
        Module:     IRS_Register.c                                          
        Purpose:    plug-in renderer's registration methods                             
        Author:     Sun-Inn Shih                                        
        Copyright (C) 1993-96 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.    
#include <QD3D.h>
#include <QD3DRenderer.h>
#include <QD3DExtension.h>
#include "IRS_MetaHandler.h"
#include "IRShell.h"
TQ3XObjectClass RendererClass;
#include <CodeFragments.h>
OSErr IRSRegister(
long IRSExit(
 *  Routine:    IRSRegister()
 *  Purpose: Register an object class in the QuickDraw 3D hierarchy.
 *  QD3D calls: Q3XObjectHierarchy_RegisterClass() in QD3DExtentionl.h
OSErr IRSRegister(
    TQ3ObjectType   classType;                      /* This is returned from QD3D */
    RendererClass =
            Q3XObjectHierarchy_RegisterClass(       /* register into QD3D hierarchy */
                kQ3SharedTypeRenderer,              /* parent type - a existing type */
                &classType,                         /* the new object class type */
                "IR Shell",                         /* name, used in the text metafile */
                IRSMetaHandler,                     /* metahandler */               
                NULL,                               /* virtual meta handler*/   
                0,                                  /* methods Size */
                sizeof(struct irsData));            /* size of the object instandce data */
    if(RendererClass == NULL)
        return kQ3Failure;
    return noErr;
 *  Routine:    IRSExit()
 *  Comments:   exit share library
long IRSExit(
    return 0;