
    File:       QTEffects.h
    Contains:   Code to generate a QuickTime movie with a QuickTime video effect in it.
    Written by: Scott Kuechle
                (based heavily on QuickTime SDK QTShowEffect sample code by Tim Monroe)
    Copyright:  © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved
    Change History (most recent first)
        <1>     9/25/99     srk     first file
        <2>     10/19/99    srk     changed cross fade effect to explode effect
Movie                           QTEffects_CreateEffectsMovie();
static void                     QTEffects_CreateTwoTrackMovie( Movie *theMovie,
                                                                short   *resRefNum,
                                                                FSSpec  *movieFSSpec,
                                                                Track   *videoTrack1,
                                                                Track   *videoTrack2);
static OSErr                    QTEffects_GetPictResourceAsGWorld (short theResID,
                                                                    short theWidth,
                                                                    short theHeight,
                                                                    short theDepth,
                                                                    GWorldPtr *theGW);
static OSErr                    QTEffects_AddVideoTrackFromGWorld (Movie *theMovie,
                                                                    GWorldPtr theGW,
                                                                    Track *theSourceTrack,
                                                                    long theStartTime,
                                                                    short theWidth,
                                                                    short theHeight);
static void                     QTEffects_SetupEffectsDescription(OSType    theEffectType,
                                                                ImageDescriptionHandle  *mySampleDesc,
                                                                QTAtomContainer         *theEffectDesc);
static void                     QTEffects_CreateEffectsTrackAndMedia(Movie                  myMovie, 
                                                                    ImageDescriptionHandle  mySampleDesc,
                                                                    QTAtomContainer         theEffectDesc,
                                                                    Track *myTrack,
                                                                    Media *myMedia);
static void                     QTEffects_CreateInputMapAndAddTrackReferences(Track effectsTrack,
                                                                            Media   effectsTrackMedia,
                                                                            Track   sourceTrack1,
                                                                            Track   sourceTrack2);                                          
static void                     QTEffects_CreateEffectDescription (OSType           theEffectName,
                                                                  OSType            theSourceName1,
                                                                  OSType            theSourceName2,
                                                                  QTAtomContainer   *theEffectDesc);
static void                     QTEffects_CreateEffectParameterForExplode(QTAtomContainer       myEffectDesc);
static ImageDescriptionHandle   QTEffects_MakeSampleDescription (OSType theEffectType,
                                                                    short theWidth,
                                                                    short theHeight);
static OSErr                    QTEffects_AddTrackReferenceToInputMap (QTAtomContainer theInputMap,
                                                                        Track theTrack,
                                                                        Track theSrcTrack,
                                                                        OSType theSrcName);