title) with the name of the |
// image file in it. |
// |
// Here is a sample of XML of what the bullets section will look |
// like when we're done: |
// |
// <bullets> |
// <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> |
// <content font-color="g1" font-name="Helvetica" font-size="48" |
// paragraph-alignment="center"> |
// <![CDATA[image name]]> |
// </content> |
// </bullet> |
// </bullets> |
Element bulletGroup = document.createElement("bullets"); |
slide.appendChild(bulletGroup); |
Element titleBullet = document.createElement("bullet"); |
titleBullet.setAttribute("level", "0"); |
titleBullet.setAttribute("marker-type", "inherited"); |
bulletGroup.appendChild(titleBullet); |
// The default style for any styled text content is Helvetica 12, black. |
// Text styles are *not* inherited (in terms of the file format). So we |
// must set them explicitly here. |
Element titleContent = document.createElement("content"); |
titleContent.setAttribute("font-name", "Helvetica"); |
titleContent.setAttribute("font-size", "48"); |
titleContent.setAttribute("font-color", "g1"); |
titleContent.setAttribute("paragraph-alignment", "center"); |
// NOTE: We use a CDATA section instead of a plain text node since the |
// file name might contain special characters (like "<", ">" and "&"). |
titleContent.appendChild( |
document.createCDATASection(sourceImage.getFile().getName())); |
titleBullet.appendChild(titleContent); |
} |
/** |
* Creates a new document with a minimal, default white-on-black theme. This |
* theme contains only one master slide, for the "Blank" layout. The id of |
* this master slide will be put in blankMasterId. |
*/ |
private void createBlankTheme() { |
// get the dom implementation |
DOMImplementation impl = docBuilder.getDOMImplementation(); |
// What follows below is an example of the XML that we will be generating. Note |
// that we're actually creating a whole document, not just the theme, but what |
// Keynote calls a theme is simply a document with an empty slide list. |
// |
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
// <presentation version="36"> |
// <theme slide-size="800 600"> |
// <master-slides> |
// <master-slide id="master-slide-1" name="Blank"> |
// <drawables> |
// <title location="78 16" opacity="1" size="644 150" |
// stroke-color="g1" stroke-width="1" |
// vertical-alignment="middle" visibility="hidden"> |
// <styles> |
// <fill-style fill-type="none"/> |
// <dash-style pattern="none"/> |
// <shadow-style opacity="0" radius="0"/> |
// </styles> |
// </title> |
// |
// <body bullet-indentation="0 20 48 75 102 130" location="78 170" |
// size="644 352" ... other attributes same as title ... > |
// <styles> |
// ... same styles as title |
// </styles> |
// </body> |
// |
// <page-number location="380 570" size="39 23" |
// ... other attributes same as title ... > |
// <styles> |
// ... same styles as title |
// </styles> |
// <text-attributes/> |
// </page-number> |
// </drawables> |
// |
// <prototype-bullets> |
// <bullet level="0" marker-type="none" spacing="0"> |
// <content/> |
// </bullet> |
// ... more bullets w/ levels 1-5, otherwise identical |
// </prototype-bullets> |
// |
// <background-fill-style fill-color="g0" fill-type="color"/> |
// |
// <transition-style duration="0" type="none" /> |
// </master-slide> |
// </master-slides> |
// </theme> |
// |
// <slide-list/> |
// <ui-state/> |
// </presentation> |
// create a new, empty document |
document = impl.createDocument("", "presentation", |
impl.createDocumentType("APXL", null, null)); |
Element presentation = document.getDocumentElement(); |
presentation.setAttribute("version", "36"); |
// create the theme |
Element theme = document.createElement("theme"); |
slideSize.setSize(800, 600); |
theme.setAttribute("slide-size", Integer.toString(slideSize.width) + |
" " + Integer.toString(slideSize.height)); |
presentation.appendChild(theme); |
// create an empty slide-list |
Element slideList = document.createElement("slide-list"); |
presentation.appendChild(slideList); |
// create an empty UI state (The ui-state element is required, but |
// is allowed to be empty.) |
Element uiState = document.createElement("ui-state"); |
presentation.appendChild(uiState); |
// create the master slides group |
Element masterSlidesGroup = document.createElement("master-slides"); |
theme.appendChild(masterSlidesGroup); |
// create a master slide (we need at least one) |
// |
// NOTE: All master slides must have an "id". The id must be unique |
// within ALL elements in the document. |
Element masterSlide = document.createElement("master-slide"); |
masterSlide.setAttribute("name", "Blank"); |
blankMasterId = "master-slide-1"; |
masterSlide.setAttribute("id", blankMasterId); |
masterSlidesGroup.appendChild(masterSlide); |
// create the drawables group |
Element drawables = document.createElement("drawables"); |
masterSlide.appendChild(drawables); |
// Every master MUST have a title, body and page-number placeholder, |
// which must be explicitly styled. We'll use a convenience function |
// to set the styles common to each type. |
// |
// NOTE: the placeholder locations and sizes used are copied from one |
// of the default themes at 800x600 |
Element title = document.createElement("title"); |
setDefaultPlaceholderStyles(title); |
title.setAttribute("location", "78 16"); |
title.setAttribute("size", "644 150"); |
drawables.appendChild(title); |
Element body = document.createElement("body"); |
setDefaultPlaceholderStyles(body); |
body.setAttribute("location", "78 170"); |
body.setAttribute("size", "644 352"); |
// Bullet indentation indicates how many pixels each level of |
// bullets is indented. The values here are taken from a |
// sample Keynote document. |
body.setAttribute("bullet-indentation", "0 20 48 75 102 130"); |
drawables.appendChild(body); |
// Page number needs a text attributes child, but it can be empty. |
Element pageNumber = document.createElement("page-number"); |
setDefaultPlaceholderStyles(pageNumber); |
pageNumber.setAttribute("location", "380 570"); |
pageNumber.setAttribute("size", "39 23"); |
pageNumber.appendChild(document.createElement("text-attributes")); |
drawables.appendChild(pageNumber); |
// Create the required 6 prototype bullets. (A bullet of level 0 is |
// the slide's title. |
Element prototypeBullets = document.createElement("prototype-bullets"); |
masterSlide.appendChild(prototypeBullets); |
addPrototypeBullet(prototypeBullets, "0"); |
addPrototypeBullet(prototypeBullets, "1"); |
addPrototypeBullet(prototypeBullets, "2"); |
addPrototypeBullet(prototypeBullets, "3"); |
addPrototypeBullet(prototypeBullets, "4"); |
addPrototypeBullet(prototypeBullets, "5"); |
// Set a black background |
Element background = document.createElement("background-fill-style"); |
background.setAttribute("fill-type", "color"); |
background.setAttribute("fill-color", "g0"); |
masterSlide.appendChild(background); |
// Set a null transition |
Element transition = document.createElement("transition-style"); |
transition.setAttribute("type", "none"); |
transition.setAttribute("duration", "0"); |
masterSlide.appendChild(transition); |
} |
/** |
* A convenience function used by createBlankTheme() which sets the |
* required attributes/styles of a master-slide placeholder to |
* reasonable defaults. |
* |
* @see #createBlankTheme |
*/ |
private void setDefaultPlaceholderStyles(Element placeholder) { |
// NOTE: We need to set the stroke color and width |
placeholder.setAttribute("opacity", "1"); |
placeholder.setAttribute("visibility", "hidden"); |
placeholder.setAttribute("stroke-color", "g1"); |
placeholder.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1"); |
placeholder.setAttribute("vertical-alignment", "middle"); |
Element styles = document.createElement("styles"); |
placeholder.appendChild(styles); |
// No fill |
Element fill = document.createElement("fill-style"); |
fill.setAttribute("fill-type", "none"); |
styles.appendChild(fill); |
// No stroke |
Element dash = document.createElement("dash-style"); |
dash.setAttribute("pattern", "none"); |
styles.appendChild(dash); |
// No shadow |
Element shadow = document.createElement("shadow-style"); |
shadow.setAttribute("opacity", "0"); |
shadow.setAttribute("radius", "0"); |
styles.appendChild(shadow); |
} |
/** |
* A convenience function used by createBlankTheme() which creates |
* a minimal, prototype bullet-point with the level specified. |
* |
* @return The newly created bullet element |
*/ |
private Element addPrototypeBullet(Element prototypeBullets, |
String level) { |
Element bullet = document.createElement("bullet"); |
bullet.setAttribute("marker-type", "none"); |
bullet.setAttribute("spacing", "0"); |
bullet.setAttribute("level", level); |
// The content element is required, even if empty. Text styles can be |
// applied to the content to set the default styling for bullets of |
// that level. |
Element content = document.createElement("content"); |
bullet.appendChild(content); |
prototypeBullets.appendChild(bullet); |
return bullet; |
} |
/** |
* Creates a new, blank slide with the minimum required styling/content. The |
* master slide referenced by the new slide will be the one whose id is in |
* blankMasterId. |
*/ |
private Element createBlankSlide() { |
Element slideList = getFirstChildElementNamed( |
document.getDocumentElement(), "slide-list"); |
// Below is an example of the XML generated by this function |
// <slide master-slide-id="(blankMasterId)"> |
// <drawables> |
// <title vertical-alignment="tracks-master" visibility="hidden"/> |
// <body vertical-alignment="tracks-master" visibility="hidden"/> |
// </drawables> |
// |
// <transition-style type="inherited" /> |
// </slide> |
Element slide = document.createElement("slide"); |
slide.setAttribute("master-slide-id", blankMasterId); |
slideList.appendChild(slide); |
Element drawables = document.createElement("drawables"); |
slide.appendChild(drawables); |
// Title and body placeholders are required in every slide, but can |
// be invisible |
Element title = document.createElement("title"); |
title.setAttribute("visibility", "hidden"); |
title.setAttribute("vertical-alignment", "tracks-master"); |
drawables.appendChild(title); |
Element body = document.createElement("body"); |
body.setAttribute("visibility", "hidden"); |
body.setAttribute("vertical-alignment", "tracks-master"); |
drawables.appendChild(body); |
Element transition = document.createElement("transition-style"); |
transition.setAttribute("type", "inherited"); |
slide.appendChild(transition); |
return slide; |
} |
/** |
* Creates a new, empty document containing the theme from the referenced |
* file. This is actually achieved by reading in the document and modifying |
* it place to remove all slides, plus the contents UI state (which may |
* refer to objects in the now-missing slides). |
*/ |
private void readTheme(File themeFile) throws IOException, SAXException { |
// Parse the document |
document = docBuilder.parse(new File(themeFile, "presentation.apxl")); |
// Get the slide size from the theme |
Element theme = getFirstChildElementNamed( |
document.getDocumentElement(), "theme"); |
StringTokenizer sizeTokens = new StringTokenizer( |
theme.getAttribute("slide-size"), " "); |
String width = sizeTokens.nextToken(); |
String height = sizeTokens.nextToken(); |
slideSize.setSize(Integer.parseInt(width), Integer.parseInt(height)); |
// Look for a master slide named "Blank" |
Element masters = getFirstChildElementNamed(theme, "master-slides"); |
Element blankMaster = null; |
Node currentChild = masters.getFirstChild(); |
while (currentChild != null) { |
if ((currentChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && |
(currentChild.getNodeName().equals("master-slide")) && |
(((Element)currentChild).getAttribute("name").equals("Blank"))) { |
blankMaster = (Element)currentChild; |
break; |
} |
currentChild = currentChild.getNextSibling(); |
} |
// no master named "Blank"? Just use the first master in the theme. |
if (blankMaster == null) { |
blankMaster = getFirstChildElementNamed(masters, "master-slide"); |
} |
blankMasterId = blankMaster.getAttribute("id"); |
// Remove any slides in the slide list |
Element slideList = getFirstChildElementNamed( |
document.getDocumentElement(), "slide-list"); |
currentChild = slideList.getFirstChild(); |
while (currentChild != null) { |
Node nextChild = currentChild.getNextSibling(); |
slideList.removeChild(currentChild); |
currentChild = nextChild; |
} |
// Remove the content of the UI state |
Element uiState = getFirstChildElementNamed( |
document.getDocumentElement(), "ui-state"); |
currentChild = uiState.getFirstChild(); |
while (currentChild != null) { |
Node nextChild = currentChild.getNextSibling(); |
uiState.removeChild(currentChild); |
currentChild = nextChild; |
} |
} |
/** |
* Writes out the document bundle. This includes copying in the image data |
* from the source images, plus copying any extra media from a source theme, |
* and, of course, writing the document out as XML. |
*/ |
private void writeDocument(String outputBundleName) throws IOException { |
// First: ensure removal of any file that may already be in the way, and |
// create the target bundle directory |
File outputBundle = new File(outputBundleName); |
boolean okay = true; |
if (outputBundle.exists()) { |
if (outputBundle.isDirectory()) { |
okay = recursiveDelete(outputBundle); |
} else { |
okay = outputBundle.delete(); |
} |
} |
if (okay) { |
okay = outputBundle.mkdir(); |
} |
if (!okay) { |
throw new IOException("Unable to create output bundle."); |
} |
// Copy the image data into the bundle, both the images that make up the |
// slide-show, plus any media from the theme. |
for (int i=0; i < imageFiles.length; i++) { |
copyFileIntoDirectory(imageFiles[i].getFile(), outputBundle); |
} |
if (templateBundle != null) { |
File[] templateFiles = templateBundle.listFiles(); |
for (int i=0; i < templateFiles.length; i++) { |
copyFileIntoDirectory(templateFiles[i], outputBundle); |
} |
} |
// NOTE: we write the presentation.apxl AFTER copying the data from the |
// theme, because the theme will contain a presentation.apxl of its own. |
// If we do the copy afterwards, we'd have to special case |
// "presentation.apxl", or we'll blow away the XML we've just created! |
File outputXML = new File(outputBundle, "presentation.apxl"); |
// Write out the DOM tree |
DOMImplementationLS domls = |
(DOMImplementationLS)docBuilder.getDOMImplementation(); |
DOMWriter writer = domls.createDOMWriter(); |
writer.setEncoding("UTF-8"); |
// pretty printing should give more text-editor friendly content, but |
// unfortunately the current implementation of the DOMWriter doesn't |
// support the setFeature functionality. |
// writer.setFeature("pretty-print", true); |
writer.writeNode(new FileOutputStream(outputXML), document); |
} |
/** |
* Parses the argument list and fills in the appropriate member variables. |
*/ |
private void parseArgs(String args[]) { |
ArrayList imageList = new ArrayList(); |
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { |
if (args[i].startsWith("-t")) { |
if (i == args.length - 1) { |
printHelpAndExit(); |
} |
i++; |
templateBundle = new File(args[i]); |
} else if (args[i].equals("-help")) { |
printHelpAndExit(); |
} else { |
if (i == args.length - 1) { |
// If we're on the last argument, then this is the name of |
// the output bundle |
outputBundleName = args[i]; |
} else { |
// If not the last argument, then this is a source image. If |
// it is a valid image file, add it to the image list. |
// NOTE: It might be useful to recursively search any |
// specified directories for images. |
ImageInfo theInfo = new ImageInfo(args[i]); |
if (theInfo.isValid()) { |
imageList.add(theInfo); |
} else { |
System.err.println("Skipping \"" + args[i] + |
"\": not a recognised image file."); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ((outputBundleName == null) || (imageList.isEmpty())) { |
printHelpAndExit(); |
} |
if (!outputBundleName.endsWith(".key")) { |
outputBundleName += ".key"; |
} |
imageFiles = (ImageInfo[])imageList.toArray(new ImageInfo[0]); |
} |
/** |
* Walks the immediate decendents of a DOM element and returns the first one |
* with the given tagname. |
*/ |
private static Element getFirstChildElementNamed(Element inParent, |
String inString) { |
Element result = null; |
Node currentChild = inParent.getFirstChild(); |
while (currentChild != null) { |
if ((currentChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && |
(currentChild.getNodeName().equals(inString))) { |
result = (Element)currentChild; |
break; |
} |
currentChild = currentChild.getNextSibling(); |
} |
return result; |
} |
/** |
* Copies the specified file or directory into the specified directory, |
* keeping the original file name. Works recursively on directories. |
*/ |
private static void copyFileIntoDirectory(File file, File directory) |
throws IOException { |
File target = new File(directory, file.getName()); |
if (file.isDirectory()) { |
target.mkdir(); |
File[] contents = file.listFiles(); |
for (int i=0; i<contents.length; i++) { |
copyFileIntoDirectory(contents[i], target); |
} |
} else { |
FileInputStream streamIn = new FileInputStream(file); |
FileOutputStream streamOut = new FileOutputStream(target); |
// 16k is likely to be a multiple of the file block size. |
byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024]; |
int readBytes = 0; |
while(( != -1) { |
streamOut.write(buffer, 0, readBytes); |
} |
streamIn.close(); |
streamOut.close(); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Deletes a directory and all its contents. The argument must refer to a |
* directory. |
*/ |
private static boolean recursiveDelete(File directory) throws IOException { |
File[] contents = directory.listFiles(); |
boolean deleteOkay = true; |
for (int i=0; i<contents.length; i++) { |
if (contents[i].isDirectory()) { |
deleteOkay = recursiveDelete(contents[i]); |
} else { |
deleteOkay = contents[i].delete(); |
} |
if (!deleteOkay) { |
break; |
} |
} |
if (deleteOkay) { |
deleteOkay = directory.delete(); |
} |
return deleteOkay; |
} |
/** |
* A private class that abstracts the functionality of checking to see if |
* a particular file is a valid image file, and if so, what its dimensions |
* are. Currently it is implemented in terms of NSImage, although it would |
* relatively straight-forward to include a fallback case that uses |
* java.awt.Image on platforms where NSImage is not available. (Or some |
* other image library, like JIMI.) NSImage was used here since it supports |
* all of the image types that Keynote does, whereas AWT's Image class only |
* supports a subset of that (GIF, JPEG and PNG). |
* |
* If you wished to use some other image library, you would add code in the |
* catch block of the constructor that used the alternate classes to check |
* the image file. In order to get the NSImage code to compile on other |
* platforms, however, you would need to use introspection to call the |
* methods instead of simply calling them directly. |
*/ |
private static class ImageInfo { |
Dimension size = null; |
File file = null; |
static { |
try { |
// NOTE: NSImageReps don't work correctly unless you access the |
// NSImage class first. So, in the static initialiser, we create |
// a throw-away image instance (supressing all exceptions and |
// errors; we'll deal with any problems when they come up later). |
new; |
} catch(Throwable t) {} |
} |
/** |
* Creates a new ImageInfo instance, which immediately analyzes the image |
* file to see if it is a valid image and, if so, what its dimensions |
* are. |
*/ |
public ImageInfo(String imageFilename) { |
try { |
// NOTE: When calling a static member functions, the class in |
// question is loaded as soon as the function is called. Thus, |
// we must put the call to imageRepWithContentsOfFile() in a |
// sub-function, or else the constructor itself will trigger |
// the NoClassDefFoundError. |
examineImageWithCocoa(imageFilename); |
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { |
System.err.println("NSImageRep class not found. PictureShow requires Cocoa for Java (Mac OS X)."); |
System.err.println("If running on Mac OS X, ensure that your classpath includes /System/Library/Java."); |
System.exit(-1); |
// For code that needs to run on other platforms, you should |
// fall back to an alternate image library here. |
} |
if (size != null) { |
file = new File(imageFilename); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Tries to read the image file using NSImageRep. Determines the |
* dimensions of the image if succesful. |
*/ |
private void examineImageWithCocoa(String imageFilename) { |
NSImageRep imageRep = NSImageRep.imageRepWithContentsOfFile(imageFilename); |
if (imageRep != null) { |
// When possible, we use the pixels wide/high metric, since that |
// is correct for bitmaps that use non-standard DPI. However, in |
// the case of PDF files, there is no pixels wide/high metric, so |
// we use the normal size in that case. |
if ((imageRep.pixelsWide() == 0) || (imageRep.pixelsHigh() == 0)) { |
size = imageRep.size().toAWTDimension(); |
} else { |
size = new Dimension(imageRep.pixelsWide(), |
imageRep.pixelsHigh()); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* Returns true if the path passed in the constructer references a valid |
* image file, of a known type. |
*/ |
public boolean isValid() { |
return (size != null); |
} |
/** |
* Returns the size of the image file. It is an error to call this |
* method unles isValid() returns true. |
*/ |
public Dimension getSize() { |
return size; |
} |
/** |
* Returns a File object that refers to the image file. It is an error |
* to call this method unles isValid() returns true. |
*/ |
public File getFile() { |
return file; |
} |
} |
} |
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