verbose debug code/PlayVideo.c

    File:       PlayVideo.c
    Contains:   PlayVideo demonstrates the usage of the RequestVideo sample library
                to make Display Manager calls. With PlayVideo, you can explore the
                RequestVideo API by changing bit depth and screen resolution on
                multisync displays. The purpose of this code is to provide a sample of
                how developers can change the bit depth and timing of multisync
                displays under their own control. Game developers should love this!
                After requesting a desired bit depth, horizontal, and vertical resolutions
                using the RVRequestVideoSetting() call, we then make the RVSetVideoRequest()
                call to do the deed. At exit, we call RVSetVideoAsScreenPrefs() to force the
                world to look like that described in the screen prefs.
                It is a good idea to reset the screen(s) to the original setting before exit
                since the call to RVSetVideoAsScreenPrefs() may not do the right thing under
                Display Manager 1.0 with certain video drivers.
    Written by: Eric Anderson   
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/15/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
                5/31/95     ewa             Added RVGetCurrentVideoSetting and RVConfirmVideoRequest routines
                                            to make it easy to revert back to where you came from and to give
                                            the user a chance to confirm the new setting if the new mode was
                                            valid (ie: the card supports it) but not safe (the monitor may not).
#include "RequestVideo.h"
#include <Memory.h>
#include <StdIO.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// routine defines
unsigned long GetUserInputData (void);
// routine implementations
void main(void)
    VideoRequestRec requestRec;
    VideoRequestRec originalRec;
    short       currentDepth;
    short       currentHorizontal;
    short       currentVertical;
    printf("Welcome to ¥Guess That Video¥\n");
    printf("IMPORTANT: Monitor gravitation (repositioning) is not suported under\n");
    printf("IMPORTANT: Display Manager 1.0, and there is not currently any code\n");
    printf("IMPORTANT: written in this sample library to provide even minimal\n");
    printf("IMPORTANT: gravitate functionality.\n");
    printf("IMPORTANT: Currently, changing the video settings on\n");
    printf("IMPORTANT: multi-monitor systems under the Display Manager 1.0.\n");
    printf("IMPORTANT: will result in only the bit depth being changed.\n");
        requestRec.screenDevice = nil;      // any screen
        printf("\nRequested bit depth (999 to end the game):");
        requestRec.reqBitDepth = GetUserInputData ();       // bit depth request
        if (requestRec.reqBitDepth != 999)
            // fill in the request record
            printf("Requested horizontal resolution:");
            requestRec.reqHorizontal = GetUserInputData ();;    // H request
            printf("Requested vertical resolution:");
            requestRec.reqVertical = GetUserInputData ();;      // V request
            requestRec.displayMode = nil;                       // must init to nil
            requestRec.depthMode = nil;                         // must init to nil
            requestRec.requestFlags = 1<<kAllValidModesBit;                     // give me the HxV over bit depth, and only safe video modes
            // make the request and set it if we have one....
            if (requestRec.screenDevice != nil)     // make sure we found a device...possible if there are no "safe" video modes
                // Get current setting
                originalRec.screenDevice = requestRec.screenDevice;     // this screen
                // print out the current info
                currentDepth = (*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->pixelSize;
                currentHorizontal = abs ((*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->bounds.right - (*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->bounds.left);
                currentVertical = abs ((*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->bounds.bottom - (*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->;
                printf ("\n");
                printf ("Info for GDevice at: %d\n", requestRec.screenDevice);
                printf ("Original depth:%d, horizontal:%d, vertical:%d\n", currentDepth, currentHorizontal, currentVertical);
                printf ("Requested depth:%d, horizontal:%d, vertical:%d\n", requestRec.reqBitDepth, requestRec.reqHorizontal, requestRec.reqVertical);
                printf ("Setting depth:%d, horizontal:%d, vertical:%d\n", requestRec.availBitDepth, requestRec.availHorizontal, requestRec.availVertical);
                // Set/Confirm/Reset the request
                RVSetVideoRequest (&requestRec);
                if (noErr != RVConfirmVideoRequest (&requestRec))
                    RVSetVideoRequest (&originalRec);
                // print out the new info           
                currentDepth = (*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->pixelSize;
                currentHorizontal = abs ((*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->bounds.right - (*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->bounds.left);
                currentVertical = abs ((*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->bounds.bottom - (*(*(requestRec.screenDevice))->gdPMap)->;
                printf ("New depth:%d, horizontal:%d, vertical:%d\n", currentDepth, currentHorizontal, currentVertical);
    } while (requestRec.reqBitDepth != 999);    // our clue to bail
    printf("\nThank you for playing ¥Guess That Video¥\n");
    // attempt to reset the world to screen prefs setting (may not do anything with old video drivers)
    RVSetVideoAsScreenPrefs ();
// Get user input of a number
unsigned long GetUserInputData (void)
    long    tempLong = 0;               
    do scanf ("%ld", &tempLong); while (tempLong == 0);     
    return (tempLong);