
                File:       BigEasyTextish.h
                Copyright:  © 1990-1992, 1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    This file is used in these builds: Warhol
                Change History (most recent first):
         <8+>     include quickdraw
         <8>      9-8-94    dvb     
        <5+>      5/6/93    dvb     String->Number
         <5>      1/7/93    dvb     New functions (TruncateString).
         <4>     1/20/92    dvb     Add more routines.
         <3>      6/3/91    dvb     Just Hackin'.
         <2>    11/16/90    dvb     Remove drawcstring
         <1>    11/16/90    dvb     Brand New again!
                To Do:
/* file: BigEasyTextish.h
 * Started 13 July 1989, more or less.
 * Headers for routines for converting and
 * displaying textish things on the Mac.
* BigEasyTextish Global Variables
#ifndef BigEasyTextishIncludes
#define BigEasyTextishIncludes
#ifdef BigEasyTextish
    #define VAR
    #define VAR extern
#include <QuickDraw.h>
VAR short gLeftMargin;
VAR short gLineHeight;
#undef VAR
* Prototypes
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void AnyBaseToPString(long n,short format,short width,StringPtr c);
void CToPString(char *src,StringPtr dst);
void FixedPointToPString(long n,short g,short p,StringPtr s);
void PStringToFixedPoint(StringPtr s,short g,short p,long *n);
void PStringToFixedPoint(StringPtr s,short g,short p,long *n);
void DrawNum(long n);
void DrawFixedPoint(long n,short g,short p);
void DrawFixed(long n,short g);
void DrawFixedPointJustified(long n,short g,short p,short h);
void DrawFixedJustified(long n,short g,short h);
void DrawFrac(long n,short g);
void DrawHexByte(unsigned char n);
void DrawHexShort(unsigned short n);
void DrawHexLong(unsigned long n);
void DrawCR(void);
short CStringWidth(char *);
void CopyPString(StringPtr dest,StringPtr src);
void ConcatenatePStrings(StringPtr dest,StringPtr src);
void DrawStringRight(StringPtr s);
void DrawStringCenter(StringPtr s);
void DrawStringLeft(StringPtr s);
void TruncateString(StringPtr s, short width);
void DrawStringTruncated(StringPtr s, short width);
void OSTypeToString(StringPtr dest,OSType x);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif  //BigEasyTextishIncludes