
    File:       BigEasyPPC.h
    Contains:   xxx put contents here xxx
    Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
    Copyright:  © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
         <1>     1/20/92    dvb     first checked in
/* file: BigEasyPPC.h
 * Started Mid 1991, more or less.
 * A set of routines to quickly
 * access some simple uses of PPC.
#ifndef _BigEasyPPC_
#define _BigEasyPPC_
#include <PPCToolbox.h>
#define kEasyPPCWritePacketCount 20 /* maximum number of packets waiting to be sent */
#define kEasyPPCClientCount 10      /* most number of connections to one port */
 * Each client connected to an Easy Port
 * has one of these records, stored in an
 * array in a handle.
typedef struct
    Boolean used;                   /* is this client structure available? */
    Boolean waitingToConnect;       /* Ready to accept a connection? */
    Boolean waitingToReadLength;
    Boolean waitingToReadData;
    Str32 userName;
    PPCPortRec portName;            /* port of who we're connected to */
    LocationNameRec locationName;   /* location of who we're connected to */
    long sessRefNum;
    long waitingDataSize;           /* If a message is about to arrive, how big? */
    PPCInformPBRec ipbr;
    PPCReadPBRec rpbr;
    long tinyBuffer;                /* So we don't to 0-length reads for length */
    } EasyPPCClient;
typedef struct
    Boolean used;
    PPCWritePBRec wpbr;
    void *buffer;                   /* if non-zero, then BigEasy owns it, and should dispose it */
    } EasyPPCWritePB;
typedef struct
    long portRefNum;                /* this port's refNum */
    long type;                      /* this port's type */
    long serverType;                /* type of server to connect to; must be different for password use */
    Str32 userName;                 /* this computer's user name */
    unsigned short fairSeed;        /* to rotate among what we check first */
    unsigned short fairClient;      /* to rotate amongst the clients */
    long connected;                 /* Count of how many we're connected to */
    EasyPPCClient client[kEasyPPCClientCount];  /* An array of clients */
    unsigned short fairWrite;       /* to rotate amongst the outgoing messages */
    long waitingToWrite;            /* Count of outstanding messages */
    EasyPPCWritePB wpbr[kEasyPPCWritePacketCount];  /* An array of outgoing msgs */
    } EasyPPCSessionRecord;
typedef EasyPPCSessionRecord *EasyPPCSession;
typedef enum
    easyPPCSessionMessageWaiting = 2,       /* param is length of message */
    easyPPCSessionMessageRead,              /* we read our message, param is 'more' boolean */
    easyPPCSessionMessageWritten,           /* our message sent, no param */
    easyPPCSessionJustConnected,            /* our letConnect was taken, no param */
    easyPPCSessionIdle,                     /* nothing doing */
    easyPPCSessionOtherPortGone,            /* someone left us */
    easyPPCSessionTooManyConnections        /* can't connect if too many! */
typedef struct
    short operation;            /* member of enum above */
    short error;                /* error, if any */
    long sessRefNum;            /* which session this pertains to */
    long packetType;            /* on a read or write, the packet type */
    long length;                /* on a message-waiting, the length waiting */
    void *buffer;               /* buffer location, on a message-written */
    } EasyPPCPollResult;
EasyPPCSession NewEasyPPCSession(StringPtr name,OSType type);
void DisposeEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es);
OSErr ConnectEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,
        LocationNameRec *locationName,PortInfoRec *pir,long *sessRefNum);
OSErr DisconnectEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,long sessRefNum);
OSErr LetConnectEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es);
OSErr WriteEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,long sessRefNum,
        long packetType,void *buffer,long length,Boolean easyManage);
OSErr ReadEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,long sessRefNum,void *buffer,long length);
void PollEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,EasyPPCPollResult *pollResult);
OSErr BrowseAndConnectEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,
        StringPtr prompt, StringPtr applListLabel,long *sessRefNum,
        LocationNameRec *location,PortInfoRec *portInfo);
void FindNamesEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,long sessRefNum,
        StringPtr zoneName,StringPtr macName,StringPtr portName);
void SetServerTypeEasyPPCSession(EasyPPCSession es,OSType serverType);
#endif _BigEasyPPC_