
    File:       PutAwayVolumes.c
    Description:This code sample demonstrates several ways to unmount a volume.
                [1]     Call MoreFiles and have it take its best shot.
                [2]     Augment MoreFiles with a little Finder-style interface
                        and some strategic trash-emptying.
                [3]     Send an AppleEvent to Finder and have it do the whole thing.
                A real strategy might use all of the above. Basically, the problem is
                this: although UnmountVol has been patched so that some commonly open
                files (mostly having to do with desktop info) are closed before the
                volume unmounts, not all are, and in particular files associated
                with the trash on shared volumes are not automagically closed.
                Each of the three above-mentioned methods has its flaws.
                [1]     It wouldn't be in the spirit of MoreFiles to empty
                        the trash silently when attempting to unmount, so it's
                        not surprising MoreFiles doesn't do it.
                [2]     Getting confirmation from the user involves posting an
                        alert, which is not always easy for non-apps.
                [3]     Requires the unmounter to send AppleEvents, which is
                        not always easy for non-apps, and may require user to
                        switch to Finder to confirm alerts, which also is not
                        always easy for non-apps.
                Your program may have to combine methods to achieve the effect it
                needs. And your program should be ready for the methods to fail --
                not that you should expect a proper implementation to fail, but
                your program shouldn't assume that it will not.
                Of course, if some application other than Finder or At Ease has files
                open on the volume, the volume simply will not unmount, and that's a
                legitimate error condition.
                Note this sample in its current state will unmount all AppleShare
                volumes. The interesting function is PutAwayOneVolume, and it has
                nothing to do with AppleShare in particular. The rest of the functions
                are here simply to drive PutAwayOneVolume.
    Author:     PG
    Copyright:  Copyright: © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                all rights reserved.
    Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
                restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
                not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
                after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
                we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
                descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                6/25/99     Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1(KG)
                03/20/96    St. Luther points out that 'hpbp->volumeParam.ioVFSID'
                            is not a sufficient test for AppleShare; check the driver
                            name instead; this makes the sample a little more accurate
                            but a little less useful, since nobody specifies volumes
                            by driver name. However, the portion of this code which
                            cares about which volumes to unmount is only here to make
                            the sample run anyway; users will have to adapt this code
                            regardless; PutAwayOneVolume is the interesting code, and
                            it's not affected by this change.(PG)
                03/20/96    PutAwayVolumes doesn't really need to know the names of the
                            volumes it's indexing. Save some stack.(PG)
                03/21/96    Use MoreFiles version of UnmountAndEject. Keeping my own
                            copy was just stupid, especially since I plan to use more
                            of MoreFiles.(PG)
                03/21/96    After conversation with Jim, realized the AppleEvent
                            strategy is not always best. This version makes use of
                            semi-documented 'ReleaseFolder' call to deal with shared
                            trash folders.(PG)
#define OLDROUTINENAMES         0
#define SystemSevenOrLater      1
#ifndef __FILES__
#   include <Files.h>
#ifndef __LOWMEM__
#   include <LowMem.h>
#ifndef __DEVICES__
#   include <Devices.h>
#   include <PLStringFuncs.h>
#ifndef __PROCESSES__
#   include <Processes.h>
#ifndef __DIALOGS__
#   include <Dialogs.h>
#include "PutAwayOneVolume.h"
//  USE_INTERNAL_CODE controls whether we send the AppleEvent to Finder
//  or use the internal code to unmount the volume ('ReleaseFolder').
    kCreatorCode_Finder = 'MACS',
    kCreatorCode_AtEase = 'mfdr'
static pascal OSErr GetCreatorOfFinderLikeProcess (OSType *processSignature)
    OSErr err = noErr;
    ProcessSerialNumber     psn     = { kNoProcess, kNoProcess };
    ProcessInfoRec          pir     = { sizeof (pir), nil };
    *processSignature = 0;
    pir.processAppSpec = nil;
    for (;;)
        err = GetNextProcess (&psn);
        if (err)
            if (err == procNotFound) err = noErr;
        err = GetProcessInformation (&psn,&pir);
        if (err) break;
        if (pir.processSignature == kCreatorCode_Finder || pir.processSignature == kCreatorCode_AtEase)
            *processSignature = pir.processSignature;
    return err;
static pascal Boolean VolDriverNameIs (short vRefNum, ConstStr255Param potentialDriverName)
    Boolean result = false;
    const VCB *vcbQueueScanner = (const VCB *) GetVCBQHdr ( )->qHead;
    while (vcbQueueScanner)
        if (vcbQueueScanner->vcbVRefNum == vRefNum)
            short csParam [11];
            if (!Status (vcbQueueScanner->vcbDRefNum,1,csParam))
                DCtlHandle          dCtlHandle      = *(DCtlHandle *) csParam;
                DRVRHeaderPtr       drvrHeaderPtr   = (DRVRHeaderPtr) (**dCtlHandle).dCtlDriver;
                Boolean             isHandle        = (**dCtlHandle).dCtlFlags & dRAMBasedMask;
                ConstStr255Param    drvrName        = drvrHeaderPtr->drvrName;
                SInt8               hState;
                //  We lock the driver handle temporarily in case
                //  <PLStringFuncs.glue.lib> (which contains
                //  the implementation of PLstrcmp) lives in
                //  another (potentially unloaded) code segment.
                if (isHandle)
                    hState = HGetState ((Handle) drvrHeaderPtr);
                    HLock ((Handle) drvrHeaderPtr);
                    drvrName = (**(DRVRHeaderHandle)drvrHeaderPtr).drvrName;
                result = !PLstrcmp (potentialDriverName,drvrName);
                if (isHandle)
                    HSetState ((Handle) drvrHeaderPtr, hState);
        vcbQueueScanner = (const VCB *) (vcbQueueScanner->qLink);
    return result;
static pascal OSErr PutAwayVolumes (const unsigned char *driverName)
    OSErr err = noErr;
    OSType finderLikeProcess;
    if (!(err = GetCreatorOfFinderLikeProcess (&finderLikeProcess)))
        HParmBlkPtr hpbp = (HParmBlkPtr) NewPtrClear (sizeof (*hpbp));
        if (!(err = MemError ( )))
            hpbp->volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 1;
            for (;;)
                err = PBHGetVInfoSync (hpbp);
                if (err)
                    if (err == nsvErr) err = noErr;
                if (VolDriverNameIs (hpbp->volumeParam.ioVRefNum, driverName))
                    err = PutAwayOneVolume (hpbp->volumeParam.ioVRefNum, finderLikeProcess);
                    if (err) break;
                hpbp->volumeParam.ioVolIndex += 1;
            DisposePtr ((Ptr) hpbp);
            if (!err) err = MemError ( );
    return err;
void main (void)
    MaxApplZone ( );
    InitGraf (&(qd.thePort));
    InitFonts ( );
    InitWindows ( );
    InitMenus ( );
    TEInit ( );
    InitDialogs (nil);
//  (void) PutAwayVolumes ("\p.Sony");
    (void) PutAwayVolumes ("\p.AFPTranslator");