Last Revision: | Version 2.1, 2011-06-27 Removed duplicate references in the Xcode project. Removed obsolete build settings in the Xcode project. (Full Revision History) |
Build Requirements: | Xcode 4 |
Runtime Requirements: | Snow Leopard 10.6 |
QTCoreVideo102 is a Cocoa sample demonstrating how to render a QuickTime Movie using OpenGL texture 2D, QuickTime visual context, and the Core Video pixel buffer pipeline.
This is the first application in the series that will include QTCoreVideo103, QTCoreVideo201, QTCoreVideo202, and Denoise that leverage a common graphics and media utility toolkits for Snow Leopard.
• Application
• QTCVOpenGLController - Controller class for the application. • QTCVOpenGLView - Main view class for the application.
• Utility Kits
• Model
• CVGLImageBuffer - A facade for mediating between a Core Video image buffer and OpenGL texture 2D, texture rectangle, or FBOs along with PBOs for image capture or updates. • NSPropertyList - Utility class to deserialize a property list file. • OpenGLBitmap - Utility toolkit to save a pixel buffer as bmp, pict, png, gif, jpeg, tga, or jp2000 file(s). • OpenGLCopier - A functor for copying pixels from a source to destination. • OpenGLDrawElements - Utility class to deserialize a property list that describes a VBO draw elements parameters and draws an object using the parameters values. • OpenGLFramebuffer2D - Utility class for managing 2D FBOs. • OpenGLIBO - Utility class that implements a method for generating a 3D object using IBOs. • OpenGLIBORenderer - Class that implements methods for creating an IBO based renderer. • OpenGLIBOIndices - Utility class to deserialize a property list that describes a VBO's indices. • OpenGLIBOGeometry - Utility class to deserialize a property list that describes a IBO normals, vertices, colors, and texture coordinates. • OpenGLImage2DAuthor - A facade for handling PBO read or draw pixels. • OpenGLQuad - A facade for for handling a texture 2D or texture rectangle bound to a VBO quad. • OpenGLPBO - Utility toolkit providing basic functionality for PBOs (pack/unpack). • OpenGLPixelAttributes - Utility class to parse property list file and obtain the desired pixel format attributes. • OpenGLPixelFormat - Utility class to obtain pixel format for an OpenGL view. • OpenGLRotation - Utility class for managing rotation of a 3D object. • OpenGLSurface2D - Utility toolkit for 2D I/O surfaces. • OpenGLTeapot - a facade that implements methods for generating an IBO teapot with enabled sphere map texture coordinate generation. • OpenGLTexture2D - Utility toolkit for handling hinted texture 2D or rectangles. • OpenGLTexture2DAuthor - A facade for managing PBOs for texture read or writes. • QTVisualContext - Utility class for maintaining a QT visual context.
• View
• CVOpenGLView - Core video + OpenGL view toolkit. • OpenGLView - OpenGL view base class.
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