
    File:       BigEasyStandardControls.h
    Contains:   xxx put contents here xxx
    Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
    Copyright:  © 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    This file is used in these builds: Warhol
    Change History (most recent first):
         <3>    12/19/91    JB      removing think 4.0 code
         <2>     5/28/91    JB      Added prototypes so we can require them
    To Do:
  * file: BigEasyStandardControls.h
  * started 25 May 1990 12:07:24 Friday at 310 Nobel
  * david van brink
  * different number types that the slider can operate in.
typedef void (*becsDrawValueProcPtr)(easyControl);      
typedef struct
  * specifies a style of slider
    char numberType;
    short sWidth,sHeight;               /* size of slider, figured from rect    */
    short tWidth,tHeight;               /* size of text rect, and point size    */
    becsDrawValueProcPtr drawValue;                     /* to convert value to string       */
    } tSliderStyle;
typedef struct
  * specifies a style of toggle
    short p;                            /* ID of PICT resource to draw (or zero to not)     */
    char c[40];                     /* text string to insert (or zero for none)         */
    } tToggleStyle;
  * variation flags for slider control
    drawRightSlider = 1                 /* draw the right-hand part of the slide range */
  * Different variation flags for the toggle control
    noOptionsToggle = 0,
    toggleToggle = 1,                   /* the button has two states        */
    roundToggle = 2,
    dontTrackToggle = 4,                /* just take the 1st click          */
    checkboxToggle = 8                  /* mark "X" in toggle           */
extern easyControlType sliderType;
extern easyControlType toggleType;