
    File:       BigEasyGestalt.c
    Contains:   xxx put contents here xxx
    Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
    Copyright:  © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
         <2>      1/7/93    dvb     More selectors.
         <1>     1/20/92    dvb     first checked in
/* file: BigEasyGestalt.c
 * Started 28 December 1991, more or less.
#include <GestaltEqu.h>
#include "BigEasyDialogs.h"
#define BigEasyGestaltMe
#include "BigEasyGestalt.h"
static EasyGestaltItem dKnownFeatureList[] =
    'ppc ',0,0,"\pPPC Toolbox not installed. This feature is available in System 7.0 and later.",
    'qdrw',0,0,"\pColor QuickDraw is not available.",
    'qtim',0,0,"\pQuickTime is not installed. Please place the QuickTime extension in your System Folder.",
    'icmp',0,0,"\pImage Compression is not installed. Please place the QuickTime extension in your System Folder.",
    'cpnt',0,0,"\pComponent Manager is not installed. Please place the QuickTime extension in your System Folder.",
    'fs  ',0xFFFFFFFF,0,"\pSystem 7.0 or later required.",
    'fpu ',0xFFFFFFFF,0,"\pFloating Point Unit required. Sorry.",
    'snd ',0x00000020,0,"\pThere is no sound input device on this Macintosh."
Boolean CheckEasyGestaltItem(EasyGestaltItem *egi)
 * Returns true if its still okay to run.
    OSErr thisError;
    long gResult;
    Boolean result;
    result = true;
    thisError = Gestalt(egi->type,&gResult);
    if(!( (thisError == 0) && ( (egi->mask == 0) || ((gResult & egi->mask) != 0))))
            result = false;
            EasyDialogMessage(2,"\pRequired Feature Missing",egi->unpresentWarning,
    return result;
Boolean CheckEasyGestaltItemList(long count, EasyGestaltItem egiList[])
    short i;
    Boolean p,q;
    p = true;
    for(i = 0; i< count; i++)
        q = CheckEasyGestaltItem(&egiList[i]);
        p = p && q;
    return p;
Boolean CheckEasyGestaltKnownFeature(Boolean canRunWithout,long feature)
    EasyGestaltItem *egi;
    if(feature < 0 || feature >= kLastEasyGestaltKnownFeature)
        return false;
    egi = &dKnownFeatureList[feature];
    egi->canRunWithout = canRunWithout;
    return CheckEasyGestaltItem(egi);
Boolean CheckEasyGestaltKnownFeatures(Boolean canRunWithout,
        short count,long feature1,...)
    long *featureWalker;
    Boolean result;
    result = true;
    featureWalker = &feature1;
        result &= CheckEasyGestaltKnownFeature(canRunWithout,*featureWalker++);
    return result;